[from Mills' Statutes, 1821]


At a Court held at Castle Rushen the 22d Day of September 1726, before the Governor, Councell, Deemsters, and 24 Keyes, the Representative Body of this Isle.

An Act passed for preventing of Salt being exported out of the said Isle into any Part of Great Brittain.

In order to prevent the Exportation of Salt imported into this Isle to any Part of Great Britain, be it enacted and ordained by the Right Honourable James Earl of Derby, Lord of Mann and the Isles, &c. and by the Governor, Councell, Deemsters, and twenty-four Keyes of the said [213] Island, That from and after the Feast of St. Martin, the Bishop in Winter next ensuing, it shall not be lawfull for the Master or Marriners of any Ship, Boats, Bark or Vessell, or any other Person or Persons, on any Pretence or Account whatsoever, to carry off this Island, or export from hence unto any Part of Great Britain, any Quantity of Salt exceeding two Bushells for the Ship's Store, under the Pains and Penalties hereafter mentioned and set down; namely, that the Master, or any of the Marriners of such Ship, Boat, Bark, or Vessels, so carrying off the said Salt, or any Person or Persons aiding or assisting therein, and lawfully convicted thereof, shall suffer three Months Imprisonment, and forfeit the Sum of thirty Pounds, Two-thirds thereof to the use of the said Earle, and the other third Part to the Person or Persons informing, any Law, Custome, or Usage to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding.

Tho. Sodor and Man.

Tho. Horton.

Cha. Moore.

James Horton.

Nich. Christian.

Jno. Brownell.


Dan. Mylrea.

J. Stevenson,

Thos. Christian,

Sill. Radcliffe,

Dan. Lace.

Will. Christian

John Christian,

Rob. Curghey,

William Murrey,

John Wattleworth,

Tho. Stevenson,

Edm. Corlett,

James Bancks,

John Murrey,

John Harrison,

Tho. Corlettt,

John Garret,

Phil. Moore,

John Fargher.

Rob. Maddrell,


Knowsley, October the 6th, 1726.

I do approve of and confirm this Act, and will that the same be published on the Tynwald Hill in Forme of Law.


At a Tynwald Court holden at St. John's Chappell the 18th Day of November, Anno Domini 1726.

The beforegoing Act intitled, "An Act for preventing of Salt being exported out of this Isle into any Part of [214] Great Brittain," &c. being confirmed and allowed of by our Honourable Lord, was this Day publickly proclaimed upon the Tynwald Hill in Forme of Law. As Witness our Hands the Day and Year above written,

Tho. Sodor and Man.

Tho. Horton.

Cha. Moore.

James Horton.

Nich. Christian.

Jno. Brownell.


Dan. Mylrea.

The Twenty-four Keyes.

J. Stevenson,

Dan. Lace.

Sill. Radcliffe,

John Wattleworth,

John Murrey,

John Garret,

James Bancks,

John Christian,

Edm. Corlet,

Tho. Stevenson,

Will. Murrey,

Tho. Christian,

Rob. Curghey,

Rob. Maddrell,

James Christian,

Phi. Moore,

Tho. Corlett,

John Harrison,

Jon. Taubman,

John Fargher.

An Act for removing the Parish Church of Kirk Lonnan, and building the same in a more commodious Part of that Parish.

