Summary of Wills - Santan pre1700

These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.

See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.

Year  court       Name                      als          My Notes  
1613   e 159     CALISTRENE   Michaell                 [d 18 Aug 1613;wife? Margrett Norres exex;son John Calisteren - Robt Parre ?overseer; inv
1624   e 090     GELLIN       Paule                    d 10 Apr;wife Margret Kellie exex;sister Ann Fargher, Christian,Ales[Alice] and Jonie Gellin;names Jon Harrison, John Fargher(corn),Wm Kinish
1622   e 196     Charalagh    Robert                   [lost top + frayed rh edge]d 22 Sep ; legitimate ch admrs - eldest overseer younger? children;wife alive;inv ;Mallie Kenish mother to the children and John Bridson [] Margret Charalaugh bond for the [?children] when they come to lawful years
1628   e 021     Quay         Issable                  [damaged corner lost ?quay  as son Thomas Quay]d 5 Feb [?1628];husb alive;names Kathrin Quay;my [?gossip or godchild] Anne Cosnahan;leaves some cloth to midwife;unnamed ch of stepmother begotten by my father;son Tho Quay (not of full age) exor;unnamed bothers + sisters
1628   e 022     FARCHER [Far Margaret                 [decayed rh margin, lh margin lost on film]ch Finlo Farcher, Margt Farcher, Robt Farcher(+ his ch), Tho Farcher (exor); niece Margt K[];
1628   e 024     BRIDESON                              [damaged] d 16 Mar 1628;ch Nicholas(half plough + oxen (being 3))Jonie + [] exors; wants Gilbt Moore + Richd Brydson as supvs;inv - due to 2 youngest ch Jonie + Christian Bridson - part of inv in keeping of Anne Bridson and Nicholas Bridson their brother [];some of inv in keeping of John Quayle Ballasalley;
1628   e 025     COWLEY       John                     [damaged];wife Jonie Moore; ch Mallie Cowley (6d), Isable (jt exex with wife); wants corn equally divided betwixt my [] [] Cowley, Issable Cowley + my wife;
1628   e 027     CURGHIE      Ann         CALLIN       [damaged] ch John +  Harrie? exors;nephew John Curghie;inv of Nicholas Curghie + wife Ann Callin;
1628   e 027     CURGHIE      Nicholas                 mentions fishing boat;
1628   e 028     CHARALAIGH   Tho                      [some lh margin lost on film]d 11 Apr 1629;sis Margaret Charalaugh(sworn overseer by court), Mallie, Jane Charalaugh(Margt sworn overseer by court); wife Jane Crellin? inv in hands of Mally Kenish? and Jo Bridsone until such time as Jane Charalagh shall lawfully demand the same; [associated with this decree is a letter from from Wm Cosnahan dated 8 Jun 1629 to Ewan Christian - Sir Wm stating the wife of old Christopher Brew at the approving and apportioning of her son's will and testament would mee? dissallow it for her son that was lately married to Jane Crellin? was born and called Thomas Carrally and it was said he was 14 years at may last and as many since. about the middle of August 1614 wch is 15 yrs ago - seems to query this with Ewan Christian (deemster) who replied dated 14 Aug 1629 "concerning the age of one Tho Carrally? sonn unto  the wife of Christopher Brew I do well remember that the mother of the sayd Tho wth other friends came unto mee and desired my authority that hee might enter upon her tenement wth Christopher Brew by the marriage of his mother and consent of his sister kath duringe his minority aledgeing that hee was come? to lawfull years vid? fourteen,... and this was neere ten yeares ago," 
1628   e 031     BREW         Jony        KELLIE       [damaged]husb Tho Brew; ch Xpher Brew(half plough + oxen, half crop), Margt Brew - jt execs;  mother alive; names John Kellie(Douglas - 6d); 
1629   e 143     COSTEN       Willim                   d 21 Feb 1629;[ pauper - 'nihil habet'
1629   e 143     HARRISON     Joniy       YOUNGE       d 23 Apr 1629;unmarried ch Wm, Anne?, Mrgrt + Harry jt admrs - all at age;husb Nicho Harrison [from inv]
1629   e 146     HANTON       Kath                     [damaged - loss at top]dated 5 Jul 1629;mother Kath Hanton;father-in-law [?step father] John Quay;names Christopher Quall s/o John?  Quall [] deceased (note at bottom that sd Quall [Quaile]ready for departure to England and states his bro + sisters shall enjoy the [] corne; inv incs half a boat
1629   e 156     BREW         Christopher              [[damaged at top, frayed rh  margin+ lh lost on film];wife Mallie Kenish (to have custofy of ch);ch Arthur, Margt (£16 ea)-both ua - eldest brethren & sisters supv;maid servant Isable Cotter; claims inc Robt Brew for a childs part of goods + 20s due by m/c;several other claims agt Christorpher Brew senr; ack dated sunday 16 Jul 1637? [day + date match 1636/7] by Wm Cowley obo Margt Brew from Xpher Brew  (brother to Margt) the sum of 50s [?is Wm Cowley h/o Margt]
