[from Manx Place-names, 1925]

Parish of Kirk Patrick.


1231 Bull Pope Gregory IX Ecciesia Sanctt Patricii de Insula.
1505 Chart. B’pric Mann. Eccles. Scti. Patricii.
1515 Man. Roll Parochia ,,
1595 Durham Kirk Patrik of the Peel
1643 Man. Roll Kirk Patterick.
1648 Blundell Kirk Patrick of Peel.
1660 Dioc. Reg. St. Patrick’s Church,
    St. Patrick’s Isle.
1733 Dioc. Comm. Book Ecciesia Scti. Patricii.
  Manx Skyll Pharick (y Pheeley or ny Hinshey).

THE parish is dedicated to St. Patrick. Under date March 17th we read in the Calendar of Ængus: "Apstal herena huaige patraic comeit mile rop ditin art ruaige, "Apostle of virginal Ireland, Patrick, guard of thousands, be a protection of our misery."

The ancient parish church was on St. Patrick’s Isle, and the ruins are still in a fair state of preservation, and convocations were held in it as late as the 17th century. We have records of the patronal fair held on St.Patrick’s Day (Laa’l Pharick) for the years 1732-33-41-42, and it has only disappeared quite recently. There were two parishes dedicated to St. Patrick —Kirk Patrick of the Peel and Kirk Patrick of Jurby. The present parish church, since rebuilt, was built c. 1710 near an ancient ecclesiastical site, which must have been formerly of some importance, for it is specifically mentioned in a Charter of Thomas Earl of Derby in 1505, and we find an entry in the Manorial Roll of 1703 to the following effect : "Reserving the right of the Clergy 4s rent called Glan Keel Croau, being reserved to be tryed by law." This church was in the treen of Ballamore, which, as shown by a Bull of Pope Gregory IX in 1231, was anciently part of the Bishop’s Barony (v. Keeill Crogh).

The Abbots of Bangor(Benchor) and Sabal, in Ireland, held six quarterlands in the parish. They were barons of Mann and were entitled to sit by the King on Tynwald Hill during promulgation ceremonies. In a "Court of all the Tennants and Commons of Mann, holden at Kirk Michaell, upon the Hill of Reneurling, before our doughtfull Lord Sir John Stanley, by the Grace of God, King of Mann and Th’isles, the Tuesday next after the Feast of Saint Bartholomew, in the Year of our Lord God 1422" (Manx Statutes) the Bishop of Mann, the Abbott of Rushen, the Prior of Douglas, the Prior of Whithorn in Galloway, the Abbott of Furness, the Abbott of Bangor, the Abbott of Sabal, and the Prior of St. Beade in Copeland, were called to come and do faith and fealtie unto the Lord. The latter five did not come as desired, and " therefore they were deemed by the Deemsters that they should come in their proper Persons within xL Dayes, and if they came not, then to lose all their Temporalties, to be ceised into the Lord’s Hands."

In a Bull of Pope Gregory IX, 30 July, 1231, the following lands are mentioned as belonging to the Bishop’s Barony : Ballymore and Brottby. Ballymore, now Ballamore, became Lord’s land. Brottby was probably the Scandinavian name of the estates now known as Ballabrooie and Ballaspet, still known as Bishop's Barony lands, and the Particles, known as Kerroo Keyl, may have been included.

The area of the parish is 10634.266 acres. It is six miles long and about three-and-a-half miles broad. It is bounded on the north by Kirk German, on the south by Kirk Christ Rushen, Kirk Arbory and Kirk Malew, on the east by Kirk Marown and Kirk Malew, and on the west by the sea.

The chief centre of population in the parish is the village of Dalby, near the coast on the west side of Dalby mountain. The boundary of the parish, after leaving the river Neb, goes through the centre of St. Patrick’s Isle, the northern portion containing St. Germain’s Cathedral, being in Kirk German ; while the southern portion, with St. Patrick’s Church, is in the parish of Kirk Patrick.



Agg Wooar .
‘Big cleft or notch.’ A big lobster-pool at the Niarbyl.
1703 Man. Roll Ballacartoile
1794 C.R.P. Kerrow Codoaill
1867 Wood Ardole
1870 Ord. Sur. Map Kerroo Cottle
1882 Brown’s Dir. Ardole
‘Cartoile’s farm or quarterland.’ (Ir. Mac Ardghail). Containing obsolete surname ; Cottle is a later corruption.
Arnicarnigan, Treen (with Foxdale).
1515 Man. Roll Arnycarnygan
1643 ,, ,, Arnicarnigan
1703 ,, ,, Aracaringan
Ir. Ard Ui Cearnachdin, ‘O Carnigan’s height.’ Containing lost surname. Probably Carnageay, q.v., is a modern corruption of this name.
Archallagan .
1761 Dioc. Reg. Archolaghyn
Ir. Tealachdn, ‘a little height.’ Ard,‘a height’ added when the meaning of the second element had been forgotten.
Arrysey (Hill) .
1703 Man. Roll Arrasy (Quirk).
Ir. Airigh UI hAiseadha, ‘ O’Hassey’s shieling.~ Lost surname.
Baiy ny Ooig.
‘Bay of the cave.’
1643 Man. Roll Bal ne bennoo
1703 ,, ,, Balnabenny, Ballabenny,
Mx. Bailey ny bannoo, ‘farm of the young pigs.’
Ballabrooie, Bishop’s Barony .
‘Farm of the brink, river-bank, etc.’ In Ireland brugh was often used to signify a house of public hospitality, whence the term brughaidh (brooey) ‘the keeper of such a house, a farmer.’ Several farms bear this name in the Isle of Man, and they are all on, or adjoin, ecclesiastical land.
Ballacain .
1703 Man. Roll Wm. Caine
‘Cain’s farm’ (Ir. MacCatha’in). Anciently Kerrowkeale.
Ballacallin .
1515 Man. Roll Jenkin and Roger Aleyn.
1703 ,, ,, Ballacallin .
‘Callin or McAleyn’s farm. ‘ In the treen of Gordon.
Ballacallin .
1515 Man. Roll MacAllen (in neighbourhood
1703 ,, ,, Ballacaflin, B’kailjn
‘MacAllen or Callin’s farm.’ In the treen of Alia Dalby.
Ballacharney .
1791 Comm. Rep. Bwoallacarney
1882 Brown’s Dir. Ballacarney
‘Carney’s fold.’ (Ir. O Cearnaigh). Philip Karne in the Ab. L. of Kirk German in 1579
Ballachrink .
‘Hill farm.’ Two quarterlands. Barony Bangor and Sabal.
1603 Lib. Bangor et Sabal. Ballachurr)
‘Miry farm.’ Barony of St. Trinian’s.
Ballacooil [balokulj].
1703 Man. Roll Thos. Quool
‘Cooil’s farm.’
1703 Man. Roll Jo. Cosnahan
‘Cosnahan’s farm.’ v. Tallow Quislin.
1703 Man. Roll Wm. Cottier
1882 Brown’s Dir. ,, ,,
‘Cottier’s farm.’ v. Ballacottier, Kirk Christ Lezayre.
