These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1800 A 23 CREBBIN Jane dated 10 mar 1784;widow rev paul crebbin;son wm mercht;son rev charles + dau jane execs;by probate jane now jane wynne and off island, capt harry grice + wife isabella als crebbin, hester crebbin relict late decd wm + dau cath, mrs whiting + daus 1800 A 24 CURGHEY John d 20 feb 1800;dated 3 jan 1800;larghey;son john (heir),wm (apprentice fee to be paid);dau elizth,ann,isabella;wife isabella als moore; 1800 A 25 jw BREW Robert dated 25 mar 1799;robert + margt als bridson of ballachrink;son thos (heir),robt + christopher (if they come);dau jane cubbon als brew [ w/o wm cubbon],margt;servt ann brew 1800 A 26 KISSAGE Isabel made 18 mar 1793;widow prev Ballakissage now Douglas;sons john, wm, thos + charles;daus elizth w/o thos quine, isable w/o saml quine + esther w/o robt quine,margt (spinster exex) 1800-1 E QUINE Joney d end nov 1799;ch thos,john,elizth,elinor + isabella (some ua);husb john;john + robt key uncles supv 1801-2 E QUINNEY John dated 5 jun 1801;Ballacrine;wife Joney als Creech exex 1803 A 29 jw KINLEY William dated 14 oct 1800;wm + ellinor;ballahown;son wm,philip;dau isable als arthur;sis margt kinley;gch ann arthur als skinner;,ann quirk als quay,elizth arthur,wm + elizth kinley;at death of husb elinor states age 80; 1803 A 30 QUINEA Judy made 12 feb 1803;ballacrone;son wm;dau elizth exex 1803-1 E COWLEY Margaret d 25 may 1803;husb thos;son thos exec 1803-2 E COTTIER Margaret FANNaN d 26 jul 1803;dau margt (eldest),charlotte;son wm,thos,john,charles,robt,james;husb thos exec 1803-2 E MYLVORREY Mary d 30 May 1803;ch john,wm, philip,ann(w/o john callister) elizth (w/o henry curphey)+ chas(decd - son john ua) jt admrs;pledges tomas brew + john curphey (both Santan) 1804-1 E MOORE John d 27 dec 1803;bach;sibs Thomas,Robert,(off Island)mary(w/o Patk Quirk), jane (w/o Robt Keig),isabella(w/o John Curphey);pledges John Harrison + Thos Kennish (both Santan) 1805 A 24 ARTHUR Alice d 10 Jan 1805;widow,BallaCubbon or Boalley Kirn;ch Abigail Clark(tithe of B'Cubbon) w/o Wm Clark exex;;gdau Elizth Clark, Margt Clark; 1806 A 29 BREW Margaret ballachrink;son thos,christopher,robt;dau jane (her ? daus Margt cubbon,dau eliz cubbon, mary-ann cubbon);gson wm cubbon (to be put to a trade);daus jane + margt(execx);paul bridson h/o margt ; 1806 A 30 QUINE Alice son john exor;dau cath;gdau elizth quine 1806-1 E MOORE Thomas d 15 jul 1805;sulbrick;ch Thomas, John, Jane(w/o danl kewley), Margaret(w/o thomas beatty) + Ann(w/o thomas thomas); 1806-2 E KENNISH Elizabeth CREETCH dated 29 dec 1804;son john,wm,thomas;dau jane,elizth;husb thomas exor 1807-2 E w LEWNEY Margaret dated 26 May 1807;of Santan but lately of Kk Malew;ch Thos, James, Margt Byrne, Cath Hurd, Esther Callow exex; 1808 A 60 KEIG Jane d 29 feb 1808;son john;dau mary exex 1808 A 61 jw McNELL Dorothy WILSON see thomas 1808 A 61 McNELL Thomas dated 11 dec 1806;son isaac(if he comes),thomas;dau elinor(w/o wm kelley + 3 sons thos,mathias + john kelley) 1808 A 62 QUIRK Mary dated 28 dec 1807;dau mary(w/o wm brew),isabella(w/o thomas moore)(sandhouse kk german),margt;husb patk;son thomas,charles;gdau mary moore 1808 A 63 KISSAG Ann dated 20 apr 1808;ballakissag;son edwd;dau ann leece(knocksrey) exex (w/o john); 1808-2 E d FARGHER Jane quinney d 11 Dec 1807;ch John, Wm, Thos, Elizth + Margt (last 4 ua) - bro Jon + fatherJohn sworn 1808-2 E KEIG Robert d 21 feb 1808;ch john + mary 1808-2 E d MADDRELL Ann bridson d 6 Sep 1808;ch john + Margt co-admrs - ua - husb Wm Maddrell sworn 1809-1 E MOORE Catharine CLUCAS d 28 apr 1808;ch thos,john,cath,margt + isabella;husb john;thomas brew h/o margt 1810-2 E MOORE Thomas [poor copy]dau jane;gdau eliz hampton,margt quine,ann moore,esther + isable moore;gson thos + john Moore (to help put to trade);dau Eliz exex(w/o Wm Moore)(lands purchased from Christopher Kinish Ballacurry) 1810-2 E OATES Margaret dated 18 nov 1808;widow,balla[?];dau ann,elizth,margt exex;son richard;gdau margt moore als quiggin,esther quiggin,elizth kennagh;1818:elizth Kennaugh acks from Wm Moore 1811 A 26 OATES Elizabeth dated 1 mar 1808;widow james oates oatland;dau eunice (w/o norris moore),mary_ann (w/o wm commins) if she return,cath (w/o capt john christian);names philip s/o late philip garret mercht douglas;son philip (eldest) exec 1811-1 E BLUNDELL John late of Santan, d Ireland;prin creditor Robert Moore admr;pledges William Scott esq + Alexander Carnack (both Douglas) 1811-1 E SKEALLY John dated 3 jun 1811;wife + ch jt execs;boat Mayflower;petn by wife cath that d 9 jun;1816: wm caine acks for wife Elizth skeally, wm skealy,elinor skealy ack 1811-1 E QUIRK Patrick dated 11 may 1811;son thomas,charles;dau mary brew,margt,isabella moore w/o thomas (exex)(ground + house called 'sandhouse kk german);gdau mary moore;gch ann,john,alice,emma,thos,wm + charles moore c/o thos moore;gch elizth,cath,ann,jane,mary,isabella + margt brew 1813-1 E d GELL James [?bur] [petn by bro John Gell (Santan)]bach d abt 3weeks ago[from Jan] -next of kin John Gell, John Gell, Sylvester Callister, Thomas Cowin, Thomas [], Catharine Moore + Elinor Gell coadmrs - Tho Gell + Cath Moore absent Isabel Fargher + Isabel Gell sworn in their behalf sworn along with others[ Syl Callister ? c/o Thos Callister + Elizth Gell - bapt Ger 17640314; 1813-1 E QUIRK Ann fargher d 25 Feb 1813;husb Robt admr [m robt quork San 18120531 1813-2 E w KISSACK Edward dated 12 Apr 1813;Ballakissack;unnamed ch;wife Ann als Bridson exex - pledges bro John Bridson (Malew) + John Karran(Santan)[?uncle] 1813-2 E d QUoRK Elinor d 23 Jul 1813;spinster;father robt Quork admr 1815-2 E d CARMONT Samuel [?bur]d some time ago;court decres widow Cath Caremont + son John (oher ch being provided for) jt amrs;petn states other ch Thomas, Petr, David + Isabella;[Saml Carmont m Cath Fargher als Dawson San 17951125 - prob 2nd marr as child John bapt to Saml + Rachel Louthan DSM 17871028 - she bur Bra 17950423] 1814-1 e Moore thomas [?not in index][not always clear on microfilm]dated 14 Sep 1812;Balla[]ce;ch Thomas, Ann (w/o Wm Moore m San 18050119])exex;gch John Moore 1814-2 E HUTCHIN William d 11 jun;ch wm, henry, thomas , john, jane w/o wm oates + cath hutchin spinster; 1815-2 E d KINLEY Elizabeth d 27 Nov 1815;widow;only son Joseph admr - too tender yrs - uncle(mo's bro) Wm Cowley(Santon) supv; 1816 A 17 OATES Margaret formerly douglas now santan;names ch of john moore douglas(john,thomas + charloltte - mo margt moore als quiggin + uncle thos moore sulbrick);bro richd;sis elizth;names philip fargher;nephew wm quiggin;wm moore exor in trust;1844 jane moore formerly santon now liverpool acks;1824 elizth kennagh acks 1817 A 27 KNEEN John