1629   e 159     MOORE        Johannis                 [frayed rh margin + lh lost on film]ch []. Tho, Philip, Christian, John, Ka[?kath as dau], Wm (half crop of Ballacraine?) - ch []lie Moore, Robt Moore, Edmond, Tho + Ka[] exors ; son-in-law Harrie Crobine; brother Tho Brew overseer; inv £9 distributed among 5 children with goods in hands of Mally Brew their mother who gives as security her son-in-law John Moore - Edwd, Tho + Kath are ua wth other 2 at age
1629   e 160     COWLEY       Marian      SKILLICORNE  d 24 Jun 1629;husb Wm Cowley;bro Tho Skillicorn, Philip Skillicorn;ch Wm Kellie(not at lawful yrs), John + Umphrey[Humphrey] Cowley jt exors; names Isabble Skillicorn + her sister Mallie, Isable Cowley;dau-in-law Ales Cowley; inv (inc 1/4 boat)
1629   e 162     STEVENSONE   Christian   LOWY         d 19 Apr [1629?];ch Isable Calow, Peter, Wm + Christian (last 3 jt execs) - eldest dau + Isable Calow sworn supvs
1635   A      w  CAINE        John                     wants burial in Santan church;wife alive;ch Wm,gilbt, Jo, Anne  + Christian (last 4 execs);niece Christian Caine;son-i-law Cxrthies Christian ?;witt Oates Clucas; John Cosnahan curate, Jo Cosnahan clerke;
1636   A      d  CAIN         John                     d 8 May;father John (of Kk Santan);brethren Jo Cayne senr?, Gilbt Caine, Wm Cayne, Ann, Christian + ann cayne junr admrs - all at age [note 2 Annes!]
1636   A      w  Kinley       Ann         CAIN         d 12 May 1636;ch Jaine Kinley (eldest dau ),Robert Kinley, margt kinley, Tho Kinley (last 2 jt execs);names ann fargher
1636   A      w  Knackle      Margaret    callin       husb Mallonie Knacle + cousin Kath Killie jt execs
1637   A      d  BREW         Ellin                    [from JMO]d 13 Mar 1637;only sis by fa + mo admx;mother Mally Cunnery;inv in mo's will [?mally cunnery bur Bra 16290326]
1640   e 216     BRIDESONE    Ann         COWLEY       [rh margin lost on film]husb T[] Bridson(her part of ploughing oxen);son Jo, Donald + Tho jt exors;mother-i-law Kath Bridson; inv 20s
1641   e 263     CHARRAT      Bahee                    d 6 Jan 1640;names John s/o Wm Kissack exor
1641   e 264     BREW         William                  (page 14)d 6 Feb Feb 1640 being abt 20yrs old;father Robt Brew(described as farmer) - discursive 'will' by vicar Jo Cosnahan - taken sick some 5 yrs ago of an ague wch at time was very rife - at time his father, mother-in-law [?= stepmother] and one Margt Martin were also sick;uncle Nicho Moore;left all to father, bretheren and sisters
1641   e 266     MOORE        John                     d 11 Feb 1640;Knocloughen;wants burial in or near father's grave in parish church of St Anne;ch Robt(half plough, husbandry gears + oxen), Jane, John + philip(last 3 jt execs);wife to have tuition of children and can reside in farm til son reaches 21yrs;father-i-law Gilbt Moore;unnamed sister's son;names Dolald Christian as owing 15s; deathbed codicial wants Gilgt Moore overseer, Philip Moore next of kin
1642   e 13      Barry        Thomas                   d 18 Nov 1642;legitimate(inserted) ch John + Cath;admrs out of country - his bro Robt Barry sworn;20s legacy to illeg dau Issable Barry;claims;inv
1642   e 21      Moore        Jony        Quay         dated 6 Jul 1642; husb Robt Moore named in acks;dau Margt Moore exex;bro Robt Quay; names Tho Kinley, Gilbert Moore (jt overseer with her bro Robt) - in court witnesses cannot confirm that she was compos mentis at time of making will - court nullifies will making child admx with Robt Quay overseer;
1643   e 051     BRIDESONE    Donald                   dated 15 Mar 1642;unnamed sister-in-law + her dau;wife Margt Quay;son John exor(by his m/c);father Tho Bridson(noted as poor)
1643   e 224     QUAY         Jaine                    d 26 Aug 1642;ch wm + margt - jt admrs - supv Christian Booth + Margarett Booth next of kin on mo's side;husb alive
1647   e 178     CRELLiN      Elyzabeth   MARTIN       d 15 jul 1647;ch robt + jane jt execs;sibs Jo Martin, ann,margt;father alive;husb thomas;inv 30s
1647   e 181     HANTON       Gilbt                    d 1 Nov 1647;bro Robt + sis Margt jt admrs (Margt ua)
1643   e 184     QUAY         Margret     QUAILe       dated 5 Apr 1643;wants burial in husb's grave in chamncel of Santan church;bro Mr Robt Quaile deemster;cousin Margt Quaile als Calcot;dau Ellinor Quay als Joyner;names Margt Moore (wearing apparel wch is now in Douglas); ch Patrick(+ son John Quay), Chrisopher, John(+ 2 ch), Margt(in Ireland), Tho (exor);names Robt Quay(glover), Jane Moore(wch is at Robt Moore's); inv £15;Jo Fargher obo dau Xtian Fargher claims for a child's portion of goods
1647   e 181     MOORE        Richard                  [damaged some loss] d [] 1647;?perished by sea;sibs Jo Martin + Wm Moore jt admrs - goods in hands of father Wm? Moore
1647   e 183     BREW         Mally       MOORE als CROBIN [some damage at top][?looks like Mally Crobin als Moore als Brew] ]ch Tho Moore(oats that grow in glentraugh), Isable Crobin, Henry Crobin, Edmond (wants wooden vessels between her 3 sons); mentions son Wm (had handfasting bargaine - all paid) ..