1515 Man. Roll John McArthure
1643 ,, ,, Balladha
1741 Dioc. Reg. Balladda
‘Arthur or McArthur’s farm.’
Balladha Strands,
‘The shore of Balladha.’
1870 Ord. Sur. Map Ballagarman
1882 Brown’s Dir. ,, (.german)
A modern name, formerly intack or waste land. Perhaps called after Ballagarmin in Kirk Arbory.
1882 Brown’s Dir. Edward Gell
‘Gill or Gell’s farm.’ v. Ballagale in Kirk Christ Rushen.
1643 Man. Roll Jo. Harrison
1698 Dioc. Reg. Wm. Harrison
‘Harrison’s farm.’ "Wm.Harrison, who married Ann Radcliffe of Knockaloe, sold to the Bishop land in Kk. Patrick named Ballaquiggin as a vicarage for Kk. Patrick."
Ballahig Treen. .
1515 Man. Roll Balyhig
1703 ,, ,, Ballahegg
‘Teig’s farm’ (Ir. Tadhg). Containing lost personal name.
Ballahutchin .
1603 Reg. Deeds Tho. Hutchin
‘Hutchin’s farm.’ Barony Bangor and Sabal.
1703 Man. Roll Ballakinjeig
1794 C.R.P. Ballnehinjeig
Mx. Bailey ny hinjeig, ‘farm of the river-nook.’ In a bend of the Neb. In the 1703 form le is a scribal error for h.
Ballakirkey .
1515 Man. Roll Richard McQuarke
1703 ,, ,, William Querk
,, ,, ,, Balla Carkey
‘Quirk or McQuarke’s farm.’ The early form of the place-name suggests a derivation from the surname rather than from carrick, ‘a rock,’ although this quarter-land comes to the edge of the cliffs at Glen Meay. The family are still in the treen (Rheaby).v. Ballaoates in Kirk German.
1703 Man. Roll Ballalargy
1736 Ballargee
Mx. Bailey liargee, ‘slope estate.’
Balla ne laugha.
1794 C.R.P.
Mx. Bailey ny loghey, ‘farm of the lake.’
Ballalhonna .
1867 Wood Ballalonna
1882 Brown’s Dir. Ballalhonna
Mx. Bailey ghlionney, ‘glen farm.’ Modern, formerly part of Cronk Mooar. Dalby.
1703 Man. Roll Ballamannaugh
Mx. Bailey maynagh, ‘monks’ farm.’ This estate almost adjoins the Four Nobles in Kirk Malew, q.v.
‘Mona farm.’ The modern name of a small estate.
Ballamore, Treen.
1231 Bull Pope Gregory IX. Balymore
1515 Man. Roll
1703 ,, ,, Ballamore
‘More or Moore’s farm’ (Ir. O Mórdha). This family was still in the neighbourhood in 1515. Gilbert More held Ballahig mill at the latter date. In 1231 the treen belonged to the Bishop’s Barony. There is another Ballamoore in the treen of Arnycarnigan.
Ballanass .
1703 Man. Roll Ballaneas
1761 Dioc. Reg. Shimrnin e nass
Mx. Bailey ‘n eas, ‘farm of the waterfall.’ This is the waterfall that gives Foxdale its name also.
1603 Reg. Deeds Thomas Quane
‘Quane or McQuane’s farm’ (Ir. MacDhubhcuin). Barony Bangor and Sabal.
1703 Man. Roll Ballaquiggin
1733 Dioc. Reg.
‘Quiggin’s farm.’ Kirk Patrick vicarage is built here. v. Ballaharrison, and Shughlaig Quiggin in Kirk Patrick.
1703 Man. Roll Patterick Quayle
‘Quayle’s farm.’ (Ir. Mac Pha’il).
Ballavar .
1623 Dioc. Reg. Villa Castrens(is)
1703 Man. Roll Ballavaigher
‘Field-land farm,’ i.e. as opposed to moorland. Ecclesiastical courts were held here, thus in 1633 a Court was held at Villa Castrensis, which is simply a Latin render-ing of the name Ballavar, (Bailey vagher). On August 13th 1752, a Consistory Court was held at Ballavagher.
Ballavell .
‘Bell’s farm.’ In 1515 Henry and Andrew Bell were in the adjoining treen of Dalby, and in 1703 Anne Bell was in Alia Dalby. v. Ballaclague in Kk. Arbory.
Ballawyllin .
1703 Man. Roll Ballaquillin
‘Quillin’s farm.’ (Ir. Mac Coilmn). The only Quillin traceable in this parish is Mariot me Quelen who had a cottage in 1515.
Ballelby .
1643 Man. Roll Ballelby
1794 C.R.P. Balla Elbey
Mx. Bailey Ghelby, ‘the farm of Dalby.’ One of the quarterlands of the latter treen. To distinguish it from the village. v. note on aspiration in the introduction. Barony of Bangor and Sabal.
Ballnygeay .
1882 Brown’s Dir. Ballagey (-neghy) Mx. Boayl ny geayee, ‘place of the wind.’
Ballnalargy .
1736 Dioc. Reg. Ballargee
Mx. Bailey ny liargee, ‘farm of the slope.’ Barony Bangor and Sabal. Barony of Bangor and Sabal. Consists of six quarterlands, viz. Ballahutchin, Ballelby, Ballaquane, Balinalargy, and two Ballachrjnks.
A boat channel made through the rocks at the Niarbyl. There is also one at Glenmeay.
Bayr Cronk yn Illiu.
‘Cronk yn Illiu road.’ Name of an old road leading to Cronk yn Irree Laa.
Bayr curragh .
‘Marsh road.’ Old road leading towards the shore from the Niarbyl Road.
Bayr Drinagh .
‘Thorny road.’ Near Borrane.
Bayr Kneen .
‘Kneen’s road.’ Road leading from Glen Needle (q.v.) River to Glen Rushen.
Bayr mooar .
‘Big road.’ Old road to the S. part Creggan Mooar.
Bayr ‘n eli .
‘Road of the fell or mountain.’
‘New road.’ From Glenmeay to the S. top.
Bayr y Harstal.
‘The Harstal road.’ Road to the shore from Harstal
Beeal ny hooig .
‘Mouth of the cave.’ On Ballacallin shore.
Beinn buigh .
‘Yellow peak.’ Peel Hill.
Bishop’s Barony.
Now consists of Ballabrooie and Ballaspet, but was formerly much more extensive.
Boal na Houghty.
1703 Man. Roll
Mx. Boayl ny hughtee, ‘place of the height.’
Boayl ard.
‘High place.’ Field on Ballanass.
Boayl Fasnagh.
‘Winnowing place.’
Boayl Harry Gell.
‘Harry Gell’s place. Fishing mark.
Boayl ny jough .
‘Place of the drinks.’ Fishing mark.
Boayl ny muc .
1759 C.R,P. Boa! ne muck
‘Place of the pigs.’
Bolley Brakey.
1703 Man. Roll
Mx. Bollee breckey, ‘speckled roads or tracks.’ Rough hill-side roads near Ballabenna.
