[From Lex Scripta, 1819]

Statute Book
Fo 167.

At a Tynwald Court holden at St. John's Chapell, in the Parish of Kirk German, in the Isle of Man, the 30th Day of July, in the Year of our Lord God, 1691, before the Right Honourable William Earl of Derby, Lord of the said Isle; Rodger Kenyon Esquire, Governor; the Lord's Councell, Officers, Deemsters, and 24 Keyes, those Names are subscribed, it is enacted as followeth:

An ACT that none shall take above six Pounds for the loan of an Hundred Pounds, for a Year,

FORASMUCH as Interest of Money, in Loan, being at so high a Rate as ten Pounds for an,Hundred Pounds for a Year, doth not only make Men, unable to pay their Debts, and continue the Use of Mechandize and Trade, but their Debts daily increasing, are inforced to sell their Leases, Farmes, and Stocks, at low Rates, to the great Hurt and Prejudice of this Isle; be it therefore enacted by the Right Honourable Lord of this Isle,, the Governor, Officers, Deemsters, and twenty-four Keyes, That no Person or Persons from and after,the 24th Day , of August next ensuing the Date hereof, upon any Contract after the said 24th Day of August, or indirectly for Loan of Moneys, Wares, Merchandizes, or other,Comodities, or for any corrupt Loan, Exchange, Bargaine, Mortgages, or any other deceiptfull Way or Means, or other Doings whatsoever, above the Value of six Pounds, for the Forbearance of a Hundred Pounds for a Year; and so after that Rate for a greater or lesser Sum, or for a longer or shorter Time, And that all Bonds, Contracts, or Assurances whatsoever, made after the Time afforesaid, for Payment of any Principal or Money to be lent, or covenanted to be performed upon or for any Usuary whereupon or whereby there shall be reserved or taken above the Rate of six Pounds in the Hundred as aforesaid, shall be utterly void. And be it further , enacted by the Authority afforesaid, That if any Person, or Persons whatsoever shall do any Act or Acts, Thing or Things, contrary to the Tenor or Meaning of this , Statute, shall forfeit and loose for every such, Offence to the Lord of this Isle, and his Heires, the trewe Value of the Moneys, Wares, Merchandizes, or other Things so lent, bargained, sold or exchanged.


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