Forasmuch as the Parish Church of Kirk Lonnan is in a ruinous Condition, and that the same is too little by a third Part for the Congregation, and also situate in a remote Corner of the Parish, to the very great Inconvenience of the Generality of the Inhabitants, who earnestly desire to have a new Church built in or near the Middle of the Parish, as appears by a Return of the Votes of the Parishioners dated the 5th of July, 1732, under the Hands of the Worshipfull Deemster Christian and the Reverend Mr. Vicar Generall Curghey, who at the last Tynwald were appointed to take the same, upon the humble Petition of most of the Parishioners to the Honourable the Governor, requesting that his Honour would please, upon Consideration of the Matter, to lay the same before the Right Honourable the Lord of this Isle; and his Lordship upon such Representation. having, been graciously pleased to approve of so good and desirable [215] being a Work, and thereupon sufficient Security being give by the Rev. Mr. John Allen, Curate of the said Parish, with Thomas Quine, Thomas Skillicorn, William Kewley, Philip Corrin, Daniel Looney, William Kissack, Phillip Kewley, William Kneal, and Thomas, Fargher, all Inhabitants of the said Parish, and Captain William Christian of Jurby, who have undertaken to purchase a Parcel of Land near the middle of the said Parish of Kirk Lonnan for the Use of the Church and Vicarage of the same, and also to go on with and finish upon the Premises a Church of eighteen Yards and eighteen Foot broad, and a Chancell of the same Dimensions with the old one, as also a Vicarage House and other Buildings, as good at least as the present Edifices upon the Vicarage, as by Bond bearing Date the 9th of Aprill last, and lodged in the Hands of the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop, more at large appeareth: And whereas the said Lord Bishop, of his Charity, and Concern for the promoting so necessary a Work, hath been pleased to give the Sum of tenn Pounds, and Captain Henry Skillicorn, of Bristol, out of a generous Respect to the said Parish, the Place of his Nativity, the Sum of twenty Pounds: That therefore the good Intentions of all such as are or shall be Benefactors herein may not be frustrate, but all due Encouragement given to an Undertaking so conducive to the Glory of God, and so beneficial to the good People of that Parish, and all their Posterity; it is hereby enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord of this Isle, and the Governor, Officers, Council, Deemsters, and 24 Keyes of the same, That it shall and may be lawfull to erect and build a new Church and Chancel of the Dimensions aforesaid, as also a decent Vicarage House and other Buildings, on or about a Parcel of Land called Bolliee Veen, at present in the Possession of John Killip, the same being as near as conveniently may be to the Middle of the said Parish; and to that End the Churchwardens with four sufficient Men of the Parish, Assistants, are within two Months after the Publication hereof to consider and conclude upon a generall Assessment of the Parish, viz. after twenty Shillings pr Quarterland and no more, and in Proportion the Intacks and Mills according to their Value as usual, which, with the voluntary Subscriptions of such as already have, or shall contribute towards the Work aforesaid, are to be levyed with all convenient Speed, in order to the carrying on and perfecting the same according to the Directions and Appointment of the said Bishop; the Un- [215] dertakers having free and full Liberty to convert and apply the Timber, some Time since purchased for the Repairs of the Church, with such Materials of the old Church and Chancel, as also of the Vicarage Houses, as shall be found fitt and serviceable for the Uses of the new respectively; of all which Receipts and Disbursements they are to keep a fair Account, to be produced to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop when required: And the said new Church, with the Church-yard, when finished and consecrated for that Purpose, shall be, and be called, esteemed, and taken as the Parish Church and Church-yard of Kirk Lonnan, and as such to be supplied, served, and made use of, and repaired from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, as Occasion shall require; and moreover discharged and exempt from all temporal Rents and Services whatsoever; and the remainder of the Premisses to be purchased as aforesaid, chargable with the Whole as usual; reserving nevertheless to all and every the Parishioners of the said Parish of Kirk Lonnan their antient Right and Places of burying their Dead in the old Church or Church-yard, if they, or any of them, shall so think fitt, this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

At Castle Rushen 11th of May, Anno Domini 1733.


Tho. Horton.

Tho. Sodor and Man.

James Horton.

Cha. Moore.

William Stonier.

Nich. Christian.

Cha. Stanley.


Dan. Mylrea.

The Twenty-four Keyes.

J. Stevenson,

William Christian,

John Watleworth,

Quayle Curphey,

John Garrett,

Edward Christian,

William Murrey,

Richard Tyldesley,

Jon. Christian,

Tho. Stevenson,

Jon. Taubman,

William Stevenson,

Cha. Killey,

Robert Maddrell,

Tho. Heywood,

John Oates.

Matth. Christian,


Knowsley, June 8th, 1733.

I do allow of and give my Consent to the beforegoing Act, and hereby order that the same be published at the Tyn- [217] wald according to the Forme and Custome of my Isle Man.


At a Tynwald Court holden at St. John Chappel, the 25th Day of June, 1733.

The foregoing Act was this Day proclaimed and published upon the Tynwald Hill in due Forme of Law.


Tho. Horton.

Cha. Moore.

James Horton.

Nich. Christian.

William Stonier.


Cha. Stanley.


Dan. Mylrea.

The Twenty-four Keyes.

John Stevenson,

Quayle Curghey,

John Wattleworth,

William Stevenson,

John Murrey,

Jon. Christian,

John Garrettt,

Matth. Christian,

Jon. Christian,

Jon. Lace,

Jon. Taubman,

Wm. Christian,

William Murrey,

John Oates,

Robert Maddrell,

John Moore,

William Qualtrough,

Ch. Killey,

Tho. Stevenson,

Edward Christian.


At a Tynwald Court holden at St. John's Chappel the 25th Day of June Anno Domini 1733, before the Honourable Thomas Horton, Esquire, Governor, the Officers, Deemsters, and twenty-four Keyes of the said Isle, whose Names are subscribed.