1703 Man. Roll
Mx. Boayl rea, ‘level or even place.’ "Parcel in the mountains. ‘ ‘
1703 Man. Roll
Mx.Bwoaillee lieau, ‘mountain (slieau) fold.
Bolly Erd. ~
1703 Man. Roll
Mx. Bwoaillee ard, ‘high fold.
Bolly Goat.
1703 Man. Roll
‘Goats’ fold.’ Eng. ‘goat.’
Bonnad .
‘Bonnet.’ Rock. From the shape.
Borrane .
1643 Man. Roll Borraine
Ir. Boireann, ‘a rocky district.’
Braaid [breid].
1759 CR.P. Yraid
‘Gorge.’ On Ballagill.
Brave Boy’s Croft.
1733 Dioc. Reg.
No history.
1759 C.R.P.
‘Speckled place.’
Breck welly. Breck bolly.
1703 Man. Roll
‘Speckled fold.’ Partly built of quartz.
1861Bp. Barony Record.
Mx. Broogh, ‘verge, brink.’ On Ballaspet.
Broogh vrisht.
‘Broken bank or brow.’ Road leading from St. John’s to Slieau Whallin.
1231 Bull Pope Gregory IX
Scand. Brattibyr, ‘steep homestead,’ Now Ballabrooie and Ballaspet.
Bultrooan .
Mx. Boayly trooan, ‘place of the stream.’
Bwoaillee Frog .
‘Frogs’ fold.’ Kerroo Doo.
There is no Manx name for this amphibians and, although they are now plentiful, they do not seem to be indigenous to the Island.
Bwoaillee Kinyag .
‘Kenag’s fold.’ 1515 Mac Kenag. A field at the top end of Gordon farm.
Bwoaillee Vane.
‘White fold.’ Eary farm.
Bwoaillee wooar .
‘Big cattle fold.’ On Ballagill.
1782 Paroch. Visitations
Mx. Bwoaillee yn taggyrt, ‘the cattle-fold of the priest or parson.’
Cabbyl vane.
‘White horse.’ Rock.
Cabbyl veg .
‘Little horse.’ Rock.
Carn .
‘Crooked.’ A winding road leading from the shore to Harstal.
Carn tolta .
‘Cairn of the hill.’ A field with two large heaps of stone on Creggan Mooar.
Carn y chrock.
‘Cairn of the urn.’
Carnageay .
This name is usually translated ‘Cairn of the wind, it is more probably a corruption of the ancient treen name. v. Arnycarnigan.
Carrick .
‘Rock.’ The cliff over hanging the river near Glen-meay shore.
Mx. Cam vane, ‘white cairn.’
Cashtal mooar .
‘Big castle.’ Rock.
Chibbran .
‘Place of wells.’ Part of a road near a well. Ballachrink.
Chibbyrt poyll sallagh
‘Well of the dirty pool.’ The source of Glen Rushen river.
Chibbyr Unney.
Probably the second element represents a saint— Roney or Ronan. ‘Ronan’s well.’ v. Introduction to Kirk Marown. A well on the Dalby road.
Chibbyr y vashtee.
‘Well of the baptism.’ Near church at Lag ny killey.
Claddagh wuigh .
‘Yellow river-meadow,’
Clagh Bane.
‘White stone.’ Field.
Clagh woaillee .
‘Stony fold.’
Clagh wooar.
‘Big stone.’ Field.
Cleigh Fainey.
1870 Ord. Sur. Map Cleigh Fheeiney The late Wm. Cashen said that this name meant ‘ring fence,’ and he gave the correct form and pronunciation as above. He said there was a tradition that this place was given to a juryman who took part in the trial of Illiam Dhone.
Close Cross or Cross Close.
1515 Man. Roll Laurence & Rich, Crosse
1703 ,, ,, Silvester Crosse
‘Cross’s close.’
Close Leece
1695 Mc y Leese
‘Leece’s close.’ (Ir. Mac Giolla losa).
Close Mc y Tear.
1733 Dioc. Reg.
‘McTear’s enclosure.’ "Close Mc y Teare going into the Brave Boys’ Croft on one side and the little river on the other side."
1703 Man. Roll
‘Big enclosure’ (mooar).
Close Noa.
1703 Man. Roll
‘New enclosure.’
Close begg.
1703 Man. Roll
‘ Little enclosure.’
‘Hollow.’ A ravine on Cronk Mooar and Creggan Mooar.
Colvill’s Mill.
1703 Man. Roll
Should probably be Colvin, a surname common in the neighbourhood in the 16th century.
Common, The.
Locally Cronk y chaitnys ,
‘hill of the common.’ Now usually called Peel Hill and sometimes Horse Hill.
Con Shellagh .
‘Willow hollow.’
Constable’s Close.
1703 Man. Roll
Held by the Constable of Peel Castle. "When any is irregular or disobedient unto the Sumner or Ordinary, then the Ordinary hath used to send for ayd unto the Constable of the Castle or of the Peele, who presently ought to send a Soldier to bring such offender to the Bishop his prison," Manx Statutes, c. 1500.
Contrary Head.
1798 Feltham idem
English. Said to have received its name from the fact that the tide divides here, one part going S.W. to the Calf, and the other N.E. to Jurby. Its Manx name is Kione Roauyr, q.v. The late William Cashen said that the Peel fishermen called the land between the Calf and Contrary Head, Thalloo roauyr, ‘fat or bluff land,’ from its appearance.
Cooill cham .
‘Crooked or winding nook.’ On Cronk Mooar.
Come carnane or Corree carnane
Mx. Cor yn charnane, ‘hill of the cairn.’
Corrin’s Tower.
On Peel Hill. Marks the site of a private burial-ground..
Corrin’s Hill.
v. Corrin’s Tower.
‘Roddy or O’Roddy’s hill.’ (ir. O Rodaigh). Upper part of Ballacooill.
1703 Man. Roll Cowan Renny
Mx. Coan rhennee, ‘ferny hollow.’
"Phillip Quilliam a Muillan id intack called Cowan Renny." Holder of Mullen e cleigh, q.v.
‘A morass.’ (Ir.crithleaCh). Miryplace near Gordon,
Creggan bane.
‘White rocky-land.’
Creg Aciha.
‘Arthur’s rock.’ Ballacain. v. Balladha.
Creg Bill Horn.
‘Bill Tom’s (fishing) rock.’
Creg doo .
‘Black rock.’ Near the Niarbyl barrey.
Creggan Hill.
Slope near the Creggan quarry.
Creg lhean.
‘Wide rock.’
Creggan Mooar.
1643 Man. Roll Ballacreggan
‘Big rocky-land and farm of the rocky.land.’
Creggans, The.
‘The rocky place.’
Creg Lea .
1703 Man. Roll Carrick lea
1770 Par. Reg. Creg Lheah
Mx. Creg or Carrick lheeah, ‘grey rock.’ The name of a farm.
Creg Mooar.
‘Great rock.’
Creg needle.
‘Needle rock.’ From its shape.
Creg ny Crock.
‘Rock of the crock, etc.’ From its shape.
Creg ny yraafle.
