(90) Kentraugh Saw Mill


From 1868 O/S Plan XVI.9- SC222689




McFee describes how in the early 1900's the Colby River emptied into the sea at the 'Salmon dub' on the seaward side of the bridge on the shore road along Bay ny Carrickey - the Old Bone Mill was situated by the bridge and salmon pool on the sea side of the Highway and was an important part of Kentraugh Estate. It was used to crush and grind bones into fertiliser. On each side of the roadway at this point are the upper and lower rabbit Warrens owned by Kentraugh; in the upper Warren the dried up Mill-Race can still be seen. It was fed by water at the sluice mechanism which controlled the flow of water at a point on the River where a high weir was constructed to raise the level of the river to allow the Mill "leat" or "race" to function. The water flowed over a water wheel which worked the grinding machinery within the Mill; the water then poured off the wheel into the salmon pool.

By 1979 when the description was published the mill was long gone and the site used by the highway board.


C C McFee The Romance of a River 1979 nM.M. MD 15081/3


Water powered Mills etc

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© F.Coakley , 2023