[From Thwaites' Directory, 1863]
[For guide see elsewhere]
POST OFFICE, Malew street.-Mr. Lewin, Postmaster. Insular letters arrive from Douglas at 6.45 p.m.; and from England, about two hours after arrival of the mail boat at Douglas. Insular letters despatched to Douglas at 6.30 a.m. Letters for England despatched to Douglas, about two hours and a half before the sailing of the mail. Money Orders granted and paid, and Savings Bank business transacted at this office from nine morning till six evening: on Saturdays, till eight p.m.
There is a Branch Office at H. Caugherty's, Ballasalla.
Aldridge Miss Elizabeth, Green
Archer William, tide waiter, Hope street
Arnold John, miller, Water Mill, Mill street
Barracks, Market Place:-Major E. J. Dickson, Staff
Barrack Office, Quay -Peter McKenna, superintendent barrack
sergeant in charge
Bateson Mrs.Mary, Green
Bell Miss Sophia, Arbory street
Boyde Thomas, f;en., gentleman, Malevr street
B1yth John, Esq., Ronaldsway
Brideson John, overseer, Ballasalla
Bridson Thomas, gentleman, Wesleyan terrace
Cain Mr. John, Windmill
Caley Philip, Esq., Parade
Callister Mrs. Ann, Arbory street
Campbell Mrs. Esther, Crofts
Cannell Misses Lenoria and Alice, Arbory street
Cary Captain C. El.,Beach House
Castle Rushen, Castle street: Noel Gillett, head gaoler
Chesterman John, accountant, Crofts
Christopher Captain Thomas, Sea mount
Clague Edward, cooper, Bank st
Clague Mr. John, Malew street
Clague Robert, harbour master and light keeper, Derbyhaven
Clague William, corn agent, Arbory street
Clegg Dr. John, Malew street
Clemenson Rev. Joseph R., (Wesleyan,) Wesleyan terrace
Clucas John, carter, Arbory street
Coates John, gentleman, Green
Corlett William, ship owner, and master mariner, Green
Corrin Thomas,gentleman, Arbory street
Craigs Mrs. Catherine, Malew st
Creer Miss Esther, Arbory street
Creer Mrs. Sarah, Wesleyan terrace
Crellin Mrs. Catherine, West hill
Crellin Mrs. Margaret, Wesleyan terrace
Crellin Thomas, greengrocer, and dealer in paraffin oil and lamps,
Malew street
Crellin Robert Quayle, Esq., The Green
Cubbon James, miller; Ballasalla
Cubbon Mr.-, Hope street
Cudd William Henry, Esq., Parade
Cuningharne Patrick T-, Esq, Loorn House
Custom House, Market Plane
Davidson Rev. Hugh C., master modern department, King William's
College, Green
Dickinson Henry, drapers' assistant, Crofts
Dickinson William, gentleman, Ballasalla Lodge
Dickson Major E. J., staff captain, Barracks; h. Greet'
Dixon Rev. Robert, D D., principal and dean of Chapel, King William's
Downes William, gentleman, Crofts
Duck Mrs. Ann, Green
Fell Sirs. Ann, Arbory street
Ferrier Rev. Edward, M.A., H.M chaplain, minister of St. Mary's,
chaplain of Castle Rushen Gaol, of the House of Keys, and acting
chaplain to. the forces, Parade
Fordatie Mrs. Ellen, Sycamores, Ballasalla
Flinn John, marine store dealer Malew street
Gas Works, Mill street:-William Senior, manager
Gell James, advocate, and high bailiff of Castletown, (Gell and Gill
;) h. Green
Gelling Frederick La Mothe, advocate, (G. F. L. & Son ;) h.
Castle street
Gelling Henry Evans, advocate, &c., (G. F. L. & Son ;) h.
Castle street
Gelling Miss Jane, Castle street
Gick Mrs. Catherine, Ronaldsway Cottage
Gill Henry C., advocate, (Gell and G. ;) h. Parade
Gill Rev. Thomas Howard, B.A., chaplain of Grenaby and curate of
Malew, Green
Gillett Noel, head gaoler, Castle Rushen
Hammond Samuel, gentleman, Arbory street
Harrison Edward, gentleman, Wesleyan terrace
Harvey Rev. Gilmour, third master King William's College
Holliday Mr. James Graham, Green
Hudson John, tanner, Malew st
Isle of Man Chemical Works Company, manufacturing chemists, -Stores, Union Hotel yard
Jackson Mrs. Ann, Crosset
Jeffcott Miss Catherine Alice, Malew street
Kelly Henry, gentleman, Willow Cottage
Kelly James, millwright, Ballasalla
Kelly Mrs. M. A., Parliament sq
Kewley James, clerk, Rolls Office, Castle Rushen
Kewley Robert, police constable, Hope street
Lawson Robert William,tide waiter, Derbyhaven
Leyland Mr. Daniel, Parliament square
Llewellyn Miss Christian, Parade
Lupton B. J. S., head master, Grammar School; h.Crofts
Lynch Charles, marine store dealer, Mill street
Lyons Samuel, drapers' assistant, Malew street
Marsh Richard, Esq., B.A., mathematical master, King William's
Martin James, chief constable, Springfield terrace
McKenna Peter, superintendent barrack sergeant, Barrack Of lice; h.
