[From Letters of Bishop Hildesley]

Letter LIII

Bishopscourt, July, 29, 1766.

I shall be obliged to you if you will be pleased to forward the enclosed note to Mr Castley. I have now paid one year's interest for a sum I had no other use for, than to serve a neighbor, on condition of his receiving the like from a person, he might more reasonably have expected that assistance. But my really intended kindness, I believe, has un justly suffered an unworthy imputation of insincerity - but no more of this.

I am just now getting the better of a temptation am under of seeing and being seen at Douglass on Thursday having received the favour of a notice from the Governor (100) of a Review of the Regiment intended there on that day, which I would gladly have been present at ; but to take a journey; at a time when I am far from being, in good plight for it, meerly for my pleasure and to gratify my curiosity, I think, I could not well answer it to my self, in case I should suffer for it. It is as much as I can do to travel where duty and business calls. I, therefore, congratulate myself and those friends I should trouble with my invalid company upon my resolution contrary to my inclination to stay at home; where I rest, your good for little Friend and Brother, M.S. Mann.

Mrs Moore, I am yours affectionately.


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