1647   e 183     BREW         Margaret    KERMOT       [top of page and part rh margin lost];ch Robt(6d),Gilbt, Margt + Ellin - last 3 jt execs; wants Robt Brew senr, young Christopher Brew with her husb overseers of ch;pledges Robt Brew + Gilbt Brew;inv dated 22 Oct; 
1649   e 523     HANTON       Robert                   d 26 Aug 1649;Robt Hanton the younger;half sister Margt Clucas als Hanton;owne natural sister Margt Hanton;uncles Robt + Gilbt Kissack ;his brother? William Moore by mother;stepfather William moore (half money in his hands between his gmo + his sd sis-i-law);uncle John Kissack exor;witt Jo Cosnahan, Robert Boordman, William moore
1651   e 014     QUAY         Robert                   [p22]headed 1650;farmer Kk St Anne;ch John(eldest son - plough + 6 oxen), Robt + Anne jt exors ; wants cousin Tho Quay of Ballavilley? + his(?Tho's) bro Christopher overseers;wife alive ;note that Robt later wanted son John to give 2 bolls of corne to dau Anne towards her marriage as John Moore + Tho Quay will confirm; later bequest to his sister by father Jony Quay;debts from cousin John Charrat, neighbour Jo Quale, father-i-law Wm Moore; annexed note dated 1659 that Tho Quay + Jo Curlett one of supvs of admrs of Kath Curlett(1654)  have come to a just account - Jo Costen senr? (Kk Maughold) also involved; 1667: Robt Quay at age acks goods due by death of fa + mo from uncle John Corlett
1651   e 091     ffargher     ffinloe                  perished by sea abt 27 Feb;ch John + Wm? admrs
1652   e 114     MORE         Robt                     d 12 Mar 1653;Knooke-e-Loughan;sibs John, Philip + Jane jt admrs;mother alive; goods due by death of father to be divided between sibs by fa + mother - his own goods to be divided between his sibs according to law;inv (displaced) - there is a second decree 4 pages later on - Christopher Brydson claims obo wife; Wm Christian also claims
1652   e 117     MOORE        Robert                   dated 21 May 1653;wants burial in father's grave;names Robert Brew(in regard of his cost + charges half the oates in the barn + for his wife in looking after me + dau Jane);bro John  exor;[servant]maid Isable oates;names Ellin Brew whom I was handfasted to;debts owed to Hugh Moore waterbaliff, Edmond Moore, Arthur Brew, Thos Bridson, David Murrey; Note links the two Robt Moore wills (a claim is again Robt Moore Balnahow) + to bring in an inventory for his brother and his wife; Tho Bridson calims £3 10s;John Moore claims 15s, David Murrey for £1 6s 3d
1652   e 118     MORE         Issable     CHRISTIAN    [loss of lh margin on film]wife of Robt Moore who died after her leaving his bro exor of both wills; unnamed sisters in Douglas, Malew + Onchan + unamed bro;
1652   e 120     COWLEY       John                     d 12 March 1653;next in blood admr
1652   e 128     DUKAN        Mariod                   d 9 May 1653;ch Tho, Jane + Christian Dukan jt amrs - next of kin supvs;husb alive
1654   e 312     BRIDSON      Katherin    CURLEOD als QUA  d 7 May 1654;husb Thos Bridson;5? [appears to be overwritten] ch - Robt + Ann admrs - supv uncle Philip Corlet  - John + Wm Corlet sworn in court; inv; Jo Bridson claims £3 10s obo his son Tho Bridson
1654   e 313     BREWE        Christopher              ch Isable (eldest dau),Jane (youngest - parcl of land called Knock []) - jt exexs;wife alive - if she remarried then children to be kept with grandfather;bro Tho - land Close-ne-punt and to pay Isable consideration money;wants supvs to be Tho Brew + Tho Craine? junr
1655   e 365     QUINNEY      John                     dated 30 May 1655;wife(feather bed + funishings);ch Ellin, Isable, Christian, Thomas + Wm jt exors;inv;note that Thos Woods has given in handfasting [m/c] to Tho Quinney  - 1660: Tho acks £4 from Wm Quay + also notes all bar 20s of dowry pd
1655   e 367     QUARKE       Phillip                  dated 30 May 1655;d 12 March;names old Wm Kissak + his[?wm's] sons John + Gilbt, Jane Parr(+ 2 ch a hogge each[note = a yearling sheep];cousin Wm Christian;bro Wm Quark;inv 20s
1656   e 477     QUAY         Christian   FARGHER      [37]d 1 Feb 1655;son Robt Quay admr(by his m/c)
1656   e 478     COSSNAHAN    John                     [some damage + loss on film]dated 20 May 1655?;ch Hugh;wife exex; - a Ann Cosnahan als Elison marks and gives consent bro's dau Margerie Cossnahan;gch Jo + James?[?Jaine] Cossnahan;inv
1657   e 554     CROUY? [?creer] Paule                    d 14 Jan ;court decrees next of kin by fa + mo admr - Jo Creer sworn