Mx. Greg y vraain, ‘rock of the quern.’ A road.leading from Barnell to Barrule.
Creg Richard .
‘Richard’s rock.’
Creg Robin .
‘Robin or Robert’s rock.’ Near the Niarbyl barrey.
Creg ruy.
‘Red rock.’ Near the Niarbyl barrey.
Creg Tim.
‘Tim’s rock.’ Near the Niarbyl barrey.
Creg watch.
‘Watch rock.’ A prominent rock on Harstal shore from which a good view is obtained.
Creg wooar .
‘Big rock.’ On Creglea shore.
Creg y luggan .
‘Rock of the hollow.’
Creg yn jeih .
‘Rock of the tithe (iaghee).’ v. Creg y ja~hee in Kk, Christ Rushen.
Creg yn ynnag.
‘Whiting (fynnag) rock.’ Where whitings are caught, S. of Niarbyl.
Creg y ruddyn .
‘Rock of the seal (raun).’ N. of Niarbyl.
Creg y vollan.
‘Rock of the bollan or carp.’
Creg y whallian .
‘Rock of the whelp.’
Croit heear .
‘West field.’ At Barnell.
Croit Higgin.
‘Higgin’s croft.’ On Eary Cushlin.
Croit hoal.
‘Far croft.’
Croit ny braase .
‘Field of the potatoes.’
Croit ny Erinee .
‘The Irishmen’s croft.’ On Creggan Mooar.
Croit ny moaney .
‘Field of the turf.’ On Ballacallin.
Cronavait .
Mx. Cor ny vaaid, ‘hill of the sods.’ Ballahutchin, Dalby.
Cronk asemit
The second element may be the surname Casement. ‘Casement’s hill.’ On Creggan Ashen.
Cronk bane .
‘White hill.’ With quartz boulders.
Cronk beg
‘Little hill.’
Cronk doo .
‘Black hill.’ On Balladha.
Cronk meanagh .
‘Middle hill.’ On the Kella.
Cronk Mooar .
‘Great hill.’
Cronk Mwarran.
1747 Dioc. Reg.
‘Mwarran or Murran’s hill.’ (Ir. O Muiredin). Lost surname.
Cronk Nic
‘Nicholas’ hill.’ On Ballagill.
Cronk ny caitnys.
‘Hill of the common.’ v. Peel Hill.
Cronk ny hoaie .
‘Hill of the grave or graves.’
Cronk ny mona .
‘Hill of the turbary.’ Ballahutchin, Dalby.
Cronk roagh .
‘Reddish hill.’ (rnyagh) On Ballamoar.
Cronk ruy .
‘Red hill.’ Ballelby.
Cronk yn aaie .
'Hill of the flat.' At Glenmeay.
Cronk y thing .
'Hill of the head.'
Cronk yn amman
.'Hill of the end (famman) or tail.' Road leading from the Doarlish to main S. road.
Cronk y Niannan.
1766, 1840 Dioc. Reg.
'Niannan's or Neenan's Hill.' (Ir. O Naoidheandin). Lost surname.
Cronk yn Illiu .
According to the late Wm. Cashen, this was the older name of Cronk yn Irree Laa. The third element is obscure, but may be the Irish faelchzti, 'wolf,' which is also found in Irish place-names. If this is the correct interpretation the name must be of great antiquity. 'Hill of the wolf.' v. moddey in Manx place-names. v. Cronk yn Iree Laa in Kirk Christ Rushen.
Cronk y vates
Cronk y vaase (?) 'Hill of the cattle.' Upper Balla-hutchin.
Cronk Yuan .
'John's hill.'
Cronk y vaaid .
'Hill of the sod or sods.' A hilly field on Creggan Mooar.
Cronk y wyllin .
'Hill of the mill.' On Creggan Mooar. A flax-mill with flax pool nearby.
Crosh Pharlane .
'Bartholomew's cross.' The name of a church on Rheaby, now in ruins. Barony Bangor and Sabal.
Crotey Cleator
1703 Man. Roll
'Cleator's croft.' The McCleators were Ballaugh and Kirk Andreas families.
Crott e Kallin Vane.
1703 Man. Roll Roger Callin
„ ,, Crott e Kallin Vane
'Fair-haired Callin's croft.' v. Ballacallin. "Parcel of intacks adjoining the mountains."
Crot Noa.
1703 Man. Roll 'New croft.'
Cry's Garden.
1703 Man. Roll
'Cry' a surname. v. Ballacry in Kirk Arbory.
Curragh a Clague.
1703 Man. Roll Corrough Cleage or Clauge
'Clague's marsh.' v. Ballaclague, Kirk Arbory.
Curragh Glass.
1703 Man. Roll Currough Glass 'Green mire or marsh.'
Dalby, Alia.
The other Dalby (treen). When a large treen was divided into two parts, one-half was distinguished by suffixing the Latin alia,'other.'
Dalby Lag .
The hollow or valley through which the Dalby river flows.
Dalby, Treen .
1515, 1643 Man. Roll Dalby
1601 Cast. Rush. Papers Dawby
1760 Dioc. Reg. Daubee Stand. Dalby, 'dale or glen farm.'
Da leura, Loc. Daa dy liura strands. v. Tuill liauyrey.
'Bog oak.' The name of a turf hole from which bog-oak has been taken.
Doarlish Ard .
'High gap.'
Doarlish Cashen .
'Cashen's gap.'
Doarlish Curree .
'Gap of the mire.' On the Glen Meay-Slieau Whallin road.
Doarlish eayn.
'Empty gap.' Feayn,'empty, void.'
Gap over which the sea flows at certain states of the tide. Niarbyl Pt.
Doarlish Mooar .
'Great gap.' Anciently Knock Kishty, q.v. A part of the Glenmeay-Slieau Whallin road.
Dreeym bwee .
'Yellow ridge.' Rock at Niarbyl Point.
Dreeym lang.
'Long ridge.' On Ballaquane shore,
Dul Ushtey .
Mx. Dullyr-ushtey, 'dark water.'
From the colour of the seaweed on the bottom. South of the Niarbyl.
1703 Man. Roll Neary
'The shieling.' "Intack in mountains."
Eary braid .
'Shieling of the gorge.'
Eary Cushlin .
'Cosnahan's shieling.' v. Tallow Quislin.
Eary phoyll wooar .
'Shieling of the big pool.' Creggan Mooar.
Eaynin mooar .
1759 C.R.P. Brow or Ennin 'Big precipice.'
Elby Point.
A deep water rock much frequented by anglers. W. of Niarbyl.
Ellan ny braase .
'Island of the potatoes.' Island formed by streams meeting near the source of Glenmeay River.
Ellan ny Maughol .
Mx. Ellan ny mochil, 'isle of the boys.' A peculiar rock name on the coast of Ballacallin.
Faiee Fassoo.
1759 C.R.P. Faaie Faasagh (?) 'wild flat.'
Faie mollagh .
'Rough flat.'
Faaie traih .
'Shore flat.' Near the shore on Ballacooil.
Fleshwick beg .
'Little Fleshwick.' A miniature of Fleshwick. Balla-callin shore.
Foxdale .