Whereas upon the Scarcity of Brass Money and Want or Change within this Island it was the general Request and Desire that our Honourable Lord would be pleased to supply this Defect by coyning Brass or Copper Money for the Use of this Island to be current here; and forasmuch as his Lordship bath been graciously pleased to comply with the said Request, and hath sent over three hundred Pounds in [218] Copper Pence, and two hundred Pounds in Copper Halfpence; it is therefore published, proclaimed, and declared, upon the Tynwald Hill, That the above-mentioned Sums of three hundred Pounds in Copper Pence, and two hundred Pounds in Halfpence, shall at all Times after this Day be current and passable in Change within this Island (in all Receipts and Payments) for Pence and Halfpence as aforesaid, and that the same will be received at that Value into and paid out of his Lordship's Treasury at the same Value in Receipts for Rents and other Revenues, and in Payment out of Sallarys and other necessary Disbursements; and that from henceforth no Person shall be obliged to take any other Brass or Copper Money whatsoever: And it is this Day also proclaimed and declared, That if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall be found and lawfully convicted of counterfeiting any of the said Pence and Halfpence, bringing into this Isle, uttering, or paying any of the said Pence and Halfpence, knowing them to be counterfeit, such Person or Persons shall forfeit and be punished for the same after such Manner as is declared by an Act made in the Year 1646 concerning the coyning and passing false and counterfeit Money, viz. such Person or Persons so offending shall be adjudged and deemed and taken to be in the Case of High Treason, and for the same shall forfeit Life, Lands, Tenements, Goods, Chattles, &c. to the Lord of this Isle and his Heirs, as in Cases of other Treasons they used to do by the Laws of this Land: And the better to find out whether there be any Counterfeits either made or carryed into this Island, it is hereby ordered and declared, That on the second Thursday in June in every Year all and every Person or Persons who have any of the said Copper Pence and Halfpence in their Custody shall bring in the same unto, the Captain of their respective Parishes to be counted and reckoned by him and an Account to be returned by the said Captain unto the Governor, Deputy Governor, or Receiver for the Time being, what Quantity of the said Money is within his Parish; and if any Person or Persons shall faile or neglect to bring in what Pence or Halfpence he hath in his Custody to be so counted and reckoned as aforesaid, such Person or Persons so neglecting shall be fined in twenty Shillings, besides other Punishment, such as his Obstinacy or Neglect shall demerit. And be it hereby further ordered, enacted, and ordained, That the Act made and passed at a Tynwald Court holden at St. John's Chappel the 24th Day of June, 1710, (before [219] the Honourable Robert Mawdesley, Esquire, Governor, the Officers, Deemsters, and twenty-four Keyes of the said Isle), for the Coynage of Copper Pence and Halfpence, be repealed; and the same is by the Authority of this Court abrogated and repealed accordingly.


Tho. Horton.

Cha. Moor.


James Horton.

Nich. Christian.

William Stonier.


Cha. Stanley.


Dan. Mylrea.

The Twenty-four Keyes.

Jon. Stevenson,

Jon. Christian,

Jon. Wattleworth,

Quayle Curpheym

Jon. Garret,

Will. Murrey,

Jon. Murrey,

Will. Christian,

Jon. Taubman,

Jon. Christian,

Tho. Stevenson,

Richard Tyldesley,

Rob. Maddrell,

Matth. Christian,

Cha. Killey,

John Moore,

William Stevenson,

John Oates,

Jon. Lace,

Edward Christian.

William Qualtrough,


Knowsley, 5th June, 1733.

I do allow of and give my Consent to the within-mentioned Act, and order that the same be published at the Tynwald Hill according to the usual Forme and Custome of my Isle of Mann.


At a Tynwald Court holden at St. John's Chappel the 25th Day of June, 1733.

The beforegoing Act was this Day proclaimed and published upon the Tynwald Hill in due Forme of Law.



Tho. Horton.


Cha. Moor.

James Horton.


Nich. Christian.

William Stonier.



Cha. Stanley.



Dan. Mylrea.


The Twenty-four Keyes.


Jon. Stevenson,

Quayle Curphey,


Jon. Wattleworth,

William Stevenson,


Jon. Murrey,

Jon. Christian,


John Garrett,

William Christian,


Jon. Christian,

Matth. Christian,


Jon. Taubman,

John Lace,


William Murrey,

John Moore,


Rob. Maddrell,

John Oates,


William Qualtrough,

Charles Killey.


Tho. Stevenson.


An Act for the repairing and amending the Sea-Ports and Harbours of this Isle,

Passed at a Tynwald Court holden at St. John's Chappel before the Honourable Themes Horton, Esquire, Governor, the Council, Deemsters, and Keyes of the said Isle, the 16th Day of July, Anno Domini 1734.