1657   e 554     GICKE        Isabell     CORKISH      court appts ch Gilbt, Jony, Jane + Isable Gick admrs - ?husb Christopher Gick as noted as producing only one witness
1657   e 555     MOORE        Ellin       BREW         d 8 Feb 1657;only day Mary[?Marg] admx - uncles + aunts Tho, Robt + Jane Brew supvs;husb John;in inv ch's gfa Tho Brew - goods also in hands of Tho Brew junr + brother Robt Brew; Thos Bridson claims £3
1657   e 556     CALOW        Jo                       d whitmonday last;ch Margt (+ hus Jo Br[]), Christopher;gch Robt Calow exor - at age
1657   e 556     COOLE        Patrick                  [?parish]dau Margrett exor - Hugh Cosnahan supv
1657   e 557     KELLY        Dollin                   [?parish ? Malew]ch Jo, Mich + Wm - one in England others sworn;
1658   e 637     KINNISH      Isable      KELLY        [p48];wants burial in Kk Marown;ch Hugh(to be set to trade), thomas, william(eldest son), Christopher,mally,christian,carter;sons Wm,Christopher + hugh jt exors;son-in-law Tho woods (+ wife Mally) should not be troubled;also mentions her son Robt Kinnish (+ his children);husb alive
1658   e 640     COOLE        Charles                  [p50]dated 15 May 1658;clerk[vicar];ch charles, ellin exex,mally;inv
1659-6 E 057  d  CRELLIN      Thomas                   dau Jane Crellin admx;wife alive;inv 36s;pledges Jo Martin, Robt Hanton
1659-6 E 058  w  BREW         Robert                   dated 5 Jun? 1659;wife alive;ch Robt (had m/c) , Philip, Ellin + Margt (youngest)(jt exexs) - son Robt + Wm Moore to be supvs;gch Jo Cubon(his fa Nich Cubon to have half goods if he die);inv 15s in iron vessells [
1659-6 E 059  w  kennish      Ann         KELLY        [poor copy]dated 4 May 1660;ch Christian [], Jane Moore (note 4 daus jt exexs - named Christain, Margt, Jony + [] );husb alive; there was an agreement between husband and dau Jane Moore re ground
1659-6 E 060  w  Phercher     John                     dated 1 apr 1660;sis Mary exex(mother sworn supv);master John Phercher;names John Quinney(my best clothes)
1659-6 E 061  w  KISSACK      William                  dated 9 apr 1660;ch christian kissake(+ her dau),john(the boat), gilbert + robert jt exors;names hugh kissack;;inv £6
1661/1 A [43] d  BRIDSON      John                     (43)d 6 apr 1663;sone Christopher exor - both brothers Tho + Wm Braeday supvs; + bro Tho Braedey[sic ?Bridson]  to have benefit of annexed contract (m/c thos bridson + margt kinley dated 23 apr 1658);inv;
1661   E 039  w  costen       John                     dated 17 Nov 1661;names [no relationships given] Thomas Costen(20 stooks oats as wages etc), Rich Cubon + Margt execs, Wm Costen, Jony + Ann Costen , Ann Cubon + Bahy Cubon, Kath Cubon, Kath Kelly, Rich Cubon
1661   E 040  d  HARRISON     Jony                     unmarried son Wm Faraugher admr 
1661   E 042  d  Faraugher    kathrin                  [rh side damaged]dated 6 Nov 1661;husb alive;unnamed ch - Wm Cunney + Robt Brew to be overseers; 1677: Margt, Jane + Joney c/o Kath at age - also state there eldest sister also fully satisfied;1690: dispute between Ann Fargher and father Thomas 
1661   E 044  w  QUINEY       Thomas                   [rh side decayed + partly lost]dated 25 Sep 1661?;wife Jane;ch John(whole team - viz 4 oxen, + all belonging to the Mill), Jane, Ann (3 ch execs) - Will Quinney, Edmund [] + Will Moore overseers
1663/1 A      w  MOORE        John                     dated 13 Feb 1663;Ballaforth;wife Margt als Oates;ch John + Robt jt exors - Thos Woods snr + Thomas Kinley to be overseers;bro Martin + Wm Moore;debt owed to bro's 40s - Wm Moore (at his going to Ireland) paid 2 cows + 10s;1675: John Moore acks all due by death of fa + bro Robt;[full]
1663/1 A [101 w  MARTIN       John                     d 24 Mar 1664;wife Christian als Kelly;ch John,Thomas(half team oxen + gears - [?presume heir]);names Thomas Costen(young goose);3 ch John, Ellionr + Christian jt execs - Ellin at age
1664   e 031     KUSSAGG      Gilbt                    d end Xmas 1663;sibs John, Robt + Christian Kussag jt admrs
1664   e 031     MOORE        john                     d last of Aug 1663;illeg s/o Robt Moore who d in Kk Santcan - his sis Jane Mooe admr [? assume John is dead tho indexers had put Robt's name]
1664   e 031     QUA          Nelly       QUINY        d 9 days befor Xmas 1663;Husb Robt Qua;dau Margret Qua admx - ua next of kin supv Willm Quiney + Tho Qua sworn + sis Issable to come before Sr Tho Parr;Arthur Brew claims for 17s + half firlet dry corn;7 Nov 1664 :dispute between Anne Waterson + Margrett Quay als Crenill referred to temporal court re sheep claimed by Waterson from her decd son John Quiny - ecclesiastical refused claim as not entered within a yr + day as witnesses Wm Kew + Wm Taylor refused to swear oath - Anne to get pd by Margt