1515 Man. Roll Foxdale
1703 ffoxdaile
1710 Dioc. Reg. ffoxdall
Scand. Forsdalr, 'waterfall dale.' v. Ballanass.
Freeagh .
Freoagh (?) Heather.' Name of a sea-mark off Peel Castle.
Garee phundail .
'Pinpound shrubbery.' At the Lag.
Garey [g£ri].
1703 Man. Roll Garry Carra
Mx. Garee carragh, 'rough or rugged river-shrubbery.'
Garey noa .
1703 Man. Roll
Garra noe
'New garden.' On Ballagill.
1703 Man. Roll
Mx. Garee doo,' black rivet shrubbery.'
Geinnagh Doo .
'Black sand.' (strand)
Geinnagh Vane .
'White sand.' (strand)
Geinnagh veg.
'Little sand.' Fishing mark.
Giant's Grave.
The local name of a long tumulus on S. Patrick's Isle
Glebe, Kk. Patrick.
1710 Dioc. Reg.
The new glebe in Kk. Patrick consists of three fields and a meadow. The fields called Faaie Mooar, Faaie Veg and Immyr Claghagh. The meadow joins near Moore, Ballamoar on the W. and S. and Caesar Wattleworth on the N. and William Cosnahan on the E.
Glenaspet .
Mx. Glion yn aspck, 'the bishop's glen.'
On the Bishop's barony.
Glen Doo .
Mx. Glion doo, , 'black glen.'
One near Ballacottier and another near Kerroo Doo.
Glen Meay .
1515 Man. Roll Glen Moy (mill of)
1703 Glan Moij
Mx. Glion muigh, (Ir. Gleann mbuidhe) 'Yellow glen.' In O. In glenn was a neuter noun, which caused eclipsis, hence the change of buigh,'yellow,' to muigh. Streams often received this name, yellow, on account of the muddy or clayey colour of the water, or from being impregnated with iron, and glens usually took their names from the streams which flowed through them.
This name has been popularly translated Glen Mea, 'fat or luxuriant glen;' but the pronunciation does not admit of this, as mea is pronounced me (with nasal vowel) and Meay is pronounced mei or mni.
In regard to this name the late William Cashen made the following suggestion : -At one time the old road crossed lower down the river, and would divide the glen into two parts, the outer part would be called Glion mooie and the inner part Glion sthie." This is quite a feasible suggestion but we do not find the latter name at all, and the former is found as early as 1515.
Glen Needle .
1740 Dioc. Reg. Glen Needle
'Needle' seems to be a corruption of an old surname, Niven or 111cNiven, found in the neighbourhood in 1511. This surname became Kneen, usually pronounced kri:dn or ni:dn. Thus, Glen Needle for Glen Needn, 'Kneen's glen.' v. Bayr Kneen.
Glen Rushen Treen..
1515, 1703 Man. Roll idem
v. Introduction to Sheading of Rushen.
Glion Callin.
1870 Ord. Sur. Map.
Glion Challun
'Callin's glen.' Near Ballacallin, Dalby.
Glion Corragh .
'Marshy glen.'
Glion Keeill Crogh or Crore.
1703 Man. Roll Glan Keel Croaw 'Keeill Crogh Glen.'
Glion Mooar .
'Great glen.'
Glion ny Brack.
1737 Dioc. Reg. Glan ny lnreck
'Glen of the trout (plur.)' The higher waters of the Glen Rushen river.
Glion ny Goayr.
'Glen of the goats.'
Glion ny maarliagh .
'Glen of the robbers.'
Gob borrane .
'Borrane point.'
Gob Breac.
'Speckled point.' On the coast of Kerroo Doo. The land where Glenfaba house now stands bore the name Gobrick or Gowbrack, and probably it took its name from a gob breac on the coast.
It may be noted that some place-names ending in brock, etc., may contain the element brock, sing. gen., brick, 'a badger.' Sacheverell (1693) mentions badgers, otters, foxes and red deer in the mountains in his day. Blundell (1648) says: "There are, moreover, for yr recreation otters, badgers, foxes an coneys of all sufficient store, but I cordially wish their hares were much more numerous in this island."
Gob Charry .
'Charry's point.' 1515, McSharry.
Gob keyl .
'Narrow point.'
Gob ny beinney .
'Point of the peak or summit.'
That part of Slieau Whallian which overhangs St. John's.
Gob ny braddan .
'Point of the salmons.'
Gob ny Callin.
'Callin's point.' v. Ballacallin.
Gob ny cassan .
'Point of the path.'
Gob ny gibryn. gimryn, gimmanagh.
1873 Ord. Sur. Map Gob ny Gameren
The final element is very corrupt. One of the land-holders in the treen in 1511 is Hymyn, and the place-name suggests' headland of the Hymyns or McHymyns'
Gob ny heaynin .
'Point of the precipice.' Near Gob yn ushtey.
Gob y Jane.
'Jane's headland.' Shipwreck (?).
Gob yn Ellan.
'Point of the island,'
Gob y Quiggin.
'Quiggin's point.'
Gob yn ushtey. loc. The Ushtey.
'Point of the water.' A waterfall. Between Eary Cushlin and Creggan Mooar.
Gollage [golae'g].
'A fork.' Rock at Glentneay barrey.
Gordon, Treen.
1515 Man. Roll Gorrdun
1703 ,, ,, Gourden
1637 Dioc. Reg. Gourdan
1882 Brown's Dir. Gurdun Ir. Govtarc, 'little tilled field.
Great Garden, The
1703 Man. Roll
"Parcel of intacks in Glasmoe."
Great Mill.
1703 Man. Roll
"Ellen Radcliffe for of water corn mill called the Great Mill in Glanmoij."
Grunt ny Cream .
'Ground of the crams.' The meaning of the last element is doubtful. Perhaps English. Fishing ruark near Glenmeay.
Grunt ny paitchyn .
'Ground of the children.' Fishing mark.
Grunt sollys .
'Bright ground.' Fishing mark.
Grunt sollys chew twoaie.
'Light or bright grou:ld of the north side.'
Gub braih.
1731 Dioc. Reg.
Mx. Gob broie, 'boiling or seething point.' On Knockaloe beg.
Gullad [gAlad].
'Gullet.' A narrow gulley on Ballelby shore up which the sea rushes.
Gullad ben Parry .
'The gullet of Patrick's wife.' Niarbyl.
Gullad graney
'Ugly gullet.' A narrow gully N. of Niarbyl.
Gullad Jemmy Dhone .
'Brown-haired Jimmy's gullet.' On Ballacooil shore. Jimmy is said to have jumped across this gullet to escape the pressgang.
Gullad Pheddyr .
'Peter's gullet.' Niarbyl.
Gullad Richard .
'Richard's gullet.'
Harstal .
1627 C.R.P. Orestell
1870 Ord. Sur. Map Fheustal
Scand. Hafrastallr, 'he-goat precipice.'
Where the night-watch was kept in Kirk Patrick. v. Pheastal in Kk. Christ Rushen.
Horse Close,
The 1703 Man. Roll Horse Hill.
Another name for Peel Hill. q.v. Horse Rock.
