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[Insula de Mann] A Book conteyning as well such fynes, as have bene compounded and agreed to be paide for Leases of Lands & Clerkshippe of Churches, grannted to divers & sondrey psons wth in the saide Isle, And also Benevolence of [such] Tenmts. there, as holde their Lands by the ….., & have not compounded for any Lease, made in the … … another of Julie & August. A o …… Composition Book Anno 1610
[Insula de Mann] A Booke conteyning the pticles granted of [Lease] for the Terme of xix[19] yeares from ………. of Lands & Tenements within the saide Isle to the severall psons hereafter mentioned, The pish in Composition Book } wch the same Lands doo Lye, Their anncient Rents - Anno 1610 - } reserved, & fynes to be paid for the same made By John Irelande Levetenant of the Isle of Man & Richard Hoper, by virtue of a remyssion to them in that behalf …… by the right honorable Robart Erle of Salsbury L. [Highness?] of England & Thomas Erle of [Suffolk] L. Chambleyn of his Ma(j)ty housholde interested in the state of the Isle by his Highness [his] [patents] bearing date [the] Last daie of Julie 1610 as hereafter pticerlie followeth …… ….. Kirk Conchan To Willm [Norreys] Clerke, one of the Vicars genrll of the saide Isle, Willm Wilson, John [Cnre] x x (Kinred ?) Danold Quale, John [Kelly] Patrick fynch and ~ Thomas Joynere for the terme of xix yeares to x begynne at michas next 1610 All these pcells of Lande within the pishs aforesaide lying neare to the Towne of Douglasse comonlie called or known by the name of [Kermyne] grounde conteyning A Quarter of Lande [wanting] the … pte of a quartr Late in the [tennure] or occupacon of one Richard [Hodgeson] or his assignes by virtue of a Lease for terme of yeares nowe determyned To paie all such the anncient rent of ……… and all other Rente dueties such [serving] & [cnsernes] of - anncient tyme due & accustomde at the tyme & place ….. Shall : And to paie for a fyne at the ~ feast of all Saynts next conteyning the sume of …. KK Malewe To Willm Preston: A pcell of inclosure – of grounde conteyning two acres lying neare his Myll Late in the holding of George Preston by Lease nowe expired To paie the anncient rent of …… and to paie & pforme all other Rente dueties serving & ….. as above And to paie – for a fyne for his Lease of the terme above specified at hallowtide next, the sume of KK German To John Lambe half a Close of grounde renteyning half an acre Late in the ….. of John Thwait The yearelie Rent ……. And the fyne assessed & paieable at hallowtide as before KK Maughald To Mrs Jane Samsburye Two Watermylls 14 Septemr. 1610 for corne called [Corney] 8 d value sometynes …the lease by the in the tenure of Silvester Halsill by Lease not ……………… expired The yearlie rent is …… And the ………………… fyne agreed upon to be paide at hallowtide next ………………… Mallewe KKMaughaldTo Richard Wainwright A pcell of Lande ~ called [St] Michaell [of] Lande & other the Lande nowe in his possession in Langness Conteyning = xxx (30) acres The yerlie rent …….. and the fyne to be paide at hallowtide as before KK Maughald To John Christin & Danold Christin One Tente [note the next] conteyning xxx (30) acres the yerelie rent …….. [above] And theare to paie for a fyne for a Lease for the terme aforesaid at hallowtide next by agreemt. KK Patrick To John Crosse, the … pte of a Quarter of grounde for the …… he paide of yerelie Rent ……… and for a fyne at the tyme before Cymitted KK German To John Crellyn A peece of [farme] Lande conteyning iij (3) acres of the yerelie Rent of ……. For wch he is to paie at hallowtide as before for a fyne KK Maghald To Willm Corkill A Tenement conteyning xx (20) acres The Rent by the yeare …… …… And the fyne paieable at hallowtide as before KK Patrick To Willm Radcliffe ……. of the Peele A Malte myll : for wch he paieth of yerelie rent ….. And for a fyne at the feast as before specified KK Christ of the To the saide Willm Radcliffe A Close of Ayre & KK Ballalaugh grounde called the great close lying in the pish of KK Christ of the Ayre of the yerelie rent of …… One other close in the said pish called [Kewins] Close of the Rent of ….. And a thirde close called [Goobballie] lying in the pish of KK Ballalaugh of the yerelie rent of ……. …. all of Rent …. …. For wch Lande he is to paie for the fyne of his Lease at the feaste above mencioned the sume of for ………
KK Christ in the To Willm Curghie A pcell of grounde x Ayre called the Heath Close The rent …… And the fyne paieable at hallowtide next KK German To Willm Bridson half a Quarter of Lande the rent ….. And is to paie for a fyne for a Lease of 19 yeares to begynne at michas next } To Gilxster Crosse & Margarett Crosse } A pcell of Quarter Lande conteyning by } estimacon vj (6) acres Rented ……… } And the fyne paieable for a Lease therof to be had } at hallowtide next is by agreement } KK German } To Philip Crosse A pcell of grounde rente } by estimacon 7 acres The Rent …….. } And the fyne paieable as before } } To Richard [Tysshon] A pcell of Quarter } Lande in his owne tenure Rent ….. } And another pcell of Lande Rent …… } to paie for a fyne upon Surrender of viij (8) yeares } to make it xx xix yeares at hallowtide next KK Christ in the To Willm Brydeson & Phillip Curlod A Ayre pcell of grounde lying in the Mires Rented …. ……. The fyne of his Lease for 19 yeares from Michas next paieable as before KK Ballalaugh To the saide Phillip Curlod Two Quarters of grounde in his owne possession Rent …. …. ….. One inclosure in the Myres Rent …. One other inclosure of the Rent of ….. Two other pcells of Lande Rent ……. One other pcell Rent …… And …. another pcell of Lande rented at …. In all of Rent ….. … …. for all wch pcells of Land he is to paie for a fyne of his Lease granted for the terme of xix (21) yeares paieable at hallowtide next [mayt] also granted wch is to be included in the saide …. Lease 2 pcells of Intacks of xx d rent and the fyne of [20] KK Christ in the To Ewen Christen one of the Deemsters Ayre A pcell of Lande in the Myres rented …. at ….. : for wch he is to paie for the fyne of a Lease to be granted to him for xix (21) yeares to begynne at michas next, & paieable at hallowtide next as before KK Germyn To Crosse Philipp, Hugh Crayne, William Crayne & Gylxster Mc [ilchrist] A pcell of Lande conteyning xiiij (14) acres Rent … ….. ….. And the fyne agreed upon to be paide for a Lease to be made therof : for the terme aforesaide, paieable as before KK Germyn To Humfrie Clarke & Alice Hunter A pcell ofLandeQuarterlande conteyning by estimacon v (5) acres The Rent ….. And the fyne paieable as before KK Germyn To John Robinson A pcell of Quarterlande Cont by estimacon 1 acre …. Rent ….. And the Rent wch he is to paie at hallowtide next is …. KK Andrewe & KK To Thomas Sayle & Anne Clarke for 1 close Christ in the Ayre in the myres Rent …… And the fyne ….. paieable at hallowtide as before KK Bryde & To John Cristin one pcell of grounde rent by Balla lough estimacon ..… Acres in the pish of KK Bryde Rent ….. And another pcell in the myres rent by estimacon ij (2) acres in the pish of KK Ballalough rent ….. …… The fyne for both paieable as before KK Conchan To Robart [Otes] A pcell of grounde rent the eight pte of a Quarter Rent …….. The fyne for the same paieable as before KK Christ of the To Willm Standish the younger One close Ayre of Lande rente by estimacon iiij (4) Acres …. The Rent ….. …. And the fyne wch he is to paie for the same at hallowtide next is KK Christ of the To Edmond Crowe one close in the myres Ayre called Crellin’s close rented …. … And for another close called the [Barlie gate] rented at ……….. In the whole of Rent ………. The fyne paieable for both as before is KK Christ in the To Willm Knell & [Paton] Goldsmythe A close Ayre called Canlough Rent …… lying in the myres : The fyne paieable as before for …………..