1664   e 190     BREDGESON    Jony        MOORE        dated 16 Dec 1664;want burial Kk St Ann;son John Moore,William Bredgeson exor;son-i-law Christopher Bridgson, John Quiney;dau Mary Bridgeson;names Margret Stevenson, MaryKaron, Ellin Moore, Jane Cosnahan(Clearke's wife),Jane Quiney als Cosnahan,John Casar(Ballakirka?),Thomas Woods somor[?senier or sumner], William Quinney, Edmond Moore, Ellin Brew, John Gellin(miller), William Quinney, James Urghr?;witt William Quiney x, John Gellin x - court rules that witnesses as being legatees and Willm Quinney uncle to John Quiney within prohited degree - contract bargain to go before temporal court - her only unm son William Brideson admr
1665   A      w  CALLOW       Christopher              [page 8]dated 9 Feb 1664;wife Alice als Waterson(Croft during life then son John);ch Jane(youngest + ua- exex - Hu Cosnahan clerk[vicar] to be supv), Robt, John, hugh, Wm,Alice;bro-i-law John Moore(Glentraught);inv;1691: Jane at age;[full]
1665   A [9]  w  HANTON       Robert                   dated 6 Feb 1664;ch Thomas(eldest son - all grounds due by death of my father), Robt (round I took from ye mountains rent 6d);unnamed wife(half my brewing pan);4 ch Robt, Margt, Mary + Anne jt execs;paid 10s unto Philip Moore of Douglas for shopwares [] ;wants Robt Moore + Robt Hanton supvs of ch - count notes Robt Moore dead and Christian Hanton sworn in his place - the execs being ua;witt John Kinley, Robt Hanton, Hu Cosnahan;
1665   e 279     MOOR         Robet                    [page 11]deed of gift dated 8 Nov 1662;Robt Moore(Santan) gives all goods except shirt,winding sheet + 20s to dau-i-law  Jane Moore als Taggart - she using me as becommeth condissionally if she be without [lost] [?=maintain him];witt Tho Qua, Jo Wooley, Robt Qua, Humphrey Qua, Rodmond Kewne (all mark), Edward Brew;decree dated 24 Mar 1664 - if annexed DoG cannot be proved before Deemster [would appear it was as Tho Norris signs dated 22 Jun 1665]only unmarried dau Margt Moore to be admx but she is not compos mentis [ie not sane] and Jony Quay + husb Edmnd Moore are to be overseers;wife of Robt is noted as Isable Nelson + goods in custody Gilbt Moor;claims
1665   e 346     KINLEY       John                     [page 60 ][part of lh margin lost on film]dated 16 Mar 1664;ch Thomas(heir),jane,katherin,john(pair of looms)(last 3 ch jt execs);wife Kath Crellin; [lost] Kinley supv ua ch;witt John Caine + Will Quiney - these challenged in court as married to aunts of exexor - thus all 4 ch exors supv Philip + Tho Kinley;noted that there are 4 aunts + also 2 uncles;inv mentions goods in various hands inc Thos Bridson, Wm Quiney;1671: john + Kath decd - other 2 exec at age + ack;
1655   e 369     Cubon        Issable     BREW         unnamed son + dau -supv gfa Robrt Brew;husb alive; bro Robert + sister Ellin;father alive (+ to be supv);inv;1678: John Cubon at lawful yrs rcvd from Robt Hanton [?relation- unreadable note dated 1666 re him + catherine Hanton re goods of Isable Brew] his own + the other childrens behalf the part of their mother Isabel Brewe's goods due unto them that was in hands of Rich Cubon decd, the overseer Wm Brew being in place - note that what is received is the 3s etc in the hands of the father Rich Cubon
1665   e 379     QUAY         Margarett   KERMOTT      [page 92]bro Tho Kermott;husb Thos Quay exor;others named but some lost in tears - Robert [],Margrett Brew, Elinor Brew;inv clear £4;Ro Brew (admr of Margt Kermott) claims 1 qtr cow due to him;overleaf is decree of court that testratrix incable for last 7 years + witnesses deny to swear that she was compis mentis therefor court decrees (15 Nov 1665) next of kin on both fa + mo's side admrs and will to have no force - admrs at age
1665   e 381     CUBBON       Richd                    [page 93][not very readable on my copy - ?names missed]ch John,Jane, Issable ? + Bahey execs - some ua Ann + Bahey Cubbon supv + ? Margt Cubon who also gave pledges - overleaf is a xd thru note that such goods now in hands of John Hampton - also a note that goods in hands of Wm Brew due unto Margret Cubbon's children ,Thos Quay + Wm Brew bound + note that 1678: Robt Hanton paid John + Isable Cubbon;1678: Richard Cubon at age with supy Wm Brew and ack'd all due by death of father + 2 of children; [?is wife Margt + her 2nd hus Robt Hanton/Hampton?]