From its resemblance.
Hough, the Great
'The how or hough.' v. Ballnahowe, Kk. Christ Rushen.
Immyr Claghagh
'Stony ridge.'
Immyr Garee.
Shrubbery ridge,' Field on Knockaloe.
Injeig .
1737 Dioc. Reg. Quirk ny injeig
'Nook, corner, etc.' v. Ballainjeig.
Johnny Horn Karran's Strands.
The McKerrons were here in 1515. Niarbyl Bay.
Juan Jack's Glen.
Juan's Croft.
Kirk Patrick lane.
Kee mooar [ki: mu:r].
'Great brow.' Dangerous brow on Kerroo Mooar,
Keeill Crogh.
1505 Mx. Soc. Vol. IX. Eccles. Scti. Crore
1703 Man. Roll Keel Croaw
1710 Mx. Stat. Kill Croo
1782 Par. Visit. Croft, St. Crure's
1870 Ord. Stir. Map. Keeill Crogh
'Church of the priests.' (Ir. Cill Cruimthir). The same name occurs in Ireland, such as : Killcrumper, Kilcrumhir, etc. These may have been churches where priests were trained. The present parish church is built near the site of this ancient 'keeill.'
Keeill Vout or Vachut.
This church seems to have been dedicated to the same saint as the parish church of Kk. Maughold, q.v. Machud Latinized Machntus, i.e. Keeill Vachud, 'Machud's church.' All trace of this edifice has now disappeared. On Ballahig.
Keeill yn Chiarn.
'The Lord's church.' On Ballelby, now disappeared. v. Kirk Maloney.
Keeill Woirrey.
'Mary's church.' Ruins of, at Kerrow Doo, Glen Needle.
Keirn Tree Field.
Mx. keirn, rowan.' This field is called the Bread of Life.' Kk. Patrick lane.
1870 Ord. Sur. Map Kylley
Scand. Kaldey,'cold isle.' This small estate is almost surrounded by mountain streams. A fertile piece of land in the miry district of Lezayre also bears this name. The use of ellan in Manx place-names with this signification is common.
Kella River .
v. Kella
Kerrow Baren .
'Barron's road.' On road front Peel to Barrule via Barnell.
Kerroo Dhoo .
1643 Man. Roll Kerrowdhoo 'Black quarterland.'
Kerroo Keyl . Particles.
1703 Man. Roll Kerrow Keale 'Narrow quarterland.'
Kerroo Keyl
1703 Man. Roll Kerrow Keale
1759 C.R.P. Kerroo Keil
v. supra. Now Ballacain
Kerrow Glass .
1703 Man. Roll
'Green quarterland.'
Kerrow ne Clough
1703 Man. Roll 'Quarterland of the stones.'
Killagh ray goayr .
'Church-place of the goats.' A cave near Lag ray killey.
Kiondhooag .
Mx. Kione dooag, 'end of the black land,' i.e. marshy.
Kione Faestal.
Scand. Fiskastallr, 'fish cliff.' Gaelic kione, 'head.' a later addition. Its English name, Thistle Head, seems to be simply a translation of Kione Faestal, the latter element being made into Thistle. v. Harstal in this parish and Pheastal in Kk. Christ Rushen.
Kione Roauyr .
'Fat or thick head.' Manx name of Contrary Hd.
Kione Slieau.
1703 Man. Roll Keonslew, Kanslew 'Mountain end.'
Kirk Maloney.
1585 Lib. Bangor et Sabal
'Maloney's church.' (Ir. Maol Dhomhnaigh, 'devotee of the Church or of the Lord.') This was probably the name of the saint to whom the little church was dedi cated. It is interesting to find the later name, Keeill yn Chiarn 'church of the Lord,' an obvious translation of its older name, showing that the signification of the personal name was known at the time it was renamed. The 16th century holders were McLoneys, who probably took their name from the saint to whom the church was dedicated.
Knockaloe Beg. Treen.
1511 Man. Roll Knokallowe
1703 ,, ,,Knock Aloe Beg
1710 „ Knock Aly
'Allowe's (Olaf or Olave) hill.' Two quarterlands, distinguished by mooar and beg, 'big and little.' Mac-Allowe became Caley in Kk. Patrick and Callow in Kk. Maughold. Jenken McCaly was a holder in the treen of Raby in 1515. The day-watch was kept here for the parishes of Kirk Patrick and Kirk German.
Knockaloe (Mooar) .
1515 Man. Roil Knokallowe
1703 ,, ,,Knockaloe 'Great Knockaloe.'
Knock Kishty.
1643 Man. Roll Knock Kishtv
1759 C-13-P- Cronck e Chistey
'Hill of the chest.' Kislhtey is the usual Manx name of a stone coffin.
Mx. Lag creggan, 'hollow of the rocky place.' On the Borrane.
Ladder, The
A precipitous cliff behind Peel Hill.
Laggan .
'Hollow.' Rough land to the right of Glenmeay. Round table road via Glen Rushen.
Lag bwoaillee .
'Fold hollow.'
Lag Avil .
Lag, 'a hollow.' Second element obscure. A hollow adjoining Ballacallin and Gordon farms.
Laggrans .
'Hollows.' With Eng. plural. A steep slope rising to the west of Glen Rushen River.
Lag ny maarliagh .
'Hollow of the thieves.' S. of the Creggan Mooar.
Lag ny shune .
'Hollow of the rushes.' Borrane.
Lagg River.
'River of the hollow.'
Lag ny traagh .
'Hollow of the hay.'
Lag y villey.
'Hollow of the tree.' On Ballahutchin.
Lane y lheeannee .
'Lane of the meadow.' North side of Glenmeay Hill.
Largy Moore
1703 Man. Roll
'Great slope.' "Parcel of intacks in the mountains near Kk. Marown."
Leany Aundeir.
1731 Dioc. Reg.
Mx. Lheeannee Andra, 'Andrew's meadow.' On Knockaloe beg.
Lheakerroo .
Lieh kerroo, 'half quarterland.'
Lheeah traaghan .
'Grey meadow or pasture-land.' Rough and hilly pasture-land on Creggan Moar.
Lhiattee ny lheanee.
'Meadow side,' Glenmeay hill.
Lhingey, The .
'A pool.' The pool near the waterfall at lower Foxdale where the two rivers meet.
Lhing pool, The.
Here the sense is duplicated as Thing means 'a pool.' Pool at Glenfaba, now partly filled up by the Railway Company.
Lhoob Doo .
'Black gully.'
Lhiargee'n eas [.
'Slope of the waterfall.' Near Ballauass, q.v.
Liargee, The.
'The slope,' Kirk Patrick Lane.
Lhiargee traie .
'Shore slope.'
Lhoobs, The.
1703 Man. Roll Loob, the. 'The gully or gullies.'
Lough Glass.
1759 C.R.P. 'Grey lake.'
Loughan .
'Pond.' Field on Upper Ballacallin.
Magher bane .
'White field.' Ballelby.
Magher beg da leura.
'Little field of da leura.' v. Tuill liauyrey.
Magher giat .
'Gate field.' Kella.
Magher cleigh roauyr.
