[from Manx Place-names, 1925]
Parish of Kirk Christ (or Holy Trinity) Rushen.
[nb corrections to be done]
Add. Chart.
Ecciesia Sancti Trinitatis inter prata.
Man. Roll.
Parochia Sti. Trinitatis in Rushen.
Pat. Rolls ( Jas. I)
Kirkecrist in Shelding.
Lib. Mon.
Kirke Christ of Russhen.
Foedera (2Car. I)
Ecciesia de Kirk Christin Sheilding.
Kirk Christ of Rushin.
Man. Roll.
Kirk Christ Rushen.
Skyll Chreest Rushen.
There are two parishes in Man
dedicated to Christ or the Holy Trinity, the one under notice and
Kirk Christ or Holy Trinity, Lezayre, (i.e., in the Sheading of the
Ayr). The parish is now usually called Rushen, but this is really the
name of the sheading and therefore
The 1408 form means : the church of St. Trinity between the
meadows. In the 1606 and 1626 forms probably shelding is a
scribal error for sheading, and having taken it for a
place-name Rushen has been omitted.
Kirk Christ forms the south-western extremity of the Island, and
is bounded on the north by Kirk Patrick, on the east by Kirk Arbory,
and on the south and west by the sea. The parish is about 4~ miles
long and I~ miles broad, and its area is (Ord. Sur.)
7456.567 acres including 616.440 acres in the Calf
of Man.
The parish church is situated about midway between the villages of
Port St. Mary and Port Erin, north of the Four Roads. Ancient
ecclesiastical structures have bequeathed two names to the parish,
Port St. Mary and Ballakilpheric. Chibbyrt Catreeney,
St. Catherines Well in Port Erin and
Chibbyrt Boaltane, May Well on Bradda were
formerly venerated for the healing virtues of their waters.
Kirk Christ embraces some of the finest coast scenery on the
Island, and its coast-names provide a veritable harvest for the
student of place-nomenclature.

- Aidrick. [3:ldrik].
- Probably the first element is Scand., old, gen. aldar, meaning
people, old people or original inhabitants; as in Norræn-Old,
Norse people ; Ensk-Old, English people.
- The second element is vIk, a creek. Aldarvik.
- This little bay is on the coast of Shenvalley (q.v.)
- Had these names any reference to the pre-Aryan in-habitants of the Mull
district, where this ancient type still predominate, in spite of successive
races of Celt and Norsemen ? The small, dark, wiry type of people found in
this locality has given rise to the legend that they are of Spanish descent,
and they are still known to their neighbours as Spaniards ; and ei~en the
wreck of a Spanish ship or ships (v. Spanish Head) has been in-vented
to add local colour and a degree of truthfulness to the story.
- Amulty. [].
- The name of two steep precipices, one on the Oirr Vooar, great
edge, on the Calf, and the other near Fleshwick. The principal element
seems to be Ir. alla, orfalla, a rocky cliff; with intensive
prefix an and locative suffix tach, oblique form taighe.
This would give an-I- bhfall+ tuigh, pron. anv3ltOi, and amAltOi,
Amulty, would naturally follow. Its meaning would therefore seem to be great
cliff.(v. Fulta).
- Anvil (the) for Yn Ingan,
- Mx. [~ nii~n] Ir. An Inneoin. A rock name.
- Awin Bully.
- The bullys river Nickname.
- Awin Kintraagh. [] .
- Kentraugh (q v ) river
- Baarney Vooar. []
- Great gap. Leading to Port St. Mary farm.
- Baie Fine. [].
- The fishermen say that this name means fine or sheltry bay. Fine, however,
may be Mx.fynn, Jr,fionn, which, when applicable to water, means clear,
bright or sparkling. There are two bays of this name in the parish,
one between Port Erin and the Sound and the other on the Calf.
- Baie Mooar. [].
- Big bay. From Fleshwick to the Niarbyl.
- Baie ny Breechyn. [] .
- The bay of the breeches A spit of rock running out into the
middle ofthis bay divides it into two halves, hence its name.
- Baie ny Carrickey []
- The bay of the rock. (v. Carrick, The).
- Baie yn Chabbal. [].
- Chapel bay. Near the site of Keeil Moirrey (q.v.). Port
St. Mary Promenade is now built around this pretty little bay. .
- Baie n Ooig. [].
- The bay of the cave. (Calf). Ord. Sur. Map gives Bay yn Ow.
- Ballacurry [].
- 1643. Man. Roll. Ballachurry.
1714. Reg. Deeds. Ballicurry. Mx. Bailey curree ; Ir. Baile
curraighe. Marsh farm. []. Wm. McGillowy.
Wm. Lowey. Robt. Lowey. Ballakillowey.
- Ballafurt. []
- Harbour farm. Belonged to Rushen Abbey.
- Ballagale. []
- 1511. Man. Roll. Peter Gall.
1643. ,, ,, Robert Gell.
1703. ,, ,, Ballagell.
1816. Tithe Plan. Ballagill.
- Ir. Baile Gaul, Gall, Gale or Gells farm.
- Ballagawne. [] .
- 1511. Man. Roll. Henry McGawne.
1643. ,, ,, Wm. Gawne.
1703. ,, ,, Edwd. Gawne.
1643. ,, ,, Ballagawne.
- Ir. Baile Ui Gcibhdin, Gawne or Gavins farm. In
most surnames of this type, the prefix 0 (grand- son) was either dropped
altogether or replaced by mac ( son).
- Ballahain. [].
- 1643. Man. Roll. Ballahaine.
1698. Reg. Deeds. Balnehean.
- Ir. Baile Ui hEidhin. OHanes farm.
Surname obsolete before written records.
- Ballakilley. (Abbey Land) [] .
- 1643. Man. Roll. Ballnakilley. Mx. Bailey ny killey. Ir.
Baile na cille. Farm of the church (near the Parish
- Ballamaddrell. [].
- Balla Madrell. ~ Mx. Bailey ny howe, the farm of the howe.
Maddrells farm.
- Ballamaddrell Earnagh,
- Lost 1703. Man. Roll.Maddrells farm of (near) Port Erin.
(v.) Ballamaddrell.
- Balla Mollavory.
- Lost.
- 1703. Man. Roll.
- 1515. ,, ,, McGilvorra. Ir. Bails Mhic Giolla Mhuire.
Mollavorys [now Morrison] farm.
- Ballaqueeney. [].
- 1643, Man. Roll. Ballaqueenay (-queene)
- 1840. Tithe Plan. Ballaqueeney. across and the sheep driven in to be clipped.
Ir. Baile Mhic Mhaonaigh, Queeney orMacQueeneys farm.
Containing obsolete surname.
- Ballarhenney. [].
- 1715. Reg. Deeds. Ball ne reney. Mx. Bailey ny renniagh, Ir.
Baile na Raithneach, farm of the ferns (Scard.)
- Ballarock. [] .
- Rock farm.
The name of a rock at the entrance to Port St. Mary Bay.
- Ballasherlock. [].
- 1511. Man. Roll. Roger, Rich & Nele Shirlok in [ Treen
of Bradhawe. 1643. Ir. Baile SearlÓg, Sherlocks
The older form seems to suggest boayl,a place,rather
- Ballayoney.
- 1840. Tithe Plan. John or Jonees farm.
- Beeal Feayn ny Geayee. [].
- Ir. Beulfaon na gaoithe, the wide mouth of the wind.
At Lag ny Killey. Feddan (Ir. Feaddn) means a brook with
a deep and
- Beinn Vradda. [birj vra~].
- The peak of Bradda. The highest part of Bradda Head.
- Biddy Meadow.
- 1816. Tithe Plan. In Surby.
- Big Flat.
- 1736. Reg. DeedsBroad tidal-rock.
V. Bowe Veg, to which the i~i~name may have been
- Big Park
- for applied.
Pairk Mooar [park mu:r]. Big field. (Calf).
- Black Creggan,
- trans. of Mx. Creggan Doo. Black rocky place.
- Black Head
- for Kione Doo. [kjo:n dl5u]. Ir. Ceann
- Black Hole
- for Towl Doo. [tûo:1 dl5u].
A remarkable cave at the southern end of Port Erin Bay.
- Black Rocks.
- Mx. Creggyn Doo.
- Boaly ~,oile.
- Lost. 1703. Man. Roll.
1511. Man. Roll. Byle.
Ir. Buaile Ui Baoighill, Byle, or Boyles, cattle-fold.
- Boayrd yn Eagle. [b3rd ~n E:gl].
- A hybrid name for Boayrd yn Urley. The eagles table.
Close to Eairnerey (q.v.).
