[From Letters of Bishop Hildesley]

Letter LXLVI

Bishopscourt, Nov, 8, 1772

I am only able to think and pay how much I am obliged to my friends for their kind enquiries and concern for me, I am still in being, but far from recovered; and must bag that the business of the printing may be transacted between Mr Sewell and you; for I have no capacity to think or order anything about it. If Mr Sewell will let me, or you, know what to draw for upon the Treasurer, I hope I shall be able to do so much. The books will be as easily circulated from Douglas as from Ramsey. Surely they are worth fetching; and, so that they are but distributed, what matters is by whom? Mr and Mrs Bacon and Mr and Mrs Oates, having been extremely civil, demand my particular acknowledgments.

This is the best you can have from me at present,

My dear Friend, affectionately yours,

Mark Sodor & Mann (165).


(165)—One month later, on the 7th of December, 1772, the good Bishop died.


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