[From Leech's Guide, 1861]


"I feel the freshness of the streams,
That crossed by shades and sunny gleams,
Water the green land of dreams,
The holy land of song."


Milntown, Lezayre

HAVING conducted our visitor to level ground, another trip should convey him to


situated about a mile from Ramsey, on the high road to Michael. At the entrance to this glen stands Milntown, the residence and hereditary estate of the Rev. W. B. Christian, vicar of the parish of Lezayre. The turrets of this picturesque modern mansion stand out in bold relief against the varied green of the plantation surrounding the base of Skyhill, which rises majestically to the west of the river that runs through the glen. Turning to the left on coming to the bridge which carries the Peel road onward through Lezayre, Glen Aldyn is entered by a narrow way, and for some hundred yards presents no especial attraction to the expectant eye. Soon however the majestic appearance of the mountains, Skyhill on the one side, and the extensive and varied range of hills on the other, with Albert Tower and North Baroole in their rear, form the commencement of a noble green amphitheatre, terminating in the lofty Snaefield, which rises proudly in the back ground, in summer bathed in a glorious sunshine from base to summit, while in winter clouds and snow alternately form its covering. This panorama, with the white farm houses dotted here and there, and the river rippling and glittering like molten silver, presents a scene of beauty unsurpassable. A road leads far up the glen by the banks of the stream. Picnic parties are frequently formed to a lovely little recess, abounding in holly trees in the east branch of the glen, about a mile from the high road, when in addition to the contents of their own baskets, tea and all its accessories are cordially supplied by the obliging peasantry, who seem to take a pride in showing attention and civility to visitors.


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