[from Porter's Directory, 1889]
His Excellency Spencer Walpole, Esq., 24th April, 1882.£1,800 and residence.
Lord BishopRight Rev. John Wareing Bardsley, M.A.,
installed 20th Sept., 1887.About £2,000 and
Attorney-GeneralSir Jas. Gell, 16th May, 1866 ; called
to the Manx Bar 16th Jan., 1845.£1,000.
First Deemster.Sir William Leece Drinkwater, M.A., 26th
May, 1855 called to the English Bar 9th June, 1837 ; appointed second
Deemster 30th October, 1847..£1,000.
Second DeemsterJohn Frederick Gill, 11th Jan.,
Clerk of the RollsAlured Dumbell, 4th April, 1883;
called to the Manx Bar April, 1858.£1,000.
Receiver-GeneralWilliam James Anderson, 24th
Sept., 1886.£280.
ArchdeaconJoshua Hughes-Games, D.C.L., Instituted
3rd June, 1886. £700, glebe and residence.
Vicar-GeneralSamuel Harris, 23rd February,
Clerk of the Council, Secretary to the Governor and Treasurer of the Island Anthony Brown Herbert Story
Glanfaba.J. Joughin, W. Farrant and T.
PeelA. N. Laughton.
Michael.J. Kelly, J. C. Crellin and J. Burnyeat.
Ayre.D. Teare, R. Corlett and D. Cormode.
Garff.J. A. Mylrea, T. Vondy and T. Allen.
Ramsey.J. R. Cowell.
Middle.R. Penketh, W. Dalrymple and A. W.
Douglas.J. S. Goldie-Taubman (Speaker), J.
Spittall and R. S. Stephen.
Rushen. G. H. Quayle, J. Quayle and H. J.
Castletown.W. B. Stevenson.
Secretary.J. C. LaMothe.£100.
Government Chaplains.Rev. E. Ferrier (£140), Rev. J. Corlett (100.)
Secretary to the Governor - Anthony Brown Herbert Story,
July 1874.
Treasurer of Isle of ManA. B. Herbert Story, 1st
July, 1878.
Chief ClerkJ. H. Aitken.150. Assistant
ClerkF. Hall.75.
Vicar-GeneralSamuel Harris, M. C., 23rd
February, 1884.
Diocesan Registrar and Secretary to the Bishop: Samuel Harris,
7th July, 1862; re-appointed 20th Sept., 1887. (During the
vacancy of the See, Mr. Harris acted under the appointment of the
Lieut.-Governor,28th May, 1887.)
Sumner-GeneralJohn Quayle, 22nd June, 1864.
Clerk to the Vicar-GeneralRobert Henry Lace Brown, March 7, 1867. £80.
JudgesThe Governor, President; The Clerk of the Rolls; The two Deemsters. The Rolls Office is the office of records of the Court. ClerksGeo. Ridgway Cookson, chief clerk, £120, April, 1887; John Cannell, £100 ; John Edward Quayle, £35.
Clerks to DeemstersJ. Quayle, Douglas; P. M. C. Kermode, Ramsey, 1888.
DouglasSamuel Harris, 8th March,
CastletownJ. M. Jeffcott, 4th June,
PeelA. N. Laughton, 16th Dec.,
RamseyJohn C. LaMothe, 23rd March, 1880~200.
These gentlemen are also Coroners for Inquests.
Amounts up to £2 are recoverable at the High-Bailiffs Courts.
Held for each High-Bailiffs district, in the several towns, between the 12th March and the 12th April. Each Court is composed of the following persons :The High-Bailiff, President; Justices of the Peace resident in district; the Rectors or Vicars, and the Captains of the Parishes in the district; of whom five are a quorum.
CastletownMay 7, October 8.
DouglasFebruary 27, July 2.
RamseyFebruary 13, May 14, July 16, October 15.
JudgesThe Govemor, Clerk of the Rolls, and Deemsters
This Court is generally held twice in the year at Castle Rushen or Douglas, at such times as may be appointed by the Governor (generally in May and November), for the trial of criminal offences.
The Courts of Revision of Lists of Voters for Glenfaba and Peel are held at Peel
(Appointed to serve until July 5th, 1889.)
Glenfaba.J J Kelly, Peel, MiddleRobt Kewley, Castletown Rushen.E....Martin, Castletown GarfJohn Bridson, Ramsey AyreJohn Stephen, Ramsey MichaelWm Kermode, Peel
Sumner-GeneralJ. Quayle, Advocate..
Andreas--T. Kneale. PatrickJ. J.
Killey. BraddanT. Callow.
Bride-J. Bridson. GermanJ. J.
Killey. SantonT. Tyson.
Lezayre.J. Bridson MarownJos. Lewin.
MalewT. Tyson.
Maughold T. Bridson. MichaelJ.
Sayle. ArboryRichard Corrin.
LonanT. Callow. BallaughJ. Stephen.
