[From Slater's Directory, 1852]

Andreas Parish

Is six miles in length from north to south and four and a half in width from east to west; situate in the Ayre sheading, in the northern part of the Island - the parish church being four miles and a half north-west of Ramsey. This parish is principally under cultivation, as it is mostly low or level land; but it comprises no village worthy of description. The church was rebuilt in 1800, and contains seven hundred sittings; the living is a rectory in the gift of the crown and generally held by the archdeacon. Within the edifice is a handsome marble font (in a former age the property of Phillip I. of France) presented to the parish by the late Mr. Corlett. There is also an episcopal chapel in this parish. Near Ballacurry is a quadrangular encampment, generally supposed to have been constructed as a protection against Cromwell's troops during the parliamentary war. An annual fair is held in the parish on the 11th of December.

The Post Town of this parish is Ramsey



Christian Mt.. John Murray, Eden Grove
Christian William Watson, Esq. C.P Ballachurry
Hawley Rev. William, Ballaghane
Leatham Captain James, Braust
Martin Mr. JohnT eare, Smeale
Moore Venble. Archdeacon,Rectory
Qualtrough Rev. John, Ballachurry
Steaveley Mr. John, Ballasaayre
Teare Mr. William, Ballawhane


Hampton Thomas, Lhanmoor
NATIONAL SCHOOL, Village—Henry Jick master
Stephen Jane, Andreas
Teare Caesar, Kerroo Garroo


Cain John, constable, Ballaradcliffe
Cannell .Jane shopkpr,Ballaradcliffe
Cannell Philip, blacksuiith, Ballachurry
Christian Cornelius,shopkpr,Regaby Gate
Corlett John,blacksmith,Kieitusttag
Corlett John, turner, Andreas
Curphey Mathias, sumner, Craig
Garrett William,shoemaker, Andreas
Goldsmith Thomas, publican, Ballaradcliffe
Harrison Philip. shoe maker and shopkeeper, Ballachurry
Harrison Thos. joiner, Rose cottage
Joughin Wm. shopkpr,Ballaradcliffe
Kelly Philip, saddler, Village
Kneen Thos. shokeeper, Closekee
Kneen William, blacksmith, Craig
Lace William, shoe maker, Village
Martin Edward,watch maker,Smeale
Monier Edward, joiner, Craig
Mylrea William, smith, Village
Nelson Thomas, joiner, Ballayockey
Quayle John, mason, Ballalane
Radcliff Wm. L. shoe maker, Village
Radcliffe John, mason, Ballachurry
Radcliffe William, joiner, Andreas
Radcliffe William, millwright, Ballacrebbin
Sayle Robert, joiner, Guileagh
Sayle Williain, joiner, Bailavastyn
Shimmin John,shopkeeper and temperance coffee house, Village
Skillicorn Phiip,butchr, Ballachurry
Tear Chas. blacksmith, Regabygate
Tear Daniel, joiner, Bailakinuag
Teare John,blacksmith, Laggah
Teare:Thomas, blacksmith, Laggah
Teare Thomas, joiner, Andreas.


Allan Thomas, Ballavarry
Bondred Thomas, Ardonan
Callow Ann, Ballacrebbin
Callow Thomas, Kiondroghad
Christian Daniel, Ballayockey
Christian Edward, Craig
Christian John, Eden grove
Christian John, Ballawanton
Christian Robert. Ballakelly
Christian Silas, Ballamigagh
Christian William, Ballacoary
Clark Thomas, Kiondroghad
Cleator William.Ballalaue
Corkill Thomas, Ballagiane
Corlett Ann, West Craig
Corlett John, Ballacollum
Corlett John, Ballacrebbin
Cormode .John, Largagh
Cowle Charles, Ballaghane
Crennell William, Braes
Crowe Robert, Ballayockey
Curphey Edward, Craig
Gale John,. Regaby mort
Gale William, Ballacamaish
Hampton Robert, Ballagiane
Kaneen John, Ballaslig
Kewin Thomas, Craig
Killip Robert, Rhenwee
Kneale John, Ballabeg
Kneale John, Gailcagh
Kneale Patrick, Ballaleaney
Kneale William, Regabybeg
Martin James, Knockydhooney
Martin Robert, Ballalough
Morrison John, Ballacottier
Quarry Mary, Ballavodden
Quarry William, Ballasteen
Quayle George, Knock-y-tholt
Quayle George, Cronkbeg
Quayle John, Cronkane
Quayle William, Cronkane
Quirk John,.Ardonan
Quirk Thomas, Kiondroghad
Radcliffe Charles, Knockane
Radcliffe Robert, Ballabeg
Radcliffe Thomas, Ballacleator
Radcliffe Witliam, Ballaradcliffe
Sale John, Ballavastyn
Sayle John, Kieltusttag
Sayle John, Ballahane
Sayle Thomas, Ballakiel
Teare Daniel, Ballacunner
Teare Daniel, Laravane
Teare Philip, Braust
Teare William , Ballacollum
Teare William. Ballakennag
Trainer William Leihkerroo
Wade John, Ballakernag


PARISH CHURCH.Glebe—-the Venerable Archdeacon Moor, rector; Rev. William Hawley, curate.
SAINT JUDE’S, Ballachurry—Rev. John Qualtrough, incumbent.
WESLEYAN METHODIST CHAPELS, Ballabeg, Ballakaneen, Lhanmoar, Smeale, and Regaby.



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