Wesleyan terrace
Mills Anthony, tinman, &c., Malew street
Military Library, Custom House square:-Sergt. Lawrence
McDonald, librarian
Moore Miss Catherine Mary, EIope street
Moore John, ship carpenter, Quay
Mylechreest Sir. James, Quay
Mylechreest John, hatter, Arbory street
News and Reading Room, Parade
Newton-, Esq., Arbory street
O'Donohoe Michael, gardener, South Abbey Cottage
Oliver Alexander, gardener, Green
Partridge Richard H. gentleman, Ballasalla Elouse
Peacock Mr. John, Green
Peake Mr. James, Arbory street
Pleignier Victor, professor, French and German, Green
Quayle John, chancery clerk, Douglas street
Quayle John, cartwright, (T. & J. ;) h. Crofts
Quayle Mrs. Margaret, Douglas street
Quayle Hon. Mark Hildesley,Esq., clerk of the rolls, Douglas
Quayle Robert Thomas, brewer, (Q. R. & Co. ;) h. Douglas
Quayle Thomas, cartwright,(T. and J. ;) h. Malew street
Quirk Mrs. Jane Gawne, Scarlett
Raynes Mrs. Ann, Crofts
Rolls Office, Castle Rushen:-His Honour M. H. Quayle,-Esq.,
clerk of rolls
Riley William, surveyor, Green
Royal National Life Boat Institution, Quay:-H. C. Gill,hon.
Seddall Mrs.Charlotte,Wesleyan ter
Senior William, manager, Gas Works, Mill street
Smith Norman llenry, gentleman, Green
Stafford Rev. Samuel, (P.M,) Malew street
Station House, Quay:-James Martin, chiefconstable
Stewart Mr. John C., Green
Taylor Mr. Joseph, Malew street
Thompson Mrs. Catherine, Malew st
Thompson Mrs. C. F., Green
Torrance G. & Co., manufacturers of umber, ochre, and cement,
Turnbull Rev. John, B.A., viceprincipal, King William's College
Wallace Mary, circulating library, Arbory street
Watterson John, tide waiter, Arbory street
Watson Mrs. Margaret, Green
Welch Mrs. Ann, The Green
Wood R., Esq., B.A., assistant master, King William's College
Whiteside Henry & Co., corn and seed merchants, Windmill:-
William Clague, agent.
Wilby Mrs. Margaret, Crofts
Willis Robert B;, Esq., North Abbey cottage
Woodhouse Mrs., Malew street
Chesterman Margaret, ladies' day school, Crofts
Grammar School, Chapel lane: B. J. S. Lupton, head master
Halsall's School, Chapel lane: Harriet Finnigan, mistress
King William's College: Rev. R. Dixon, D.D., principal and
dean of the chapel; Rev. John Turnbull, B.A., vice-principal; Rev.
Gilmour Harvey, third master; Rev. H. C. Davidson, master of the
military, civil, and commercial department; Richd. Marsh, Esq.,B.A.,
mathematical master; R. Wood, Esq, B.A., assistant master; M. Victor
Pleignier, French and German master; Mr. A. D. Lemon, drawing master;
and Rev. G. Harvey, bursar and chaplain.
National, Hope street: George Geldard, master; Sarah Corlett,
mistress; and Catherine Fraser, infants' teacher.