RushenT. Callister.
OnchanT Callow. JurbyT. Kneale.
Members of the Council ex officio.
Sir James Gell (chairman), J.. M. Jeffcott, Samuel Harris, John C. Lamothe, W. W. Christian, Richd. Quirk, A. T. Goldie. W. Farrant, W. F. Moore, J. S. Goldie-Taubman, Thomas Moore, E. C. Farrant, Alex. D. Thellusson, A. W. Moore, William Dalrymple, E. 3. Dickson, W. J. Anderson, Ernest Thellusson, Thomas Cheslyn Callow, John Quayle, C. H. IL Cowle, Robert Corrin, J. C. Crellin, Robert. Farrant, H. T. Graves, H. B. Noble, F. M. Ross, Leigh Goldie-Taubman, J. A. Bereton, Robert Corlett, r. A. Mylrea, B. Penketh, A. N. Laughton, and R. S. Stephen.
CastletownH. E. Gelling. DouglasJ. Spittall. PeelJ. Kelly. RamseyP. M. Kermode.
Courts of Petty Sessions are held in each town fortnightly.
German, Not sworn. Lezayre, Not sworn. Lonan, John Kewley, KerroDhoon. Braddan, Not sworn. Malew, Not sworn. Rushen, Not sworn.
Bangor and SabalW. Gell, Balleby. St. TrinionsThos. Kelly, Douglas.
Registrar.High-Bailiff Harris; Deputy-RegistrarSamnel Joseph. Harris. Chief ClerkFrank J. Johnson.
The Registrar of Deeds, is under the Companies Act, 1885, ex, officio Registrar of Joint Stock Companies.
Clerk to the Lieutenancy, A. B. Herbert Story.
Rifles (attached to 19th L.R.V. and is part of the Kings Liverpool Regiment).
CaptainJames Spittall (Honorary Major) 5th May,
LieutenantsR. S. Stephen,6th May, 1870. J. A.
Dearden, 4th May, 1887.
Acting Surgeon Vacant. Hon. Chaplain
Rev. E. B. Savage.
January Ballasalla, 23rd.
February St. Johns, 6th and 27th. Ramsey,
March Ballasalla, 6th. St. Johns, 18th and 27th.
Ramsey, 20th.
April Sulby, 3rd. Ballasalla, 10th. St. Johns, 14th.
May Sulby, 1st. Laxey, 14th. St. Marks, 8th. Ballaugh,
21st. St. Johns, 15th. Santon, 22nd.
June Sulby, 5th. Michael, 19th. Ballasalla, 26th.
August Laxey, 7th. Ballasalla, 14th. Ballaugh, 28th.
OctoberBallasalla, 4th. Michael 11th.
NovemberRamsey, 5th. St. Johns, 6th. Douglas, 12th. St.
Johns, 20th Ballasalla 27th
DecemberColby, 4th. Ramsey, 11th.
If the 5th July falls on. a Sunday, the fair at St. Johns will be held on the following day ; and with regard to the fair held at Douglas, on the 12th November, if that day fall on a Saturday or Sunday the fair shall be held on the Monday following.
H B Noble, Esq
District Collector and Surveyor Geo Hingston
PORT OF DOUGLAS, including Laxey
Collector and SurveyorGeo Hingston, First Clerk, G A MCammon,
Examining Officer and to assist as Clerk, William Sharp, Examining Officer, Thos. Power; Out-door Officerslst class, John ~alsa; 2nd class, W Dobie, B W Harnett, and D Craig, Boatmenlst class, J C Quayle, 2nd class, John T Corkhill
Superintendent, J. H. Morton; Out-door Officers lst class, G. S. Farrington and W. Looney.
PORT OF CASTLETOWN, including Port St Mary, Port Erin, and Derbyhaven Superintendent, J. P. Black; Out-door Officer 1st class, J. Clague.
Principal Coast Officer lst class, D H F Carter, Outdoor, Officers 1st class, W. H. Lowrey; 2nd class, T. Keyes.
Provincial Grand Master The Right Worshipful Brother Major John Senhouse Goldie-Taubman, S.H.K,, J.P., P.M.
Deputy Provincial Grand Master The Worshipful Brother John Archibald Brown, P.M., P.Z.
Provincial Grand Secretary The Worshipful Brother Thomas K. Nesbitt, P.M., P.P.S.G.W.
P.C. Master R.W. Bro. John Senhouse Goldie Taubman
P.M., Comp,, Tynwald Lodge, No. 1242.
D.P.G. Master W. Bro. John Archibald Brown, P.M.,
P.Z., Tynwald Lodge, No. 1242; Ellan Vannin Lodge, No. 2049.
P.S.G. Warden. W Bro. William Laughlin, P.M.,
P.Z,, St. Maughold Lodge, No. 1075
P.J.G. Warden Bro. Samuel Webb, P.M., P.Z.,
Athol Lodge, No. 1004.