1666   A      w  KINLEY       Thomas                   dated 19 jan 1666;neene [?gch] Margt Bredgson;dau Mariot,Christian,Ann;son [?heir] Tho Kinley exor at age;nephew tho Kinley;witt Gilbert Moore, Oates Cretney
1666   e 014     BREW         An          GELLIN       [indexed as Gellin als Brew]d 13 Jan ;son John Brew admr ;decree mentions annexed deed of gift;Christopher Quay claims agt admrs of Ann Gellin
1666   e 073     CALLOW       Ales        WATTERSON    [note indexed as ales Watterson als Callow]d 26 jan 1666;dau Jane Callow admr - next of kin of mo supv;a Thomas Costen gives pledges and is acked by Jane in 1685
1668   A      w  BREW         Robert                   dated 19 Apr 1669;wife Christian Kissak;ch Jane Brew (all promised me by son-i-law Wm Cowle in m/c), Margt(intack recovered from John Kissack + exors of Robt Kissack), Christian Brew (ua) - all jt exexs;gch Wm Cowl
1668   A      d  Calow        Averick     Karran       d 6 Feb 1666;only dau Ellin admx - ua - uncle + aunt (fa's side)  Wm Calow + Ann Calow ;husb John Calow
1669   A      w  BREW         Jane        HARRISON     headed 1669;ch Philip Brew, Ellinor Brew, Margt Brew (exex - half crop + half team oxen unless Robt do recover it by contract bargaine), Robt(had m/c);gch Anne Quiney;son-i-law John Quiney;names Ann? Cubon, John Oates, Wm Caine;inv
1670/1 E 503  jd KINLEY       Catherine                John + Cath Kinley;d 22 Feb [1668/9]orphans;sibs Tho + Jane Kinley admrs;goods in fa's will 1665;
1670/1 E 503  jd KINLEY       John                     see Cath
1670/1 E 506  d  CAIN         Catherine   KINLEY       d 2 Jan 1669;ch Charles + Jane Cain admrs; husb John Cain;inv;1678: Charles + Jane ack fa John;
1670/2 E 401  d  COSNAHAN     Jane        Sante?       d 30 Jul ;ch Ann, Jane + John admrs - next of kin supvs;husb Sr Hugh Cosnahan;Ann acks 1672
1670/2 E 403  d  HANTON       Robert                   d 1 Aug;sibs of whole blood  admrs;Tho Hanton + sister Christian Hanton claim re right in 9d intack
1670/2 E 398  w  MOOR         Doroty      Geal[GELL]   husb Wm Moor;ch ellinr Moore,John(young son),jane, margt + Karther;Edmod Moore claims 18s due to his wife + ch of Robt Quay decd
1671-1 e 697     QUINEY       Ellin       BREW         names Tho Quay + wife;gch Ellin Quay, John Quiney(half of our?one? millstone);ch Wm Quiney exor, Isable (6d);inv;John Quiney claims 10s for wages
1671-1 E 698  w  BRIDSON      Margaret    CARALAUGH    husb John exor;ch Christopher (heir - had m/c),Charles(settles house her husb bought in douglas wherein he lives on any issue [implies married but childless]),Tho(in Ireland), Ellin, Mally;gch John Bridson, Arthur Bridson, David Cubbon, Tho Bridson;inv inc part fishing boat
1672-1 E 044  d  cubon        An                       partial line;infant d 20 Jun 1671;...