KK Christ of the To John Curghie, [foure] Closes of grounde Ayre nowe made into one close rented ………… And another Close called Corkill’s Close rented ….. …… at ….. in the whole Rent ………. And the fyne paieable for both is ….. KK Bryde & To John Chrystin One Quarter & the ….. pte Ballalaugh of a Quarter of grounde in KK Bryde conteyning ….. acres and a close in Balla lough rent ….. acres : Rent in all ……… And the fyne for both pcells paieable as before KK Christ of the To the above named John Curghie : One pcell of Ayre Lande of the yerelie Rent of ……… And another pcell called [Avic Killies Close] Rent ……. In all of Rent …….. wch Lande nowe heretofore Leased to Willm Lucas And by him exchanged to the saide John Curghie for the Moytie of the Grene iland wch is alsoe entered The fyne for both these pcalls paieable as before KK Jurbye To Willm Clarke half a Quarter of grounde Rented … at … The fyne for the same is KK Ballalaugh To Danold Christyn & Phillip Quayle & Robart Keye A myll wth a croft adroiyning Rent …………… The fyne paieable as before at hallowtide next by agreemt is …. KK Ballalaugh To Thomas Crye half a quarter of grounde Rent ……… The fyne for the same paieable as before KK Christ of To Henry Crebin half a Quarter of grounde Russhin rented at ………. And an Intack rented at …… In all of Rent ……… The fyne wch he is to paie for both at hallowtide next is KK Chryst of To Henry [Reade] half a quarter of grounde Rent Russhin …… And an Intack Rent …….. The whole Rent ……. The fyne for them both is KK Christ of To David Casement A pcell of Intacks rent The Ayre by estimacon 2 acres Rent …….. And the fyne paieable at hallowtide next is KK Andrews To Guilbert Knell a pcell of Intacks of the yearlie Rent of ….. The fyne agreed upon paieable at hallowtide next is ….. KK Bryde To Willm Christyn A Tenement rent …… ….. acres rented at …… And a croft in the myres rented at ……. In all Rent …… ………. The fyne paieable for the same is KK Christ of the To John Cotter one pcell of inclosure rent one Ayre acre Rent …….. The fyne KK Bryde To Marke Joijhen halfe a Quarter of grounde much of wch is consumed by the rage of the Sea the Rent …… The fyne paieable ……… KK Germyn To Gilbert Cayne A Tenement conteyning A Quarter of grounde Rented ……… The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next KK Bryde To Willm Cowle A Tenemt pcell of the Quarterlande Rent ……. And a croft Rent 2 acres lying in the myres Rent …. in all of Rent by the yeare ……. The fyne paieable for the same as before KK Bryde To Willm Quarke a Tenemt being of the Quarter Lands Rent …………. And A pcell of Intacks Rent ……. The totall Rent …….. The fyne paieable as before KK Bryde To Xpofer [Canele] half a quarter of grounde Rented ………… The fyne for the same ….. KK Christ of the To Willm Mc [ilcarran] A pcell of grounde Ayre in the myres conteyning one acre & a half Rent ……… The fyne paieable as above KK Christ of the To Philipp Crowe A Close of Intacks rent Ayre one acre & a half Rent ……….. The fyne paieable at hallowtide next for ………….