dated 26 mar 1816;wife admx;witt Wm Kinley, Philip Kinley; 1817-1 E MYLEVORREY Jane crellin ch thos,john,jane(w/o john hudgen),isabella,wm 1817-2 E MOORE Isabella ch Robert + Isabella(w/o Daniel Kinnish) jt admrs;pledges their bro Wm Moore, Wm Cannell(Braddan) 1818 A 18 CREBBIN Charles declrd 29 nov 1817;rev charles crebbin;son thomas;unnamed ch;wife jane exex;ch ua 1818 A 19 KINISH Christopher dated 19 apr 1818;son thomas,wm;dau margt,ann,elizth(exex);wife ann 1818-2 E LEECE Jane crebbin d 8 apr 1818;only son john admr 1818-2 E QUINNEY Eleanor CHRISTIAN dated 20 jan 1816;widow,Glen Grainagh;ch George, Will ,Robt, John ,Tho (last 3 gone off Island + John reported dead - his son John), Jane(w/o Wm Creech) exex 1819-2 E d QUIRK Anne d 19 Aug 1819;husb John Quirk admr 1821-1 E BLACK Esther COWNE dated 16 Mar 1811;The Chrink,'beig aged';ch isabella, Margret;husb John exor 1821-1 E CALLISTER John d 21 Nov 1820;ch John, Charles, James, Stephen, Wm, Mary, Cath + Jane jt admrs - all of tender years - wife Elinor sworn; Pledges Charles Cannell(Malew) + John Quine(Santan) 1821-1 E GICK/JICK Jane MOORE d 14 Jan 1821;ch Thos, Christopher + John jt admrs;pledges John Quine + Thomas Quilliam (both Santan) 1824 A 10 OATES Philip [full] 1824-1 E QUINE Elizabeth dated 27 Mar 1823;son John (lands purchased from Thomas Callow);son Edward,Wm,dau Esther Crellin,isabella Corkill,dau Ann (execx);John Brown h/o Ann; 1826-1 E KISSACK Thomas d 11 11 May;petn by John Kissack states supported him for 11yrs - appointed admr 1826-1 E QUINE Thomas son John (lands purchased from Thomas Callow 1793, from George Quinney 1805, glengrenogh);dau Ann Brown als Quine w/o John Brown (execx);son Edward son Wm;dau Esther Crellin;dau Isabella Corkill widow of Thomas Corkill;wife Eliz decd will 1823; 1831-1 E CLAGUE Jane Quark made 7 Ju;,dated 12 Jul 1830 (d 10 May);husb Robert exex(inc lands in Marown called Ballacotch);Ballacregga;ch John(if he came), Elizth Callester;gch (d/o John) Elizth + Ann(£10 ea);1846: James Fargher(h/o Elizth) + Ann Clague ack Thomas Cubbon exor of Thomas Cubbon late of village of Kiondroghad[Onchan] who was guardian to Elizth + Ann [these are c/o John Clague + Elizth Cubbon]; 1831-1 E Keigg John dated 2 Jul 1830;ch John(premises known as Mar-e-croitgan for life), Edward, Ann, Elizabeth, Margt, Isabella, Jane, Cath, Robt(eldest son + heir at law);wife Jane exex 1832 E BREW Thomas thomas + jane als nelson;ballachrink;son robt;dau margt lyons(2 sons thos+saml),cath kissack(sons edward,robt,john),ellinor brew; 1832-2 E KENNISH Ann dated 14 may 1832;ballagick;son thomas(heir - + legacy from decd fa christopher),wm + john(both abroad);dau ann (w/o john harrison douglas), + 2other unnamed daus 1833 E BREW Mary [quirk] wife wm;ch mary(w/o wm kinnish),elizth (w/o wm quine),ann (w/o thomas boyd)+ jane(w/o john hudgeon) 1836-2 E CREBBIN Charlotte bur 15 May 1836;cath gick, john quine, wm quine, elizth corkil(w/o mathias corkill), jane barker(widow), margt clucas + Margt moore jt admrs 1838 A 14 GICK Isabella cowle dated 5 apr 1837;son wm(naigh? ?maigh veg + dwelling house etc) exor; 1838 A 16 QUINE Thomas d 17 nov ;dated 27 oct 1837;glentragh + ballafurt;wife margt exex;dau elizth(w/o edward mylchreest),margt, cath + esther; (land purchased from Robt Cowley(douglas) in 1809);
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