[from A Vocabulary of the Anglo-Manx Dialect, 1924]
B. The Rev. T. E. Brown.
C. Miss Josephine Kermode ( Cushag ).
GAAL [] (Mx.), gale . About the twenty-third of June the fishermen always expected bad weather, which they called Gaalyn Colum Killey ( the gales of Columba of the Churches ). About the twelfth of August also they looked for gales which they called Gaalyn yn Lhuanys ( Lammas gales ). The equinoctial gales of September were known as Gaalyn Oie 1 Mian ( the gales of Matthews Eve ).
GAERY [] (Mx. garee, a sour piece of
land ), waste or boggy land.
And is the gaery drained, dye hear ? (B.).
As I went up the gaery gap
I met a lil boy with a red cap.
(Rhyme descriptive of a cherry.)
An unmarried girl of more than twenty years is said to be In the garee, and an unmarried woman of over forty is said to be In the garee mooar.
GAFFER {gafa(r)], foreman, ganger.
He was a lil gaffer on the mine (B).
GAID [gad] (Mx.), a withe, a heather rope.
Fine as a cobweb, it was as tough as a gaid.
GALLAS [], gallows . Gallas
for gallows is found in Ireland, Cumberland,
Westmoreland, and Yorkshire, but the expression gallas.muck
applied to a reprobate seems to be peculiar to the Isle of
Man. In the plural gallases means
An the rags of him, an the trowsis ready to dhrop from
the gallases.
When Mag an me wor singin on the Wes gallerdy, our
vices wud be film the church, an be hard half a
mile away up the hill, but the singers tha s in now, aw, theer
vices wudn fill a clothes-basket.
Theyre sittin up on the gallilee as proud as jugs on a
GANSY [ganzi], guernsey , jersey.
(Shet. Is. Yks. Suff.)
Mee arrims was that wake, I cudn hardly pull mee gansy over mee head.
For five shillins that womanll knit a gansy for thee fit for
the king to weer.
GANT [gant], gannet , Sula bassana.
Gibbon gant (gannet of the sand-eels) is a Peel name for the
Arctic Tern, Sterna macrura.
Aw, the pills is no throuble to him to get down, he can swalla
like a gant.
The Johnny-gants is flyin thick yandher.
GAPE [gëp], yawn ; stare, in phr.
Is it a pannorth o gapin seed yere wantin?
GARDAR [ga(r)dð~(r)] (Mx.), gust, squall. Gardar yn slock is a name for a heavy squall of wind driving through the slock or hollow between two hills.
GAREY.VRECK [gær3 vrek, gæri vrek] (Mx.
garee-breck), the Oyster-catcher, Haematopus
The bird were callin garey-vreck at Peel,
theyre callin Bridgeen at the Southside.
GARRY [gari, gara] (Mx. garrey, to
bestir oneself), to gather way; impetus.
The boat put on garry. There was a garry on her, I can tell you.
GART [ga(r)t~], the last reaper on the
standing corn side of a company of reapers in a field . The
earliest meaning of the word was corn-land (Irish,
gort,tillage.field , Scottish Gaelic, gart,
corn unreaped ), then, with a more limited meaning,
corn upon the ridge or highest part of a butt.
The corn is in the stackyard and everything right, and you wont
know the foreman from the gart.
GAUIN [gouiii] (Mx.), a young cow.
Jus a lil gauin it was.
GAW-HAW [g~ h~], a lout.
He s lookin a gaw-haw.
GAWN [g~n], yawn.
And gawnin fit to crack his jaws.
GEAYSH.GOAYR [gëf g~(r)] (Mx., lit.
goats hair ), a name for streaky cirrus clouds,
mares tails.
We wont be short of a breeze ; there s geaysh-goayr in
the sky.
GEG, GAAG [geg] (Mx. gaaig), a crack,
Ive a sore geg on head. His han is all over gaags.
GENNAL [genel, ganal] (Mx.), genial, cheery,
The poor lad ! very good and gentmal and true (B.). Gennaler ones ye
navar seen.
GESSLIN [gezkn], gosling.
Like a gandhar before his gesslins (B.).
GIBBIN, GIBBON [gib~n] (Mx.), sand-eel.
Gibbin mooar , the larger lance.
Till one day diggin upon the sandgibbins, of course youll
understand (B.).
GIG [gig], giggle.
She giv a lil gig urrov her and ron away.
GILL [gil], a deep narrow glen.
And a gill goin slantin in front (B.).
GILLIPERN [] (Mx. gailley.pern), the flat
angler-fish, Lopkius piscatorius.