KK Maughald To Robart Casement A cottage & [pcell] of grounde Rented ……. The fyne …….. he is to paie for a Lease of …. Yeares to begynne at michas next paieable at hallowtide next …. KK Michaell To John Mc Cannell Three pts of a Quarter of grounde Rent …… The fyne paieable for the same as above KK Michaell To John Kellie for [ye] pte of a myll And to Donald [Cronohan] for the thirde pte of the saide myll Rent for the whole Myll ……… The fyne paieable for the same as before KK Michaell To Willm Mc Teare & John Mc Freere A Quarter …… pte of a Quarter of grounde Rent …….. The fyne paieable for The same at hallowtide next is KK Michaell To Willm Quayle A Quarter of grounde Rented at ……… The fyne wch is to be paide at hallowtide next is KK Bryde To Willm Moore Three pts of a Quarter of Lande Rented at …….. The fyne ….. Paieable for the same as before KK Michaell To Richard Cayne & Richard Quartaige A Quarter of Lande The Rent …….. And the fyne paieable for the same as before KK Arborie To [Raphe] [Morreys] & Thomas [Morreys] A Quarter of grounde And another pcelle of Quarterlande called [Markill Moore] Rent ……… …… The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next KK Christ of the To Ewen Christyn Deemster a malte Ayre myll Latelie by him erected upon the water of Solbie Rented ……… The fyne agreed upon wch is to be paide at hallowtide next is KK Christ of Russhin To Willm [Caneen] Two Quarters of grounde Rented at ….. …….. The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next KK Arborie To Willm [Shurlock] half of a myll called Colby myll : And to Willm Kelly & John Corrin tgether Each of the saide myll betwixt them with a little Croft to the same myll adjoyning The whole rent …….. The fyne paieable as before KK Christ of To Gilbert Nelson & Willm Waterson two Russhen Quarters of Lande Rent …….. And A pcell of the [Comon] ……. Rent ….. In all of Rent ……. The fyne paieable as before KK Christ of To John Tailor half a Quarter of grounde Russhin Rent …….. And a Close or Intack : rented at ……. In all of Rent …….. The fyne agreed upon, to be pd at hallowtide next KK Santan To John Moore of Knocklough A Tenement wth ………… Rent one Quarter … of grounde Rent …… The fyne paieable for The same as before KK Santan To Thomas Woods A malte myll The Rent ………. The fyne to be paide for the same at hallowtide next KK Santan To Xpofer Brewe Two Quarters of grounde Rent …….. And a pcell of grounde being of the Quarter Land in the Tenure of the [fargher] Rent ……. In all of Rent …….. The fyne agreed upon to be pd for a Lease therof KK Santan To Finlo Kelly & Willm Kellie One quarter of a half of Land Rent ……….. The fyne paieable for the same as above KK Santan To Thomas Quynne A water corne myll wth 2 little Crofts to the same adjoyning Rent …… …… The fyne ageed upon, to be paide for the same at hallowtide next
KK Santan To Kathryne Clarke & John Moore …… Quarter & a half of Lande Rent ……. ……. 15 s 8 d to be paide by the ………… & 4 s 4 d by the saide moore for a Lease of [wch] for 19 yeares to begynne at michas 1610 They are to paie for a fyne at hallowtide next KK Santan To Thomas [Caroly] & Robt [Caroly] half a Quarter of Lande Rent …….. and the fyne for this Lease paieable as before KK Santan To Robert Moore Clerke of the saide ….. another half Quarter of Lande Late in the holdinge of Marton Kynishe Rent …….. The fyne paieable for the same as before Md. it is ordered that this Lande being in controversie touching the tytle … tried & ended at the next Sheading Courte ……Robt Moore Clerke ….. clayming the [sume], or the foresaide [Carolies] [gave best] right therunto: and he or they to …. The Lawe shall …. The right to paie the foresaide fyne & to a Lease therof granted KK Patrick To Thomas Crayne A Tenement conteyninge One Quarter & the third pte of a Quarter of Lande wth a house : Rent ………………. And an Intack of …… In all of Rent the yeare …………… The fyne paieable for the Lease therof to be made as before KK Mallewe To Robart Lucas One pcell of Lande being of The Quarter Lande in [Langnes] Rent …….. The Rent therof ……….. The fyne KK Santan To Robart Quaye Two Quarters of grounde called [Ballwillie] The Rent ……… The fyne paieable for the same as before KK Arborye To Gilbert Tildesley & John Blackmore x Half a quarter of grounde Rent …. …….. of wch Tildesley is to paie ……. And xx Blackmore …… The fyne for the same KK Christ of the To Willm Kyssaige an Willm Standish for a Ayre pcell of grounde in the myres called [Danolly] Close wch Lande being in controversie betweene them is ordered to be decided by tryall of Lawe at the next Sheading [Court] to be holden att michlas next The Rent ………. ……….. And the fyne paieable for the same KK Michaell To John Woods & Donoll [Craughan] One Quarter & a halfe of Lande Rented ……… The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next KK Christ of the To Willm Kissaige certen pcells of Intacks in Ayre the myres of the yearlie Rent of ……. The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next is KK Mallewe To John Halsall One house wth a garden in x ……………. Castletowne Rented at ……. The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next is KK Christ of To John Nelson & Ellyn [Reade] his wife two Russhen pcells of grounde nowe in ….. of Xpian Reade als Clucas mother of the saide Ellyn & of the saide Nelson called [Tadbery] of ….. Rent the [Courbers] Close of ….. Rent In all of Rent …….. The fyne [yelded] to be ….. for the same at hallowtide next KK Germyn To Phillip [Carne] & Richard Mc [ilvorry] half A close of grounde, rent half an acre Rent ……. …… the fyne paieable for the same as before KK Germyn To Dowlyn Cayne & Thomas Kelly A watercorne myll rented at …… & a croft to the same belonging for wch they are to paie for a fyne at hallowtide next as before KK Germyn To John Robinson A pcell of grounde nowe in The possession of Phillip Crosse Rent ….. ….. and this to paie for a fyne as before KK Bride To Donell Cowle the fourth pte of a quarter of grounde Rente ….. The fyne to be paide for a Lease therof to be had as before KK Bride To Willm Mc Jouyhen : A Tenement in his owne holding Rent …… The fyne paieable for the same KK Michaell To Guilbert Cannell a Quarter of a half of grounde Rent …… The fyne to be paide for the same as before For ……………
KK Bryde To Willm Christin half a Quarter of grounde in his holding rented ….. The fyne paieable for a Lease therof to be made for 19 yeares to comence at michas next KK Bryde To John Cayne half a Quarter of grounde likewise in his owne occupacon Rent ….. The fyne agreed upon & paieable at hallowtide next KK Andrews To Thomas Mc Sayle the elder & Thomas McSayle the younger Two Closes of Intacks in the pish of K Andrews Rent …… …. The fyne paieable for the same xx s (20s) KK Andrews To John Mc Sayle a Quarter of ground lyeing in the saide pish. Rent a……. The fyne paieable for the same as before xx…… KK Christ of the To Willm Lucas [Receivo] A Close of Lande Ayre in the myres called the Grene ilande The moytie of wch was Latelie in the holding of John Curghie by him delivered over To the saide Lucas in exchange for other Lande Rent ………….. The fyne agreed upon, to be paide as above KK Bryde To John Christyn half a Quarter of grounde rented …….. The fyne to be pd for the same at hallowtide next KK Christ of the To Willm Carrett sonne of Ewen Carrett for Ayre severall pcells of Intacke in the myres formerlie Leased to the saide Ewen ; deceased conteyning by estimacon xxj (21) Acres Rent ……. And other severall Intackes in the saime pish of the yearly rent of …. In all of rent ……… …….. The fyne paieable for the same xxj ….. KK Andrews To John Clarke mynister & other his fellowe & ptners …. The Landes called the [ Lane more] Rent ……….. rent xxxij (32) acres The fyne to be paide for the same by agreemt at hallowtide next KK Christ of the To Willm Kyssaige Severall closes in the - Ayre myres, and sondrey pcells of Intacks Rent …… ……. The fyne paieable for the same is KK Jurbie To Dowlyn Cayne A Quarter & a half of grounde Rent ……. The fyne to be paide for the same at hallowtide next is Ballalaugh To John Crayne A Tenement rented at …… …… Certen Intacks rented at ……… And another Intack rented at …. formerlie Leased to Dowlyn Gawen rent …. acres In all of rent ….. ……….. The fyne paieable for the same Ballalaugh To John Gawen A Tenement rent one Quart of grounde Rent …….. and certen pcells of Intacks rented at ……. In all of Rent …. ……. The fyne paieable for the same Ballalaugh To Nichas Thompson Clerke One Quarter of grounde, Rent …… and severall pcells of Intacks Rent ……. In all of Rent ……. ……. The fyne paieable for the same as before KK Ballalaugh To Patricke Cayne, for himself & divers others & Jurbie for whom he is putt in [furst] severall pcells of Intacks lying in the saide pish, & Jurby pishe Rented in the whole at …….. The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next is …… KK Jurbye To Willm Clarke One Quarter & a half of grounde Rent ……. And certen pcells of Intacks Rent …….. In all of Rent ……………….. The fyne agreed upon, to be paide at hallowtide next KK Michaell To Thomas Callistor One Quarter of Lande rented at ………. The fyne paieable as before KK Michaell To Marie Kellye, daughter of John, sonne of henry [furst] sonne of John Kellie, (who ^ [tooke] by Lease half a qurter of grounde) the saide half Quarter of the Rent of ……………. and is to paie for a fyne as before ……………………..