National, Ballasalla: Robert Bald, master; and Ann Cooke,
Taubman's School, Douglas street: John Watterson
Clucas John Thomas, Douglas st
Gell and Gill, Douglas street
Gell Jannes, advocate and High Bailiff of Castletown; steward of the
Barony of the Bishopric of Sodor and DIan; Vice-President of Law
Society; and Commissioner to take affidavits in English Courts of
Chancery, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, and Probate and
Divorce; h. Green
Hill Henry Corlett, advocate and notary public, clerk to Justices,
secretary to Law Society, and hon. secretary to Royal National Life
Boat Institution; in Parade
Gelling F. L. & Son, Parliament square
Gelling Frederick La Motbe, advocate and notary public, regulator of
weights and measures, and treasurer of the Law Society; h Castle
Gelling Henry Evans, advocate, and agent to Royal Insurance Company;
h. Castle street
Jeffcott John Moore, Bank street; h. Crofton
Boyd Robert, Malew street
Clague Elizabeth, Malew street
Clark William, Malew street
Fargher Stephen, Ballasalla
Gelling Stephen, Mill street
Kermode John Frederick, Arbory st
Moore Thomas, Arbory street
Ratcliffe Thomas, Castle street
Wood James, Malew street
Bank of Mona,-Branch of the City of Glasgow Bank,-Douglas qt.:
(draw on Prescott, Grote, & Co., London, and on Bank of England
at Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, &c.) James Gell, agent, and
Thomas Corrin, accountant
Douglas and Isle of Man Barth, (Dumbell, Son, and Howard,) Arbory
street: (draw on Glyn, Hills, and Co.) John MeMeikin, agent.
Boyd Thomas, (and general smith,) Quay
Bridson Richard, Ballasalla
Corkhill Lewis, Hope street
Corrie William, Ballasalla
Quayle Thomas, Douglas street; b. Bank street
Boyd Thomas, (and ship owner,) Quay
Harrison Richard, Green
Backwell Matthew James, (and engraver and bookbinder, and agent to British and Foreign Bible Society,) Malew street
(Marked * are Leather Cutters.)
Bridson John, Green
Corrin William, Malew street
Cretney Thomas, Green
Cubbon John, (and tamper,)
Arbory street
Cubbon John, Malew street
Kaighan John, Ballasalla
*Kelly Edward, Arbory street
*Kermode John, Malew street
Kinvig John, (and dealer in American overshoes,) Arbory st
Preston John, Ballasalla
Quine Thomas, Quay
Tyson John, Ballasalla
Quayle Robert & Co., Douglas st
Bardan Thomas, Parliament sq
Carr John, Malew street
Cubbon William, Market place; h. Malew street
Gell John, Market place; h. Parade
Jones Thomas, Arbory street
Kelly John, Douglas street
Proctor Leonard, (and photographic artist,) Arbory street
Anchors Thomas, Hope street
Cosnahan Thomas, Arbory street
Cowle Thomas, (and coach proprietor,) Douglas street
Cowle William, Douglas street
Kennaugh John, Malew street
Varley John, Bank street
Varley Robert, Hope street
Wood Robert B., Market place
Corrin William, Arbory street Stovrell Joseph John, (and seedsman and oil dealer,) Arbory st
Anchors Thomas, Elope street
Cain William, Malew street
Kelly Henry, Parade
Kermode John Frederick, Arbory st
Ratcliffe Thomas, Castle street
Rothwell John, (and dealer in hams and bacon, and importer of salt,)
Malew street
(See also Malew Directory.)
Anchors Thomas, Hope street
Bardan Thomas, Parliament sq
Cain William, Malew street
Christian Robert, Scarlett
Clague Ann, Ballathane
Clague Thomas, Green
Clark Thomas, Chapel lane
Coole W., Windmill
Cubbon John, Arbory street
Fargher John, (cow-keeper,) Malew street
Fargher Thomas, Ronaldsway
Gelling Stephen, Mill street
Kelly Philip, Ballasalla
Kennaugh John, Malew street
Quilliam John, Knock Rushen
Shimmin John, Malew street
Taggart William, Red Gap House
Taylor William, Black hill
Thompson James, (and coroner for Rushen Sheading,) Malew street
Turnbull Thomas, (and spirit merchant,) Derbyhaven and Ballagilley
Harper Catherine, Malew street
Kewley Edward, Malew street
Martin John, Malew street
Cain William, (and coal factor,) Malew street
Kegg John S., Arbory street
McMeiken John, (and agent to Douglas and Isle of Man Bank, to the Gas
Light Co., and to the Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal
Benevolent Society,) Arbory street; h. Parade
Mylechreest James, Malew street
Taggart John, (and shipowner,) Malew Street
Thompson James, Market street
Austin Frederick, Malew street
Cowin William, Bank street
Kewin Edward, Castle street
Anchors Thomas, Hope & Anchor, (and ship owner,) Hope
Bell Ann, Ballasalla
Brine Sarah, Crown Arms, Quay
Cain Jane, Mill street
Christian Charlotte, Black Cock, Arbory street
Clark John, (and boat owner,) Quay
Convary Ann, British Arms, Malew street
Corlett Edward, Ellan Vannin Family and Commercial Hotel, and
Billiard Room, Quay
Cosnahan Thomas, Union Hotel, Arbory street
Cowley William, Malew street
Meredith John, Commercial, Doug las street
Quilliam James, Bank Arms, Bank street
Rhood Robert, Derbyhaven Inn
Wood Robert B., George Commercial and Family Hotel, Market place
Boyd Thomas, (and nail maker`) Bank street
Cooper John, Arbory street
Karran John, (and ship owner,) Arbory street
Marked * are Cartwrights.