As differn as a gilpin from a gillipern. Im as hungry
as a gallapern, and as empy as a fiddle.
GILLYA [] (Mx. guilley), lad ; a
bold-spirited person. See Guilley.
Dont cuss, my gillya, Ill have no cussin (B.). Jumpin, is
it, my gillya? (B.)
Aw, she s a gillya ! Yandhar one is a gillya, she s a
reglar laddie of a one.
GILPIN [] (Mx.), young fish of any kind, especially
The fishermen say that gilpin grow up into callag, and blockan into
seiyane or sihan. And rawsin (roasting) lii gilpin on the
GILVER [], gillyflower ,
Them gilvers is smellin beautiful.
GIMLOCK [gimlokoin through me thumb like gimlocks.
GIMMAGH [] (Mx.), a lobster.
He can grip like a gimmagh.
GINGER [], a hot-tempered person.
Aw, a proper ginger that s what she is. She s a bit of a
ginger, Im toul, and no blame to her with a man like
GIRN, GURN [] (Mx. gym), grin.
She gurned like a cat (B.).
GIRVEN []. The sand dab, Pleuronectes
Is it a girven or a fluke?
GIRWINE. Foam raised from the surface of the sea by a
strong wind.
The wind was from the southard and it blew so strong, that it
lifted a girwine off the sea.
GIVE [giv], to become moist.
The stones is givin with the thaw till theyre feer dreepin.
Peculiar use in the following : Give a sight on the fire that
itill not go out. Give a sight on the neighbours, man, i. e. Go
and see the neighbours. Give me the lend of your knife. Plenty of
people will give me the loan of a horse. I was climbing on the bed
ladder, and I could feel it give under me.
GIZZAT [gizat], gizzard.
He had a gizzat on him, i. e. he was conceited. Yandhar falla is a
man with a big gizzat.
Look out for your gizzit ! (B.)
(I) a hairy goblin, (2) a
big hulking boy.
Did you ever hear tell of the glashan?
A story is told of a coroner who summoned four men in court by the
following names to which they answered : Mac y Tear y mollag,
Scollag Mac y Clearey, Guilley bwee Glione-mooar, Glashtin mooar Mac
Killey, shass shiu stiagh dy ghoaill y loo ayns daa ghooinney
jeig, i. e. Mac-y-Tear of the sheep-skin bladder, Mac y Clearey
the scholar, Yellow boy from Glen mooar, Mac Killey the big glashtin,
stand up to take the oath in the jury.
GLASSAG [gladag] (Mx., lit.
little-green-thing ), the green shore. crab. See Clodhag.
Im thinkin the glassag and the clodhag is the one thing.
GLECK [glek] (Mx.), struggling, wrestling.
She s gleck hard with the farm. What are you gleck with
GLIB [glib], a person who talks glibly.
He s a glib, and sayin more till he ought.
GLIDDER-BAGS [g1id~(r) bagz is doing nothin but going on the houses newsin.
GLIOONAGH.GHUIY [] (Mx., lit. goose-kneed
), bistort,
Polygonum Persicaria.
There is a tradition that this plant grew at the foot of the
cross, where drops of our Lords blood fell on the leaves which
are consequently spotted.
GLIPE [], a glibe , a portion.
And isn a glipe a lii lump out of a bigger lump?
GLISTER [], haste, hurry.
I met her hafe an hour ago, and a terble glister on her. I got
caught in that glister of rain jus now. Ill give you
glister, i. e. I will make you hasten. Youll get glister from
your mother for that.
Theyre gone glistherin down the road. They were goin glisterin
like the wind. Off they started as fast as they could gleayshtey.
GLOAR [] (Mx.), to bawl. This word, which is not
found in the Manx dictionaries, is akin to the Irish word glor,
which means to make a coarse sound, to howl .
What are you gloarin at now ? What gloarin is there on him ?
GLONKY [] (Mx. glonk, a splashing
noise ). Glonky weather is a fishermans term
for windy weather with a rough choppy seaç~ It 5 doin
glunky weather.
The fishermen couldn do much in that glonky weather.
GLOOAG [] (Mx.), a lump of anything to serve as a
core for winding a ball of yarn upon.
The ball of thread was goin a windin on a glooag o turf, i. e.
a small lump of peat. I bought a pound of yarn from a woman at the
doorand, aw, the chaets tha s in this won
when I was knittin it up I found a glooag in the middle as big
as my fiss. Lap the cindher in a birra paper and itll do fine
for a glooag.
GLOUT [] (Mx.), a shapeless lump of anything ;
money. No matter about the flout
So long as you get the glout.
(Old saying.)
What odds who he marries if he gets the glout. It s the glout
he wants not the gel.