Whereas the several Sea-ports and Harbours of this Isle are at present not only incomodious for the Egress and Regress of Shiping, but also very unsafe for their lying, some for want of proper Means being heretofore used to keep them open and free from Drifts of Sand, Shilly, and other Rubbish, and others, by dangerous Rocks, and other Impediments rendering them vastly hazardous, by which Means Ships and Merchandizes are frequently damaged and oftentimes lost, to the great Prejudice of the Publick; For Remedy whereof, it is held most expedient to impose certain Rates and Dutys upon all Ships and Merchandizes coming and going to and from this Isle, for the Amendment and Safe-making of the said Ports and Harbours, for their better and more effectuall Security, be it therefore declared, ordained, and enacted, by the Right Hon. James Earl of Derby, Lord of Mann and the Isles, by and with the Advise and Consent of the said Governor, Council, Deemster, and Keys, in this present Tynwald Court assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the several Ports and Harbours of the said Isle, viz. Peele, Ramsey, Douglas, Castletown, and Derbyhaven, shall, with all convenient and possible Speed, be cleaned, repaired, amended, and made fit and comodious not only for the coming in and going out, but likewise for the safe and secure lying of all Ships and Vessels, Barks and Boats, who by Stress of Weather, contrary Winds, or otherwise howsoever, shall have Occasion to make use or frequent [221] the said Harbours, or any of them; for the doing and perfecting whereof, and to raise a sufficient Fund for so necessary a Work, be it ordained and enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Merchants, Traders, and Masters of Ships, Vessels, or Boats, shall from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September next after the Date hereof, for and during the full Time and Term of twenty-one Years thence next ensuing the same, be, and they are hereby obliged to pay unto such Person or Persons as shall hereinafter be appointed to levy and receive the same in the several Ports beforementioned, such Rates, Dutys, and Tonnage, for and out of their Shipps, Vessells, and Boats, Goods and Merchandizes, by them, and every of them, imported and exported, as are hereafter mentioned and respectively made chargeable on them, viz. for and out of Brandys, and all other Spirits imported, one Shilling British Value pr Tonn, except Arrack, which is to pay one Penny British pr Gallon; all Wines, of Kind soever, to pay Sixpence British pr Tonn, Vinegar Twopence British pr Tonn, Tobacco Sixpence British pr Hogshead, or if manufactured, after the Rate of one Penny British pr Hundred Weight; and for Coffee, Teas, India Goods, Silk Handkerchiefs, and all other forreign Goods, of what Kind or Denomination soever, to pay for the Value of every twenty Pounds British the Sum of one Shilling British, and so proportionable for Quantities of lesser Value, and such Valuation to be at all Times regulated according to the Entrys made of such Goods and Merchandises, and the Duties thereon paid to the Lord of the said Isle; to which End the Collector of the Customes shall specify the same in every Entry by him made and taken out, to the Deputy Searchers, for better and more speedy Direction in the Premisses; and likewise that all Ships arriving from forreign Parts, (Great Brittain and Ireland excepted), which shall discharge their Cargoes in any Bay, Port, Harbour, or Creek of this Isle, shall be charged with and pay Tunnage after the Rate of twopence British for every Tunn they shall discharge, and one Penny Brittish for every Ton they shall be computed by the Deputy Searchers to contain over and above what they shall or do discharge; provided, that if any such Ships or VeseIs discharge Part of their Cargo or Cargoes in one Port and then should proceed Coastways to discharge the rest at any other Port or Ports of this Isle, they shall be obliged to pay Duty and Tunnage at their first Port only for what Goods are landed there, and take Certificate thereof from [222] the Deputy Searcher of that Port, and thereon give Security to pay the Remainder at their next Port, where they are to produce the said Certificate, and so on in that Manner from Port to Port afterwards as they shall have Occasion to Discharge their said Cargoes, any Thing contained to the contrary notwithstanding; and all Ships, Vessells, or Boats, arriving from Great Britain or Ireland, coming into any Harbour or Creek of this Isle, (Ships and Boats commissioned or employed by the Governments of Great Britain or Ireland, or by the Lord of this Isle, excepted), whether they be loaden or otherwise, shall pay one Penny British pr Ton; but Ships that stop in the Bays to discharge Goods and Merchandizes from Great Britain or Ireland shall only pay the Rates and Duties on the Goods they shall discharge in Manner before directed by this Act; and that all Vessells or Boats that carry off any Goods or Merchandises exceeding four Tunns shall pay for every Tunn Sixpence British; and all Vessells and Boates that carry off Goods or Merchandizes under the Quantity of four Tonns, and above the Value of four, Pounds, shall pay the Sum of two Shillings British for every such Vessel or Boat: And to the End that the said Rates, Dutys, and Tunnage, may be duly collected, the Deputy Searchers of and belonging to the respective Ports aforesaid shall be and are the Persons nominated and appointed to be employed therein, with full Power to levy and to collect and receive all and every the said Rates, Duties, and Tunnage to be raised and payable by this Act from Time to Time as the same shall accrew; and for their Pains and Trouble therein, they are to be allowed one Shilling for every twenty Shillings which they shall so collect. And for the more effectual Execution of this Act, be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That there shall be Supervisors chosen by the Governor, Councel, Deemsters, and Keyes, at the Tynwald Court in every Year, for the respective Ports before-mentioned; and such Supervisors so ellected and appointed shall, and are hereby authorised and impowered to undertake, direct, and carry on proper Works, for the Improvement of every of their said Ports and Harbours as they shall think most necessary and convenient to answer the Intendment of this Act; and for that purpose shall take and receive their general Instructions and Directions from the said Governor, Councel, Deemsters. and Keyes, yearly on their Election at the said Court of Tynwald; and in order thereto the said Deputy Searchers shall be, and are hereby [223] obliged to render a true and faithfull Account in Writing as often as they shall be called upon, to them the said Supervisors in each Port, and thereupon to pay them all such Sum and Sums of Money as they shall from Time to Time collect and receive as aforesaid, (their own Allowance by this Act excepted), to be by them the said Supervisors applied to and disbursed for the Charge and Expence of the said Works so to be carried on in their respective Ports and Harbours as aforementioned; and in like Manner the said Supervisors shall lay a true State of their Accounts and Proceedings in the Premisses, and of all the Money by them received and expended for or on Account of the said Ports and Harbours, and all incident Charges attending the same, before the Governor, Councel, Deemsters, and Keyes, for their Examination and Allowance at the Tynwald Court held at Midsummer in every Year, who, to prevent any Misapplication thereof, may for their better Information conveine any Person or Persons before them to be examined upon Oath; and if any contemn or refuse, to fine every of them in twenty Shillings, to be applied to the Repair of the said Harbours. And be it further enacted and provided, That for the more speedy performing and accomplishing of such beneficiall Works as aforesaid, the said Supervisors in each respective Port are further authorized and impowered, under the Direction of the said Governor, Councel, Deemsters, and Keyes, to borrow any Sum or Sums of Money on their own Bonds or other Securities, as shall be necessary to carry on the Improvement and Amendment of the several Harbours and Ports aforesaid, and again to repay the same with five Pounds pr Cent. pr Ann. Interest out of the said Funds to be raised by this Act, which shall be a good and sufficient Assurance and Indemnification for the same to them, their Heirs, Executors, Administrators, or Assignes, always rendering an Account thereof in Manner aforementioned. And if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall neglect or refuse to pay the Rates, Dutys, and Tunnage, laid and payable by this Act to the respective Deputy Searchers as aforesaid, such Person or Persons shall have his or their Ship and Goods detained and secured, and the necessary Assistance from the Constables of Garrisons, or Comanders of Forts, had therein as usual in the Case of the Collection of the Customes, Anchorages, or other such like Dues accrewing to the Lord of this Isle; and, if further Occasion be, so much of his or their Effects to be exposed to Sale by the said Searchers as will answer Payment [224] thereof. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Money which shall be collected in every Port or Harbour shall be applied to the Repair and Amendment of that same Port and Harbour for and during the Term of seven Years next after the Commencement of this Act; and on the Expiration of that Term, and afterwards during the Continuance of this Act, if any Surplusage there be in the Hands of the Supervisors of any Port or Harbour, not necessary in the Opinion of the Governor, Councel, Deemsters and Keys, to be further expended on that Harbour, the same at their Discretion to be converted to the Improvement of any other Harbour or Harbours, Port or Ports, wanting to be repaired or amended, still subject to be accounted for in Manner aforesaid. And it is further enacted, That if any Person shall find himself aggrieved by any male Proceedings or Practices of the said Deputy, Searchers, or Supervisor, such Person or Persons to be relieved on a Petition to the Governor in Chancery: And in respect of the Pains and Trouble of the said Supervisors, and for their Encouragement in the Discharge of their Duty, they shall be exempt from passing on Jurys, or doing any other servile Dutys or Offices during the Time of their Supervisorships, and if any Person or Persons shall refuse to act in that employ, upon his or their being elected as aforesaid, he or they so offending shall pay the Sum of five Pounds for each Default, to be applied to the repair of the Harbour for which he was so nominated. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid (by and with the gracious Permission and Condescention of his Lordship), That the Anchorages arising and usually collected in the several Ports and Harbours of the said Isle shall, during the Continuance of this Act, be applied to the Amendment and Repair of the said Ports and Harbours, and the same yearly paid to the Supervisors appointed as afforesaid; provided always, and it is further ordained and enacted, that this Act shall not be construed, deemed, or understood to charge or lay any Rates or Dutys upon Timber, Coals, Salt, Iron, Hopps, Bricks, Soap, Corn, Meal, or any Sort of Grocerys imported from Great Britain or Ireland for the Use or necessary Consumption of this Island, nor upon the Exportation of the Growth, Product, or Manufactures of this Isle whatsoever, any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.