KK Patrick To Henry Radcliffe Constable of the Peele One Quarter of grounde called [Gourden] Rent ……. ……….. The fyne paieable for a Lease of xix yeares to be made, as before KK Michaell & To Isabell Teare late wife to Willm Caloe Ballalaugh Two Closes in KK michaell pishe Rent - ….. One Close in Ballalaugh Rent ….. And a pcell of Intack in Ballalaugh pishe a foresaide Rent …… In all of Rent by the yeare ……. The fine paieable for the same at hallowtide next KK Michaell To Thomas Caloe One Quarter of grounde Rent ……. And 2 pcells of Intacks Rent ….. rent 3 acres as bye estimacon In all of Rent …………. The fyne paieable for the same as before KK Michaell To Fynlo Cannell, & Patrick Kellye One Close or inclosure of grounde, lying in the saide pishe of Ballalaugh rented …………….. The fyne paieable for the same as before KK Michaell To Willm Cayne One Quarter of grounde Called Ballygawen Rent …………. myll Rent – xij d And a peece of Intacks Rent …. In all of yerelie rent …….. The fyne to be paide for the same at hallowtide next is KK Michaell To Richard Cannell One Quarter of grounde Lying in the saide pishe of KK Michaell Rented …. ………. The fyne paieable for the same Ballalaugh To John Walter , for the … of Margaret Brewe widowe late wife to Patrick Brewe deceased, for a pcell of Intack in the pishe of Ballalaugh, rent by estimacon x (10) acres or therabouts Rent ……. …………. The fyne paieable as before KK Mallewe To Edmonde Coppack & Elizabeth his wyfe Two Closes of Lande lying neare to Castletowne Late in the holding of Katherin Moore The Rent …….. The fyne paieable as before KK Christ Russhon To Thomas [Reade] One quarter of grounde Rent … …….. The fyne but small for that this is the first Lease that hath bene grannted therof KK Maughald To Edward Christyn for sonnry meadow And this ground is 40 de = Curragh land as is nowe in his possessone occupied mahot meadow … or & …. wth the Tenemt. of Lewaig, being pte & therabouts & was found out porcon of the grounde, founde concealed by a verdict in my tyme & rented, but of a Jurie in august 1610. The yearly rent now the fine was small in imposed on the same ……. The fyne paiable xx……. respect that yt was the …..: & therfor not camparable to other fynes. KK Maughald To John Caloe & Donell Caloe for sunry Meadow or curragh Lands, as is nowe in their possessone being pte of the grounde founde concealed as above = xx s (20s) the yearly rent imposed upon the same is …….. The fyne paieable at hallowtide next KK Maugald To Willm Caloeforthe like land founde concealed as before, being nowe in his occupacon Thefineyearly rent imposed is …… The fyne paieable = xx s (20s) KK Andrewe To Willm Knell a pcell of Lands founde to be concealed as above conteyning by estimacon 2 acres nowe rented at – xx d ….. The fyne paieable xx …… KK Andrewe To Willm Carrett A pcell of Lande founde to be concealed as above, rented ……. The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide is = xx s (20 s ) KK Andrewe To John Radcliffe for A pcell of Intack of the Rent of ……….. The fyne paieable = xxvj ….. KK Andrewe To John Knell a pcell of grounde in the myres rent by estimacon ….. acres Rent ….. …… And another pcell of [sundre] grounde Rented at xxj d The totall rent & …….. The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide is xx…. KK Andrewe To John Lace a pcell of [Turbarie] Rent And another pcell of Intack in his tenure Rent – …. The totall rent ….. The fyne KK Andrewe To Giulbert Christyn a pcell of Lande in the myres Rent ….. And another little pcell to the same adoiyning rented at ….. The totall Rent …. …….. The fyne paieable for the same KK Christ of the To Willm Kyllipp Three closes in the myres Ayre in his owne occupacon Rented ………. The fyne paieable at hallowtide next is ………………….