GLOYR Y THEIHLL [] (Mx., lit. glory of the
world), a sea-name for the sun.
The oul fishermen would be sayin it wasn right when on sea to
call the sun by any other name than gloyr-y-theihll.
GLUDDYRYN BRICK [] (Mx.), a species of
The Peel ones is callin slums what the Southside ones
is callin gluddyryn brik , and Ive hard
English ones callin them sea-nettles , for theyll
sting like jenny-nettles.
GOB [] (Mx.), beak, point ; mouth. This word is
found in Northumberland and Yorkshire, but it is of Celtic
Shove that in yer gob. Shut yer gob. A gob on him like a ducks.
We brought Ballaquane trees in line with Gob ny Chew for our
northerly bearing to get on the fishing mark.
GOB-DHOO [] (Mx., gob-doo, black beak
), a name for the mussel.
We used to be gatherin gob-dhoos off the rocks and boilin them and
atm them. Gob-doos is good for bait.
Ive seen gulls drop gob-dhoos on the rocks to break them.
GOB-MOOAR [] (Mx., lit. big mouth ), a
sulky person.
Did ye avar see such a cross-lookin gob-mooar ? That gob-mooar of a
one cant look plazed at nothin.
GODS MONEY []. When the herring-boat crews settled up at the end of the season, the odd shillings and pence which were put aside for the poor were called Gods money
GOGAW [], an awkward staring person, a gawk.
Wha s that big gogaw of a falla afther ? The big gogaw of a
thing stared all roun the chapel with his mouth open like a
GOGGAN [], geggin , a small tub or
pail with one of the staves longer than the rest to act as a
Goggans is made to give dhrinks to calves ; theyre made so that
the calf can sup evry tase ourra them. A goggan would
houl some quarts. A goggan full o milk would be goin to
the fire to warm with a pinch o salt and an egg in it the
firs afther his (the calfs) comm into this
GOGH, GOUGH [gox], used in expletives as a softened
form of God.
My gough ! did ye aver see the lek ? (B.). Gogh-a-Daa ! wha s
that ? i. e. God the Father ! what is that ? Gogh-y-deiy is a
sof way of sayin God damn not so coorse
GOIN [gõ~n], going .
Going is often used in a periphrastic form of verb which is
equivalent to a progressive passive.
Goin a-bringin, i. e. being brought. Goin a-makin, i. e. beimmg made.
Goin a lickin, i. e. getting beaten. Goin a-pitchin on the floor
(B.), i. e. being thrown on the floor. Goin a-puttin to the door
(B.), i. e. being put out of doors. Goin a-teachin navigation (B.),
i. e. being taught navigation. The book is goin a readin. The song is
goin a singin.
Goin and seemin well content (B.), i. e. going about ordinary
pursuits and seemingly well contented.
Going on the houses means begging from door to door, but it is also
used metaphorically of a gossip gadding about.
GOLL [] (Mx.), going.
There is terble goll on you to-day. There s goll on her
GOLL-TWOAIE [] (Mx.), rainbow. Some say that
literal meaning of goll-twoaie is going north
, others that it is northern fork or
There is no gettin to the goll-twoaie. As far asundher as the two
legs of the goll-twoaie.
GOLLAN-GEAYEE [] (Mx., lit. fork of the wind
a swallow.
As fas and as far as the gollan-geayee can fly.
GOLLOP [], gulp .
Dont be gollopin like that when youre atm. he golloped it
down like a gull.
GONE []. In phr.
The cushag is gone in seed. She was all gone in scripture, i. e. she
had gone deeply into the scriptures.
GONNAGH [] (Mx.), painful ; peevish, cross.
She s dhreadful gonnagh to-day. She s terble
gonnagh, scoulin and yowlin reglar
GOOD []. The Good Man is a name often
applied to God. I declar to the Good Man, I was that freckened
I couldn stir.
The good people is a conciliatory name for Fairies : other such names
are the lil fallas , Mooinjer-veggey
(little folk), Themselves , and . Middle world men
: It isn safe to be talkin much about the good
Good words , prayer Say a few good words for us,
lah (lad), when youre in chapel. He managed to say a few good
words. I giv them a few good words on my two knees.
GOOL [], gold . There s
gool on the cushags there , a saying meaning that even if there
is not gold anywhere else in the Isle of Man, it is certainly to be
found on the cushags (rag-worts). It is also used ironically on
hearing people talk disparagingly of the Island and boastingly of
other places either where they have lived or purpose going to. See
Aw, yes, there s gool on cushags there ! An gool wasn
nothin yandherwheres (B.).
