[from A Vocabulary of the Anglo-Manx Dialect, 1924]


B. The Rev.
T. E. Brown.
C. Miss
Josephine Kermode (‘ Cushag ‘).


The letter d when used initially in words of Manx origin is often pronounced as an interdental explosive. This sound is represented in glossic phonetics by [dd]. This sound is also often substituted for the voiced fricative f/i of such English words as ‘ then ‘ [diten instead of den], ‘ that ‘ [ddat instead of ðat].
Medial d has become dh [d], as in ‘ childher’, ‘ gandher ‘, ‘ yandher’. Final d has disappeared after l and n, as in fiel(d), ol(d), an(d), blin(d), en(d), frien(d), groun(d), win(d).
In forms of verbs ending in led and ned, the final d is often pronounced as t, e.g. filled [filt], pulled [pùlt], churned [tjo(r)nt], learned [la(r)nt]. Such words as ‘ warmed ‘, ‘ harmed ‘, are sometimes pronounced as if written ‘ warmt ‘, ‘ harmt’.
Long after the use of Manx had been discontinued by the Peel fishermen, such words as ‘ this ‘, ‘ that ‘, were often pronounced by them as ‘ dis ‘, ‘ dat ‘. In order to break off this mispronunciation, there used to be said to them in ridicule :—

Dee and dou,
The Quaker’s cow;
Dis and dat,
The Quaker’s cat.

DAA [], father, elderly man.
An’ helpin Dan with the bases an’ givin us all a han’. It was oul’ Dan Cain that bed the power arrim in the pra’r, i. e. old father Cain was powerful in prayer.

DAAGAN [dð~gan] (Mx.), an old nickname (now obsolete) in Peel for a fishing-smack. About 1760 a builder named Cowin launched a smack of sixty tons, and called it ‘ Dagon ‘. Up to that date no vessel so large had been built in Peel, and every smack built for some time afterwards was given the same nickname.
Boats termed daggans which sail swift.

DAANYS [ddæn~s] (Mx.), boldness.
The daanys tha ‘s in them faggots o’ gels!
‘ Daanys-graney ‘ (Mx., lit. ‘ ugly boldness ‘), super-boldness He ‘s got daanys graney in him for all.

DADAA [ð~d~-], a father, an elderly man.
Where's oul Dadaa ? (B.).

DAISE [dëz], ‘ daze ‘ ; graze.
I daized my arrim agin the door.

DAL [dali, a modified form of ‘ damn’.
Dal ye ! gerr urra this. Aw dal ! what that ‘s that?

DAMSEL [damzl], damson. On the other hand ‘ damson ‘ is some-times said for ‘ damsel ‘, as in the children’s singing game of ‘ Green gravel’.
She ‘s got two quarts of damsels for presarvin.
Green gravel, green gravel,
The grass is so green;
The fairest young damson
That ever was seen.
DANCIN [dans~n], ‘ dancing ‘, leaping.
I made him dancin mad, ready to jump urrov his skin.

DANDY [dandi], a certain rig of herring boat.
She was a dandy, a jigger-rig she was. Carver, or clinker, and dandy rig (B.).

DANGER’S [d~nz~(r)s], ‘ dangerous ‘ ; very bad.
And dangerous to get drunk though, very (B.), i. e. and very bad for drinking.

DAR [ddar] (Mx.), by, used in swearing (uncommon). tLI4VI
Dar y chrosh, i. e. by the Cross. Dar y hoar, i. e. by thp Book. ~ C itt ~ k,òe~ ~ ~ ., ~. ~ •1
DARK STRANGER, see Black. ~ ~
He ‘s a dark stranger to me. ( ~

DARKY [da(r)ki], darkish.
The colour of it was a surt o’ darky red.

DARRAG. A fishing-line made of black hair snoods.