KK Michaell To Donell Cayne, three pts of a Quarter of Grounde rented at ………. And another pcell in his tenure of …….. Totall of both tenrs ……………. The fyne paieable is KK Lonan To Willm [Norreys] Clerke, one of the vicars Generall A fulling myll Rent ……… The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next Ballalaugh To Robart [Norreys] One inclosure of pcell of Intacke in the myres Rent …………. The fyne agreed upon to be paide for the same ….. Ballalaugh To Donell Mc ilrea severall pcells of Intacks in the myres Rented at ……… fyne paieable for the same is …… KK Andrewe To Phillip Knell Two closes of Intacks in the myres there rented at ….. ….. ….. : Totall of the rents …. The fyne …. KK Christ of the to Phillip Carrett One close in the myres Ayre rent …… The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next …….. KK Christ of the To Ewan Crowe Severall pcells of Intacks Ayre Lying in the saide pishe nowe in his occupacon Rent ………. The fyne for the same } To Gilxester Crowe Clerke & Kathreyn Curlod } A pcell of Intacks in the myres rent at ……… KK Christ of the } ….. The fyne paieable for the same Ayre } } To Willm Curlod : A Close of Intacks in } the myres Rent ……… The fyne } } To Edmond Carrett A close in the myres Rent } … ……. The fyne paieable for the same KK Christ of the To John Kerrish & Jane Sayle Two closes in Ayre & KK Andrewe the myres Rent ……. The fyne ratably to be paide by them, according to their small holding KK Andrewe To John Lacey One Close in the myres – Rent …….. The fyne agreed to be paide for a Lease therof to be had KK Jurbie & To Willm Mc Teare the elder for two enclosures Ballalaugh & a meadowe in the myres Rent …… The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide ….. Ballalaugh To Willm Mc Tear the younger One Close in the myres Rent ………. The fyne ……… } To Willm Curghie severall pcells of grounde } in the myres Rent ……… The fyne ……. } } To John [Crowe] the younger, sevrall inclosures } in the myres rented altogether at ………. } The fyne agreed upon to be paid for the same ….. } } To Edmond [Crowe] Two little closes Lying } neare the burne, being Intacks adioyning to the } myres Rent …….. The fyne for the same ……. } } To John Kewin One close in the myres Rent } ……… The fyne paieable …… } KK Christ of the } To Willm Standish the younger severall Ayre } Intacks in the myres Rent ……. The } fyne paieable for the same } To Doncan Christyn Two meadowes rent } vj daie moth of hay Rent …… The } fyne paieable for the same } To John Mc Quynne & [Finell] Fayle, certen } meadowe grounde in their occupacon Rent – } ………. The fyne paieable for the same …… } To John Goldsmythe : One pcell of meadowe } Lande Rent ………. The fyne for the same …… } paieable at hallowtide next KK Bride & To Anne Clarke & Thomas Sayle One KK Andrewe close of Lande Rent …….. half another close of ……… Rent, another close of …….. Rent …… And another close of ……. Rent ……. In all of yerelie rent ……… The fyne paieable is KK Christ of the To Edmond Crowe Three small little pcells of Ayre Lande, lying neare the Bourne Rent …….. The fyne KK Ballalaugh To John Clarke mynister a close in the pish of & Jurbye Ballalaugh Rent ………: and another pcell of Land in Jurbye Rent …….. The totall Rent …… the fyne paieable for the same ……………………
} To Willm Casement Three severall pcells of } Intackes Rent …………. The fyne agreed – } upon to be paide for a Lease therof at hallowtide next } } To John Cotter severall small inclosures in his } tenure rented at …… The fyne paieable } KK Christ of the } To Giulbert Kynred A pcell of Intacks in the Ayre } myres rented at ……. The fyne for ye same } } To John Crowe Two little pcells by the Bourne } side Rent …….. The fyne paieable } } To Anne Kinred a little pcell of grounde in } the myres Rent …… The fyne paieable KK Jurbie To Willm Mc Brewe One Close in the myres Rent …… The fyne paieable … .… KK Christ of the To Ewen Christyn Deemster A close of xxj (21) Ayre rent ….. wth a house & a little crofte The fyne KK Christ of the To John Carrett & Edmond Quark One close in Ayre the myres rent ……. The fyne KK Andrewe To John Knell A pcell of Intacks adioyning to his Tenement rented at …… and another pcell of sundye grounde rented at xxj s In all of rent ……….. The fyne for the same } To Phillip Kewley One inclosure in the } myres of …… Rent …….. The fyne } } To Michaell Kewley severall pcells of Intacks KK Christ of the } in the myres Rented at - ……. …… The fine Ayre } paieable for the same … …. } } To John Kynred One close in the myres Rent } …. - ij s The fyne paieable for the same KK Ballalaugh & To John Quayle Two closes in the myres Jurbie lying in Ballalaugh & Jurbie pishes Rented ………….. The fyne to be pd for the same KK Andrewe To xpofer [Elletson] One Close in or neare adoiyning to the myres Rented at ….. The fyne agreed upon to be paide for the same } To Phillip Crowe severall inclosures of } Intacks in the myres Rented ………. The } fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next } } To John Mc Kewny Two inclosures in the myres } Rent ………. The fyne paieable } } To Willm Mc Kewnye Two little inclosures KK Christ of the } in the myres Rent ………. The fyne Ayre } } To Finlo Caloe A pcell of Intacks being an } inclosure in the myres Rent ……… The } fyne paieable for the same } } To Willm Mc Knell Two inclosures in the } myres Rent ………. The fyne paieable } for the same at hallowtide next KK Jurbye To John [Mc ilvory] Two closes of Intacks in the myres Rent ………….. The fyne xx s (20 s ) KK Jurbye & To [Rorye] Corlod Two closes, there in Jurbie Ballalaugh pishe, & tgether in Ballalaugh rented at - …. ……. The fyne agreed to be paide for the same KK Christ of the To Mallony Kewny One close in the myres Ayre Rent ……… The fyne paieable for the same Ballalaugh and To Edmond Callister, one close in Ballalaugh KK Christ of the Ayre pishe Rent …….. And another close in KK Christ of the Ayre Rent - ……. In all of Rent ………. The fyne paieable for the same } To Ewen Calie one Close in the myres Rent } ……… The fyne paieable for the same } } To Giulbert Sayle The moytie of a close in the } myres Rent ……. And three pcells of sundry } grounde Rent - ……. The totall Rent ……. } The fyne to be paide for the same } KK Christ of the } To Finlo Sayle & John Sayle The moytie Ayre } of A close in the myres rented at -…… And } two pcells of Intacks rented at - …… The totall } rent ………. The fyne for the same } } To Henry Radcliffe Constable of the Peele two } Little inclosures in the myres Rent ……….. } The fyne paieable for the same ……………………..
