[from Manorial Roll, 1511/1515]

Parish of Saint Santan

[Note the quarterland names given in [] are those conjectured by William Cubbon and do not appear in the original]


Gibbon McQua



William Dik



Donald Hyk


Henry McStephan



From the Widow of Patric McComais for half a quarter of land demised to him as above [Ballachengy]

3s. 4d.

From Thormot McQua for 1 tenement and half a quarter of land demised to him as above [Ballakermeen]

3s. 10d.

From the Wife of Michael Borwan and Fynlo McQua for 1 tenement and 1 quarter of land demised to them and their assigns as above. [Ballacregga]

 7s. 8d

From Donald Hugen for 1 tenement and 1 quarter of land demised to him as above.

8s. 4d

From John McCowle for 1 tenement and 2 quarters of land demised to him as above. [Balnahowe]

21s. 8d.


44s. 10d.


From Gilbert McQua for one tenement and 1 quarter of land demised to him and assigns as above. [Meary]


From the Widow of Robert More and Thomas Clerke her [husband], for one tenement and 1 quarter of land demised to them and assigns as above. [Ballavilley]

17s. 4d.

From the Widow of John More for 1 tenement and 1 quarter of land demised as above. [Mearyvoar]

8s. 8d.






From Patric McCowle for 2 tenements and 1 quarter and a half of land demised to him and his assigns as above. [Ballakelly]

16s. 2d.

From Jenken Quyn assign of John McQua for one tenement and half a quarter of land demised to him and his assigns as above [? Glenhaugh]

7s. 8d.

From Gilbert McQua for a 4th part of one quarter of land demised to him, as above. [Glengreneagh]

3s. 10d.

From Richard Dik for a 4th part of one quarter of land demised to him as above

3s. 10d.

From John McUrmen for 1 tenement and half a quarter of land demised to him as above. [Balnahowin]

12s. 10d.

From John Quyn Senr. and John Quyn junr. 3s. 9d., and Henry McStephan 3s. 9d. for 1 tenement and a parts of half a quarter of land demised to them as above. [Glengrenagh]

7s. 6d.

From John Quyn junr. and Patric McFayle for a 4th part of half a quarter of land demised to them as above. [? Ballavale]

3s. 8d.


55s. 6d.



Ary Rogan.

From Henry McInesh for one tenement and 1 quarter of land demised to him as above. [Aragon veg]


From Gibbon McAdam for one tenement and half a quarter of land 10s. 6d. And for half a quarter of land lately in tenure of Donald McSkerff 10s. 6d., dernised to him as above. [Aragon moar]


From John Quyn Senr. and Henry McStephan for one tenement and 2 parts of half a quarter of land demised to them and, their assigns as above. [Glentraugh]

7s. 2d.

From John McQuyn junr. and Patric McFayle for a 3,rd part of half a quarter of land demised to them and their assigns as above.

3s. 8d.

From John Quyn Senr. 11d., and Henry McStephan 11d. for a certain parcel of land demised to them as above


From Donald McQuyn with Patric Quyn for one tenement and 3 parts of one quarter of land demised to them and their assigns as above.[Ballafurt]

 14s. 6d.

From William McGilpeder for 1 tenement and half a quarter of land demised to him as above.[Ballacrine]

11s. 6d.

From John Quyn junr. and Patric McFayle for a 3rd part of 1 parcel of land demised to them as above



41i. 3s. 7d.  




From Patric McQuarres 8s. 2d. and Gibbon McWill 8s. 2d. for 2 tenements and 3 parts of one quarter of land demised to them and their assigns as above. [Ballacrink]

16s. 4d.

From Donald McQuerkus Senr, for one tenenient and a 3rd part of 1 quarter of land demised to him and his assigns as above.