Tho. Horton.



James Horton.


Cha. Moor.

William Stonier.



Cha. Stanley.



Dan. Mylrea.


The Twenty-four Keyes.


John Wattleworth,

Tho. Heywood,


John Garrett,

William Murrey,


John Oates,

Will. Christian,


John Christian,

Cha. Killey.


William Stevenson,

Tho. Stevenson,


Rob. Maddrell,

Jon. Christian,


John Lace,

Matth. Christian,


William Qualtrough,

Quayle Curphey,


John Moor,

Jon. Taubman.


John Murrey,


I do allow of and confirm the above Act according to my Prerogative within my Isle of Mann, and do order that the said Act be published on the Tynwald Hill according to the antient Forme and Custome of the said Isle.


At a Tynwald Court holden at St. John's Chappell the 26th Day of September, Anno Domini 1734.

The beforegoing Act was this Day publickly proclaimed upon the Tynwald Hill according to the antient. Forme and Custume of this Isle; as witness our Subscriptions the Day and Year above written


James Horton.

Cha. Moore.

William Stonier.


Cha. Stanley.


Dan. Mylrea.

The Twenty-four Keyes.

Jon Stevenson,

Cha. Killey,

Jon. Wattleworth,

Will. Christian,

Rob. Maddrell,

Matth. Christian,

Phil. Moore,

John Lace,

Jon. Taubman,

William Qualtrough,

Tho. Stevenson,

John Moore,

Jon. Garrett,

William Murrey,

Jon. Christian,

Quayle Curphey,

Jon. Oates,

Edward Christian.


