[from Porter's Directory 1889]
Ackroyd Elizabeth, 43 Waterloo rd
Alcock John, 4 Windsor terrace
Archer Charles, 11 Waterloo rd
Armstrong Miss, Belmont terrace, Jurby rd
Aspinall Susannah, Summerland
Ayres Rev, Robert, Hespera ter, Lezayre rd
Barber Thomas, Eaton house, Lezayre rd
Beswick John, The mount, May hill
Blair Catharine Y,, 14 Albion terrace
Boardman Jane E., 46 Waterloo rd
Boyde Philip, Milntown rd
Brereton General, Riversdale
Brew Emily, 1 Mona st
Brew John, Claughbane
Brittain Herbert, Fairfield avenue
Brown Mrs., 2 Coburg rd
Brown Allan, 27 West quay
Brown Alexander, West st
Brown John, Parsonage rd
Brown Joseph, 41 Bowring rd
Brown Captain Robert, 3 Auckland ter, Parliament st
Buckley Alice, 32 Bowring rd
Buckley Sarah, 5 Coburg rd
Callow James, 55 Waterloo rd
Callow James, May Croft, May hill
Cannell Wm,, Hawthornden
Cathcart Rev. Wm. Atherton, Summerland
Christian The Misses, 19 Maughold st
Christian Edward, Windsor mount
Christian Thomas P., Elm villa, 1Waterloo road
Clague Mrs. Wm., Summerland
Clarke Ann Jane, 62 Waterloo rd
Clarke Captain Henry, One Ash, Bowring road
Cleator The Misses, The Cottage, Bowring road
Clucas Mary A., 4 May hill
Clucas Walter, 1 Waterloo rd
Clucas Wm,, Riverside house
Coole Edward, Park View house, Windsor mount
Corkhill Robert, Sunnyside, May hill
Corkhill Thomas, Parliament st
Corlett Mrs. Christian, Sulby cottage, Bowring rd
Corlett Daniel, 3 Windsor terrace
Corlett Elizabeth, 41 Waterloo rd
Corlett John, 60 Waterloo rd
Corlett John James, Altdale terrace
Corlett Mary, 28 Bowring rd
Corlett T., Tennis view, Windsor mount
Corlett Wm., Brookfield
Cottier Margaret, 2 Windsor terrace
Cottrell John, Bay view
Coulthurst Agnes, 40 Waterloo rd
Cowell John Robert, Esq., M.H.K., Fairfield
Cowley Robert, The Mount, May hill
Cowley Thomas, Summerland
Craine The Misses E. K. and J., 32 Waterloo road
Craine John, Auckland ter, Parliament st
Creer Ëdward, Riverside
Crellin Catherine, Auburn cottage
Crennell Wm., Summerland
Cromar Jane R., Ballure rd
Cruickshank James Murray, Cronkbrae, May hill
Davis Wm., 1 Coburg rd
Dawson Wm., The Quay
Dow Jane, 5 Loch villas
Fleming James, Ben Eaden, Brookfield rd
Fletcher Mrs. Christian, 8 Albion terrace
Forshaw Mary A., 22 Bowring rd
Gell John McH., 29 Waterloo rd
Gell Robert B., Glenview house, Riverside
Gilder Harriet, St. Olive’s vicarage
Gill Henry, Summerland
Gill Isabella, 15 Lezayre terrace
Gill Robert, Glenview
Gill Robert Edward, 29 Parliament st .
Gillow the Very Rev. Dean, Waterloo rd
Gilmore Eliza, 2 Albion terrace
Gilmour Mrs. Marion, May hill
Goldsmith Elisa Jane, Coburg house
Gray Frances, Altdale terrace
Hampton Margt. Anne, Maycroft, May hill
Harrison Rev. Stephen, May hill
Healey Wm., Ballure cottage, Ballure rd
Hodgson John Albert, 1 Coburg rd
Hethersall Rev. James, Wesleyan minister,18 Waterloo rd
Isherwood Elizabeth, 6 May hill
Jackson —, 14 Windsor terrace
Kay —, Milntown rd
Kayll Arthur, Bay view
Kelly Emily, 2 Loch villas
Kelly Mary, Fort Lezayre
Mrs. Jane, 43 Bowring rd
Kenyon Edward, Kenyon terrace
Kerr Edwd., Glenthorne house, Waterloo rd
Kerr Edwd. Christian, Glenthorne, Waterloo road
Kerruish Edmund, Ash cottage, Bowring rd
Kerruish Jane, May hill
Kewley Rev. John B., curate of St. Paul’s .