KK Christ of the To Willm Mc ilcarran ; three closes in the Ayre myres Rent ………. The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next KK Jurbye To Patrick Christyn A close in the myres Rent ………. The fyne paieable … …. Ballalaugh To Giulbert Cannell A close in the myres – Rent …………. The fyne paieable … …. KK Christ of the To David Corkyll, severall inclosures of Ayre Intacks Rent …… The fyne to be paide for …. the same as before KK Christ of the To Ewen Calie the elder A Close in the myres Ayre rented at - ……… The fyne paieable Ballalaugh & KK To Henry Calie two Closes in the myres one Christ of the Ayre of ij s Rent the other – ij s xiij d The Totall of both rents ……. The fyne paieable Ballalaugh To Thomas Crye one Close in the myres Rent ……… The fyne agreed to be paide } To Willm Curlod One Close in the myres Rent } ……… And the Moytie of another close Rent } ……….. the totall ……….. The fyne } Ballalaugh } To John Curlod severall inclosures in the } myres Rent – xiij s x d and the moytie of another } close in the myres Rent …… The totall of the } Rents ………. The fyne paieable KK Jurbye To Dowlyn Mc Teare severall inclosures of Intacks, in & adioyning to the myres Rent … …… The fyne paieable for the same Ballalaugh To John Quaile severall inclosures of Intacks Rent ……….. The fyne paieable Ballalaugh To John Crayne One close lying in & neare to the myres Rented at ……. The fyne paieable for the same as before KK Jurbye To Willm Kelly, the moytie of one Close in the myres Rent ……. And severall pcells of Intacks Rent …… In all of Rent ……. The fyne agreed to be paide for the same KK Andrewe To John Martyn An inclosure of Intacks Rented ……… The fyne paieable KK Jurbie To Patrick Cayne One close in & adoiyning to the myres Rent ……… The fyne KK Jurbye & KK To Willm Clarke severall inclosures in and Andrewe adoiyning to the myres Rent ….. The fyne KK Jurbye To Donell Moughton : One Close in & adioyning to the myres Rent ……….. The fyne KK Jurbye To John Freer, the moytie of one Close in the myres Rent – iijs And another pcell Rent - iij d The totall Rent …….. The fyne to be pd as before KK Jurbye To Patrick Fayle, the moytie of a close in the myres Rent ……. The fine due to be pd KK Christ of the To Phillip Crowe the younger an Inclosure of Ayre Intacks Rent - ……….. The fyne for the same KK Jurbye To Willm Kewyn One inclosure in & adoiyning to the myres Rent ………. The fyne } To Willm Crayne severall inclosures in the } myres Rent ………. The fyne to be pd xx (20 s ) } } To John Mc Teare, one close in the myres } Rent …….. The fyne paieable is } } To Donell Balyffe One close in the myres Rent } ……… The fyne agreed to be pd for the same } } To John Kinred & Donell Cowlye One close in } the myres Rent ……. The fyne to be pd } Ballalaugh } To Danell Mc ilrea & Donell Quayle one close } in the myres Rent …… and another close there } rented at - ….. The Totall of the Rents ……… } …….. The fyne due to be paide by agreemt } } To Thomas Kinley & Nichas Quarkyn : one close } in the myres wth another pcell rented bothe at – } ………. The fine paieable for the same } } To Finlo Coraige One close of Intacks Rent … } …… The fyne paieable at hallowtide next ……. for …………..
To John Stephen One close in or adoiyning to the myres Rent ……. The fyne To Patrick Curlod One close of grounde in the myres Rent ……. And another close of Intacks Rent – xix d In all of Rent …….. Ballalaugh The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide To Finlo Stephen Two inclosures in the myres Rent …….. The fyne paieable To Dowlyn Gawen One close in the myres Rent …….. The fyne for the same KK Christ of the To Robart Casement One inclosure of Intacks Ayre rented ……… The fyne paieable Ballalaugh To Thomas Curlod Two closes in & adjioyning to the myres Rent …… The fyne KK Maughall To Robt Christyn A peece of meadowe or Curragh grounde, nowe in his possession rent by estimacon iij acres being pte of the Lande founde concealed in KK Maughold in August 1610 by ye verdict of a Jurie The yearlie Rent imposed ………. The fyne agreed upon KK Jurbye To Thomas Callister & John Lowye a close being an Intack rented at …… The fyne paieable by agreemt at hallowtide next KK Maughald To John Christyn & Donold Christyn a pcell of meadowe or Curragh grounde founde concealed by verdict of a Jurie in August 1610 rent by est. iij s iiij d 1 acre The yerelie rent imposed …….. The fyne paieable for the same by agreement KK Jurbie To Willm Kyssage, the moytie of a close and to Willm Stevenson & Margaret Stevenson, the x s other moytie The rent for bothe …….. The fyne to be paide at hallowtide next KK Maughald To Willm Caloe, for three pts of half a Quarter of grounde, Rent ……. The fyne xx s KK Maughald To Patrick Corkill for the iiij th pte of the saide half Quarter Rent …………. The xj s xiij d fyne to be paide at hallowtide next by agreemt ……………………. KK Lonan To Anne Fargher & Ewen Qualtrogh a watercorne myll in Laxey wth 2 little crofts therunto belonging Rent ………. The fyne paieable for a Lease to be had therof KK Christ of To Thomas Samsbury Deemster a watercorne The Ayre myll rented …… at …. The fyne wch at hallowtide next he is to paie for a Lease therof KK Mallewe & [Wch] John Stephenson is to paie at …. KK Arborie hallowtide next, by his owne offer & agreement in discharge of all demannds, wch maie be made for his provicons paieable in findes upon his Lease of Balladowle for severall yeares passed, he having in the meane tyme paide the double rent in money after the maner of the whole countrie since the composicon wch them made in A o 1601 wch is lesse, than the provisons indifferentlye rated, would have yelded to have bene sold in that tyme KK Christ of the To Robart [Calcotte] sonne of Richard [Calcotte] Ayre & KK Bradan deceased, for two great closes lying in the – myres of the rent of ……. ……… ……… And one watercorne myll in the pish of KK Bradan upon Douglas bourne, wth the freshe water fysshing there of the Rent of ………….. The whole Rent ………. The fyne to be given for a Lease to be made therof for xix yeares paieable at mydsomer 1611 & 1612 by equall porcons KK Christ of the To Gilxster [Crosse] One close or pcell of Ayre grounde in or neare unto the myres, Late in the holding of Willm Casement Givythe rent by estimacon 3 acres or therabouts, wch was founde to be concealed, as maie appear by verdict of a Jurie at the Comon Lawe courte, holden the [xij] daie of Maie 1602 And nowe is rented by the Comyssionere aforesaide at ………….. And the fyne agreed to be pd at hallowtide next for A Lease therof to be had is
