From 1868 O/S Plan IX/4 - SC 295843 |
Isle of Man Times, Saturday, 3rd August 1867
TUESDAY , the 1st day of October next, all and singular, that beautiful and romantic RESIDENCE, situated in the Parish of German, called GLEN HELEN, with the extensive GLEN, PLANTATION, and PLEASURE GROUNDS attached, called RHENASS, with the Carding Mill, Miller's Croft, Cottage, and Stabling, adjoining the Suspension Bridge. Also, the ESTATE of NEABY VEG, adjoining to the above, containing about Fifty Acres of Arable Land and 125 Acres of Sheep Pasture, with good Farm-house and Farm Building. The Plantations cover about 85 Acres of Land, and afford excellent cover for game, while within the Pleasure Grounds is the beautiful Waterfall of RHENASS , and the finest Trout Stream in the Island. The Suspension Bridge has lately been put into thorough repair. A large portion of the Purchase-money may remain secured upon the property. For conditions, plans, and particulars of sale, and cards to view the Property, apply to ALFRED W. ADAMS, Advocate, Douglas.
Mona's Herald, Sunday, 23rd January 1870;
Coroner's Sale-
TO BE SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, GLEN HELEN CARDING MILL and DIE HOUSE, in the parish of German, on FRIDAY, February 11th, by lhe Coroner of Glenfaba Sheading, the whole of the GOODS and EFFECTS belonging to Mr JONATHAN NELSON. consisting of a quantity of Machinery, viz. 2 Looms with gearing, Spinning Mule aod Billy, Scribbler, Carding Machine and Piecer, Teaser, brushing and Cropping Machines, &c. Also, Cloth Press, Tabit Wheel and Raising Machine, Vat, Roller, Coolers, Barrels, Beam and Scales, Hampers, Jars and Tenters. 1 Web in Loom, a quantity of Thread, and a lot of Shoddy and Dyewood. Also, a small assortment of Household FURNITURE, together with tbe Right, Title, and Interest of the said Jonathan Nelson to the Mill, Dye House, and Premises.
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, Forenoon. HENRY KAYE, Coroner of Glenfaba.
Dr R.H. Quine, son of the lead developer of Glen Helen, makes reference to a water wheel powered saw used by the adjacent quarries - was this carding mill converted to a slate saw mill?
Water powered Mills etc | ||
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Editor |