- Baie yn Stackey. []
- The bay of the stack, i.e. the Sugar-LoafRock (q.v.).
- Ballabrara
- [Abbey Land] Lost.
1703. Man. Roll. Ballavrara. Mx. Bailey braarey. Ir. Baile
brdthar. Farm of the brethren or friars. This is the land
around Chapel Bay, now Port St. Mary promenade, and which formerly belonged
to the Abbey of Rushen.
- Ballacarin.
- Lost.
1511. Man. Roll. Mac Kerron.
1643. Man. Roll. Ballacarin, Ballacarrane. This surname has now become Caren
and Karran. Ir. Mac Ceardin. Caren or Karrans farm;
in Shenn Valley. There was another Ballycarin in Surby in 1704.
- Ballacarnane.
- Farm of the cairn. The old name of Ballarock still known locally.
The remains of a fort is noted on the Ord. Sur. Map.
- Ballachrink. [ba1~ xriijk].
- 1643, 1703 Man. Roll. Balla Cruink. Mx. Bailey chruink, Ir.
Baile an chnuic, hill farm.
- Ballacorkish. [balak3rkij].
- 1511 Man Roll Henry McQuerkus
1643. Jo. Corkish.
1703. Hen.
,, ,, ,, Ballacorkish. Ir. Baile Mhic Mharcuis, McQuerkus
or Corkishs farm.
- Ballacreggan. [bal~krag~n].
- 1643. Man. Roll. Ballacregin.
1834. Tithe Plan. Ballacregga.
Balley creggan, farm of the craggy land.
1643. ,, ,, Ir. Baile Mhic Giolla Bhuidhe, McGilloweys
[etc.] farm. In Manx place names mac was usually dropped
when balla was prefixed.
- Ballakilpheric (Treen). [].
- 1511. Man. Roll. Kyrke Patryk.
Ballakillpatrick. Mx. Bailey keeill Pharick, Ir. Baile ciii Pliddraig,
the farm of Patricks church. This little church has
now disappeared. (v. Cronk e Dooney). 1643. Man. Roll. Ballnahow.
- Ballakilvartin.
- 1698. Reg. Deeds. Kilmartins Croft.
1867. Woods. Ballakilvartin. The early form suggests the Christian name Gilmar
tyn, which was common in Man in the 16th century. This small piece of land,
near Ballahain, belonged to Rushen Abbey ; and there might have been a small
church thereon, dedicated to S. Martin, but there is no trace of any ecclesiastical
remains. Gilmartyns croft, or the farm of Martins
church. The estate contained 4 acres 2 roods, 32 perches.
- Ballakneale. [].
- 1511. Man. Roll. Gilbert Neleson, holder.
1643. ,, ,, Ballacreale.
1643 & 1703. Man. Roll. Hen. Nelson.
1719. Reg. Deeds. Ballaneal. Ir. Baile Mhic Neill, Kneale,
or MacNeles, farm. Neleson (now Nelson) was an English rendering
of Mac Nele. Cn is often corrupted into cr (v. Balla creale).
- Ballalonney. [].
- 1703. Man. Roll. Kerrowglonna. Mx, Bailey glionney, Ir. Baile
gleanna, glen farm.
Kerroo ,, Ceathramha ,, glen qrland. The farm
takes its name from Glonvore, (q.v.) a hill, height.[bi:l ~
vE:r]. Mx. Beeai y vayr, Ir. Bêal a bhothair,
the mouth of the road(stead). Modern name. (v. Ballacarnane)
- Bealevayr. [].
- 1643. Man. Roll. Kerrow boal avare. ,, Wm. Shirlock.
1703. ,, ,, Bealavere.
1706. Reg. Deeds. Boaly vare.
~ than beeal, a mouth.
Mx. Kerroo Boayl y Vayr, quarterland (at the) place of the road
or roads, i.e. where roads meet. Bolly fleddifl (or Boley). 1710.
Reg. Deeds. Mx. Bwoaillee yn eddan, fold of the stream let.
narrow channel like a pipe, from which the simile is aken.
- Bowe Veg and Clet y Bowe Veg.
- The little tidal-rock, and the isolated rock of the Bowe
- Bowe yn Arree. [bau ~n an].
- The tidal-rock of the watch.
- Boweyn Purt Chiarn [bau~n pert tjarn].
- The tidal-rocks of Port Erin. From Scand. bo~i, a
breaker, boding hidden rocks (Cleas. & Vi~f.)
- Bradda (Treen). [brady].
- 1511. Man. Roll. Bradhawe.
1793. ,, ,, Brada. This is probably Mid.-Eng. Bradhou, broad
head- land, rather than Norse Bratthaugr, steep headland,
although either meaning would be quite applicable (v. Balinahowe).
There were many Anglo-Norman settlers in this parish, such as Breden, (de
Bredon), now Bridson ; Rede ; Tailor ; McGibbon, now Cubbon; Water, (Walter),
now Watterson and Qualtrough; Hugen, now Hudson ; Shirlok ; Atkyn ; Bayly,
etc. In1511 the Shirloks and the Atkyns held the greater part of this
- Bregar.
- 1704. Reg. Deeds.
Perhaps Scand. Brei~gartir, broad garth. On Ballacarin,
Treen of Shennvalley.
- Bullaky Jiarg. [].
- This field-name on Bradda is obscure. It may be a corruption of Bollagh
~iarg, red track or path.
- Bullies Quarter.
- Probably a nickname.
- Burrow, The.
- Scand. borg, a small round hill.
- Burroo [bAru] Gaelicized form.
- The name of a large rock on the South of the Calf.
- Burrow Meanagh. []. Mooar. []. ,, Sodjey.
- Middle, big,"further. These three rocky hillocks
are within a short distance of each other on the Carnanes.
- Burrow (Burroo) Nedd. [].
- The first element is Norse borg, a dome-shaped hill,~ borrowed
into Manx as burroo ; the second, Gaelic nead (Mx. edd) a
nest ; nest hill. Where gulls and other sea-birds
breed. There are extensive cup-markings on the rocks here, and also remains
of hut-dwellings. The hill also shows evidence of having been fortified at
some remote period. Ord. Sur. Map gives Baroo Ned,
- Bushels Field for Magher Vushel.
- (v. Bushels Grave). (Calf).
- Bushels Grave for Oaie Vushel. [].
- Where Bushel is said to have been buried. (v. Mx. Notes and Queries,
p. 62). (Calf).
- Bushels House for Thie Vushel. [].
- The remains of a dwelling here is said to have been inhabited by Bushel.
(v. Bushels Grave). (Calf).
- Bwoaillee Carnane. [].
- Cairn fold. (Cregneash).
- Bwoaillee Fayle. [].
- Fayles fold. (Cregneash).
- Bwoaillee Gheayney. [].
- Green fold. (Cregneash).
- Bwoaillee Ghoo Bill Harry.
- Bill (son of) Harrys black fold. (Cregneash).
- Bwoaillee Ghoo Haubman. [gu hAman].
- Taubmans black fold. (Cregneash).
- Bwoaillee Ghowin. [].
- Deep told. (Cregneash).
- Bwoaillee Ghowin Hough. [].
- The hough of the deep cattle-fold.
Hóugh is an Eng. loan-word, and has various meanings. Its precise
signification in any place-name can only be determined by an examination of
the place to which it is applied. On Kerroo Mooar.
- Bwoaillee Noa. [].
- New fold. (Cregneash).
- Bwoaillee Shoggyl. [].
- Rye fold. At the Sound.
- Cabbyl Giau for
- Giau ny gabbyl. [].
The creek of the horses. Where horses were
shipped or landed when travelling to and from the Calf.
- Cabbyl y Chione Doo. [].
- Ir. Capall a Chinn Duibh. The horse of the black head.
A rock name.
- Cabbyl yn ihieggey. [].
- "The horse of the waterfall. Rock name.
- Caigher Point. [].
- Mx. caaghyr, caayr ; Ir, cathair, an ancient circular
mortarless stone fort. Here applied to a small round promontory. The
Gaelicized form burroo of the Norse borg is similarly used (v.
Burrow Ned, etc.) (Calf).
- Calf, The : Calf of Man, The (Treen). [].
- 1511. Man. Roll. Le Calf.
Gaelicized Form, Yn Colloo.
Scand. Kalfr or Manarkálfr, Calf or Calf of Man.
Calf ( animal) used in the sense of a small island, etc., lying off a larger
one. In the 1511 form, le is the Norman article.
- Calf Sound for
- Keyllys Mooar. [].
Ir. Caolas Mor, great sound.
The Sound between the Calf and Kitterland.
- Bowe Camp (Locally). [].
