[From Letters of Bishop Hildesley]

Letter LXIX

We think it will be of interest to give Philip Moore's letter in reply to the above here:—

Douglas , Jan. 23 1768.

My dear Lord.

Besides your Lordship's very kind and consolatary letter of last Sunday nighs, I have now lying before me another of the same kind, with this awful exordium.

Be still, and know that I am God: which your lordship wrote to our dear departed friend, on the death of her daughter Birket. She kept that letter by her as a treasure; and to it often had recourse,to soothe her grief. I hope they will prove of the same service to me; and with the divine aid, help to compose my poor shattered spirits.

I cannot be too thankful to your lordship for your kindness both to her and me. Indeed, my lord, she was worthy of it, and valued herself not a little on account of the part she bore in your esteem. I could soon fill this paper about her, but must forbear. I know she would be grieved to grieve me, so shall say no more: but endeavour, as fast as I can, to recover my astonishment and consider how to conduct myself for the short remaining space of life: which I would wish to do with propriety and decency, as. I thank God. I have done hitherto. His goodness to me has been great and unmerited!

I have many things to do and to think of, which, at present, help to take off my attention from always porring on one object. My friends are all very kind, and very good to. me; and do all they can to alleviate my trouble. I have the duties of my station to attend, aad that too will often engage and employ my thoughts. I would fain set a good face on't if I could; though I am very sensible that neither my health of mind nor of body is the same. Let me, therefore, learn to wait all the days of my appointed time, with patience, gratitude , and resignation. till my change come! that happy change, which shall re-unite as, in God aad his Christ, to our dear departed friends for ever. It is a great comfort to me to hear that your lordship keeps your health so well and your good sister too, this severe season. That you may long enjoy that inestimable blessing together I heartily pray; and am, my lord.
Your lordship's most obedient and faithful humble servant,



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