1672-1 E 044  d  KNEEN        Philip                   d 26 apr 1672;4 daus - Ann, Jony,Sage + Ester jt admxs - ch at age supv of those ua;wife alive;inv 15s
1673   A      w  JICK         Isabel                   dated 5 may 1673;sis Jane Gick;fa + sis execs;inv 24s
1673   A      w  MOORE        Elizabeth   KNEAL        dated 2 mar 1673;ch Gilbt,Caesar(had m/c);gch Alis Moore;1690: Will Kelly(h/o Alice Moore) ack'd the 20s left from hands of Gilbt Moore
1673   A      w  MOORE        John                     dated 3 May 1674;bro Philip Moore exor ,Edmond Moore,Wm Moore; names Jane Calow, Robt Calow (default exor if bro refuses), Alis? Calow, Tho Moore(s/o Elinnr Moore), John Calow, Hugh Calow?[?Calin];inv £2 9s with 10s corbs
1673   A      w  QUAY         Thomas                   gch james Quay(as much cloth as will make a new suit + 10s);son John Quay, Humphrey Quay(vupboard in house of Robt Joyner, Douglas)exor;wife Maly als Calow;names Harry Wattleworth(smith in Castletown);inv 49s
1673-1 E 165  d  CAINE        William                  d 26 Nov 1672;3 unmarried ch Edmd, John + Margt jt admrs;inv 30s+ no more
1674-1 E 313  d  KINLEY       Thomas                   d 28 Jan 1673;orphan;next of kin by fa's side admrs of goods that wch came by fa, those on mo's side goods that came by her inv in fa + mo's inv  [ie both parents dead]
1674-1 E 315  d  KENISH       John                     d 6 Jan 1673;decrees ch John + Finlo admrs - ua next of kin supvs;petn by widow Ann Fargher that she had 2 ch (one2yrs other 7weeks old) + that none of fa's relns willing to take one of youngest and their pt of goods, one of the children dying at age 2.5  - she asks for fa's goods towards maintenace of child;Charles Parr dec dated 30 Oct 1682;inv £4 3s 4d, wifes legacy 10s  ;1691: Jon Kenish only suv admr reaches lawful age and satisfied by mo Ann Fargher
1676   A      w  MOORE        Edmond                   dated 26 Jan 1676;ch Tho(horses,team,crop etc),Wm(purchased lands in Braddan), Margt(youngest),mally[?margery] ,Ellin (daus exexs); 1694: John Callister(h/o Margery als Moor) ack  bro Thos Moor(Santan) all due by death of father + mother Edmond Moor + Jean Moor als Quay plus that promised in m/c;Wm Moor also acks bro Tho re goods of parents + als sister Margt who died in Ireland;ellinor also acks;
1676   A      w  MOORE        Jony        QUAY         see edmond
1676 a E 046  d  Kewsage      Christian                d 24 jul;only bro Hugh admr
1677   A      mc KINLEY       Thomas                   m/c John Caveene + Ellin Kinley;
1678-1 A      w  BREW         Philip                   dated 27 Nov 1678;unnamed wife + only child;- in court wife refused to take child or his goods - uncle Robt Brew + aunt Ellin Brew to take care of and maintain child for one half and mother the other half; 7 dec 1696 Edward Curry obo sis Margt Curry w/o sd Philip Brew such goods due by death of child wch remained in hands of Robt Brew and Ellin Brew
1678-1 E 238  d  KINNISH      Henry                    d 30 Dec [1677];only bro John Kinish admr;wife alive
1678-2 e 316     MOORE        Wm                       dated 12 Sep 1678;ch Jane(her mo's goods),ellinor(mo's goods), Margt,John(mo's goods) - exor;wants Robt Brew to take child (?margt) to his own custody;names john Quine('for looking after him in his sickness' - john quine miller left £3),;Bro Thomas;court appoints aunts Ellinr + Carter supv of chils ua;inv  - goods of child Margt Moore to be added wch child + goods are in hands aunt Ellin Moore (pledges Robt Brew);1679: acks Ellin, Jane + Carter Moore ack  bro Wm re goods of fa - noted that Ellin is supv of sis Margt Moore and has reserved margt's goods in hands of sister Margt [?= carter wiith 2 Margts by diff wives?]]