Cain Robert, (and general contractor, and dealer in all kinds of
building materials,) Hope street, and Ballasalla
Cooper John, Arbory street
Gelling James, Ballasalla
Kelly William, Green
*Kneel John, Ballasalla
Martin John, Malew street
Quayle Thomas and John, Hope street
Stowell Flaxney, Elder Bank Cottage
Stowell James, Crofts
Stowell Quayle, (and painter,) Queen street
Taubman John and James, Arbory street
Watterson Brothers, (Fletcher and William Bramwell,) Castle st
Watterson Richard, Castle street; h. Douglas street
Austin Frederick, (eating house,) Malew street
Buckings Margaret, Green
Cain Charles, Malew street
Cain Mrs., Arbors street
Callister Ann, Arbory street
Caveen Thomas, Hope street
Gelling Betsy, Chapel lane
Jones Thomas, Green
Kelly Henry, Market place
Kinvig John, Arbory street
Lowry Jane, Parliament square
Stowell James, Crofts
Clague Elizabeth, Malew street
Gelling Betsy, Chapel lane
Kitchen Elizabeth, Malew street
Schofield Ann, Parliament square
Taylor Jane and Sophia, Malew st
Vondie Annie, Parade
Boyd James, Hope street; h.
Malew street
Dinwood Thomas, Green
Cubbon John, Arbory street
Karran John, Arbory street
Kelly Edward, Arbory street
Kermode John, Malew street
(See Academies.)
Boyd John, Ballasalla
Bridson Esther, Ballasalla
Cain John, Ballasalla
Caugherty Henry, Ballasalla
Clark Robert, Ballasalla
Condon William, Malew street
Corlett William, Ballasalla
Corrin William, Malew street
Curphey Sarah, Ballasalla
Gell Elizabeth, Malew street
Gelling Stephen, Mill street
Harrison Richard, Green
Jackson Ann, Queen street
Kelly Jane, Green
Kelly Margaret, Parliament sq
Kelly Philip, Malew street
Kelly Robert, Derb~haven
Kennangh John, Malew street
Kermode Elizabeth, Ballasalla
Kewley Edward, Malew street
Martin John, (and herring curer,) Malew street
Sansbury Deborah, Malew street
Cain John, Ballasalla
Cain Robert, (and general contractor,) Hope street, and
Clague James, Crofts
Costain John, Malew street
Costain Thomas, Malew street
Costain William, Hope street
Fargher John, Malew street
Kelly Henry, Malew street
Kelly John, Malew street
Lace William, Queen street
Layland James, Mill street
Quilliam Thomas, (and lessee of Poolvash
black marble quarries,) Hope street; h. Wesleyan ter
Sayle John, School lane
Taubman George, Arbory street
Tyson James, Ballasalla
Whitton John, Malew street
Cregeen Jonathan, (and surgeon to the Rechabites'
Benevolent Society, Castletown; to the Benevolent Society,
Ballasalla; and to Brada mines,) Arbory street
Jones John, (and accoucheur,) Malew street
Wise Thomas, (and surgeon to the Castle Barracks, and King William's
College,) Parade.
Callow Edward, Arbory street
Cannell William, Mill street
Clague William, Wesleyan terrace
Clucas William, Ballasalla
Collister Thomas, Malew street
Crellin Thomas, Black hill
Fargher William, Malew street
Gray Charles, Chapol lane
Ore Richard, Arbory street
Quayle James, Green
Watterson George, Arbory street
Welsh Heriry, Parliament square
Boyds Thomas, (and weighing machine,) Quay
Cain Robert, jun., Lake Timber yard
Corlett Edward, Malew street
To Douglas, daily, at ten a.m. and four p.m.
To Port St. Mary daily,at nine a.m. and twelve at noon.
To Liverpool, The Teazer, about every ten days
To Douglas,-R. Cavendish, at three p.m.
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
Editor |