- The camp probably refers to a mining hut. The bowe
would be a submerged rock off the camp. Ord. Sur. Map has The Camp.
- Carnane [karnæ:n].
- Cairn. (Cregneash).
- Cassan Struggan [].
- Stream path. (Cregneash).
- Cam, The. [k].
- The cairn. Rock name. Karran Breed Locally
- Cam y Vreid, the cairn of the gorge. The name of a rock
which lies off a wild precipitous part of Bradda Head. Ord. Sur. Map has Cam
- Carnanes, The. [].
- With Eng. plural, Carnane is really a diminutive of carn, but
is often applied to a rocky hill, as in this case.
- Carrick, The. [].
- Ir. Carraig, a rock.
This large rock gives its name to Baie ny Carrickey (q.v.)
- Carrick Mooney. [].
- Ir. Carraig Muine, rock of the shrubbery.
- Carrick Nay. [].
- Carrickyn Oaie, (Mx.) [].
Rock of the grave. A ship being wrecked on Kitterland, one of
their small-boats tried to land some of the crew, but was dashed against this
rock and all hands drowned. They were buried on the headland above, the green
mounds marking their graves being still visible.
- Carrick ny Goagyn. [].
- Rock of the chasms (q.v.).
- Carrick Philip.
- Philips rock.
- Carrick Veg. [].
- Ir. Carraig bheag, little rock.
- Carrick y Kewley. [],
- Kewleys rock, Between Callow Point and Beeal y Vayr.
- Carthure (Rocks). [].
- Ir. Carr, a rock ; with cumulative suffix, Carr+tar,
a group of rocks.
- Cass boy conny.
- 1700. Reg. Deeds.
Mx. Cass buigh connee, yellow gorse end. Conney is
gorse (boris) used for firewood. On Cregneash. An alternative
name for Tore Veg, (q.v.)
- Cass Strooan . [].
- Ir. Cos Sruthain, stream foot (end).
- Castles (The) for
- Cashtalyn (ny). []
These two great columnar rocks stand at the southern end of Port Erin like
giant sentinels.
- Chapel Gate.
- The ancient path leading to Keeill Moirrey (q.v.)
- Chasms (The) for
- Ny Skortyn. [].
The Manx skort comes from the Norse skor, a rift or chasm in
a rock or precipice. (v. Kione ny Goggan).
- Chibbyrt Baltane. [].
- Mx.Chibbyrt Boaldyn, Ir. Tiobrad Bealitaine, the well
of Beltane or May. Connected with the ancient festival of
Beltane. The late Thomas Moore, owner of Ballalonney, the farm on which
the well is situated, remembered its being held in reverence by the
older inhabitants. He had found old rags hanging on the bushes, and had seen
various objects, such as coins, etc, in the well. This custom was a lingering
relic of pagan times, when prayers were offered up, and offerings left at
the well by the worshippers who drank of its waters. It is probable that this
well had some connection with the old chapel which stood near it, and which
was demolished about forty years ago, according to Mr.Moore. (v. Magher
y Chabbal).
- Chibbyrt Catreeney. [].
- St. Catherines Well. The name of a sacred well in Port
Erin, famous for the healing virtue of its waters.
- Chibbyrt Ventyn. [].
- v. Chibbyrt Baltane. Probably ventyn (bentyn) is
a corruption of Beltane, Ir. Bealitaine, i.e. May Well.
The name of an old well on Ballafurt Road, Port Erin.
- Chibbyr y VeayII. [].
- Well of the Mull.
- Chicken Rock, (The).
- Yn Charrick, the rock, or Carrick y Cholloo, the
rock of the Calf, is its Manx name. Sometimes Ny Chigginyn, which
is the English chicken with Gaelic plural. Also Ny Em, a
translation of its English name, The Chickens.
- Claddagh yn Sker. [].
- The claddagh of the Sker. Used here for the opening between
the Sker and Bradda.
- Clagh Ard. [].
- High stone. Name of a monolith.
- Clagh Vane Voalley. [].
- White stone wall. The name of a cliff at Aldrick.l
- Clagh y daa heet. [].
- The stone of the two comings. This is a stone belonging to
the ancient hut-village at Buirow-Mooar, on the Carnanes. The watch going
and returning from duty at day-break and day-rise on Cronk yn Irree-Laa met
at this stone.
- Claghyn ny killey. []
- Stones of the church. Probably the ruins of an old church, now
disappeared. Above Kirkill.
- Cleaysh Lheeah. [].
- Grey ear. A rock name.
- Clet Aidrick.
- v. Clet and Aidrick.
- Clet Eliby.
- The first element is the Norse klettr, a rock; the second
is probably the Mx. Albey, Ir. Alba.
Scottish rock, (lit. rock of Scotland). This rock is opposite
the lighthouses on the Calf, which were usually manned by Scottish light-keepers.
- Clett Herby.
- Herberts rock.
- Clets (The).
- Scand. klettr, a rock ; borrowed into Manx as
clet. Cregeen, in his dictionary, says that a clet is a
rock in the sea near a larger one. (Calf).
- Clett Veanagh. []
- Middle rock. (Calf).
- Clett Wooar. [].
- Big rock. (Calf).
- Clett yn Stackey. [].
- Rock of the stack. (Calt).
- Clettyn yn Vurroo. [].
- Rocks of the burrow. (Calf).
Also the names of some peculiarly-shaped rocks on Burroo Ned.
- Cloaie Head (Ord. Sur. Map) for Kione Cloaie. [i].
- Stony headland.
- Close e Gell at Greenavore.
- Lost.
1703. Man. Roll.
Gells close at big green.
- Close Hugh.
- 1728. S.S.S. Reg. Deeds, 18.
Close, or enclosure, of the hough. Hough, in Manx names,
is usually applied to a rough, rocky place, or a cliff. In the Manx statutes,
the boughs are frequently referred to as the places where the
falcons breed. From O.Eng. hôh.
- Close noe e Cubbon.
- 1736. Reg. Deeds.
Cubbons new enclosure. On Cregneash.
- Close noe e Kelly.
- 1736. Reg. Deeds
Kellys new close. On Cregneash.
- Close soure e kelley.
- 1721. Reg. Deeds
Kellys sour close (v. Thalloo Sooar in Arbory). In
- Close Vicaragh.
- 1703. Man. Roll
Vicars enclosure.
- Cloughen Corra.
- 1707. Reg. Deeds
This seems to refer to the Standing Stones. In 1878 there were four of these
tall pillar-stones still standing, but now only one remains. Claghyn Corra,
odd stones. The application is obscure. In Ballakilpheric.
- Coldbery Bowes.
- v. Culbery and Bowes. (Calf).
- Coldbery [].
- Scand. Kuldaberg, cold cliff. (Calf). On Ord. Sur. Map,
- Collooway [].
- Scand. kalfvdgr, calf hay. The usual meaning of Calf
in Norse place-names is a small island lying off a larger one. Mr. P. G. Ralfe
has pointed out to me, however, that its application is not confined to islands
in Norway. It is here applied to a bay, as Collooway is a small bay adjoining
the larger one of Perwick, and to the south of the latter.
- Cool Vain.
- 1710. Reg. Deeds
Cooill Vane, white corner. Near Port Erin.
- Cooyrt .
- A court. A small croft on the Treen of Shenn Valley. The name
probably records a meeting of the Setting Quest.
- Cornealaugh.
- Lost.
1703. Man. Roll. Hen. Gell Cornealaugh. H. G. of the corner. In
- Corvalley .
- 1643. Man. Roll. Corvally.
1840. Tithe Plan. Corvala, Corvalea, Corvalye.
Ir. Cor-bhaile, odd farm. Used here in the sense of remoteness.
This farm adjoins the Mull Hills.
- Cow Harbour.
- One of the principal landing places on the Calf. No Gaelic name.
- Creg Foalley.
- Rock of blood. (Calf).
- Creggan y Veayll .
- Rocky, or craggy, place of the Mull.
- Creggyn Mooarey .
- Big rocks. (Calf).
- Creggyn Mynney Aldrick [].
- Small rocks of Aldrick.
- Creg Harlot [].
- Probably a curruption of Creg Hirlock, Shirlocks rock;
a former holder of the estate off which this rock lies.
- Creg Lhea [].
- Mx. Greg Lheeah, Ir. Creag Liath, grey rock.
- Creg Liauyr [].
- Long rock. There are two rocks of this name in the parish, one
south of Port Erin and the other on the Calf.
- Creg Luke.
- Lukes rocks. (Calf).
- Creg Mwyllin [].
- Mill rock.
- Cregneash, Treen [].