1684-1 E 039  mc QUINNEY      John                     dated 30 Oct 1679;Tho Woods + wife Maily als Kewish obo son George Woods;Elen Quinney obo herself;both Kk Santan;to marry by feast of St Andrews next;Woods to give half the walkmiln + half the timber bought for the use of sd mill + settle half lands after next harvest;Ellen to bring as dowry all goods due to her by death of father + mother - her bro John Quinney  promises that if he die without issue she is to have all his goods;witt Hugh Cosnahan, Wm Coole ?, Xpher Bridson x, Hugh Kewish x?, John Quine x, John Quay x;accepted as last will of John Quinney Feb 1683/4;
1685-2 E 31      BRIDSON      John                     d 15 feb [];orphan;uncle by mo's side thomas martin admr;goods in mo's will
1686-2 E 473     MARTIN       Ellin       SCARF        dated 27 Oct 1686;bro Gilbert(wife Ann Bell);names joney Farchar[Fargher],Mary Farchar;husb William Martin exor;inv [lost at bottom of page]
1688-2 A      w  WOODS        Ellin       QUINEY       dated 23 Dec 1688;'to be buryed in Christian mould';sibs Jane; aunt Kerter Bridson als Kenish;names Joan Kenish,Ellin Moor;bro[?bro-i-law] John Brew + my sister his wife exors;sis' dau Anne Brew;John Brew to provide a 'cophin' if he pleases;inv in husb George Woods
1689-1 A      w  BRIDSON      Giles                    unnamed ch;unnamed wife exex;names Hu Callow (cotler[cottager/crofter] on his own land the roof of his[Hu's] house when he goeeth away);some ch ua - uncles Christopher + John Bridson supv with wife
1689-1 A         MOOR         Thomas                   dated 30 Aug 1674;Thomas Moore(Santan) + wife Margrett Rowane[?Ronane] obo dau Margt Moore ;Margarett Oates obo son John Moore(both Santan);to marry by All Saints[1 Nov];Moore to give in dowry half their lands + goods - John Moore to give fa-in-law half his estate + goods until such time young couple can live upon themselves then if Tho Moore please he is to follow own lands again - longest liver of Moore's to have 1/4 land to return to young couple at decease of longer liver;;witt Edmond Moore x, John Kellyx, Martine Moore x,Hugh Cosnahan;Margrt Oates 'signed' as Margarett C[]low alias oates [a tear across name];ack'd 16 Jul 1678;accepted as will Thomas Moore  
1689-1 A         OATS         John                     [full]dated 9 nov 1689;4 sons(parcel [nr grenick harbour]);son wm;dau ann;wife jt exex with youngest dau(not inc for in will);inv;1702 ann at la acks mo + stepfa john kneal
1689-1 A      w  QUAY         William                  [1st on mm film];dau cath ua tho + john quay supv
1690-3 E 408  w  BREW         Ellinor     MOOR         dated 12 May 1690;husb (parcell of ground near Grenick)ch Thomas Brew(+ ch), John Brew(Knock Frey - if no issue then to Wm or Robt(younger bro)), Wm Brew(Crot lauer, Crot-ne -[], Close-ne-bunt, Robt Brew), Jane; dau-i-law Ann Kenish; bro Silvester Moore, Jo Brew(+ dau);gch Elinor Brew(my dau Ellinor's best westcoat) inv
1692-2 A      w  MOOR         Jane        TAGGART      d 9 Mar 1692/3;ch John(eldest son),Thomas(l2 eldest sons overseers), Jane, Isable [Jane +Isable unmarried],Thomas, Robert + Joan [2 thomas - noted as other 6 ch],Alice;gch Margery Kelly;husband Gilbert Moor (to pay for nursing of youngest child + to bring her up);1696: William Kissage h/o Isable acks what due by death of mother + sister Jony;
1692-3 E 745  d  BRIDSON      Jane                     see Marriod
1692-3 E 745  d  BRIDSON      Marriod                  d 12 Nov;Mariod + Jane Bridson, orphans;due goods by fa Giles Bridson's will ;mo Isable Calow admx
1695-2 A         CREBIN       William                  [full]
1695-2 E 252  w  MARTIN       Ellenor     quinney      d 8 Sep 1695;ch John(eldest son - half crop, team etc,Thomas,Robt, Margt + Wm Martin;serv Conney Quilliam;bro Jon Quinney to be overseer;husb Thos exor;1718: castletown Margt annell als Martin acks bro Tho Martin(Malew)
1695-2 E 253  w  OATES        Robert                   [very faint - some not readable on my copy]dated 1 jul 1695;ch Andrew(eldest son),Francis(now in England - if he came)Isable,Cath,Alice Crebbin;gch Tho Oats,Wm Crebbin;wife Jane;son-i-law Wm Claige(+ dau Jane) + Wm Crebbin jt exors
1696-2 A      w  KNEAL        Phinlo                   d 28 feb 1696/7;croft;son jon,dau isable;webster's looms;dau mary kennaugh;wife ellenor als cowell;inv
1697-1 A      w  BRIDSON      Christopher              eldest son thos;sons jon nicholas;wife alive;mentions flax tow & yarn
1698-1 E012   w  FARGHER      Phinlo                   d 27 apr 1698;only dau mary;wife alive;bro Wm fargher
1698-2 A 28      FARGHER      Mariod                   [Full]husb John;sons Thomas,John,William;daus Christian, Margaret Bridson,
1699-2 E 238  w  MOORE        John                     d 7 aug 1699;gdau isable moor son of nicholas;gson jo:, gch Thos & will moor;son Thos;isable due £2 out of her father's goods;dau Margt quay als moor;daus sussana & isable;
1699-2 E 239     BREW         Thomas                   dated 8 Aug 1699;ch Cath(younger dau - ua - Wm,Jo + Robt Brew supv), Robt(croft if mo remarried) exor, Wm(+ 3 ch - had m/c), John(+ 3 ch), Jane Quilliam, Tho(+ 2 sons);wife Margt(half croft at the harbour but if remarries then only for 8yrs)

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