GORM [], C gaum , a lout.
Ye big stupid gorm. Ye needn be makin a gorm of yerself like that.
Look at that big lazy gorm on the settle fas asleep.
GORT [] (Mx.), rancid.
A gort smell in the house. This butter is turnin a bit gort.
GORTY [go(r)ti], rank.
A gorty pipe in his mouth. Some ones like skate bes when it
s a bit gorty.
GOSH [gof], a call to geese.
Were sayin chuck, chuck ! to call the hens, and
gosh, gosh ! to call the geese.
GOSLIN [gosl~n, gozlan], gosling , the
catkin of the willow.
The childlmer is gatherin goslins. Goslins, ye knaw, some is callin
them pussies , and kitlins
GOUNAGH [gounax] (Mx.), young heifer.
It was jus a gounagh, a lil haffer, ye know.
GOVE [gõv], given , inclined.
(Suff. Cornwall.)
And gove to fightin (B.). He was a hard man and gove to be close
It was all guy away at me.
GOVERMENT [], government.
He s as stiff as the staff o goverment, i. e. he is
stiff and erect in carriage.
gobbag), dog-fish. Govvag skin was formerly used as
Nothin like govvag skin for hard timber. If it s red
youre wantin yer cheeks to be, jus rub them with a
birra govvag skin and youll navar wish for redder.
But we must give the govags to the third boat. The jeel (damage) the
govags is doin to the nets is urrov all marcy.
The Dalby folks are called gobbocks from their partiality. to that
fish ( Denhan, Tracts).
At her command the gobogs dole would rend the nets in many
a hole.
The expression govag was a term of contempt for a
Douglas man. You remember Pye Vogh, from Dalby ? She came every
Saturday to us and got 1d., the other beggars only ½d.
My mother was going out one Saturday mornmng, and left word with
a new cook from Douglas to give Pye from Dalby 1d. Pye came, and the
cook asked her if she was Pye from Dalby. She replied Are you
a Douglas govag ? It used to be a term of reproach by Peel
people to Dalby ones as being stupid, outlandish, and Pye thought the
girl was rude though she never meant it. When the boats went round to
Douglas the gobbags cut the nets.
GOW-SHEN [] (Mx., lit. take that ),
said when administering a slap or thump by way of punishment.
Aw, thoull get gow-shen from thee mother when
shell know thouve toul that big lie.
GRAIH [] (Mx.), love, often used in terms of
Ghraih is its mutated form.
Graih my chree [i] (love of my heart).
Graih villish (sweet love). My ghraih veen (my
dear love).
I remember oul Sal and her donkey too ; she was goin a callin
Sally-my-ghraihbecauseshed be sthroogin (stroking) the
donkeys nose and sayin, Aw, my ghraih bannit (my
blessed love).
GRAIP, GREP [], a manure fork.
He up savage with the graip, ready to stick it in the mans
thrut (throat).
~ 6R*i~Fr&RiF [græp, grip], a gutter in a
cow-house to carry off the
drainage. c7f-(~.7,,L t~ .e-~
And down he fell in the graip in his bes Sunday clothes.(T)
and mestey, mixture ; cf. Irish gramaisc,
and Scottish Gaelic, gramasg), refuse of food, rubbish,
trash ; broken victuals.
Aw, no, I wudn like to go to France at all ; theyre sayin
youll get nothin to eat there but grammasies. There was a plate
on the floor full of grumasy for the dog. Nothin lef on the
table for supper for me but a lot of grumasy. I dont houl
with no such glabbags (poultices) and oul womens
GRANGAN [] (Mx.), cross peevish person.
He s an oul grangan.
GRANGANY [], peevish.
Dont be so grangany.
GRASSIN [], grazing.
Stockin, and rearm, and grassin (B.).
GREAT [grët], on intimate terms.
They reterble great the two of them now ; they
wornt always used to be that great at alL
GREADAGH [gridax] (Mx. greesa~h),
We sat up to the greadagh on the chiollagh (hearth) for a chiow
GREEDLE [grid!], creel.
Goin to the mountain with greedles to carry turf home.
GREY-BACK [grebak], the hooded crow ; a name for a
louse which
is also called a Scotch grey.
The chicken was catched at a grey-back.
There was greybacks in his head the size of hay-seeds. I seen a
Scotch grey marchin over the blanket.
GRIG [grig] (Mx.), creak , tick.
Dont let me hear as much as one grig urra ye when youre
in the school.
Jus for the time of one grig o the clock.
GRINNDHER [grind~(r)] (Mx. grinder), sneerer.
