[From Thwaites' Directory, 1863]



Post Office at John Garratt's, St John's. Insular letters arrive at 6.30p.m. and are despatched at 6.30 a.m.

Ashe Capt. James, manager Glen Meay Mines, Norfolk place

Ben Robert, gent., Ballakilley

Cain John, overseer of Patrick, Stenarre
Cannell Mr.Hugh,Sunny Hill Cot.
Challender Chas. Jas.,Esq.,Holm side
Clague Thos., farm bailiff, Earybeg
Curlett John, farm bailiff, Beary
Corlett Rev. John, chaplain Cronke-voddy

Delaney Henry, butcher, St. John's

Fargher Wm., master Parochial School, St. John's

Garde Rev.Jno.F.,chap. St.John's
Garratt John, tailor, St. John's
Gawne Thomas, Esq., Laurel Bank
Gell Capt. Phlp., Cronkbreck Cotg.

Harrison Wm., Esq., M H.K., Rock Mount

Kelly John James, School, Greeba
Kelly Mr. William, Ballig
Killey Mrs. Catherine, Ashbourne House, Ballacraine

Matthews Frank, Esq., Glen Moir
McHutchin J.,farm bailiff, Kerrowne Glou~h
Mylechreest Wm.,mason,Ballacurry

Peel John T., artist, Greeba Castle

Quayle George, mason, Ballacraine

Radcliff Chas., shomkr., Ballacraine

Shimmin Chas., butcher, St. John's
Shimmin John, gent., Ballabuigh
Skeock Andw.Brown, Esq.,Northorp
Stanley Capt., Ballacrink House

Wingrave John,Esq.,Greeba Tower


Hampton Margt., Rhenas Waterfall Inn
Kelly Philip, Knocksharry
Kelly Thos., Tynwald Hill Inn, St. John's
Wainman Geo., Ballacraine Hotel


Caley John, Port Town
Christian Enos, Knocksharry
Gell Thomas, Greeba
Kennaugh Thomas, Ballacraine


Crellin Charles, Greeba Mill
Fargher Thos.,Ballahowne Mill
Quine Wm., Glenmoar Mill


Bawden Frederick, Eirey Moar
Bell Thomas, Ballavarkish
Bissett John, Ballatessen
Bonnyman Jane, Bauff place
Boyd Pbilip, Rhenas
Brew Philip, Lambtellbeg
Bridson John, Ballacurry
Cain Charles, Ballahowne
Cain John, Ballacrink
Cain John, St. John's
Cain John, Ballagyr
Cain John,Stennarre
Cain Thomas, Lhergydhoo
Cain Thomas, Ballavaish
Cain William, Skerestel moar
Cain William, Carvalley
Callan Robert, Scragrorley
Cannell John, Skerestel beg
Cannell Thomas, Skerestelbeg
Cannell William, Corvalley
Christian Enos, Breackamona beg
Christian Esther Allen, Banff place
Christian John, Scragrorley
Christian John, Carvalley
Christian William, Lambfell beg
Christian William, Ballashimmin
Clark John, Ballawhillin
Clark Thomas, Cooilsleau
Collister Edward, Kenna
Collister Thomas, Ballavaish
Connan William, Corvalley
Corris John, Ballachrinck
Corris Thomas, Breckamona beg
Corris Thomas, Breckabroom
Corkill Edward, Ballashimmin
Corkill William, Kerrowcurd
Corkill William, Kerrow-na-lagh
Cosnahan Mrs., Ballakeilmorey
Cosnahan James, Ballatessen
Cottier John, Ballacurry
Cowin Thomas, Ballalease
Cowin Thomas, Ballaseyre
Cowley John, Port Cauda, Balla
Cowley John, Cronkbane
Cowley John, Ballakaighan
Cowley Nichoias, Cronckbreck
Cowley Richard, sen., Cronkbane
Cowley Richard, jun., Cronkbane
Craine James, Kerrowgarrow
Cregeen John, Ballaoates
Crellen C esar, Cronkbreck
Crellen Catherine, Eiry Moar
Crellen John, Carvalley
Crellen Thomas, Senhouse
Davis James, Bollagh
Fargher Esther, Ballacurry
Fargher John, Ballaspurr
Fargher Jno., Rennie & Cronk Dhoo
Fargher John, Ballacurry
Fargher Thomas, Cronk Dhoo
Fisher John, Ballakeilmorey
Garratt Philip, Kew
Garratt William, Ballakaighen
Gawne Thomas, Laurel Bank
Gell Evan, Ballalongh
Gell John, C.P., Kenna
Hampton Margaret, Rhennas
Hunter Edward H., Ballaquane
Kaighen Ann, Ballagaighen
Kaighen Jane, Lhergy Dhoo
Kaighan John, Skirestel Moar
Keig William, Ballagyr
Kelly James, Balligg
Kelly John, Ballachurry
Kelly John, Ballagaraghan
Kelly John, Bollagh
Kelly John, Ballagaraghan
Kelly John, Eary lene
Kelly Thomas, Ballacraine
Kelly William, Ballachurry -
Kelly William, Cooil sleau
Kelly William, Balligg
Kenna Thomas, Ballatessen
Kermode Edward, Ballabuigh
Kermode Edward, Yonage
Kermode Henry, Ballatessen
Kermode Robert, Lhergy Dhoo
Kewish Patrick, Cronkbane
Kewley Nicholas, Cronkbreck
Killey Charles, Eary Moar
Killey John, Lambfell beg
Killey William, Kerroo Curd
Killey Mrs., Balligg
Killip James, sen., Voney
Killip James, Voney
Killip James, Carvalley
Kinley Edward, Knocksharry
Kirk John, Ballabuigll
Kissack John, Ballacross
Kneale William, Skerestel-beg
Lace John, Ballakaighan
Little David, Ballachurry
Lumsden William, Ballakilley
Matthews Frank, Ballahowne
Mayrick William, Ballaquaine
Moore James, Ballabuigh
Moore John S., Lhergy Dhoo
Moore John, Balligg
Moore Samuel, Ballakaighen
Moore William, Ballavarkish
Muter Robert, Kerroo-ne-glough
Mylechreest Phl., Cronkbreck Cotg.
Mylechreest Thos., Ballagaraghan
Quay Thomas, Stochfield
Quayle Robert, Balnaharra beg
Quine John, Lambfell Moar
Quine John, Lambfell beg
Quine William, Eary beg
Quilliam Charles, Ballaoates
Quirk John, Ballabuigh
Quirk Robert, Lambfell Moar
Quirk Tbomas, Ballaharra Moar
Quirk William, Cornelly
Quirk William, Ballachurry
Richardson John, Ballaquayne
Senogles Joseph, Kerroo Garrow
Shimmin Hugh, Rennie
Speedie Robert, Kew
Taggart Robert, Curraghglass
Watson William, Ballavarkish


Cain Catherine, St. John's
Cain James, Glen Moar
Davis James, Northorp
Kelly Thomas, Curraghglass
Quayle George, (& mason,) Ballacraine
Quirk Ann, St. John's
Shimmin Robert, Cronk Dhoo


Cain Thomas, Glen Moar
Cowley William, Glen Moar
Kermode William, Knocksharry
Taubman James, St. John's


Crellin Richard, Quite Mill (and dyer, Ballahelly)
Moore John, Ballabeg
Vick Robert, Balladyne


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HTML Transcription © F.Coakley , 2001