DASH [daf, dðaf] (Mx.), a heap, a pile of corn.
I was out in the barn all day stan’in on the dash loosenin bands. When you have a dash of bread baked you’d say, ‘ Ta mee jannoo pellagyn,’ i. e. I’m making heaps.

DAWD, DOD [d~dJ, a dull, awkward person ; to go about one’s work
Did ye avar see such a big dawd of a gel?
She ‘s jus’ doddin roun’, and no go in her.

DAWK [d~k], to puncture holes as in biscuits.
The baker was dawkin the biscakes ready for the oaven.

DAY [dë], in phrase, ‘ The day is with you ‘, i. e. you are successful or lucky.
Come day, go day, God send Sunday (applied to an improvident person).

DAYMATH [dëm3j], ‘ day-mowth ‘, the quantity of hay that a man can make in a day ; half an acre. In Cheshire this word, in the
,.jjz— form ‘ demath ‘, is applied to a statute acre.
I heard a farmer braggin that he had a meadow with six daymaths in it, and that he had cut it in four days.

DEADS [deds], the debris of a mine.
Purra Scotchman on Laxa deads, and give him a boddle of whiskey and a pinch of patent manure, and he’ll reap a crop urrov it.
DEBEJAGH [debad~a~] (Mx.), desperate ; perverse, ‘ cussed’.
It ‘s hard to keep a han’ over him, he ‘s that debejagh, i. e. he is hard to control, he is so desperate.
Kelly the Lawyer could be right debejagh.

DEED [did, did], ‘ indeed ‘. Deed on ! = well done. Deed on Kellies ! (B.).
DEEMSTER [demsJ,~(r)], a judge. This name is applied to the
common-law judges in the Isle of Man. They are styled in the ancient court roll ‘ Justiciarii Domini Regis ‘ and the name itself is
probably derived from the old Saxon word ‘ to deem or think or to doom or condemn ‘. They declare what the law is, and all such laws so declared were formerly called ‘ breast laws ‘ and in some measure they seem to keep up the old authority of the Druids. See Herrin.

The Deemsters and the Clerk of the Rouls (B.). And the Demster (B.).

DEEP [dip], profound—in the following
Dubs is deep, but ihing-holes is deeper;
Broos is steep, but hawghs is steeper.
. The fishing off Peel is prosecuted at the surface, and the ‘ deep sling ‘ (long suspension-line to nets) is never used there.
DEIY [dei], ‘ D.’, damn.
Deiy it all ! Deiy all

DELL [del] (Mx.), a stiff argument.
A dell at them. There was a great dell goin on.

DEN. The base in children’s games as ‘ Rounders ‘, ‘ Prisoners’.

DERB [d~(r)b] (Mx.), a wild, intractable person. She was a desper’t lil derb.

DESTROYIN [d3st~rài~n], ‘ destroying ‘, consuming.
Eat, eat, you’re not destroying nothing.

DEVIL [divi], fiend. Card-playing is called the ‘ Devil’s Game ‘, and a pack of cards is called the ‘ Devil’s Bible ‘ or the ‘ Devil’s Books ‘. See Divil.
When the Devil’s Books is on the table, he ‘s not far off. Put the Devil’s Bible on the table, and you’ll find him underneath.
Some fellas were playin cards, and they were cheatin and then swearin, an’ one fella’s card fell from him, an’ he went to look for it, an’ behoul’ ye ! from under the table there was a hand stretched to him with the card in it—the Divil’s own hand!

DHEIY [dðei] (Mx. leigh), a hatchet, cleaver.
He tuk the dheiy to it.

DHELL [dde!] (Mx. dell), crowbar, lever.
He prized it up with the dhell.

DHONK [ddoijk] (Mx.), a heavy blow or thump ; to thump noisily.
What are you comm dhonkin at the door like that for ? Do you hear her out yandher dhonkin at the coals.

DHONKAN [ddoijkan] (Mx.), a wooden beater for flax ; a paver’s rammer.
He tuk the dhonkan to the pavins and made the sthreet as flat as a floor.

