[From Leech's Guide, 1861]
POST Office, Arbory Street, Walter Wallace, Master.
Backwell Matthew James,(and engraver, printer and bookbinder) ;
Malew st
Stowell Joseph John, Malew st
BANK OF MONA (branch of th
City of Glasgow Bank, Chancery lane(draws on Prescot, Grote and
Co., London)Jas. Gell, agent
DOUGLAS & ISLE OF MAN, (Dumbell, Son, & Howard)(branch)
Arbory st(draws on Glyn, Mills, & Co.,) John MMeiken,
Boyd Robert, Malew st
Clague Robert, do.
Clarke Thomas, do.
Gelling Thomas do.
Gelling Thomas, Arbory st
Kermode John F. Arbory st
Radcliffe Thomas, Castle st
Wood James, Malew st
Barden Thomas, Castle st
Carr John, Malew st
Cubbon William, Market place
Gell John, do. do.
Boyd Thomas, Bank st
Cain Robert, Hope st
Harrison Richard, College green
Moore John, Quay
Boyd Thomas, Quay
Corkill Lewis, Hope st
Corrin Richard, Grenaby
Cowell John, Douglas st
Oates Wm Ballasalla
Quayle Thomas, Douglas st
Bridson John, College green
Corrin Thomas, do. do.
Cretney Thomas, do do.
Cubbon John, Malew st
Cubbon John, Arbory st
Duke Thomas, Malew st
James James, Arbory st
Kinvig John, do..
Preston Charles, Bank st
Quine Thomas, Quay
Anchors Thomas, Hope at Cowell John, (also coach proprietor)
Douglas st
Cosnahan Thomas, Arbory St
Varley Robert, Hope st
Wood R. B., Market place
Corrin Wm. Arbory st
Jones John, Malew st
Stowell Joseph John (also guano and seed merchant)
Jones Thomas, Arbory st
Kelly J. Douglas st
Coole Thomas, Grenaby
Kneale John, Malew st
Martin John, Malew st
Rooney John, Bank st
Anchors Thomas, Hope st
Clarke John, Quay
Kelly Henry, Market place
Rothwell Elizabeth, Malew st
Harper C. Malew st
Kewley Edward, do
Martin John, Malew st
Rooney John, Bank st
MMekin John, Arbory st
Mylechreest James, Malew st
Taggart John, do
Cain Wm., jun., Malew st
Gelling Stephen, do
Kegg Ann, Arbory st
Austin Frederick, Malew st
Corlett Edward, do
Cowin W., Bank st
Kewin Edward, Quay
Ellan Vannin, Edwd Corlett, quay
Falcons Nest, and Port Erin Castle Hotel, Mrs. A. Clugston
George (family and commercial) R. B. Wood, Market place
Miller Thomas, Port St Mary
Union, T. Cosnahan, Arbory st
Boyd Thomas, Bank st
Harper Thomas, Arbory st
Cain Robert, & Son, Hope st, and Ballasalla
Cooper John, Arbory st
Cubbon Edw., Malew st
Kelly William, College green
Moore John, Quay
Stowell Flaxney, Arbory st
Stowell James, Crofts
Jefferson Wm. B., Ballaholt
Moore Thomas, Stockfield
Taubman John, & Co., Arbory
Watterson Brothers, Castle st
Watterson Richard, Castle st
Austin Fred., Malew st
Crellin Thomas, do
Caveen Thos., Hope street
Callister Ann, Arbony st
Chesterman John, Arbory st
Jones Thomas, College green
Kelly Henry, Market place
Kinvig Tsabella, Arbory st
Stowell James, Croft house
Clague Elizabeth, Malew st
Clague Mary, Crofts
Gelling Elizabeth, Chapel lane
Harris Catherine, Arbory st
Kermode Mary Ann, Malew st
Kitchen Elizabeth, Malew st
Moore Catherine, Arbory st
Quayle Sarah, Malew st
Vondy Annie, Arbory st st
Anchors Thomas (Hope and Anchor), Hope st
Brine Ellen, (Crown) Quay
Cain Jane, Mill st
Christian Charlotte, (Black Cock) Arbory st
Clarke John, Quay
Convery Jane, (British), Malew
Cowley William, do
Corlett Jane E., Quay
Gelling Margaret, Four roads
Meredeth, R., Douglas st
Patty James, St. Marks Glebe
Rhoods R., Derbyhaven
Cain W., Malew st
Gelling Stephen, do
Kegg Ann, Arbory st
MMeiken John, Arbory st
Mylechreest James, Malew st
Taggart John, do
Cubbon John, Arbory st
Karran John, do
Kelly Edward, Malew st
Kermode John, do.
Boyde John, Ballasalla
Bridson Esther, Ballasalla
Caugherty Henry, Ballasalla
Clark Thomas, Chapel lane
Corlett William, College green
Corlett William, Ballasalla
Harper Catherine, Malew st
Jackson Ann, Queen st
Kelly Jane, Derbyhaven
Kelly Margaret Parliament sq
Kelly Philip, Malew st
Kermode Elizabeth, Ballasalla
Kelly Catherine, Douglas st
Kennaugh John, Malew st
Kewley Edward, do
Martin John, do
Rothwell John, do
Watson Robert, do
Kelly Henry, Malew st
Quilliam Thomas, Hope st
Cain Robert, Hope st
Clague James, Crofts
Corrin Wm., Malew st
Costain John Mill st
Costain Thomas, Malew st
Harrison John, do
Kelly Henry, Arbory st
Quilliam Thomas, Crofts
Bateson Geo., College Green
Cregeen Jonathan, Arbory st
Jones John, Malew st
Wise Thomas, Market place
Clague Win., Crofts
Collister Thomas, Malew st
Fargher Wm., do
Ore Richard, Arbory st
Quayle James, College green
Quayle Robert, do.
Watterson Geo ., Arbory st
Welch Henry, Parliament sq
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
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