An Act to suppress Petty Ale-houses and Tippling-houses within this Isle,

Passed at a Tynwald Court holden at St. John's Chappel before the Honourable Thomas Horton, Esquire, Governor, the Council, Deemsters, and Keyes of the said Isle, the 16th Day of July, Anno Domini 1734.

Whereas the great Number of petty Alehouses and Tippleing-houses kept in the several Towns and Parishes of this Isle, are not only obnoxious to all sober discreet Persons, but likewise destructive of the publick Good, as being the other common Receptacles of Felons, and other idle profligate Persons, as well as of Servants and Children, (generally at unseasonable Times), who but too often are tempted and mislead by evil Examples to purloyne their Master's and Parent's Goods to supply them in their extravagant and enormous Courses: And moreover it is observed, that the great Consumption in these Sort of Houses often occasions a Scarcity of Corn and other Provisions, necessitating the Island to supply itself from abroad, whilst these wastefully destroy what should not only save, but also bring in Money and other Necessary which the Comonalty cannot possibly want, though at the same Time such Houses are so far from being in a Condition on to perform the Tenor of their Lycences, that they are in no Sort fit to entertain Travellers or Strangers in any decent Manner: For Remedy of which Inconveniencies, and the Reduction of such needless and unprofitable Number of Ale-houses and Tippleing-houses, be it ordained and enacted by the Right Honourable James Earle of Derby, Lord of Man and the, Isles, by and with the Advise and Consent of the Governor, Councel, Deemster, and Keyes of the said Isle, in the present Court of Tynwald assembled, and by the Authority of the same That no Person or Persons whatsoever shall hereafter retaile Beere, Ale, Wine, or other Liquors, without a Lycence from the Governor of this Isle first had and obtained for the same, under the Penalty of three Pounds for every Default, Half to the Lord of the Isle, and the other Half to the Informer; and that no Person or Persons shall be lycenced to sell or retaile Beer, Ale, Wine, or other Liquors, save only certain competent Number of substantiall Ale-house-keepers in every Town and Parish, which, for the Governor's better Information of the Abillity and Circumstances of the People, the [227] Situation of their Houses, and other necessary Conveniencies, are to be yearly reported to him by the Minister and Captain of every Parish, the Coroner of the Sheading, and four of the Great Enquest in each Parish, who are most fitting and best qualified for that Purpose; and such Returns to be made to the Governor at the respective Sheading Courts annually holden after Michaelmas, that such as shall be sufficient and able to perform the Tenor of their Lycences may be allowed, provided the Number doth not exceed two hundred in the whole Island, who, upon obtaining their Lycences respectively, shall enter into a Recognizance duly to perform the Tenor of the same as formerly accustomed. ¾ And it is further enacted, That for the future there shall be two Shillings and Sixpence yearly paid for every such Lycence and Recognizance, commencing from Michaelmas next, viz. Fourteenpence to the Governor's Clerk, Sevenpence to the Comptroller, and the remaining Ninepence to be paid to the Keys for Reparation of their House, and to find other Necessarys at the Times of their Meetings, any Law, Custome, or Practice to the contrary of this Act in any wise notwithstanding.


Tho. Horton.

Ch. Moor.

James Horton.


William Stonier.


Cha. Stanley.


Dan. Mylrea.

The Twenty-four Keyes.

Jon. Stevenson,

John Oates,

Jon. Murrey,

Edward Christian,

Tho. Heywood,

Cha. Killey,

Tho. Stevenson,

Will. Murrey,

William Christian,

Jon. Wattleworth,

Jon. Lace,

Jon. Garrett,

John Christian,

Rob. Maddrell,

Matth. Christian,

Jon. Taubman.

John Christian.


I do allow of and confirm the above Act according to my Prerogative within my Isle of Mann, and do order, that the said Act be published on the Tynwald Hill according to the antient Forme and Custome of the said Isle.


[228] At a Tynwald Court holden at St. John's Chappel

the 26th Day of September, 1734.

The beforegoing Act was this Day publickly proclaimed upon the Tynwald Hill according to the antient Forme and Custome of this Isle; as witness our Hands the Day and Year above written,


Tho. Horton.

Ch. Moor.

William Stonier.


Cha. Stanley.


Dan. Mylrea.

The Twenty-four Keyes.

John Wattleworth,

John Oates,

Rob. Maddrell,

William Qualtrough,

Phi. Moore,

Richard Tyndesley,

Tho. Stevenson,

John Lace,

Jon. Taubman,

John Garrett,

Jon. Christian,

William Murrey,

Matth. Christian,

Quayle Curphey,

Cha. Killey

Edward Christian.

William Christian,


An Act for the Encouragement of any Rector or Vicar to build or repair a convenient Dwelling-house and Out-houses on any Church Glebe within this Isle,

Passed at a Tynwald Court holden at St. John's Chappel the 16th Day of July, Anno Domini 1734, before the Hon. Thomas Horton, Esquire, Governor, the Council, Deemster, and Keyes of the said Isle.