'Field of the fat or thick hedge or dyke.' Kk. Patrick Lane.
Magher Hunter .
'Hunter's field.' At Glenmeay.
A soldier named Hunter at Peel Castle at the end of the 16th century. There were Hunters in the neighbourhood in 1703.
Magher injil .
'Low field.' Kella.
Magher jiarg .
'Red field.' Ballelby.
Magher killagh y Chiarn .
'Field of the Lord's church.' v. Keeill tin Chiarn.
Magher liauyr jo .
'Joe's long field.' Ballagill.
Magher meanagh.
'Middle field.' Kella.
Magher Mooar and Beg.
'Big and Little field.' On Ballagill.
Magher ny claghyn baney.
'Field of the white stones.'
Magher ny traie.
'Field of the shore.' Ballahutchin.
Magher oarn .
'Barley field.' Kella.
Magher Stack.
'Field stack.' Rock.
Magher y chreg vane .
'Field of the white rock.'
On Creggan Ashin.
Magher y gharey .
'Field of the garden.' Kella.
Maghyr y guttyr .
'Gutter field.' Kella.
Magher y thowl mooar
'Field of the big hole.' Kella.
Magher y tooran.
'Field of the midden.' Kella.
Magher y warrag .
'Field of the wit.'
Moanee mooar .
'Big turfy field.' Ballacain.
Mollagh mooar.
,Big rough place.'
The turn in the road at the boundary of Ballelby and Ballaquane.
Mollagh vane.
'White rough place.' A rough road, strewn with white boulders, from Slieau Whallian to Glenmeay.
Mullen e cleigh.
1703 Man. Roll Mullen e Chlugg
1795 Dioc. Reg. Mullen e Cleij
Mx, Mwyllin tiry cloaie, 'mill of the stone or stones.' Often applied to stepping stones across a stream, as in this case. Called the Mill of Balyhig in 1515,
Mullin Glonna.
1703 Man. Roll
Mx. Mwyllin glionney, 'glen mill.'
Mwatlag .
'A whelk.' Rock at Glenmeay barrey.
Mwyllin Sayle .
'Sayle's mill.' This was a horizontal water-mill, known locally as a side-shot mill, in Glen Rushen, near Peel Reservoir. v. Corna in Rushen,
Nannag veg and Nannag vooar.
'The little crow,' and the big crow.' Rocks.
Nathan .
Meaning obscure. A footpath leading from Glen Meay mill up to the Dalby road.
Niarbyl, The .
Mx. Yn Arbyl, 'the tail.' [Ir. An t-Eayball]. This long reef jutting out from the land looks exactly like a tail when seen from a distance.
Nias woar, the
' The great waterfall.' v. Ballanass.
Old Croft, The
1703 Man. Roll
Ooig dorraghey.
'Dark cave.' S. of Niarbyl.
Ooig ny chimleeyn .
'Cave of the chimneys.' A cave on Port beg, Ballaquane shore, now filled with sand. Legend says that the other end comes out at Castletown.
Ooig ny claghyn baney,
'Cave of the white stones.' Large quartz boulders. S. of Niarbyl.
Ooig ny gollan geayee .
'Cave of the swallows.' N. of Niarbyl.
Ooig ny keeill goayr.
'Cave of the church of the goat.'
Ooig ny meeal .
'Cave of the mouths or openings.' S. of Niarbyl.
Ooig ny Seyir.
v, idem in Kirk Christ Rushen, where it has been placed by mistake.
Ooig stack .
'Cave of the stack.' A cave near a large stack or rock on Creggan shore.
Ooig vooar .
'Great cave.'
Ooig y daa chione.
Cave of the two heads.' Below Knockalo-.
Ooig y dullish.
'Cave of the dullish.' An edible sea-weed.
Ooig y thombagey.
'Cave of the tobacco.' Smuggling ?
Pairk veg .
'Little pasture-field.' Kella. Particles.
v. Kerrow Keale.
Patrick's Church, St.
1231 Bull Pope Gregory IX.
Eccles. Scti. Patricii de Insula.
1597-98 Lib. Bangor et Sabal Templum Scti. Patricii
1660 Dioc. Reg. St. Patrick's Church
The ruins are still in a fair state of preservation. This church on St. Patrick's Isle, was anciently the parish church of Kirk Patrick. Ecclesiastical Courts were held here until towards the end of the 17th century.
Patrick's Isle, St.
798 Ann Ulster Inis Patraic
1231 Bull Pope Gregory IX. Holme, Sodor vel Pile.
Both the Annals of Ulster and the Annals of the Four Masters record the burning of Inis Patrick by the foreigners in A.D. 798. The Four Masters say that they bore away the shrine of Dochonna on this occasion, and committed depredations between Ireland and Alba (Scotland).
A very lucid and interesting account of this shrine, a fac-simile of which is now in the Manx Museum, may be read in the Proceedings of the I.O.M. Nat. Hist. and Ant. Soc. (New Series), Vol. 1, No. 9, p. 58.
Dachonna or Machonna of Inis Patrick was a Manx saint whose dedication date was January 13th, and it is probable that there was a church on St. Patrick's Isle dedicated to him, from which the Vikings in 798 took away a shrine containing his relics.
The earliest name for this islet was, therefore, Inis Patric, or Patrick's Isle,' which by translation into Latin became Insula Patricii.
The Norsemen called the Island Hõlmr, meaning an island in a bay, creek, lake or river.' The name Sodor is a contraction of Norse S0reyjar, 'southern islands,' applied to the H-,:~hrides, but how it can be applied to St. Patrick's Isle is not clear. The Manx bishop still retains the title Sodor, a relic of the times when he held jurisdiction over the Hebrides as well as Mann. v. Pile discussed under Peel in Kirk German. In the 13th century tlae islet was held by the Bishopric of Man.
Patrick's Well, St.
On the coast of Peel Hill. It is sometimes called the Silver Well, aad tradition says that when St. Patrick landed here from Ireland on a silver-shod horse, the impression of one of its shoes was left in the rock, and a sprint; of water gushed forth. The legend of the curlew is also connected with this well. v. Sheau ynnyd ny cassyn in Kk. Christ Rushen.
Peel Hill.
v. The Common.
Porter's Meadow.
1703 Man. Roll
"That the Porters, or one of them, keep the Gates and make no Deputy, upon Paine of forfeiting their Office, except they have Lycence from the Captaine or the Constable, and to lye in the Porter's Ward (Peel Castle) the one of them every Night."-Manx Statutes, 1500.
Purt beg .
'Little harbour.' A little bay on Ballaquane shore.
Purt Horn Creale.
'Tom Kneale's harbour.'
Purt Masool.
Scand. Mosfall, 'moss lichen or moor fell.' Probably the old name of Dalby mountain. Also Mosfell in Norway.
According to the late Win. Cashed, Purt Masool was the old name of Niarbyl Bay. He said : "There is a tradition that the herring boats when fishing out of here were overtaken by a storm on a Sunday night and sought shelter under Cronk yn Irree Laa, when the cliff came down on them and they all perished. In the lament or bardoon which was made for them, it is said that they anxiously looked up the hill for the break of day."