DHORNAIG {dðo(r)n~g] (Mx. doarnage), a fist-covering, a cover for the hands when hacking gorse or thorns.

He ‘s wearin dhornaigs on Monday and canary kids on Sunday.

DHRUNK [ddrùi~k], ‘ drunk’.
As dhrunk as my-cheilley, i. e. as drunk as ‘ anything ‘. As drunk as McKellya, i. e. quite drunk. As drunk as rosin (B.), i. e. as drunk as a fiddler.

DHUI [dðiii] (Mx. dwooie), detestation.
Them ones is puttin dhui on me (i. e. they make me detest them).

DHULL [dðùl] (Mx.), plug, hole to let out water in the bottom of a boat.
An’ the dhull come out, an’ I pushed me big toe in, for it ‘s barefut I was, an’ I saved the boat from sinkin. The water come in through the dhull.
‘ Through the dhull ‘ is used ironically as a polite way of saying, ‘ I don’t believe your boast ‘ :—They’re sayin he made a fortune in Africa, but it mus’ have gone through the dhull on the road home. They war braggin about the good fishin they had, but it mus’ have gone through the dhull hole at sea.

DIAKLUM [daia~klùm], the cuttle.fish. This name is given humour-ously to the cuttle.fish because its suckers adhere like ‘ diaklum’, which is the Manx pronunciation o4~ diachylon sticking-plaster.

DICK [dik]. In phrase ‘ Dressed up to dick ‘, i. e. dressed very smartly.

The sight of him ! gloaves on his han’s and done up to dick.

DICKY [diki], a movable shirt-front, also called a ‘ cheat ‘ ; a name applied to Foxdale men.

The men all wore white shirts when I was a girl, there was no such things as dickies and cuffs.
Dicky from Foxdale.

DIDDLE-DANDER [didl dan~e(r)], a jocular name for a cow’s teat.
Four stick -standers,
Four diddle-danders,
Two lookers, two crookers,
And one wig-wag. (Riddle. Answer : a cow.)

DIFFER [dif~(r)], ‘difference’.
They were callin Hughie after the ould chap—Hughie not Hugh for a differ lek (B.). The differ wouldn be knew (B.), i. e. the difference would not be known.

DIFFRIN [difran, dif~(r)n], ‘ different ‘, in phr.
As diffrin as the Neear [njia(r)] from the Niar [nja(r)], i. e. as different as the West from the East.

DI’MON [dainwn], ‘ diamond ‘ In phr. Thinking diamonds.
Bless me ! the diamonds they were thinkin of him (B.). She ‘s thinkin di’mons of her oul rubbidge.

DIPPER [], a Baptist ; a Mormon.
She wondered what Molroy really felt about Enos being a Dipper. Do you ‘member oul’ Tom the Dipper that made the song about the schooner ‘sailin to Austhrillia?

DIRT [], bad weather ; a term of contempt ; filth. We’ll be gettin some dirt out of yandber dark cloud.
Ye oncultivated dirts ! Wasn he haunted at some dirt of a sperrit ? (B.). Murders an’ favars an’ all manner of dirts goin. The bile (boil) bust and the dirt that come out was astonishin.

DIRTY [], nasty, ill-tempered.
You’re gettin dirty, i. e. you are losing your temper and saying ill-natured things. It's jus’ the dirty temper you’ve got.
‘ Dirty Peggy ‘, a name for the cuttle-fish called in Manx ‘ Peie vroghe’ (nasty Peggy), and ‘ Peie vrainn ‘ (stinking Peggy).

DIVIL [divl], ‘ devil ‘. ‘ Divil ‘ is the colloquial form, that of ‘ Devil’
being reserved for serious occasions. See Devil.
An’ divil the one of the rest’ll stay (B.). Rovin divils sailors is (B.).
At the end of the season if one fisherman asked another how he had done, then, supposing he had done fairly well, he would answer that he would be able to keep the Divil and the Curnor (Coroner) from the door.
It ‘s not the Divil and Docthor Fosther that’ll stop them, i. e. it is neither the Devil nor Faust (the mediaeval magician) who will be able to prevent them.