- 1511 Man. Roll. Croknesse.
1703 ,, ,, Cregneash.
1709 Reg. Deeds. Cregneze.
1717 ,, ,, Cregneaze.
1840 Tithe Plan. Craig Nish.
( Norway : Kraakenes. 1723, Krogeness).
Scand. krciküness. crow ness or krákas
ness. The old name of the promontory forming Spanish Head and Black
Head, and now applied to the village of that name. Probably folk-etymology
is responsible for the modern spelling and pronunciation, as it is usually
Gaelicized Greg n Eash, Rock of age(s).
- Creg ny Baih [].
- Rock of the drowning. (Calf).
- Creg ny Neen [].
- The rock of the girls. Local legend says that two girls were
drowned here. Before Port Erin breakwater was built this was a tidal rock,
and the girls were caught by the tide, their bodies being found next morning
with their tresses tied together.
- Creg ny Scarroo [].
- Rock of the cormorants, (Calf).
Mx. scarroo, found in Manx place-names is a borrowing from
Scand. skarfr, a cormorant.
- Creg Veanagh [].
- Middle rock. Several rocks bear this name.
- Creg y chreel [].
- Rock of the creel.
- Creg y Cubbon [].
- Cubbons rock.
- Creg y Jaghee [].
- Ir. Creag a Deachmhaigh. tithe rock.
There are several rocks so named. Where tithes in kind were paid for the privilege
of fishing thereon.
- Creg y Leech [].
- Greg y Lhish, the lee rock.
- Creg y Lheim [].
- Ir. Creag na lêime, the rock of the leap. Probably
records some remarkable feat of agility the legend of which has been lost.
- Creg yn Oillan (Foillan) [].
- Ir. Greag an fhaoiledin, rock of the gull.
- Creg y Voaral [].
- Mooring rock.
- Creg y Vollan [].
- Rock of the carp.
- Croit, (Cregneash).
- From O. Eng. croft, a field. In Manx names usually means
a small farm, and sometimes a field.
- Croit Bill Dick.
- Bill (son of) Dicks croft. Cregneash.
- Croit e Caley [].
- 1643, 1703. Man. Roll. Crot (Cross) ecally.
1684. Reg. Deeds. Croit e Cally.
1694. ,, ,, Crosh y cally.
1713. ,, ,, ,, ,, calley, caley.
1719. ,, ,, Crot Calley.
1836. Tithe Plan. Croit y Caley.
Mx. Croit (or Crosh) ny caillee, Ir. Cros na caillighe, the
croft, or cross, of the old woman or hag. The surname Caley
does not occur in any Rolls or Deeds in this neighbourhood.
- Croit ny Grooag [].
- The field of the grubs. Opposite the old Primitive Methodist
chapel at Port Erin,
- Croit Vargaid [].
- Margarets croft. Cregneash.
- Croit Vess.
- Bessies croft. Cregneash.
- Croit y Lowey [].
- Loweys field. The field on which the new Primitive Methodist
church, Port Erin, stands
- Croit Yack.
- Jacks croft. Cregneash.
- Croit Yuan Vess.
- John (son of) Bessies croft.
- Cronaback [].
- 1706. Reg. Deeds. Cranabock.
1717. ,, ,, Cronobock.
Mx. Cro ny bock, the hut, fold or pen of the Bock. The
latter is applied to a gelded horse or a he-goat.
- Cronk Aittin [].
- Ir. Gnoc Aittin, gorse hill.
- Cronk Asbyrt [].
- The hill of vespers. The poetical name of a hill at Cregneash.
- Cronk Breckan [].
- Hill of the speckled place. In Port Erin.
- Cronk Breck [].
- Speckled hill.
- Cronk Cunney [].
- Gorse (bon) hill. Where gorse-bons were gathered for firewood.
- Cronk e Dooney [].
- cronk e Doones, Ir. Gnoc a domhnaigh, hill
of the church. This was the church which also gave name to Ballakilpheric.
Local legend says that this was the first church that St. Patrick erected
in the Island. Doonagh, Ir. Domhnach, also means Sunday,
from the Lat. Dominica, the Lords Day. According
to irish ecclesiastical history, all the churches which bear the name Domhnach,
were originally founded by St. Patrick, and they were so called because
he marked out their foundation on a Sunday. For example, in the Tripartite
Life we are told that the saint having remained for seven sundays in
Ginnachta laid the foundations of seven sacred houses to the Lord ;
[each of] which he therefore called Dominica, i.e., in
Irish, Domhnach. (v. Irish Names ofPlaces, Joyce, vol.
i, p. 319).
- Cronk Freoaie [].
- Ir. Cnoc Fraoigh, heath or heather hill.
- Cronk Glion Chass.
- The hill of Glen Chass, (q.v.)
- Cronk Howe Mooar.
- 1703. Man. Roll. How More.
How, is from the Norse Haugr, a mound ; thus:
How Mooar, great mound. The Gaelic Cronlè, hill,
is a later addition.
- Cronk Mooar [].
- Ir. Gnoc MÓr, big hill.
Also called Cronk y Feeagh, the hill of the raven.
- Cronk ny Arrey Laa Ord Sur. Map, Gronk yn Irree-Laa Colloquially.
- [].
The first name means the hill of the day-watch, and the second
the hill of the dayrise (dawn) It is possible that both these
names were used. We know that it was a watch-hill, where watch and ward
were kept in times of stress. In regard to the second name, it was said that
when the sun broke over this hill, it was a sign to the herring-fishers to
shoot their nets.
- Cronk ny Fedjag [].
- Hill of the plover. Spanish Head.
- Cronk ny Maggyl [].
- Hill of the testicles. In relation to such names A. W. Moore
(Manx Names) says : Probably so called because the shepherds
brought the mountain lambs together there to be cut. Spanish Head.
- Cronk Skybbylt [].
- 1715. Reg. Deeds. Knock Skipald.
Old Manx speakers of the district, translate this the hill of merriment.
Jn Scand., Gael. and Mx., sgiobalt and skybbylt mean nimble.
One of the Giants Quoiting Stones stands on this hill, and the other
on Ballacreggan.
- Cronk y Lheeannee [].
- Hill of the meadow. Cregneash.
- Cronk y thalloo losht [].
- Hill of the burnt land. Cregneash.
- Cronk y Watch for Cronk yn Arrey, [kroijk o nar~].
- Ir. Cnoc an Phaire, the hill of the watch. There is a
modern signalling station on this elevated land.
- Cronnag [].
- A tidal rock. This is the Gael. equivalent of bowe, ( v. Bowes).
- Crosh Mollee Mooar [].
- The big Deceiving Cross, which has now disappeared. For legend v. Manx
Notes &. Queries, p. 73. This may have been another name for
Lhiack ny Wirragh, (q.v.)
- Croslan, Eng. [].
- Cross land.
- Crot a Gaul dow.
- 1703. Man. Roll.
Croit y Ghoal Doo, the black strangers croft, or
black Gales croft. In 1511 this land was held by
a man named Gall.
- Crott ne lardgy.
- 1684. Reg. Deeds.
Mx. Croit ny liarges, croft of the hillside. Near Kentraugh.
- Curragh Cottier.
- 1703. Man. Roll
Cottiers marsh.
- Curragh How.
- Lost.
1703. Man. Roll.
Marsh of the mound. Near Fairy Hill, (q.v.)
- Darrag, The [].
- Mx. Darragh, Ir. Darach, A place of oak-trees.
- Doo-halloo [].
- Black land. A field name.
- Droughad Fayle [].
- 1511. Man. Roll. McFayle [Treen of Fyshgarth].
1643. ,, ,, Droughadfaile.
Ir. Droichead Mhic Phdil, Fayles bridge.
- Drughaig [].
- Place of the burnet rose, or hip-thorn.
- Druids Circle.
- The Eng. name of the Bronze Age circle on the Mull.
- Dullish Rock.
- Dullish is an edible sea-weed.
- Eairnerey. [].
- Scand. Arnarhreil5r, eagles aerie. Eagles nested
here until within recent times.
- Ennaug [] or with n of Gaelic article, nenjog].
- Scand. Endavik, end creek.
Probably indicates the ancient boundary line of the parish. There seems to
have been an unrecorded exchange of lands here between the parishes of Kirk
Christ and Kirk Arbory, part of the treen of Colby being exchanged for Kentraugh.
(v. Strooan y Bun, Arbory).
- Eye, The.
- Scand. Eidh, an isthmus. The neck of land which joins
the Burrow to the Calf, and which is covered at half-tide. The space between
the Sker and Bradda is also called the Eye (of Bradda), but this may be the
English eye, as daylight may be seen through it, at certain angles,
which resembles an eye.