Purt Philip.
'Philip's harbour.' Sheltered bay on Ballacain.
Scand. Rargata,'roe path or track.' This estate is alongside of the river Neb, and there still exists an old road leading from the high lands to the river, along which, no doubt, the king's roes came to drink.
v. Rheaby, and also Raby.
Red Dub Field
1731 Dioc. Reg. On Knockaloe beg.
Reeast Buigh.
'Yellow moor.'
1703 Man. Roll 'Ferny place.'
Reuyran .
'A place cultivated by digging.'
A brow at Borrane which has been cultivated by means of digging, but now overgrown with fern, etc.
Rhennee Killey .
'Ferny place of the church.' Where two rivers meet near the old church at Kerroodoo.
Rheaby, Treen. (mooar and beg) .
1515 and 1703 Man. Roll Raby (more & begg). Scand. Rdrbyr, 'roe farm.' The estate called Raggatt (q.v.) is not far from here. v. Raby in Lonan, and Rarick in Kk. Christ Rushen.
Rock Holm.
'Islet rock.'
1703 Man. Roll
An intack, or piece of common land. The meaning is obscure.
Shenn chleigh ny lheeannagh .
'Old hedge or fence of the meadow.' Lower Balla-t,
Shenn thalloo .
'Old land.' Upper Ballacallin.
Shenn thie.
'Old house.'
Shenvalla .
Mx. Shenn valley. 'Old farm.'
Shiaull bane
'White sail.' Rock.
1861 Bp. Barony Record,
Meaning obscure. Perhaps derivation of shioon, meaning 'rushy place.' On Ballaspet.
Skionnan veg (and vooar).
Mx. Kionnan, 'little head, hamp, etc.,' withs prefixed. v. introduction. Two rocks at the Niarbyl.
Slack Stead.
1703 Man. Roll
Eng. name. 'Place of the slough or hollow.'
Slidary or Slot Eary.
'Pit or hollow [clock ?] of the skieling.'
Slieau Whallian .
1703 Man. Roll Slew whellin
1785 Manx Soc. XIV. Sleau Whallen
1741 Dioc. Reg. Slieu Whellan
The Aleyns in 1515 held four quarterlands in the treen of Gordon which stretches to the foot of Slieau Whallian. In 1703 Roger Callin (McAleyn) held a parcel of intacks adjoining the mountains. Slieau Aleyn [slju aljan] 'Aleyn's mountain.' Ir. Sliabh Ailin.
Slieu Mooar .
'Big mountain.'
Slogh, The .
'The pit.' The narrow and rather remarkable opening in Cronk ny irree laa leading from the S. side to the shore.
Slough earys .
'Earys (Eng. plur.) of the slough or pit.' High land near a gap in the hills. Near Niarbyl.
Sound, The
Valley leading from Glenmeay to Dalby mountain and almost parallel to the coast.
Stack .
'Stack-like rock,' At Harstal.
St. Crure's Croft.
v. Keeill Crogh.
Strooan Barrule.
'Barrule stream.' Near the slate quarries, Barrule.
Strooan bayr lieau.
Stream of the mountain road.' Stream near the road on the boundary of the Kylley or Kella.
Strooan Teare .
'Teare's stream.' On the Lag road.
Tallow Quislin.
1703 Man. Roll
'Cosnaghan'sland.' In 1580 Sir John Quosnaghan-i.e. Rev. J. Q, - was in the Bishop's Barony, Kirk Patrick. Ir. O'Cosnachtiin, a diminutive form of Cosnach v. Ballacosney in Kk. Lonan.
' Arthur's tower,' (toer). Rock name. v. Balladha.
Thalloo Losht .
'Burnt land.' Glenneedle.
Thalloo noa .
'New land.' Newly enclosed mountain land.
Thalloo Quay .
'Quay's land.'
Thalloo roauyr vane .
'White fat ground.' Fishing mark.
Thie earys .
'House of the earys.' (shielings). Creggan Mooar.
Thistle Head.
v. Kione Faestal.
Threlia .
1703 Man. Roll Trellsey
1794 C.R.P. Trilgey
Scand. Trõllsd 'trolls water.' A troll or trõll was a goblin, sprite, demon, etc. The farm takes its name from the old stream name.
Thurdna crot .
Mx. Toar ny crot, 'bleaching green of the crofts.' Barnell.
Tittan .
Meaning obscure. The name of a short road to the N. of Nathan.
Toinn Tolta
'Bottom-land of the hill.'
1703 Man. Roll
141x. Thalloo ny guiy, 'land or plot of the geese.'
Towl Bill Nic .
'Bill Nick's hole.' In an almost inaccessible place on Creggan Mooar shore, where he [Bill Nic] is said to have sought refuge from the pressgang.
Towl deo .
'Black hole.' Cave.
Traie Cabbage
'Cabbage shore.' Wild cabbage.
Traie Carran.
'Karran's shore,' (or 'shore of the cairn.')
Traie Cronkan .
'Hillock shore.'
Traie Dullish .
'Dullish shore.' An edible sea-weed.
Traie ein.
'Birds' shore.'
Traie Lagagh .
'Shore of hollows.'
Traie ny faiyr mollagh.
'Strand of the rough grass.'
Traie ny Harstal .
'Harstal shore.'
Traie ny lheeannagh .
'Shore of the meadow.'
Traie ny lhingey.
'Shore of the pool.'
Traie ny voillan.
'Shore of the gulls (foillarc).' v. eclipsis in introduction.
Traie rea.
'Level strand.' Ballahutchin.
Traie tuill liauyrey .
The pronunciation of this is now often corrupted into [d8æ cha Ijura] .
'The shore of the long holes.' Part of Eary Cushlin shore.
Traie vane.
'White shore.' A white pebbly shore at Balladha farm.
Traie Vrisht (mooar and beg).
'Broken shore.' A small bay adjoining Traie vane on the N. side.
Trolly pot .
Pools at the lower end of Barnell road.
Tuill liaurey .
1870 Ord. Sur. Map Da Leura.
'Long holes.' Large hollow or hollows in the rocks at Eary Cushlin. Called locally Da Leura liauyr (long) and giare (short).
Ughtee crosh .
'Hill of the cross.' A steep hill leading from Glen Rushen to Carnageay.
Ughtee losht
'Burnt hill.' On Creggan Mooar.
Vein, Beckwith's, Dixon's, Cross.
Old Glen Rushen mine workings.
Vicar's Glebe, The.
1782 Paroch. Visitations
"The Vicar's Glebe consists of an original glebe adjoining to the churchyard, called St. Crure's Croft. A field eastward of the Abby-Mill on St. John's river, called Bwoailltaggyrt and parcell of the quarterland of Ballaharrison where the Vicarage house was erected."
Mx. Yn veisarg, the peak, summit.' Field on top of steep cliff on Creggan Mooar.
1882 Brown's Dir.
v. Ballanass and Foxdale.
Yn aaie cam.
'The crooked flat.'
Yn aaie veg .
'The little flat.'
Yn annag veg as wooar .
'The little and big crow.' Rocks at the Niarbyl.


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