That grinndher is mockin and grinnin at everything were
GRISSNIUYS [Krisnjiis] (Mx.groosniuys,
new curd ), beesting milk,
a name given to a pudding made of the second or third milking of a
cow which has recently done calving.
Some is callin it grissniuys and others is callin it
grennooys ; it s not me that knaws whuch is
bes to call it, for it s tastin jus as good with
one name as the other.
GROB [grob, gr~b], grab , claw ;
She grobbed his face till his cheeks was bleedin.
Grob , as much as one can grab. When herrings are
inordinately cheap they are sold by the grob :Aw,
Im not countin themIm sellin them by the grob
GROUW, GRAUE [grou] (Mx grou), sulky, glum ; a sulky look. She s a grouw lookin craythur at the bes. See Kitty give place with a graue on her face.
GRUN [grùn], ground.
He grun it up as fine as flour. Hafe a poun o
grun-papper. The curn is grun,
And ate, and done.
GRUNKS [grùi.~ks], a punishment in the game of marble. See Canokes.
GRUNT-NY-MARREY [grùnt n~ mare] (Mx, lit.
ground of the sea ), the sea-bottom, sea-floor.
The boat was sunk, and evry sowl a-board with her, and, aw,
they re lyin now at grunt-ny-marrey.
GRUTCH [grùtf], grudge ,
Aw dear, I grutched a lad like him to look like wutched (B.). It fell
urra me han and bruk, the same as if it was grudged to me.
GUILLEY [gilj~] (Mx.), boy. See Gillya.
Yn guilley beg (the little boy) is a sea-name for the
merman ; his shore name is pohllinagh (pool
Ny guillyn beggey (the little boys) is a name given to
the fairies. Guilley ny ritlag (boy of the rags), the
manifold tripe :She was clanin the guilley ny
ritlag ready for boilin.
Guilley yn ushtey (boy of the water), the youngest of a
family, the last of a litter : I was the guilley yn ushtey of
our family. Whuch of lil pigs is the guilley yn ushtey ? They
re callin the last sheaf of the harvest guilley yn ushtey.
GUIN, GUINN [gùin] (Mx.), a darting
A guinn Yee (Gods dart) is a natural pain meant
for you to haveGod sentbut a guinn shee
(fairy dart) is got by trampin on Fairy ground.
Oh, she s got a guinn shee ! No, no, it s a guinn
After the charm was put on it the swellin in me han broke, and
in me finger were three little round dents like if the flesh had been
sweezed down by shotsthat was their guinn marks.
GUIY-BOGH [gei boX] (Mx. guiy boght,
poor goose ), used in the
phrase to put the guiy-bogh on , i. e. to bring to
grief. He put the guiy-bogh on her, bad cess to him.
GUN-SKUTE [gùnskjiit] (Mx. gunn-scuit),
a squirt ; a popgun. See Morane.
The blisther bruk and the water come swirtin out like urrov a
GUOM, GWOM [gwom], an untidy patch.
She purra big guom on his britches, aw, a reglar clamp it
GURRAGH [gùrax] (Mx. guirrag/i),
clucking ; hoarse like a clucking fowl.
Them hens is gurragh and wantin to hatch.
That boy cant sing nowhe's gone gurragh, i. e. his voice
is changing.
A coorse hoorse nise,
Lek gurragh in the vice.
GURRA-MIE-A [gurra.mai-a] Mx. Gurra-mie-eu),
thank you. The optative mood of the assertive verb s, she,
to be . Lit. May good be at you.
I gev him a shillin, and he tuk it snatchin, and navar said as much
as gurramie-a for it.
GURRIN [gù~n] (Mx.), pimple.
He has a sore gurrin on the neck. There s gurrins on me. A
gurrin the size of a red ~ on the pint of his nose.
GUT [gùt], entrail, in the following:
He didn fall the oul house down altogather, but he pulled all
the guts of it out, and put new floors and new everything in.
GUY [gai, gùi] (Mx. gaih, toy,
plaything ), a gay , a broken bit of earthenware
or china.
The children are playin down on the shore with guys. Theyre
playin and makin guy houses. She took an oul drain-pipe
and stuck guys all over it with putty, and you wudn believe the nice
it was ; aw, fit for the Queens parlour it was.
GUY [gal], used in expletives as a disguised
Aw, guy ! wharra thing ! It s copper, guy-heng ! (B.). Guy-heiy
! wha s that?
GYN-THORT [gen t~o(r)t~] (Mx. gyn toyrt),
without thought, heed-
It 's a pity, gyn.thort.
GYUB [gjùb] (Mx. gubb), a young
The lil gyubs floatin on the water.
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gratefully received The
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