- Faaie ny Keirdee [].
- The flat of the smithy. The field in which the smithy stands
at the Four Roads.
- Faaigh Chubeyr [].
- Cooper or the coopers flat.
- Fairy Hill.
- A modern Eng. name for Cronk Howe Mooar, (q.v.)
- Famman Kitterland.
- The tail of Kitterland.
- Fflats, The,
- 1736. Reg. Deeds.
On Cregneash.
- Field (Sea, Big, Green, Pats White).
- At the Sound.
- Fistard, (Treen) [].
- 1511. Man. Roll. Fyshgarth.
1643. ,, ,, Ffisgarth.
1702. Reg. Deeds. Fiskard.
1840 Tithe Plan Fesguard, Festard.
Scand. Fiskagar~r, Fishs garth or farm, (surname)
or fish garth. This treen includes the village of Port St. Mary
which has always been famous for its fisheries.
- Flat Rock.
- Gaelic name lost.
- Fleshwick [].
- 1595. Durham. Fleshik.
1703. Man. Roll. Ffleshick.
Scand. Flesvfk, green spot creek.
- Fowls Point (Locally).
- Fold was the name of one of the lightkeepers on the Calf. Since the lighthouse
was built on the Chickens, those
on the Calf have been disused. (v. Folds Close). Ord. Sur.
Map gives Fold Point.
- Folds Close.
- v. Fold Point. (Calf).
- Fulta [].
- Ir. Failtach, derivative offaill, a cliff ;
simply means a cliff in Manx names. Fulta is the
name of a cliff on Bradda, near Fleshwick. Pulta was the old name of
a field opposite the Falcons Nest Hotel. Port Erin: this is also on
the edge of a cliff.
- Gansey [].
- This name is now applied to the little peninsula bearing that name. It is
Scand. either Gandsey, magic isle, or Gandsvagr, magic
bay. If the latter it may have referred to Chapel Bay. Vigfusson says
that Gandvik, magic bay, was the Norse name of the White
Sea ; for the Lapps were famous sorcerers.
- Garee Craine [].
- Craines shrubbery. Cregneash.
- Garee Jiass [].
- South shrubbery. Cregneash.
- Garee Vane [].
- White (river) shrubbery. Cregneash.
- Garey beg e Cubbon.
- 1736. Reg. Deeds.
Cubbons little shrubbery. On Cregneash.
- Garey Fenny [.
- Fannys shrubbery.
- Garroo Chiagh [].
- Rough stone. Cliff name.
- Gary Mooar [].
- 1736. Reg. Deeds. Garey more.
Ir. Gaertha Mor, great shrubbery. On Sound Farm.
- Geaylin [].
- Ir. Guala, a shoulder. The name of a fishing-ground off
the Calf.
- Ghaw Cham [].
- Giau Cham, winding creek. Scand. gjd, a creek,
chasm, etc., has been adopted into Gaelic as geodha, and into
Manx as giau.
- Ghaw Jeeragh [].
- Straight creek. The adjoining headland is called J irra Point,
where jirra is a corruption of jeeragh.
- Giau ny Geyrragh [].
- The creek of the sheep. Where sheep were landed from the Calf.
The colloquial froir Ghaw ny Kirree is found on the Ord. Sur. Map.
- Giau ny moayrd [].
- The cave of the tables. On the Ord. Sur. Map, Ghaw ny mooarid.
- Giau Harry Pharick [.
- Harry [son of] Patricks creek. A little creek
on the south of Bradda Head, On the Ord. Sur. Map, Ghaw ny Phariek.
- Garrules, The [].
- Giau Ruyal, Ir. Ruadhal, red creek. From the heather
which still clothes the brows above the creek in the Autumn. On the Ord. Sur.
Map, Ghaw Roole
- Giau yn Ooig []
- The creek of the cave. Giau is often used with the meaning
of cave. Ord. Sur Map, Ghaw yn Ow.
- Giants Quoiting Stones.
- Two monoliths in Port St. Mary.
- Giau Doo [].
- Black cave.
- Giau Hole [].
- Cave hole. Where a hole has been pierced through by the action
of the water.
- Giau Lang [].
- Long creek. Either named by the Scottish light-keepers formerly
on the Calf, or an inversion of its older Norse name, Scand. Langgjd, with
the same meaning.
- Giau Lonn Wither.
- The creek of Glen Wether.
- Giau ny Spyrryd [].
- The cave of the spirits, Said to have been inhabited by spirits
to whom votive offerings were made by fisher-men to ensure a spell of fine
weather during the fishing season.
- Giau Ving [].
- Melodious cave. Famous for its echo. (v. Manx Notes ~S. Queries,
p. 43).
- Giau yn Ellan [].
- Cave of the island.
- Giau Yiarn [].
- Either iron creek or had some connection with Erin. On the Calf.
- Gibbdale [].
- Scand. Djúpdalr, deep dale, or glen. (Calf).
- Gill Aldrick [].
- Norse gil, a deep, narrow glen. Borrowed into Manx as
gill. v. Aldrick.
- Glayton, Treen.
- Lost.
1511. Man. Roll. Gleton.
1643, 1703. ,, ,, Glayton.
Scand. Kleifartún, hill farm. Tún, is
here used in its more primitive sense of a farm. It is a much commoner suffix
in O. E. than Scand. The ancient hut village on the Mull is in this treen.
- Glendown [].
- 1643. Man. Roll. Glandowne.
Glion dowin, Ir. Gleann domhain, deep glen.
- Glen Chass [].
- 1643. Man. Roll. Glansast.
1699. Reg. Deeds. Glen Saust.
1747. ., ,, Glan Chast.
1840 Tithe Plan. Ghlenshass.
Mx. Glion shast, Ir. Gleanu seasg, sedge glen.
- Glion Veg [].
- Ir. Gl~ann bheag, little glen.
- Glion Vooar.
- 1703. Man. Roll. Glonvore.
Ir. Gleafifi mhÓr, great glen. At Fleshwick.
- Glion y cheyllys [].
- The glen of the sound.
- Gobinay [].
- Gob yn Oaie, Ir. Gob na h-uaighe, point or headland
of the grave. On Ord. Sur. Map, The Nay.
- Gob Jiarg [].
- Ir. Gob dearg, red naze.
- Gob ny beinney [].
- Point of the peak.
- Grammah [].
- From Ir. cnai~e [knap2], a knob, knoll or small hill.
There are two hills or knobs here G. Mooar and Beg,
big and little G. or knolls. The Ir. diminutive cnapdn and
cnapog are represented in Manx by cramman and crammag. The
latter word is the name of a farm in Lezayre. Gn is usually pronounced cr
in Scotland and some parts of Ireland. In such place-names as Nab and
Nappin the c is lost.
- Grants Harbour.
- Lightkeepers name. (Calf).
- Greena Ballakillowey.
- Lost,
1703. Man. Roll.
v. Grenea and Ballakillowey.
- Greena Corkish.
- Lost.
1703. Man. Roll.
v. Grenea and Ballacorkish.
- Grenea [].
- O.Eng. Grëne, a green or common v. Grinney.
Common Land on the Coast of Kentraugh.
- Grer [].
- Scand. Grof, a pit. The name of a chasm-like cliff to
the south of Port Erin.
- Gubbons Croft.
- 1711. Reg. Deeds.
- Hake, Eug. [].
- A rock named on the fish.
- Half-way Rocks,
- Between Port Erin and the Calf.
- Hallidy (North and South) [].
- Now usually Cronk Hallidy. The name of two hills at Cregneash. This is probably
a corruption of Shelgagh ( Ir. Sealgach, pronounced shalligach),
i.e. a place of hunting or of the chase. The locative form would
be Shelgee, (Ir. Sealgaighe, pronounced shalligy). The
final g became palatalized in the Manx name, giving Shallidy. The
aspiration of the modern name is due to the fact that it is now usually associated
with cronk.
- Hippany [].
- The name of a tidal rock or bowe under Spanish Head. v. Ippney.
- Hole, Eng. [ho:!].
- The name of a place under Spanish Head where one can row a small boat through.
- Emleods, The []
- The name ofa reef on the coast of Shenn-valley, near Aldrick. The meaning
of the Manx name is obscure. Imleod or Heifers on Ord. Sur. Map.
- Ippney [].
- Probably all rock names ending in -ey are Norse, but the meanings
of many of them are obscure. The Norse meaning of -ey is an island,
but it is frequently applied to a rock around the Manx coast.
