

President of the Board of Education.

" I have been much interested to hear about the Education Week which is to be held in the Isle of Man this Spring, and I am glad to have this opportunity of sending a short message of good wishes for the success of this enterprise. At this moment we who are charged with the administration of the public aervice of Education have two main duties. One is the old duty to train the children of the country for useful citizenship, to develop their faculties for intellectual study and intellectual enjoyment and to give opportunities for talent to find its outlet in the service of the community. Our other special duty in these days when the nation is passing through a period of such difficulty, is to husband our iesources that we may apply them to the things in education which are most necessary ; to preserve the children in our care, so far as we can, from the disasters of unemployment or misemployment after they leave school and to develop in them qualities of courage, thoughtfulness and hope which will alone carry us through our troubles. The successful discharge of these duties depends very largely on the extent upon which we can count, not only on the sympathy but also on the active co-operation of all classes of the community. especially parents, employers and labour organisations. Our future as a nation depends on this and I believe that it is on the platform of education that all classes of the community can best realise their common needs and unite their efforts in the cause of national redemption. "—Eustace Percy.


J. GEORGE ADAMI, Esq., C.fl.E., M.D., P.R.S.

Vice-Chancellor of the University of Liverpool.

" I do not know who is responsible for the paradox that ‘ education is what remains over after you have forgotten all that yon learnt at school and at college.’ Whoever he is, or was, he uttered a profound truth. In other words, the ideal we should have before us in education is not accumulation of knowledge but the acquirement of wisdom. Knowledge fades out of mind, but wisdom remains.

" Of course this does not mean that the acquirement of facts is useless, and that all the years from eight to fourteen (spent mainly in memorising) have been wasted. Par from it To build securely your first care must be the foundations. These you must build from rock bottom upwards stone by stone, if you are to have a house that will stand solid and four square against an the Storms of heaven. Once built, you cover up the foundations ; they are no more visible. Nevertheless the whole Superstructure depends upon them. So it is in education. Wisdom Is the power of weighing and balancing all the facts of a case, and this act of weighing and balancing constithtes thought. Wherefore, in order to train in the habits of thought the brain of the learner has first to be provided with facts, and the more varied—facts gleaned from the world around, facts from books, facts about conduct and morals, of one’s fellows as of oneself—the wider the range of thought.

" Briefly, therefore, the object of our educational system is first to supply facts, and next to use those facts for training the mind to exercise judgment. And it is because most ordinary boys and girls are only just beginning to use their brains for themselves at about fourteen that the movement to-day in education is to add another year to the course, so as to develop these powers of thought and judgment before the youth goes out into the world. For, unless the youth knows how to use them, facts in themselves are mere lumber."—J. George Adami.



Unfortunately I have to be in England during the first days of Education Week. Had I been in the Island I should have preached on its behalf on the Sunday at St. George’s. As it is I hope all the Clergy will do so in their respective Parish Churches. The subject is of paramount importance and as much a part of the work of the Church as of the State. In the Oxford Dictionary, Education is defined as, ‘Bringing up of the young ; systematic instruction ; development of character or mental powers ; training. ‘ Who amongst us does not want a share in such work ? Who really grudges wise expenditure towards such ends ? I am deeply interested in Educational Work generally and especially now in its welfare in the Isle of Man. I am quite sure, we must give our children the very best we can afford. ‘ We,’ I say, both Parents and State. We must learn to work harder, in school as well in life. Everybody, even the dull child, has something to contribute to the pub-lie weal. We must give him his chance. I want to see the development of every gift and talent. We have too many mere imitators. It would be a much more interesting world if we left off copying. We don’t think for ourselves. Wp take our opinions far too much from the newspapers, societies and parties. If we began by teaching our children how to learn and go on to show them they have no right to use their talents solely for their own advancement and crown all our education with the lesson that character is far more necessary than first class brains, any amount of knowledge and ability even of the best kind, then we shall be doing our duty by the rising generation."—Charles Sodor & Man.



Speaker of the House of Keys and Chairman of the Council of Education.

" The object of Education Week is to stimulate the national interest in education and to show, as far as is possible in so short a time, the methods and results of our educational system. The cost of education is, admittedly, great, and it is, therefore particularly incumbent on all concerned to guard against all extravagant and fantastic schemes, but, with the consideration of the cost must also come the remembrance of the admitted fact that, in all civilised countries, education, in the main on the lines followed here, is held to be of urgent and vital importance. Nothing is more encouraging than the broad view that has, during the past decade, been taken by our Legislature in educational matters, and their realisation of the fact that education cannot be mainly directed to the production of the efficient worker, but must teach our children how to live as well as how to earn their living, and instil into them the spirit of fellowship and the realisation that no class and no individual can live to themselves alone, and—to quote the words of a Minister of Education—’ That every child should he taught those qualities of courage and hope by which alone the strength of our country can be restored.’ "—G. Fred. Clucas.



Chairman of the Isle of Man Education Authority.

" I would like to take this unique opportunity—and in this I am wholeheartedly supported by the Education Authority—of congratulating the teaching staffs of our schools on their initiative and foresight in bringing to the notice of parents and the public in a special manner, the many and varied possibilities for training and educating the children, with a view to thoroughly equipping them to meet the pressing needs of modern conditions. The venture has been made possible through the advent of the Isle of Man Education Authority. Under the old system—which served its day and generation—this could not have been achieved. The central system was inaugurated just over five years ago and is now fully established and justified. It is a fitting occasion, and that those directly concerned in making and carrying out the arrangements are doing it thoroughly, a perusal of this excellent handbook will prove. It now remains for parents and the public to show their appreciation of this venture by turning up in large numbers to the various centres, where every opportunity will be given to them to judge for themselves the admirable work constantly going on in our schools. "—Edward Moore.


A. J. TEARE, Esq., J.P., H.K.,

Secretary of the Workers’ Union.

" As one closely identified with the Labour movement for a quarter of a century, I am glad of this opportunity of sending a message for your Handbook. Considerable progress has been made during my association with the working class movement, and each year sees greater power being given to democracy. Without education, this power is worthless—indeed, may be dangerous. The future holds untold possibilities, and we of the Labour movement are looking forward to the day when education will be made use of not merely to enhance one’s own position, but will be used for the enlightenment and guidance of others."-Afl J. Teare.



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