DO [dii]. The following examples give the various forms of ‘do’
when used as a simple verb. See Doin, Done.
Present affirmative :—I does it, I do it, I’m doin it. Thou does it, Thou do it, Thou’re doin it. He does it, He ‘s doin it. The men does it, The men is doin it. We does it, We do it, We’re doin it. You does it, You do it, You’re doin it, &c.
Interrogative :—Amn I doin it ? Am thou doin it ? &c.
Negative :—I’m not doin it, I amn doin it. Thou’re not doin it, Thou am doin it. He's not doin it, He isn doin it, &c.
Interrogative negative :—Amn I doin it ? Am thou doin it ? Isn he doin it ? Isn the men doin it ? Am we doin it ? &c.
When ‘ do ‘ is used as an auxiliary it usually remains unchanged for all persons and numbers. The present affirmative is little used except in such phrases as ‘ I do so ‘ ( = I do indeed), ‘ Thou do so ‘, ‘ He do so ‘, &c.
Negative :—I dont, Thou dont, &c. The final ‘ t ‘ of ‘ dont ‘ or ‘ dunt ‘ is often dropped :—I dun’ want it, I’d’n know. You don’.
In the past tense ‘ done ‘ is said when the verb is simple and ‘ did ‘ is said when it is auxiliary :—I done it, I did do it, &c.
Sometimes ‘ did ‘ is used as a past participle :—I’ve did it.
Do used as a noun :—The do that was in. It was a fine do for all.

DOAGAN [] (Mx.), a firebrand ; the name of a children’s game.
In this game each player has a stick the point of which has been reddened in the fire. Each combatant whirls his stick about to keep it burning while at the same time he endeavours to knock the burning head off the stick of his opponent.
The same name is also applied to an obsolete game in which a rude representation of the human figure was fastened on a cross and sticks thrown at it just after the fashion of a modern Aunt Sally.
Kelly in his Dictionary gives the following :—‘ Shoh dhyt y doagan. Cre dooyrt y doagan ? Dam y chrosh, dam y chron, dam y maidjey beg jeeragh, as cam ayns y cheylley veg shid hoal, my verrys oo yn kione jeh’n doagan veryms y kione jeeds er-y-hon.’ (Literally :—Heme ‘s the firebrand for you. What did the firebrand say ? By the cross, by the mark, by the little straight stick, and a bend in the other little [one] over yonder, if you will put the head off the firebrand I’ll put your head off for it.) This has also been translated as follows :— This to them the Doagan. What says the Doagan?
Upon the cross, upon the block,
Upon the little staff, straight or crooked,
In the little wood over yonder.
If thou wilt give the head of the Doagan
I will give thy head for it.

DOAIE [] (Mx.), decency, worth.
All the doaie that ‘s on the house we done it ourselves. All the doaie that’s here ourselves done it.

DOAIEAGH [] (Mx.), decent, worthy.
He ‘s a doaiagh man though. Old Charlie Chalse was a very doieagh sort of fella. Two of the mos’ dauyagh and studdy mm in the parish.

DODGERS [dodg~(r)z], short choppy waves.
Out among the dodgers. The childher on the shore is playin dodgers with the waves rowlin in.

DOELESS, DOLESS [dül~s], incapable of doing, incompetent. In some parts of England ‘ makeless ‘ is used in the same sense.

But yandhem woman ! Doeless, doeless, aw doeless uncommon (B.).

DOG [dog, d~g]. A name for a partial rainbow, a mock sun. Also Banff.