This name may be Heppiney, lucky rock [Old Eng. hap],
called so from being a good rock for fishing around. The Gaelic Aahley
was used in a similar sense. There is another rock called Hippany at Spanish
- Isbury (Head) [].
- Scand. Isberg, ice cliff. From spring water dripping over the
cliff and forming icicles in the winter.
- Kallow Point [bc. The Cally].
- Probably from Mid. English callow ; Ang. Sax. calu; meaning
low-lying, liable to be submerged. This aptly describes the low-lying
rocks here, which are covered by spring tides.
- Kates Garey.
- At the Sound.
- Keeill Moirrey [].
- Ir. Gill Muire, (St.) Marys Church. This church
from which Port St. Mary takes its namehas long disappeared. v. Port
St. Mary.
- KeeilI Pharick.
- V. Ballakilpheric.
- Keim ny Meayn [k:m n mi:nI.
- Path of the ore or mine. At Bradda, famous at one time for its
lead and silver mines.
- Kelsey.
- 1840. Tithe PlanS
Mx. Keyljee, a wooded place, locative form of keyll,
a wood. On Ballagawne.
- Kennel y Traie [].
- Kione hoal y traie, further end of the shore. North end
of Port Erin shore.
- Kentraugh, Treen [].
- 1511. Man. Roll. Kentragh.
1595. Durham. Caltregh (Cantregh?)
1643. Man. Roll. Kentreaugh.
Ir. Cinn-tracht, strand end. v. Strandhall.
- Kessa [].
- Cassey, a twist. The name of the narrow twisting road
leading down from the village of Bradda to Port Erin.
- Kerrow Corrin.
- Lost.
1643. Man. Roll. Kerrow Corrin.
,, ,, Henry Corrin.
Ir. Ceathramha Ui Cor,rain, Corrins Quarterland.
As many Manx surnames are of Norse extraction, this name may be derived from
Mac Thorfinn. Thorfinn was a famous chieftain of the Isles in the 12th century.
- Kinrys Garey [].
- Kinry or Harrisons G. At the Sound.
- Kione Beg [].
- Ir. Ceann beag, little head. Several headlands
of this name in the Parish.
- Kione Meanaih [].
- Ir. Ceann meadhonach, middle head.
- Kione ny Garee [].
- The end of the thicket.
- Kione ny Goggan [].
- Kione ny Goagyn; Ir. Ceann a ngobliag. The headland
of the clefts or chasms. This headland is where the famous Chasms are,
which are much resorted to by tourists. Often called Noggin Head in English
in the belief that the second element of the name was goggan, a
measure of capacity, similar to the English noggin.
- Kione ny Halbey [].
- Ir. Ceann na h-Alba, Scottish head. Probably so called
from the Scottish lightkeepers on the Calf.
- Kione Roauyr [].
- Ir. Ceann Rearnhar, broad (fat or thick) headland. (Calf).
- Kirkill [k~rk~l].
- This is intack land and no early form of the name is found. Seeing that
it is close to Keeill Pharick, (q.v.) it may be derived from Norse
Kirkjuljall, church mountain, which was possibly the old
Norse name of The Carnanes.
- Kitterland [kit~r1and].
- 1703. Man. Roll. Kitterland.
For legend in connection with this name v. Manx
Folklore, p. 27. For derivation from Fin Kettil v. Manx
Notes ~ Queries, p. 96. The second element in this name is probably Scand.
eyland, an island. The first element is doubtful. It may
be a personal name, such as Kjotvi, or it may be Kitija-eyland,
kids island. This small island will graze about half-a-dozen
sheep during the summer months.
- Kyrksansan, Treen.
- Lost.
1511, 1703. Man. Roll.
There is no saint bearing such a name. Probably Sansan was the old Norse name
of the treen, to which kyrk was afterwards added. The site of the church was
on Ballagawne, not far from the shore. Probably from Norse Sandsær,
sand-sea, i.e. sea-coast. The south coast of this treen is
a long sandy shore. Sansa is found in Norway having the same derivation.
It has been suggested, however, that Sansan may be a corrupt-ion of
Sanctan, the saint to whom Santan Church and Parish are dedicated.
- Laggan.
- The hollow. Near Port St. Mary.
- Lagman [].
- Plural of Ir. Leacdn or Leagån, i.e. Leaganan ;
Manx Leaganyn, contracted to Leagnyn, and then corrupted into
its present form. It means a place of great stones, pillars or flags.
A rocky part of the coast of Shenn Valley.
- Lag ny Killey [].
- Ir. Lag na cille, hollow of the church. The ruins of
the little church may still be seen here. Dedication unknown. Legend associates
it with St. Patrick.
- Largie Hollin.
- 1702 Reg. Deeds.
Mx. Liargss Hollyn, holly hillside. For first element v.
Lhergey, Malew ; second element O.Eng. ltolegn; Lancs. hollin.
- Leanden vegga.
- Lost.
1703. Man. Roll.
Lheeantyn Veggey, little meadows.
- Leany Howemoar.
- 1703. Man. Roll.
Meadow of the great mound. v. Fairy Hill.
- Leany noa.
- 1684. Reg. Deeds.
New meadow. in Kentraugh.
- Leany Runt Howe More.
- Lost.
1703. Man. Roll.
Round meadow of the great mound. Near Fairy Hill, (q.v.)
- Leany Vore [].
- 1703. Man. Roll.
Lheeannee Vooar, Ir. Lêana MhOr, great meadow.
- Lharge. []
- Slope. Cregneash.
- LeMod [].
- Norman art. is, the; with Norse mdt, a meeting.
Or perhaps from O.Eng.gemot of similar meaning This name is found on
Scard, and is close to the site of a large tumulus now razed.
- Lieh Bog [].
- Soft half. Field at Cregneash.
- Lheeannee Cottier [].
- Cottiers meadow.
- Lheeannee Droghad [].
- 1703. Man. Roll. Leany Droughad.
Ir. Leana Droichid, bridge meadow.
- Lheeannee Kione Droghad.
- 1703. Man. Roll, Leany keondroughad.
Ir. Leana Cinn Droichid, bridge end meadow.
- Lheeannee Veg [].
- Ir. Leana bheag, little meadow.
- Lheim y Chynnee [].
- Ir. Lêim a tsionnaigh, the leap of the fox.
The cliff above Bay Fine. Foxes are now extinct in Mann, but place names show
that they were fotmerly common.
- Lhiack ny Wirragh [].
- This is the pronunciation as given to me by old natives of the Mull district.
Roederafter careful questioning of the natives gives Lhiack
ny Virragh, (Manx Notes and Queries, p. 73). The first word cannot be
lhag, a hollow, as given by Moore (Manx
Names) ; the pronunciation is against it. Lhiack, Ir.
leac, hag, etc., means a pillar-stone or flag-stone, either in
an upright or horizontal position. Wirragh probably represents
the genitive plural of the Ir. forrach, a meeting or assembly.
Ir. Leac ua bhforrach, [ijak na w~rax or vArax], the
stone of the meetings or assemblies. ~ For legend, v. Mx. Notes &
- Lhiattee ny beinney []
- Side of the summit or peak.
- Lhingague, Treen [].
- 1511 Man. Roll. Le Garre.
1643, 1703 ,, Legar or Lingeague.
1840 Tithe Plan. Lhingeaige, Lingague, Lyngeaghe.
Norm. art. le, the with Scand. garl5r,
an enclosure, small farm. The modern name seems to be
a corruption of the older one.
- Lhoob ny Charran Ord. Sur. Map.
- Lhoob y Charn, Ir. Lúb a chairn, the loop
or gulley of the cairn. v. Cam.
- Liggea, The [].
- Lhieggey, a fall; in Manx place-names a waterfall.
Ir. Leagadh. This pretty little cascade tumbles over the cliffs into
Baie ny Breechyn.
- Lighthouse, Upper and Lower.
- On the Calf.
- Little Harbour for Purt Veg [part veg].
- Older Port Erin people still use the Manx name.
- Little Sound for
- Keyllys Beg [].
Ir. Caolas Beag. The Sound between Kitterland and the Mainland.
- Long Croft.
- 1600 Reg. Deeds.
- Lough How More.
- Lost.
1700 Man. Rolls.
Lake of the great mound. Near Fairy Hill, q.v.
- Lon Wither, for
- Glion ny mohlt, Ir. Glsann na molt, the glen of the
wethers. On Ord. Sur. Map, Glen Wether.
- Magher Bwooiagh [].
- Pleasant field. (Calf).
- Magher Caggee [].
- War or battle-field. Near Mimers Tower on
Bradda Head.
- Magher Chonney [].
- Firewood field. Conney is a bon of gorse, etc.,
used for firewood.
- Magher Ghlion [].
