[From Rechabite History, 1911]


Letter from Bro. John Garratt, P.H.D.R., late of Liverpool.

September 6th, 1844.

SIR AND BROTHER,—I have been instructed by the Sydney District to write to you giving information on our state as a section of the Rechabite Order, and to request you to supply us with a number of necessary articles.

We have, from public sources, learned something of the Order’s doings at home, and from the Magazine containing an account of the Annual Movable Committee we perceive our communication has been received, and that fact was some consolation to us.

You will be aware from our former letter that the first Tent was formed in Sydney in April, 1842, called the " Star of Australia." In May of the following year a second Tent was opened in the same place called the " Morning Star," and on or about the same time another was opened in Launceston—Van Dieman’s Land—called the " Star of Tasmania." According to the March returns we numbered one hundred and fifty-four members. Owing to the depression of the times, we have lost a large number of members during the last year, but there is a prospect of things improving, when we hope to be able to open several new Tents in the interior.

We have had to publish two editions of the General Rules of 1839, but as we are aware that extensive alterations were made last year, we shall be reluctant to publish another edition of the same.

From the Report of the last Annual Movable Committee, we perceive the Executive Council had recommended the brethren in America to form a separate union. This may do very well for them, but it would by no means do for us, owing to the thinness of the population and the consequently limited field from which we can draw Rechabites-.I mean the total abstinence field ; therefore, we hope to continue to be considered an integral part of the Order as the Sydney District, New South Wales. We are the more anxious for this course to be adopted as it would form a stricter bond of union and more satisfactory to the brethren coming from England as well as those who leave here for the same place.

An additional reason may be adduced against a separate union being formed for the Australian colonies, namely, that such a step would tend to destroy our nationality, these colonies being an integral part of the British dominions, hence, ill all our intercourse we are desirous of strengthening their relation.

It would be advantageous to circulate through the Magazine the fact of Tents being opened here and at Launceston, so that brethren leaving for these colonies might bring their clearances with them; we have no doubt but many have come here and are lost to the Order through ignorance of the fact.

It would be desirable to give currency to one of our District Bye-laws, viz., " Any brother coming from Great Britain, or any other part of the world, shall be allowed 28 days to lodge his clearance after landing in Port Jackson, or any other port in this District in which there may be a Tent, and shall be required to pay the whole of his arrears due from the date of his clearance (deducting the above 28 days) into the Tent where he may lodge the same, and be considered a member from that date, " that is from the date of such clearance.

We are led to adopt this law from the fact of some keeping their clearances some months after their arrival, and then joining us. This is only a copy of part of the 32nd law, edition 1839, but from the distance from England, it is impossible to observe it, but by coupling the payment of arrears along with it, the spirit of the law would be maintained and the interest of the Tent and District from whence the brother comes would be protected. By the time you receive this we hope a Tent will be opened in Hobart Town also.

We have just terminated the first year of the formation of the District. The present officers of the District are Bro. H. Gowland, solicitor, D.C.H. ; Bro. Barr, D.D.R. ; Bro. Garratt, D.S. ; Bros. Knight (formerly of one of the Manchester Tents), Nation, and Dunn, and Bro. Isaac Sherwin, of Launceston, representatives.

We are flow making up requisites (September 6th) for the opening of a Tent in Hobart Town, and we have received addresses respecting the opening of a second in Launceston. As the English Government have placed monthly packets on this station communications may be depended upon with some degree of certainty. We should wish you to supply us regularly with the Magazine. I am with great respect, yours, etc.,

Prospect Villa, Elizabeth Street, JOHN GARRATT, D.S.

South Sydney, New South Wales.


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