There ‘s a dog in the norrard.
Dogflowers. You knaw them lil dog-flowers (dog-daisies) tha ‘s flowem’n in the dog-days.
Dog-sheaf, the Clerk’s sheaf. See Clerk’s Silver.
Dog-walloper, Clerk of the Church, part of whose duty was to drive dogs out of the building :—‘ Here ‘s the dog-walloper comm ‘, said me father.
Dog-Winkle, the white-shelled Periwinkle. This is the word used in the North of the Island, ‘ jack ‘ being used at Peel and in the South. I never heard ‘ jack ‘ on them but this side. We went to the shore for pennywinkles and flitters, and we could only get a few dog-winkles.
Phm. He would talk the hind leg off a dog.

DOGGISH [], dogged.
He ‘s working doggish amrit. It ‘s a doggish job to get done.

DOILLEE [ddùli] (Mx.), difficult.
Aw it ‘5 doillee enough gettin that done. The job isn as dhullee as I was thinkin.

DOIN [dii9n], ‘ doing ‘ is used to express action of a general nature. See Do, Done.
It ‘5 doin coomse weather. The dawn was barely stbmakin an’ a sup of rain doin.
She ‘s doin a blunder on herself. She ‘s doin money, i. e. making money.
‘ What ‘5 doin on ye ? ‘ This is a literal translation of the Manx idiom C Cred ta jannoo omt ? ‘ Its meaning is, ‘ What ails you ? ‘—What was there doin on her ? The cooth was doom on hem bad, i. e. the cold affected her badly.

It’ll do a nice little walk for me to go and see hem. It ‘s a fine day done.

DOLLAN, DHOLLAN [ddolan] (Mx.), a sheepskin covered hoop used to hold ‘ cake ‘. It is sometimes used by children as a tambourine. I could make as much soun’ come urrov a dollan as urro’ that peeanna.

DOLLY [doli], to work up, whisk up.

She’ll dolly anything up for dinner for them, shake flour over the coul’ taters from the day before and curl them up on the pan and call them some Fminch name—nw, she’ll dolly any mortal ha’porth for the lodgers’ dinner.

DOLPAW [ddolpaw] (Mx.), the hermit or soldier crab, also called ‘ dols’.

Them lil dols tha ‘s in the pennywinkles.

DONE [dim], in phr. Done up, at the end of their tether. See Do, Doin.
They’re done up I’m told and can’t even pay the rent. They lef’ Douglas when they were done up, and went to America.

DONSEE, DONSY [donzi], delicate in relation to health. The donsee craythur tha ‘s there to get married!

DOOINNEY, DHUNYA [ddùnj~] (Mx.), a man.
‘ Dhunya molla ‘ (Mx. dooinney moylley, ‘ a man of praising ‘), used of the friend who backs and speaks praisingly of the suitor :—Hammy more like a dooinney-molla for Jack, lek helpin him to woo (B.).
‘ Dooinney-oie ‘, lit. ‘ a man of night ‘, used of a howling night spirit Then the win’ would die away in the distance, till ye cud jus’ hear it up on the hills howlin like the Dooinney-oie.
‘ Dooinney varrey ‘, lit. ‘ man of the sea ‘, used of a memman.
The following expressions are often used :—‘ Dooinney meen ‘ (dear man), ‘ Dooinney mie ‘ (good man), ‘ Dooinney coar ‘ (kind man), ‘ Dooinney graihagh my chmee ‘ (beloved man of my heart).

DOOR [dii~(r)]. The Anglo-Manx equivalents for the English expression ‘ To show the door ‘ are, ‘ Give the door ‘ and ‘ Take the door’.

I gev him the door. ‘ Take the doom ‘, says I, ‘ an’ middlin handy too, i. e. Get out ! and quickly too. Out on the doom with her, i. e. away she went.

DOORAGH, DHOORAGH [] (Mx. dooraght), a free gift, a gift over and above what is due, a gratuity.

I’m givin ye this, jus’ for a lil doomagh lek. Put a bit in for a dooragh, man.