- Glen field. Nom. in place of gen. glionney. Kerroo Mooar.
- Magher Hwoaie [].
- North field. Cregneash.
There are generally several fields bearing the same name, which are distinguished
by adding heoss, upper; heese, lower ; hwoaIe, north
; yiass, south ; etc.
- Magher Liauyr [].
- Long field. Kerroo Mooar.
- Magher Logh [].
- Lake field. In Port Erin, upon which York House formerly
The Rest, belonging to the late William Milnernow stands.
- Magher Wass [].
- Near or home field. Cregneash.
- Magher y chabbal [].
- The chapel field. v. Chibbyrt Baltane. An old Celtic
cross-slab, now in the Manx National Museum, came from the churchyard of this
- Magher y cheayn [].
- Sea field. At the Sound.
- Magher y cleve.
- 1715 Reg. Deeds.
Mx.Magher y chliwe, Ir. Machair a chlaidhimh, field
of the sword. On Ballarhenney.
- Magher yn Aaid [].
- 1736 Reg. Deeds Maugher è ned.
Mx. MagherYi~ edd, field of the nest. On Cregneash.
- Magher y Vurroo [].
- Field of the Burrow [Ned] , q.v.
- Manuson Rocks, Ord. Sur. Map,
- Minnisss, The, Locally.
Manx Gaelic, Ny maunisyn mooarey and beggey, the big and
little Mannises. The name of a reef off the South of the Calf, the meaning
ofwhich is obscure. Jt may be the Ir. manaois, a javelin or spear.
- Mar Renny [].
- Magher Rhennee, femny field.
- Mihels Croft and Garden.
- 1720 Reg. Deeds.
- Mill Field for Magher y Wyllin [].
- (Calf).
- Milners Tower Eng.
- Erected by the inhabitants of Port Erin as a memorial to William Milner,
a benefactor to the village.
- Mount Gawne.
- A modern name borrowed from the estate, v.Tradbery
- Mull [Hill] , The [].
- 1736 Reg. Deeds. The Mule.
Mx. Meayl, Ir. Maol, bald or bare (hill).
- N Aaigh [nei]~
- The flat (field at Cregneash).
- Oirr Vooar [].
- Great edge. The name of a cliff on the Calf. On Ord. Sur. Map,
Or Vooar.
- Old Pier.
- On the Calf.
- Ooig ny Seyir [].
- The cave of the carpenters. The fishermen said that fairy carpenters
made furniture in this cave, and when they sailed past, they could plainly
hear their hammering, and see the chips being washed about by the tide.
- Orrisdale [3r~sta1
- 1643, 1703 Man. Roll. Orristall.
Scand. Orrasta~r, Orris farm. If this estate formerly
included Kentraugh, and it is probable that its area was much larger than
at present, it may postulate Eyrarstalir, gravelly, or sandy,
bank farm.
- Pairk Common.
- Above Scard.
- Pairk y Chiarn [].
- The Lords pasture-field. Near Kirkill.
- Parade [] .
- A flat piece of land on the coast of Shennvalley, op. posite the Soi~nd.
Probably English parade.
- Park Taubman.
- 1816 Tithe Plan.
Taubmans pasture-land.
- Perwick [].
- 1595 Durham. Portwick.
Scand. Portvik, harbour creek. Jf Durhams form is
correct, this is the only admissible translation. Port was an uncommon
word in Scandinavian, and probably was borrowed from the Gaels. This creek
adjoins Port St. Mary harbour, but whether it received its name on this account
one can only surmise.
- Pheastal [].
- Probably the second element in these names, of which there are several around
the coast, is Scand. stalir, which has been borrowed into
Gaelic with the meaning of precipice. The first element in these
names is much more difficult to deal with. The name under notice
may be Hestastalir, horse precipice; where h would
be regarded as a Gaelic translation of 1.
- Pit Harry Cabbagh [].
- Stuttering Harrys pit or dyke. (Calf)
- Port Erin [] Port Iron, loc. [po:rt ai~rn]
- 1595 Durham. Port Earn. [note
probably miscopying of Port Eran which appears on 1603 map]
1703 Man. Roll. Port Erin.
1712 Reg. Deeds. Port Iron.
1835 Cregeens Dict. Port Sheearan or Sheearayn.
Manx, Purt Chiarn or Yiarn [] . Port Iron is a supposed
rendering of its Manx name. Cregeens forms are based on the assumption
that the name is derived from sheear, westerly. The name
is either derived from or cognate with Eireann, the Gaelic name of
Ireland, which cannot be reduced satisfactorily to any known Celtic root,
and is probably pre-Celtic.
The Manx name is variously translated Lords Port or Iron
- Port St. Mary, Port le Murrey, loc. [].
- 1595 Durham. Portell Morrey.
1643 Man. Roll. Purt le Murrey (Mourray or
1695 Reg. Deeds. Port Le Morey. Maurai).
1835 Cregeen. Purt Noo Moirrey [].
The English form is a translation of its Gaelic name, v. Keeill
- Port y Slate.
- Port of the slate, or slates. (Calf).
- Pot Doo [].
- Black pot, Rock name.
- Pot Rock,
- From a fancied resemblance to a pot ; or, the fishermen may have shot their
pots or creels here.
- Poyll Hood [].
- Hoods pool. A well at Cregneash.
- Poyll Vill [].
- The people of this district say that this name means honey pool.
The second element may be nieeyl, Ir. mIol, a midge
; which occurs frequently in Irish place-names, and is applied to places where
swarms of midges appear in favourable weather. Pool of the midges.
- Puddle, The.
- Poyll, Ir. poll, a pool or hole. The name of a
bay on the Calf. v. Poolvash, Arbory. An intrusive d before
n and 1 is common in Manx pronunciation.
- Pulta. []
- Probably from Irishfaill, a cliff; with termination -tach
; i.e. falitach, meaning a cliffy place or simply a
cliff. Adjoining Magher Logh. This field extended to the Brows,
part of it being now Port Erin Promenade.
- Purt ny Ding, Ord. Sur. Map.
- Creg a nirry ding, bc., [].
Local legend explains this as Greg Ineen ny Dane,the rock
of the Danes daughter. A Danish ship wrecked here, and the captains
daughter saved from this rock. The Ord. Sum. Map name should be Purt Inneen
y Dane, the port of the Danes daughter. Also Bowe
Ding, O.S. Map name, should be Bowe Inneen y Dane, tidal-rock
of the Danes daughter.
- Purt y Vaatey [].
- Harbour of the Boat. Where a small boat can land passengers.
- Quakers Green,
- No history.
- Quiggins Road.
- Below Ballarock, which was known in Manx as Bayr Quiggin.
- Raclay [].
- Scand. Rdrklif, roe-deer cliff, v. Rarick, on
Calf. Local tradition says that St. Patrick landed here, and shortly afterwards
built Keeill Pharick, v.Ballakilpheric. A short distance away is Speeikeen
Pharick, q.v.
- Raclay Castle.
- A rock name. v. Castles.
- Rarick [].
- Scand. Rdrvik, roe-deer creek. According to tradition,
red deer were formerly common on the Calf.
- Rass ny Muc [].
- Ir. Ras na muc, shrubbery of the pigs. At the Sound.
- Recast [].
- Common, moor. Cregneash.
- Relic [].
- Rellick or Rhullick, Ir. Reilig, a churchyard
or cemetery. The name of a field on the Sound Farm ( Shennvalley). Traces
of the old church and church-yard may still be seen.
- Rheast Field.
- v. Reeast. Top field in Kirkill.
- Rheboeg [].
- Scand. RipvIk, rocky creek.
- Rhenwyllan, Treen [renwilj~n].
- 1511 Man. Roll. Renmolyn.
1643 ,, ,, Renwillin.
1840 Tithe Plan. Ring Willan.
Mx. Rheynn Mwyllin, Ir. RoinnMuilinn. Mill division.
- Ring Rock.
- Where boats were moored.
- Rum Field.
- Said to have been sold for a bottle of rum. Scard.
- Rowany, Treen [].
- 1511 Man. Roll. Edremony.
1643 ,, ,, Rowany.
1712 S.S.S. Reg. Deeds, 59. Rowney.
Eddyr-ghaa- woanee (m oanee) . Between two marshes or turbaries.
- Scholaby Treen [].
- 1511 Man. Roll. Scaleby.
1643, 1703 ,, ,, Scaldaby.
1840 Tithe Plan. Scoalahy.
Scand. Skollabyr, Skollis farm. Skolli also
means a fox, and it is possible that this place-name was derived
from the animal rather than from the personal name. We have evidence of their
former existence in other place-names in Kk. Christ and also in Kk.Arbory.
v. Lheim y Chynnee and Cronk Shynnagh.
