[From Letters of Bishop Hildesley]

Letter LIX

January 12, 1767.

This N.E. wind, which I suppose detains the pacquet on this side, I thought would also keep all our neighbours by their own fireside, till just now old Key came in to know what commands to Douglass, for that he was going thither to buy sixpenworth of tow for his wife. There's a husband!

This keen weather has obstructed my keen walks, I so largely enjoyed all last month. Ralph hangs his ears and has no comfort but. in his almanack, that speaks of a change.

The sample of wine came safe. To your query, how do you like it? I say, 'tis as like Frontiniao as a blackberry is like a mulberry. However, let this be made half-a-dozen, if you please, and the vendor pleases to part with so small a quantity. It may come at once or twice, as opportunity offers, by custom horses (108).

I expect a parcel of books that. are at Liverpool, for one of our academical youths. But I suppose vessels from that: quarter will be more and more scarce. And if the pacquet (109), at present only temporary, drops, where's our correspondence then ?

Poor Mrs Black! send us some comfortable tidings of her. An article in the papers relating to Dr. Birch's unfortunate end made me shudder. He was a very worthy, ingenious man. The publick as well as private friends will have a great loss of him.

The slish slash rubb's combatants, from the skirmishes related in the Review, entertained me. I hope they won't bleed to death (110).

The jassamin and the Manks Prayer books to come when the frost goes. My name also in the next.

(109)—The Governmant packet sailing between Whitehaven and Douglas once weekly was established in 1767

(110) we do not know what is referred to here



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