DOUBLE [dùbl].
Fishermen say when a rope fouls on deck and no gettin it cleam that it ‘s like Double Dutch coiled against the sun, coiled lef’ handy ye know.
Double penny, double payment, two prices :—He was taking the double penny for everything.

DOURIN, DHOWRIN [ddourin] (Mx.), distemper, sickness.
If you walk on ‘ bad ‘ ground it’ll put a dhowrin in yer, i. e. if you walk on haunted ground it will give you a distemper. You’ll be walkin on bad groun’ some of these nights, and then there’ll be a dourin put in you.

DOUSE [dous], to dash, strike, throw violently.
An’ that boul’ faggot ! she was dousin the childher about and callin them lieny cmaythurs, i. e. lying creatures. He doused the bundle down on the groun’ an’ cut for it.

DRAB [ddrab], to dribble, make wet. This word is found in Scotland, Yorkshire, and Lancashire with the meanings ‘ to spot, stain, splash with dirt’.

Till it tightens their tits and drabs their muzzles (B.). But drabbin still on your clothes it isn respectable (B.).

DRAG [ddragj, draw ; draggle.
She ‘s draggin water from the well.
Look at the drag that ‘s on yer frock, i. e. see how your dress is bedraggled. She ‘s loolçin dragged.

DRAMMAG [dðramag] (Mx. drornm, ‘ drowsy, torpid ‘), one who is without energy, a feckless person.
He ‘s a reg’lar dmammag. A dhrammag of a thing.

DRAW [ddra], a smoke.
He ‘s sittin at the fire takin a dhraw.

DREE [ddri] (Mx.), tedious, slow.
It ‘s middlin dree work. It ‘s a dhmee job.

DREEM [dðrim, ddri(b)m] (Mx. dreeym), the back, the back of a hilL There was no proper road through the Dreem.

DRID [ddrid] (Mx.), a slow trot.
He ‘s on the drid all the time. I met her comm dmiddin along, i. e. taking~ short trotting steps.
You’ll see them goin’ drid-muck. Aw, drid muck and donkey’s gallop.

DRIDDLE [ddridl], trickle.
The bottle is near emp’y, but there ‘s a lil dmiddle in the bottom yet.

DRIG [ddrig] (Mx.), a drop.
Yandhar one would take all—to the last drig.

DRINE, DHRINE [ddràin] (Mx.), thorn’tree.
Close by is old Carey’s house by the drines.
The sky above is blue, love,
The bud is on the dhrine,
My heart beats true for you, love,
My flower, my valentine. (A valentine rhyme.)

DRINEAGH, DHRIENAGH [ddrainax] (Mx.), thorny. That man—nw, he ‘s as dhrienagh as an oul’ thorn hedge.

L DRISHLAGH [ddriflaX] (Mx.), drizzle.

It ‘S not a well at all, jus’ a drishlagh of a spring.

DRISS [ddris], quick motion, swish. Fast sailing. Probably an onomatopoetic word of Manx origin.
There ‘s a tem’ble driss on you. I seen her go pas’ jus’ now with a dmiss on her tail. A vessel has a driss on her when carrying all possible sail in a strong wind.

DRIVE [ddriv], in phr. Drive the pigs.
Aw, when he's asleep it ‘s him that can drive the pigs, i. e. it is he who can snore.

DRIVER [ddrivG(r)]. A fishing-boat carrying drift nets. A driver mus’ go with the tide.

DROGGAD [ddrogad], ‘ drugget ‘, coarse flannel.
This ffannen is as rough as droggad and I couldn suffer it to my skin.

DROGH [ddro~] (Mx.), bad. Drogh-spyrryd (evil spirit), demon. The drogh-spyrryd is in him for all.

DROGHADY MARKET [ddro~edi market], a fisherman’s term
for bad market.
Aw ! Drogherdy market to-day again.