- Screeberey Harry [].
- Harrys scratcher. Scravera is the Manx fishermens
sea-name for a cat. When at sea, the real names of certain animals were taboo,
and brought bad luck if mentioned.
- Shag Rock for Greg y Shag [].
- The rock of the cormorant.
- Shenn Phaal [].
- Lat. palus, ~a stake ; Eng. pale, an enclosure.
in Manx names it probably means a cattle-pen. The old cattle-pen.
- Shenn Valley, Treen [].
- 1511Man. Roll. Shanballa.
1643 ,, ,, Shenvalley.
Old farm. v. Aldrick, which is on the coast of this farm.
- Sinnaminis [].
- Obscure rock-name in Port Erin Bay.
- Skard, Treen [].
- 1511 Man. Roll. Scard.
Scand. Skar~3, a mountain pass.
- Sker, The [].
- Scand. Sker, a skerry, an isolated rock in the sea. Sker
is one of the many Norse rock-names borrowed into Manx
- Sker Vreacey, Ord. Sur. Map,
- Skerry Vragey, Locally [].
Norse sker, with Gaelic plural. Speckled rocks. (Calf).
- Skinnerbitalion, Eng.
- Local legend says that this rock was called Skinner, and a ship called the
Lion, being wrecked on it, the people said that Skinner bet (beat)
the Lion, hence the name.
- Slea ny bery, Ord. Sur. Map.
- Sleashy bery, coll. [].
The first element is Mx. shleeast, Ir. sliasad, a thigh;
in Manx place-names a slope. The second element is bery, Scand.
berg, a rock, precipice. The slope of the precipice.
A cliff on Spanish Head.
- Slieau Ynnyd ny Cassyn [].
- The mountain of the footprints. This hill, above Clagh Vane
Voalley, is so called from a rock which bears the impression of a club-foot,
said to have been made by St. Patrick when he landed there from Ireland. The
legend says that he was led thither by the cry of a curlew, and the Saint,
to show his gratitude to that bird, blessed it, and said that no one would
ever find its nest. A similar legend is found at Peel.
- Smelt. Eng. [].
- Ore from Ballacorkish Lead Mines was formerly smelted here.
- Sound, The.
- 1836 Tithe Plan. The Soundland.
Between the Calf and the Mainland.
- South Harbour, Ord. Sum. Map.
- New Harbour, Locally.
No Gaelic name. (Calf).
- Spaldrick [].
- 1709 Reg. Deeds. Spolldricks Croft.
1723 S.S.S. Reg. Deeds, 29. Spoldrick.
Scand. Spjaldvik. From spjald, a tablet. The meaning
seems to be a small square bay, and this is a good description
of this little bay.
- Spanish Head for Kioney Spaainey [].
- Ir. Ceann a Spáine. According to legend, ships of the
Spanish Armada were wrecked here in 1588. Speed
(1610) calls this headland Spàloret, which is obscure. Probably
misplaced on map for Spaldrick, and misspelt, as are many of his names [see
my comments on Speed Map].
- Speeikeen Pharick [].
- Patricks little spire. Tradition asserts that St. Patrick
landed at Raclay and ascended this point of rock to obtain a clearer view
of the neighbourhood.
- Spooyt [].
- From Old Eng. Spout. Means a cascade in Manx names.
- Spooyt Woodbart [].
- Woodworths Spout. A water-spout near the Little Harbour,
Port Erin.
- Stack, The.
- Scand. stakkr, a hay-stack. A rock standing out of the
water like a hay-stack. (Calf). A common Manx rock-name.
- Stacks, The (Vooar and Veg).
- v. Stack.
- Strandhall [].
- Scand. Strandhali, Strand end. Strandhall is part of
the treen of Kentraugh, q.v.
Cases of bilinguality similar to this are fairly common in Mann. In Norway,
we find Refsal, o.n. Refshali, Standal, o.n. Standhali, etc.
- Stroan Dow.
- 1736 Reg. Deeds.
Mx. Strooan Doo, Ir. Sruthan Dubh, black stream.
- Strom Vuigh [].
- Pronounced Locally [].
Ir. Sron bhuidhe, yellow naze.
- Strooan y bun [].
- Stream of the end. Marking the end of the parish, A tributary
of Colby River, which it enters at Kentraugh.
- Struggan Snail [].
- The first element is a Southside pronunciation of Strooan, Ir. Sruan,
a stream. The second element is probably a remnant of an old
Norse stream name Snjallâ, swift stream or water.
This stream has its source on the Mull and, flowing through a rocky bed, descends
swiftly into Port Erin, where it discharges itself into the sea.
- Strungs Well.
- At Cregneash ; contains a personal name.
- Sugar Loaf Rock, The.
- its Gaelic names are Gashtal y Stackey, [] and Gashtal
Kione ny Goagyn, i.e., the castle of the stack and the
castle of chasms head. The Gaelic cashtal and Norse stack
are synonymous terms in place-names.
- Surby, Treen [.
- 1511 Man. Roll. Saureby.
1703 ,, ,, Surby.
1714 Reg. Deeds. Sorroby,
Scand. Saurbyr, moorland farm.
- Tallow Loggan.
- 1715 Reg. Deeds.
Mx. Thalloo Laggan, land or plot of the hollow. On the
Laggan, q.v.
- Tanhouse and Tan Pitt Stead.
- 1703 Man. Roll.
- Thalloo Cushy [].
- Mx. Thalloo Coahey, Ir. Talamh Goise, land of the foot
(end). The name of a coast-field at Perwick.
- Thalloo fo rio [] .
- Land under frost or ice. Above Scard.
- Thie Caren [].
- Carens house adjoining Ballachrink, Bradda. Used by the
fishermen as a mark.
- Thie Eary [].
- Shieling house. Cregneash.
- Thie Quiggin [].
- Quiggins house.
- Thousla, The []
- This dangerous rock, on which there is now a beacon, lies between the Calf
and Kitterland. The meaning is obscure. If Norse, it may be from Usley,
fire island. By is a common rock-name suffix in Manx
place-names. Regarded as a Manx name, the old form would be Yn t-Usley,
with nom. sing. article.
- Tooran Aldrick [].
- Tooran, meaning a small round tower, is often applied
to a haystack of this shape. It hera refers to a rock.
- Tore Veg.
- 1700 Reg. Deeds.
Ir. Tuar beag, little bleach green. On Cregneash.
- Towl y Bet [].
- This is the name applied to that part of Cronaback stream where it forms
a miniature cascade, and having scooped out a hole in the hillside, passes
under the road and crosses the Rowany, finally to empty its waters into Spaidrick.
Probably bet is a corruption of beck (Scand. bekkr) the
hole of the beck, stream or brook.
- Tradbery.
- Lost.
1703 Man. Roll. Tradbery.
Scand. Tral5arberg, fallow land bill. The probable old
name of Mount Gawne, q.v.
- Traie Coon [].
- Ir. Traigh Cumhang, narrow strand.
- Traie Vane [].
- Ir. Traigh bhdn, white strand.
- Traie Vane Rheboeg.
- The white strand of R.
- Traie Veg.
- Traie Vane Veg. locally. [].
Little white strand.
- Tramman.
- The elder tree ; here, place of elders. Top of Lhingague.
- Tree Corneilyn [].
- Three corners. Field at Cregneish.
- Tregady [tregodi].
- Name of a croft. Meaning obscure.
- Tring Roy [].
- Mx. Strom my, Ir. Sron ruadh, red naze. The Ord.
Sum. Map has Gob ny traie roy. Strom was corrupted into tring, its
meaning became obscure and it was converted into traie (strand), and
gob, a word of similar meaning to strom, added. There is no
shore here, the cliffs descending into deep water.
- Yn Cronk [].
- The hill. Cregneash.
- Yn Garee [].
- The shrubbery. Cregneash.
- Yn Injeig [].
- Injeig is a diminutive form of mis, an island or insulated
meadow. In Scotland it is applied to a small field ( innseag). In
Mann it usually means a retired nook or corner. Here it is applied
to a river-fork caused by the conjunction of the Colby river and a tributary.
At the southern end of Scard.
- Yn Lheannee [].
- The meadow. Cregneash.
- Yn Woaillee Ghoo [].
- The black fold. Cregneash.
- Yons Quarter.
- Johns quarter.
- Y Slogh [].
- Scand. Slakki, slope on a mountain edge; Eng.Dial. Slack,
a hollow on a hillside. Our Slogh (hollow) has been
introduced from Lancashire rather than from Norway.