KK Mallewe Whereas Thomas Moore holdeth for terme of his Lyfe Two closes in the Treene of [Scarlsff] rented at …… And two watercorne mylls situate neare unto Castletown rented at – xxx s In all of rent …………………. It is agreed that Alice his nowe wyffe her Execters & assygnes, shall have a Lease of the pmysses for so many yeares as shallbe unexpired of xix yeares, to comence and begynne at michas next, if the saide Thomas shall happen to dye before the saide yeares shalbe determyned : for wch Lease so to be had & grannted, the saide Thomas hath undertaken to paie at hallowtide next …………………. Sum of all the fynes for £ s d Leases before conteyned = ……………… in this booke Amounteth to To be abated - ………….. wch is for Curlodds fyne being lesse than that was agreed upon to be pd by Alice Samsbury in the 2 page of this booke
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……………. Insula de Mann The names of Lving psons and ^ (corner white) 25th August 1610 in the Roll of ……… : & have not compounded having for the most pte …… or a Liffe in …. same wth An estimate, what fynes will be – yelded after those Lives determyned for a lease of 21 yeares to be granted unto them at [ye] [olde] & accustomed yearlie rent. KK Arberye & John Stephenson for balladowle ~ KK Mallewe rent about 170 acres paieing …… The fine after his owne Liffe determyned KK Mallewe Thomas Lucas for a Tenemt & xlxiij acres at 3 lb . 14 s . 2 d …. by Lease now expired The fyne KK Maughald Edmond Xpin two pcells of Land called [coucroft clough] rent 3 acres, Rent ……. two lives in being The fyne KK Christ Russhen Roger Taylor one quarter of grounde and A pcelle of Intacke Rent xv s, one Liffe in being The fyne KK Maughald Nichlas Clucas a quarter of Land rent – [xlx] acres Rent xxx s xiij d A liffe in being, The fyne { Willm Harrison a Tenemt & other pcells { rente xl acres Rent xxij s xij d Three { lives in being The fyne KK Maughald { { John Nicholson a house & a croft rent { 2 acres, Rent xij s xij d Three lives in being { The fyne } Nichlas Moore & his [wife] Two quarters } of Land rent lx acres Rent xxij s xj d - } 3 lives in being The fyne KK Marowne } The same one pcell of Intack rente 30 } acres, the Rent x s, Two lives in being } The fyne } Paul Gelling a quarter of a halfe of Land } wth an Intack rente xlx acres the rent } xxiiij s xj a Life in being, The fyne KK Bradan } } John Moore Two quarters & a halfe of } grounde rente 75 acres & 2 mylls, Rent } xlij s xij d a Life in being, The fyne KK Arborie Thom Tildsly a pcell of Land rent xiij } acres Rent xij s 3 lives in being, The fyne } xxxj s xiij d KK Mallewe John Clarke a Close of grounde rente … acres Rent xiij s one Life in being The fyne KK Mallewe Giulbert More, Aleaseclose of Lande called [Toffenby] rente 4 acres Rent iiij s The Lease expired The fyne KK Arborie George Stanley, a Tenemt called [hold] …. Wherof 20 lb Ballacakin rente ….. acres Rent xxj s xiij d The Lease expired The fyne ^to be pd at hallowtideestimated tonext & the rest due at midsomer folowing KK Bryde } Willm Mc Joughen a pcell of grounde rent } 3 acres Rent xiij s One yeare in the } Lease unexpired The fyne KK Christ in the Ayre Marke Connelly a close rent 4 acres ~ } Rent 4 s 4 d a Life in being The fyne } xx s KK Andrewe Donell Xpin A pcell of Land rent 2 acres ….. Rent …… The Lease expired The Fyne KK Michaell Donoll Mc [Y]ellie the 4th pte of a quarter of Lande rent xiij acres Rent …….. a Life in being The fyne KK Christ in the Ayre John Curlod & others a pcell of grounde } Rente 4 acres Rent iiij s iiij d Two lives in } xx s being, The fyne } KK Christ in the Ayre Willm Mc Quaile & others the 4th pte of } A quarter of Lande rent xij acres Rent ~ } xxxj s xiij d …… Two Lives in being , The fyne } KK Michaell & Thomas Woods John Woods & others a Tenemt KK Ballalaugh & certen pcells of Land wth a [fine bary] Rent …. Acres, wth 2 pts of a watercorne One Life in being Mill, Rent xxxix s iij d ^ The fyne Ballalaugh The same Thomas & others a pcell of Intack rent ij acres Rent xxij d a Life in being , The fyne KK Christ in the Donell Kelly a Tenemt or [halfe] a quarter Ayre of grounde rent xx acres Rent x s ix d Two lives in being The fyne
KK Christ in the Ayre Donell Mc Cayne A close & a halfe of & KKChristJurbie grounde rent … acres Rent xx s A Life in being, The fyne Ballalaugh Hugh Clark 4 pcells of ground rent iij acres Rent ij s xj d a Life in being The fyne Ballalaugh Patrick [Cayne] & others, a lough and Aqrterwater myll rent …. Acres Rent xxs A life in being, The fyne John Mc Brewe a quarterdd^& a half of Land and KK Andrewe & Rent KK Jourbie certen Intacks rent ….. acres ^ ……….. A Life in being, The fyne KK Jourbie Robt Teare a quarter of ground rent 30 acres Rent ….. The Lease expired, The fyne KK Andrewe John Standish & others 4 severall Intacks wth other pcells of grounde rent …. Acres Rent x s iiij d The Lease hath a Life in ~ being The fyne KK Germyn Thomas Radcliffe Two severall pcells of Land rent vj acres, Rent ij s A Life in being, The fyne KK Christ in the Ayre John Standish & others A pcell of Intacks rent 2 acres Rent ij s A Life in being The fyne KK Patrick Gyles Crosse the [viijth] (8th) pte of a quarter of Lande & the 4th pte of a quarter of Lande rent x acres Rent xsxiijd A Life in being, The fyne KK Christ & Richard [Bradshawe] all the [ridges] & KK Marowne glebe belonging to the Churches of KK Christ & Marowne Rent 14lb . 16s . 6d 3 Lives in being, The fyne KK Christ in the Edmond Christin certen intacks in the Ayre myres rent xiij acres, Rent …….. The Lease expired, The fyne KK Germyn John Dawson A myll & grounde thereto ~ belonging, Rent - ….. The Lease expired The fyne Andrewe Wm Mc Neale a pcell of Land rent i acre …. Rent ….. 2 yeares unexpired, The fyne KK Christ in the Aire John Curghie for a pcell of Land, rent the Lease expired … acre ^ The fyne KK Maughald John Christen the Clerkshipp of KK Maughald wch he holdeth during his Liffe wth all glebes & The fyne wch after his death maie be pd will yelde KK Bride Donell Christin for the Clerkshipp of K Bride off wch he holdeth during his Liffe The fyne KK Christ in the Wm Standish for the Clerkshipp of Aire KK Christ in the Ayre during his Liffe The fyne after lb s d 389 . 8 . 4 – for Leases } lb s determynd } 4 . 5 Leases in being } lb s d upon lives – } 315 . 3 . 4