DROLLAN, DHROLLARN [ddrolan, ddrol~n] (Mx. drollane), a drone, sluggard, simpleton.
After they’re married they turn out dhrollarns.

DROLLANAGH [ddrol~nax] (Mx. drollaneagh), indolent, sluggish, stupid.
He ‘s a bit drollanagh. I wasn thinkin much meeseif for I was too drollanagh.
DROLLOO [ddrolii] (Mx.), a pot-hook.
You’ve a nose on ye fit for a dmolloo, you could heng the kettle on it.

DRONE, DHRONE [ddrõn] (Mx. droin), hump.
There ‘5 a drone on him like a camel. Stan’ sthrite, and don’t be puttin the dhmone on ye like that.
They said the praecher was tayjus (tedious) and a drone at him in the sarmon, but I did’n see no drone on him—he ‘s as sthrite as the mas’ of a boat.

DROV [ddrov], ‘ drop ‘, give over.
Drov it (B .), i. e. say no more about it.

DUB [dùb], a pool.
They brought him to a big dub and threw him in. Deep dubs of blue light with the black at the bottom (B.). The fine she ‘s talkin since she come from Englan’, callin the dubs ‘ poodles’.

DUCK [dùk]. Phr. Asyalla as a duck’s Jut.
Witches are as common as ducks goin barefoot. With eyes on him like a duck lookin for tundher.

DUCKSTONE [dùk stõn], a boys’ game in which the ‘ duck ‘ is
a small stone placed on the top of a larger one. The players in turn throw, from a given distance, stones at the ‘ duck ‘ and endeavour to knock it off.
Duckstone—no ! nor Hommem-the-let—well—no ! (B.).

DUGALD [dug!], a small fishing-smack. This word was originally applied to smacks which came from Campbelltown, where fishermen of the name of Dugald were found.

The dugalds is fishin closer to the shore tel the luggers.

DUILLAG PHARIC [ddùljag ferak] (Mx., lit. ‘ Patrick’s leaf ‘), a name for the greater plantain.
If you’re stung with anything, rub duillag Pharic on the place and it’ll aise the pain to-rekly. Dhullyag femick is gud uncommon for stings of bees and jinny-nettles.

DULLISH [dùl~J] (Mx.), dulse, edible sea-weed, Rhodymenia palmata.
Dullish is ter’ble good for drivin out the wummums, i. e. dulse is an excellent vermifuge.
The yalla dullish is the sweeters’ but the red dullish is the tendhers’. Dullish boys is a name applied to natives of Castletown.

DUMB [dùm], silent.
Now, childer, sit quate and be dumb.
Dumb-cross, the sign of the cross :—Make it three times over and under the right foot, saying at the same time, ‘ In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.’
If you have a thorn in the finger and have pulled it out, even then a dumb-cross is good—well, if it does no good it does no harm.

DUNGLE [dùijgl], ‘ dung-hill’.
Muckin out middens an’ spadin dungles, tha ‘s all he ‘s fit for.

DUS’ [dùs], ‘ dust ‘, a sprinkling, a small quantity ; to beat ; an antidote to the effects of witchcraft.
When a person goes away quickly there is said : ‘ You coudn see his heels for dus’.’
It ‘s comm on a dna’ of snow. Theme ~s a dus’ of main in.
Aw, he gave him a dustin (B.).
My mother rather feared hem ‘ evil eye ‘ and at least on one occasion I wakened up covered with the dust that she had swept from her footsteps.

DY-JARRU, THA.JARROO [d~ d~aru] (Mx. dyjarroo), truly, indeed.
See Jarroo.
Tha ‘s it, aw, dy jarmu.
DY LIOOR, THALLURE [de ljfl~(r)] (Mx. dy liooar), enough, galore.
See Thallure.
Aw much dy-lioom he was. And money at hinm in shuffiefuls (shovelfuls), aw, money dy-lioor. Honest ? yes, honest thallure (B.). And the misthress gracious thallure (B.)


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