P.G. Chaplain Bro. Rev. Edward Ferrier, P.M..,
Mona (I.C..) Lodge, No. 212; Ellan Vannin Lodge, No. 2049.
P.G. Chaplain W. Bro. Rev. William Morris, W.M.,
P.S., St. Maughold Lodge, No. 1075.
P.G Treasurer Bro Alexander Bruce, Ellan Vannin Lodge,
No. 2049.
P.G Registar W. Bro James Hodgson, P M,
Ellan Vannin Lodge, No.2049.
P.G. Secretary W. Bro. Thomas B. Nesbitt, P.P.S.G.W.,
P.M., P.S.E. and P P S., Athole Lodge, No,. 1004, Spencer Walpole
Temperance Lodge, No. 2197.
P.S.G Deacon Bro. Henry Brearley, P.M., P.Z.,
Athole Lodge, No. 1004.
P.S.J. Deacon W. Bro. Lewis Geo. Hannay, P.M.,.
Athole Lodge, No. 1004.
P.G. Supt. Works Bro. William. Wild, P.M., P.Z., St. Maughold
Lodge, No. 1075.
P.G.D. Ceremonies W. Bro. Robert Swinnerton, P.M., Z.,
Tynwald Lodge, No 1242
P.A.G.D. CeremoniesW. Bro. Charles Morton Challender,
P.M., S.E., St. Trinians Lodge, No. 2050.
P.G. Swd. Br.W. Bro. Walter James Brown, W.M.,
P.S.E., Tynwald Lodge, 1242.,
P.G. Std. Br.W. Bro. William Kissack, P.M., Tynwald
Lodge, No. 1242.
P.G. Std. Br. W. Bro. Matthias W. Corran, W.M., Athole
Lodge, No. 1004.
P.G. OrganistBro. John Allen Mylrea, Ellan Vannin Lodge,
No. 2049
P.A.G. Sec.W. Bro. Frank John Johnson, P.M., Tynwald
Lodge, No. 1242.
P.G. Prsvt.W. Bro. Gustav J. Nattan, P.M.,
P.S.N., St. Trinians Lodge, No. 2050.
P.A.G. PrsvtW. Bro. Robert Edward Cain, W.M.,
Spencer. Walpole Temperance, Lodge, No. 2197.
P.C. StewardBro. William H. Wylde, J.D., Athole Lodge,
No. 1004,
P.G. Steward Bro. John Craine, S.W., Comp., St. Maughold
Lodge, No. 1075.
P.G. StewardBro. William H. Davis, I.G., Tynwald Lodge,
No. 1242.
P.G. Steward Bro. William P. J. Pittar, Sec.,
Comp., Ellan Vannin Lodge, No. 2049.
P.C. StewardBro. William Colquhoun, Sec., A.S.,
St. Trinians Lodge, No. 2050.
P.C. StewardW. Bro. John C. Corris, W.M., St.
Germans Lodge, No. 2164. P.C. TylerBro.
John Lawton, J.W., Athole Lodge, No. 1004.
DouglasMona Lodge, Wm. H. Cowin, Secretary, 27
Strand street; 308 members. Victoria Lodge C. Bridson, Secretary, 10
Harris terrace; 291 members.
LaxeyNorth Star Lodge, John Killip, Secretary; 401
FoxdaleTynwald Lodge, W. Kelly, jun., Secretary; 220
RamseyGood Anchorage Lodge, G. F. Mills Secretary,
Market place;366 members.
Port St MaryHarbour of Peace Lodge, C. Squires,
schoolmaster, Secretary, 498 members
PeelPeveril Lodge, John Jallan, Stanley terrace,
Secretary, 897 members.
CastletownHope and Anchor Lodge, Jas. Stowell,
Secretary, The Crofts; 207 members.
St. JohnsSt. Johns Lodge, J. Kennaugh,
blacksmith, Secretary; 84 members
Kirk MichaelSt. Michaels Lodge, Wm.
Corlett, Secretary; 32 members.
Kirk Onchan.-..Howard Lodge, W Morrison, Onchan Village
Secretary, 28 members. District members, 3.
Court Star of Mona, Douglas, No. 907T. Stowell, jun.,
Secretary, 132- Bucks road.
Court Albert Tower, RamseyI. Fergusson,
Pride of Rushen, Port ErinT W Barker, Secretary
C.R. Bro. Patrick Walsh.
D. R.Bro.. John Collister.
SecretaryBro. Charles H. Kay.
Stewards Bro. Thomas Hampton. Bro. James E. Radcliffe,
Guardian Bro. John Bridson.
LeviteBro. J. Oates.
Douglas..G.. A. Ring, J. T. Cowell, J. Cowin. C. Cannell, J. Moore, R. Roney, W. Collister, W. Clarke, M. Parkinson, W. Cowin, J. Barron, J. Brainsby, Dr. Black, Mrs M. J. McNair. ClerkT. R.Lewin.
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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