Whereas the kinge having a [princelie] (corner white) his …… John Corlett servant to the next ……. the lord of Orrkenay for a Lease in ……. Cornay Mills & Kermin’s mill in the Isle of Man for that his ma[j]ties grant therof ……………. without the ould Lease or a true Copie thereof to wch …… the …. John Curlett hath moved his motie of Late, ….. are therefore to will and require you that forthwith …… the ….. thereof you and ……. of you will ….. or Cause to be ……… to this bearer under [ye] hande in ………. a true and well testified Copie thereof according to his highness will and pleasure request you may not fayle, And you and and also to Certifie to his …. of the annuall rent or other (meete) ………….. to be knowen for his …… Lease of the ………. whereby his ma ( j ) ties may dispose of ye said Lease to the peticoner as is his greavious [meaninge] the formr Lease ending at michaelmas next or thereabouts, which ye Certificate is to be deli…….. to my handes where [service] his ma ( j ) ties hath …. ….. : And [hee] having signifye his highnesse pleasure I Comitte you to [god] from the Court at [Whitehall] xxiij th May 1604 to the deputie of the Isle your loving friend of Man & to the rest of the [Rogr] Wilbraham kings ma ( j ) ties officers there Endorsted To the deputy [said] other the officers to the Kings ma ( j ) ties in the Isle of Man This is the true Copie of the originall letter [receid] by us. [Rol :] Molineux Edwarde [Sllas] [Emo:] Moore [son] & Wyllm Lucas [urydlm] Willm Ratclyffe
Clerkshippe of Churches granted to the psons hereafter named for the terme of xix yeares begynning at Michas next 1610 wth there fynes agreed upon, to be paide for the same at hallowtide next KK Andrewe To Willm Standish the elder, the Clerkshippe of KK Andrewe wth the Gleebe & pfitts therof for the … Terme of xix yeares as above To be helde by him & his sufficient deputie & deputie’s for wch he is to paie as a fyne at hallowtide next & at that tyme ……… moiety by equall porcons KK Christ Russhon To John Nelson, the Clerkshippe of KK Christ Russhen wth gleebe & pfitts to be helde as ……. above, and to paie for a fyne at hallowtide next KK Patrick & To John Crosse the Clerkshippe of KK Patrick KK Germyn & KK Germyn pishes wth the gleebe & profitts ….. : for wch he is to paie as a fyne at hallowtide next KK Mallewe To Thomas [Norreys] the elder, the Clerkshippe of KK Mallewe The fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next, by agreemt is ……….. KK Arbory To Robt Parre & his assiynnes the Clerkshippe of KK Arborie wth the Gleebe ….. The fyne ……. KK Michaell To John Woods & all his assignes the Clerkshippe of KK Michaell, wth the gleebe & proffitts ….. The …. fyne paieable for the same at hallowtide next …….. Balla laugh To Patrick Kelly & his substitutes, the Clerkshippe of Ballalaugh wth the profits …. The fyne undertaken by [Lson] Crowe to be pd … …… for a grannte to be made hereof KK Santan To Robert Moore Clerke, The Clerkshippe of KK Santan wth a small peece of Gleebe The pfitts to the same belonging And is to paie for a fyne …. KK Lonan To Phillip Moore The Clerkshippe of KK Lonan wth all profitts to the same belonging The fyne to be paide for the same at hallowtide next KK Bradan To John Quaile sonne of John Quaile deceased The Clerkshippe of KK Bradan : To paie for a fyne ….. KK Jurbye To Marke Cayne the Clerkshippe of Jurbye & pishe Church, wth the Gleebe & profitts therof To paie for a fyne at hallowtide next The Office of generall Compnes To Edward Christyn of the pish of KK in this Isle Maughald, & to his deputies, the office roome & place of the generall Compnes within the Isle of Man wth all the fees & dueties therunto belonging To paie for a fyne as before [Sum] [Cost] of the fynes of the saide clerkshippe & Compnes office …….
At the Chappell of St John & A [Breviat] of the Benevolence given to the Lords at KK Mallewe Churche the by the Inhabitants of every pticler pishe wthin the Xiiij th & xvj th daies of saide Isle, payable at mydsomer next 1611, as they August 1610 are abridged & abstracted out of the pticler booke of the said benevolences, signed with the hands of the two deemsters & the 2 Recevors (who were the speciall instruments to …….. the same) Remaining in the Custodie of John Irelande Esqr Livetennt of the saide Isle, The totall somes of wch pticler pishes doo hereafter followe March 23 d ……………… lb s d The inhabitants of KK Patrick ___________________________ xxs xiij vij & one oxe KK Germyn ____________________________ xxt vj iij & 2 oxen KK Michaell __________________________ xxiij x iij Ballalaugh __________________________ …………… KK Jurbye ____________________________ …………… KK Christ of the Ayre ________________ …………… & 2 oxen KK Andrewe ___________________________ …………… & one oxe KK Bryde _____________________________ …………… & 3 oxen KK Maughald __________________________ …………… KK Lonan _____________________________ …………… s d KK Conchan ___________________________ …………… vij iiij added since the KK Bradan ____________________________ …………… [summing] of the booke KK Santan ____________________________ …………… KK Marowne ___________________________ …………… KK Mallewe ___________________________ …………… & 4 oxen KK Arborye ___________________________ …………… KK Christ Russhin ____________________ …………… & 3 oxen [Sum] [Cost] of the Benevolence … … ……………….. Afore [finde] ………………..
[Sum] [Cost] of all the x money before sett x = fines of Lands C lb s d downe for fynes x Leased = vj xxviij xiiij viij of Lande, & Clerkshipp x of Charged Leases, wth x = Clerkshipps x lb s d C lb s d Benevolence ….. by the … of Churches = xxxxij iij iiij = … … … … that holde by the [Strathe] as before lb s d ………… pticlerly …….. Amounteth in ~ ~ = benevolence x xiiij vij Ince to be …- …. current money of England, to the .. by the Contrey ………………. ume of viz in In all John Ireland Ric : Hoper
Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received The
Editor © F.Coakley , 2006 |