[From Brown's Directory, 1894]


THE parish of BALLAUGH is less hilly than that of Michael, which it adjoins towards the south. It stretches for three miles along the coast to the mouth of the Carlane river, and its average breadth is about 21 miles. Its area is about 10 square miles. The southern part of the district is mountainous, lying along the slopes of Slieau Dhoo and Montpellier; but its northern part is low, and forms part of the great northern depression of The Curragh. From this circumstance its name, Ballaugh (Balla Lough), is derived. In the map engraved for Speed's History of Great Britain, in 1595, this lake is marked with its outlet at Ballamona-mooar; and, though it has now been drained, small sheets of water still remain in different parts, as the Dollagh Moar, between the old and the new churches, the Dollagh Beg, near the new church, and others ; and traces of it also remain in the names of numerous places in the district, as Cashtal Lough (the castle in the lake), Lough Dhoo, &c. The principal stream of the district is the Ravensdale river, which rises on Slieau Dhoo and flows through Glen Dhoo and Ravensdale, past the village of Ballaugh, and empties itself into the sea by the ancient outlet of the lake. It is an agricultural district, and contains a scattered population. Its only village is Ballaugh, prettily situated at the mouth of the Ravensdale valley.



Boyde Eliza, Carmodel-beg
Boyde John, farmer, Bishop's Demesne
Boyde John, farmer, Ballacorrage
Boyde John, farmer, the Village
Boyde John, butcher, the Village
Boyde John, butcher, the Village, and at Douglas Market
Boyde William, farmer, Ballavolley


Cain Mrs Elizabeth, grocer and landowner, the Village
Caley Mrs, landowner, Ballavolley
Caley Mrs, farmer, Sween
Caley John, farmer, Ballavolley
Caley William, farmer, Ballathor
Callow John, farmer, Dollagh-moar
Cannell Mrs Margaret, farmer, Ballamoar
Cannell John, farmer, Ballavolley
Cavendish Thomas, farmer, Ballaterson-moar
Chadwick Mrs Ethel, Ravensdale
Charlton James, Brook Villa, the Village
Coffey Hugh, farmer, Ballacrosha
Collister Samuel, farmer, Curragh
Collister Thomas, Joiner, Ballamma.moar
Collister Thomas, draper, Creivin
Collister William, farmer, Ballacry
Collister William, farmer, Cyewin
Corlett James Thomas, farmer, Corvalla
Corlett Jeptha, farmer, Broughjairg-moar
Corlett Judith, landowner, Carmodil-beg
Corlett John, farmer, Ballamona-beg
Corlett John, mason, the Village
Corlett John, head master of the Board School, School-house
Corlett John James, grocer and provision dealer, Station-road
Corlett John, butcher and farmer, the Village
Corlett John, grocer, and mason and builder, the Village
Corlett Thomas, farmer, Ballakinnag
Corlett Thomas A., farmer, Cronkould
Corlett William, farmer, Ballacorrage
Corlett William, farmer, Ballaterson-moar
Corlett William, Joiner and farmer, the Village
Corlett Mrs, farmer, Curragh
Corlett William, farmer, Curragh
Corlett William Henry, farmer, Bishop's-court
Corlett William, builder, the Village
Corlett Mrs William, select private apartments, the Village
Corrin Mrs, farmer, Intack, Curragh
Cowell Mrs Margaret, grocer and landowner, the Village
Cowell James, farmer, Carmodil-beg
Cowin John, farmer, Ballacry
Cowley John, farmer, Cramag
Craine Mrs Catherine, landowner, Dollagh-moar
Craine John, farmer, Sween
Craine John Thomas, farmer, Broughjairg-moar
Crowe Miss Nessie, dressmaker, Station-road
Cubbon James, police constable, the Village
Cubbon William, farmer, Knocken


Daugherty Mary Ann, farmer, Ballacorrin
Duggan Thomas, bootmaker, the Village


Freer Mrs Ellen, landowner, the Village
Freer Miss Leonora, farmer, Glenshuggal


Garrett Thomas, farmer, Ballacurn-keil
Gawne John, farmer, Ballacorrage
Gill Christian, the Village
Gill Mrs Isabella, landowner, Mona House, the Glen
Gill Thomas, farmer, Ballakinnag
Green Thomas William, farmer, Ballcorrin


Howitt Mrs, the Mountain


Jelly Mrs Margaret, licensed victualler, Railway Hotel, Ballaugh Village.


Kaighin Humphrey, farmer, Crewin
Kaighin William and Quine, farmers, the Curragh
Kaneen John, farmer, Corvalla
Keig Robert, farmer, Ballacain
Keig Mrs Sophia, Alpine House
Keig Thomas Stephen, farmer, Ballamona-moar
Kelly Thomas, farmer, Dollagh-moar
Kermeen Jane, the Village
Kermeen Robert, grocer, draper, and farmer, the Village
Kerruish Robert, farmer, Ballacorrage
Killip Elizabeth, landowner, Glendhoo
Killip James, farmer, Carmodil-beg
Killip Thomas, Ballaterson
Killey Mrs, Carmodil-beg
Kinrade Thomas, Joiner, the Village
Kissack Rev. Edward William, B.A., Rector of Ballaugh and Rural Dean
Kneale Philip, farmer, Knockan
Kneale Thomas, farmer, Crewin
Kneale William, farmer, Lough Dhoo
Kneen Thomas, farmer, Dollagh-moar
Kneen William, farmer, Ballaterson-moar, surveyor for Jurby and Ballaugh


Lace Miss Jane, Landowner, the Village


Martin John, Ballacrosha
McClelland Peter, station master, Ballaugh
Morrison John, farmer, Glenshoggal
Moughtin Thomas, farmer, Dollagh-beg
Mylechraine, Philip, farmer, Glaick
Mylechraine Thomas, farmer, Ballaterson-beg


Ogle Rev. S. Harrison, Curate of Ballaugh, Ballamoar


Quayle Mrs Margaret, farmer, Curragh
Quayle Daniel M., car proprietor, the Village
Quayle Edward, farmer and tailor, Sween
Quayle Hugh Caesar, farmer, Ballacrosha
Quayle James, bootmaker, the Village
Quayle John, Dollagh-moar
Quayle Philip, farmer, Broughjairg-beg
Quayle Robert, butcher, Ballacorrage
Quayle Thomas Stephen, farmer, Ballaneddin
Quayle Thomas, farmer, Curragh


Shimmin Caesar, farmer, Glendhoo
Shimmin William, farmer, Glenshoggal
Stephen John, Laburnum House, Village


Taggart Miss Eleanor, landowner, the Village
Taubman John Joseph, private, the Village
Teare Ann, the Village
Teare Mrs Elizabeth, Railway View
Teare James, farmer, Broughjairg-moar
Teare John, farmer, Ballaneddin
Teare John, farmer, Ballacrosha
Teare Philip, Coroner for Glanfaba, Railway Station
Teare Philip, farmer, and Coroner for Michael Sheading, Railway View
Teare Robert, clothing manufacturer, and boot and shoe dealer, the Village
Teare Thomas, The Cottage, Curragh
Teare Thomas, farmer and smith, Ballakinnag
Teare William, farmer and postmaster, the Village
Teare William, licensed victualler, Albert Hotel, the Village


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