Kewish Mrs. Henry, 22 Waterloo rd
Kitto A., 5 Lezayre terrace
Kneale, Wm. Hardie, Hawthornden
LaMothe John Corlett, 10 Coburg rd
Laughlin Wm., 16, Albion terrace
Lavery Mary, Sea mount, Brookfteld rd
Lockett John, Altdale terrace
Looney John Charles, 52 Parliament at
Lucas Callow, 9 Coburg rd
McAlea Catherine, 57 Waterloo rd
McGuinness James, 1 May hill
Makenzie John, 5 Windsor terace h
Marsh Jane, 4 Hespera terrace, Lezayre rd
Marsh Mabel, 7 Windsor terrace
Martin Edward, 12 Albion terrace
Mattie Mary and Isabella, Windsor mount
Mauly Misses, 9 Windsor terrace
Moore Ann Catherine, 6 Auckland terrace, Parliament st
Moore Elizabeth, 66 Waterloo rd
Morris Rev. Wm., M.A., vicar of St. Olave’s, Sunny mount
Mortimer John, 7 Auckland terrace
Moysey Edward Bangor, Coburg rd
Nelson Charles B, St Olaves mount, Bowring rd
Newton Rev. Alfred Seton, B.L. (London), head master of the Grammar
School and curate of St. Olave’s, North Ramsey, Sea mount
Paton Rev. George,M.A., vicar of St. Paul’s, Bamsey vicarage,
May hill
Penfold Eleanor, St. Trinian’s, Bowring rd
Price George H., 6 Coburg rd
Price Jane, 8 Coburg rd
Pritchard Thomas M., 3 Coburg rd
Radcliffe Christina K.., Fern house, 65 Waterloo rd
Radcliffe Eleanor, 3 Dale st
Radcliffe John, Belmont villas, Jurby rd
Radley James, Kenyon terrace
Ritson James, 8 May hill
Rolston Isabella M., 18 Albion terrace
Schofield Carleton C., Hespera terrace, Lezayre rd
Schofield Catherine, Hespera ter, Lezayre road
Scott Esther, 4 Albion terrace
Scott Robert, Dunluce house, Ballure rd
Shepherd Celeste. Seaforth house, Windsor road
Shiminin Wm., Hill crest
Sidebotham flensy, Haughton cottage Bowring rd
Skrine Mrs. Mary , Bay view
Spanton John, Belmont villas, Bowring rd
Spencer-Dr. Wm 37 Bowring rd
Steel Hannah, Summerfield
Stowell Mary A. and E., 16 Windsor ter
Surplice Wells, 11 Lezayre terrace
Taubman Annie, 13 Waterloo rd
Taubrnan Edward Moore, 5Auckland ter, Parliament st
Teare James, Albert rd
Teare Margaret Anne, 34 Bowring rd
Teare Robert, Lezayre mount
Teare Thomas, 8 Waterloo rd
Teare Thomas, 45 Bowring rd
Tellett Frederick Stevenson, M.D., surgeon, 17 Lezayre terrace
Thellusson Ernest, J.P., Beaconsfield tower
Thellusson Colonel Alexander Dalton, J P, Mount Auldyn
Towle Mary, 6 Ballure terrace
Tuthill Elizabeth, 42 Bowring rd
Waddell Miss, Washington villa, 51 Ballure road
Wade John, Hughended terrace, May hill
Watkins Thomas George, 4 Albert st
Wattleworth Robert, Parsonage rd
Wilson Frederick, M.D., 10 Auckland ter, Parliament st
Wilson Stanley, Hill side
Wood Julia Sophia, Milntown rd
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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