Whereas by an Act, intituled "An Act against Non-Residence," made in the Year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and ninety-six, the Clergy of this Isle are obliged to inhabit and personally reside within the Isle in and upon their respective Ecclesiastical Livings, Promotion, and Benefices, under certain Restrictions and Forfeitures in the Act mentioned; and forasmuch as they have been and are still attended with many Difficultys and Inconveniencys in the due Observance of the said Statute, in respect several of the Vicarages and one of the Rectorys now and for some [229] Ages past have not had Houses upon them for the Residence of the Incumbents, and some others being in a ruinous Condition for want of proper Means and Encouragement to keep them in Repair, be it therefore ordained and enacted by the Right Honourable James Earl of Derby, Lord of the said Isle, by and with the Advice and Consent of the said Governor, Councel, Deemsters, and Keys, in this present Court of Tynwald assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That any Rector or Vicar who shall hereafter erect or build or make any Addition to, or repair any Dwelling-house or Out-house upon any Church Glebe within this Isle, to be fit, convenient, and durable for himself and Successors, such Rector or Vicar, or his Executors or Administrators, shall be intitled by this Act to have and receive from his next and immediate Successor, or his Executors or Administrators, two-third Parts of whatever Sum or Sums of Money shall really and truly be expended by him upon such Buildings and Improvements, (necessary yearly Reparations excepted) provided he give a just and fair Account of the Money so laid out and disbursed by him, upon Oath, to a Jury of four sufficient Men, to be appointed by Process from the Bishop or Archdeacon, and sworn upon the Premises for that Purpose; and their Return upon the same, with the Bill of Disbursements so given upon Oath, to be registered for the Satisfaction of all Persons concerned. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such Successor, or his Executors, so paying the two-thirds of the Money disbursed and expended as afore-mentioned, shall be intitled to receive one Moiety thereof (viz. one-third of the first Disbursement) from his next Successor, or his Executors or Administrators, who shall also be obliged to pay the same within one Year, to be accounted from Easter, after the Death or Removal of such Predecessor; and the said several Sum and Sums of Money shall be recoverable by due Course of Law in the Ecclesiastical Courts of this Isle, and a Moiety of the Rents and Profits of the Benefice to be laid under Sequestration so as to be responsible for the same: And to prevent Delapidations, if any Person shall afterwards suffer such Buildings to go to Decay for want of necessary Repairs, he shall be accountable for the same to his Successor, and lyable to make Satisfaction at the Estimation of four sworn Men, to be appointed in Manner aforesaid, and the same to be laid out in the Repairs of the said Buildings according to the Intendment of this Act. And whereas several well-disposed Per- [230] sons have given a Number of usefull and practicall Books to the severall Parishes of this Isle, in order to preserve the same from Embezzellment, and that all future Benefactors may be satisfyed that their pious Intent shall not be frustrate, be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every Rector, Vicar, or Curate, or their Executors or Administrators, shall be accountable for such Books as are already remaining, or shall hereafter be given, or the full Value of the same; and every Rector, Vicar, or Curate shall, immediately after his Induction or Lycence, make a new Catalogue of all the Books belonging to their respective Churches and shall deliver the same to the Episcopal Register, to the End that the said Books may be accounted for and made good according to the Purport of this Act. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Payment of the Corbes due to the Clergy of this Isle from their Predecessors shall for the future cease, and that the present Clergy who received any Corbes shall, within six Months after the Promulgation of this Act, give a true Account of the Corbes so received by them, or the Value of the same, to be applied towards the Repair of the respective Church Houses before mentioned, any Law, Custome, or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding.


Tho. Horton.

Tho. Sodor and Man.

James Horton.

Ch. Moor.

William Stonier.

John Kippax.

Cha. Stanley.


Dan. Mylrea.

The Twenty-four Keyes.

Jon. Stevenson,

William Christian,

John Murrey,

Jon. Wattleworth,

John Garrett,

John Christian,

Rob. Maddrell,

John Oates,

Tho. Stevenson,

Edward Christian.

Tho. Heywood,

Cha. Killey,

John Christian,

William Murrey,

John Lace,

Jon. Taubman.

I do allow of and confirm the above Act according to my Prerogative within my Isle of Mann, and order that the, said Act be published on the Tynwald Hill according to antient Forme and Custome of the said Isle.


[231] At a Tynwald Court holden at St. John Chappel,

the 26th Day of September, 1734.

The beforegoing Act was this Day publickly proclaimed upon the Tynwald Hill according to the antient Forme and Custome of this Isle; as witness our Subscriptions the Day and Year above written,


James Horton.

Ch. Moor.

William Stonier.


Cha. Stanley.


Dan. Mylrea.

The Twenty-four Keyes.

Jon. Stevenson,

Rob. Maddrell,

Jon. Wattleworth,

Tho. Stevenson,

Phi. Moore,

Jon. Taubman,

Jon. Garrett,

William Qualtrough,

John Christian,

John Lace,

Jon. Oates,

William Murrey,

Cha. Killey,

Quayle Curphey,

William Christian,

Edward Christian.

Matth. Christian,



A Table of Fees for the Comptroller's Office, &c.




For entering every Accon in Chancery, and a Copy thereof containing one Side of an Half Sheet of Paper



But if it exceeds the common Length of Accons, then to be paid for every twenty-four Words an Halfpenny.



For a Copy of every Decree in, Chancery with the Accon



But if it exceeds one Side, then to be paid for every twenty-four Words an Halfpenny as above.



For making every Entry at the Sheading Courts, and every Entry of a new Rent



For a Copy of every Entry



For a Presentment against every single Person



And if there be more, then to pay



For every Affidavit taken in Writing in Court



For every Rule of Continuance on Accons in Chancery



For recording all Deeds of Mortgages, Sales, Contracts of Marriage, and other Conveyances,



And to number them, and keep a Book containing the Partys Names and the Number, whereby they may be more ready found, to which the People are to have Recourse free for that Purpose.






And all Judgments, Verdicts, and Petitions, to be recorded free, Setting Quest's Returns excepted; and a Copy of any Jury or Enquest's Verdict to be given when demanded without the Depositions, but no Copy of any particular Deposition without the whole.



For the Court's Confirmation of all Deeds, payable to the Officers as formerly



For recording every Setting Quest's Division, and a Copy if the Party desire it



For entering of a choice Child



For Search of every tenn Years Rolls, Bundles, or Books, whereof the Comptroller to give a Certificate if desired



But if the Record wanted be found in the first or second Book, to pay nothing for Search, otherwise the 6d. to be paid.



For entering a Claim for Lands, Houses, &c.



And for a Copy thereof



For cancelling and drawing a Discharge on every Deed of Mortgage



For a Copy of every short Statute



And every other Act or Statute to be paid for every twenty-four Words an Halfpenny as before.



For every Ale-house Recognizance, according to the Act made in that Behalf



For sealing every Weight or Measure



For every Recognizance of the Peace



For administering the Oath to every Officer, Spirituall or Temporal, and also to every Soldier, and enrolling the Comcon or Warrant



For a Copy of an Accon at Common Law



For entering a Traverse



And for every other Copy of Record not herein-before expressed and mentioned, to pay for every twenty-four Words



Soldiers' Fees



That no Fee be received for taking any Person from the Court to the Guard or Prison, except the Porter's Fee



To every Soldier for bringing any Person (Moars excepted), before the Governor, Courts, or Deemster, if the Person be within three Parishes of the Court or Majistrate, one Shilling



And Fourpence for every Parish they go throw afterwards. If a Defendant to an Action of Arreast do not give Bail on serving the Accon, and refuseth to go with the Searcher to Prison, so as to oblige him to call for Assistance, then such Defendant to pay the Soldier's Fee that comes to assist for confineing him in the next Garrison; but if he goes quietly with the Searcher to Prison, then to pay only the Searcher's Fee



It is ordained and enacted by the Right Hon. the Lord of this Isle, the Governor, Officers, Deemsters, and twenty-four Keyes, That the beforegoing Table of Fees shall be the standing Fees and Perquisites of and belonging to the Comptroller's Office within the said Isle, and also the Fees above-mentioned to be the standing Soldiers' Fees in the Manner they are now stated, and before set down.

At Castle Rushen 16th of July, Anno Domini 1734.



Thomas Horton.


Cha. Moor.

James Horton.


Nich. Christian.

William Stonier.



Cha. Stanley.



Dan. Mylrea.


The Twenty-four Keyes.


Jon. Lace,

Matth. Christian,


John Wattleworth,

Tho. Heywood,


John Garrett,

William Murrey,


John Oates,

Will. Christian,


John Christian,

Cha. Killey,


William Stevenson,

Tho. Stevenson,


Rob. Maddrell,

Jon. Christian,


William Qualtrough,

Quayle Curphey,


John Moor,

Jon. Taubman,


John Murrey,

Phi. Moore,


Edward Christian.

Richard Tyldesley.


Jon. Stevenson,


I do allow of and confirm the above Act according to my Prerogative within my Isle of Mann, and do order that the said Act be published on the Tynwald Hill according to the antient Forme and Custome of the said Isle.


At a Tynwald Court holden at St. John's Chappell the 22d Day of April, Anno Domini 1735.

This Act or Table of Fees being confirmed by our Right Honourable Lord, hath this Day been publickly proclaimed upon the Tynwald Hill according to the antient Forme and Custome within this Island.


Tho. Horton.

Cha. Moor.

William Stonier.

Nich. Christian.

Cha. Stanley.


William Christian.

The Twenty-four Keyes.

Jon. Stevenson,

Cha. Killey,

Jon. Wattleworth,

Will. Stevenson,

Tho. Heywood,

Matth. Christian,

Phil. Moore,

John Lace,

Jon. Taubman,

William Qualtrough,

Tho. Stevenson,

John Moore,

John Christian,

William Murrey,

Jon. Christian,

Quayle Curphey,

Jon. Oates,

Edward Christian.


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