These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1603 e 343 RATCLYFE Dorathy SAMSBURIE dated 20 Jan 1608;ch Henrie, John, Tho, Mollineaux, Ales, Margergie Rattcliffe (£10 ea);sis Elizabeth, Marie + Ellin Christian, Jain Samsburie;bro [?in law] mr? [] of the Peele;cousin Demester Samsburie (+ wife);names demester Christian, Elin Samsburie, Sr Jo Cosnahan;bro Ed Christian;bro-i-law William Standish 1613 e 164 QUIRKE John dated 8 Mar [?1613];eldest son Thomas(half my team of oxen) exor;son-in-law Phillip Quirke;dau Margrett, Isabel Quirke(w/o Gilbart Crosse);wife? Ales Cotter(15s in money wch I had of [] fathers goods)- wife to have half of ground + all the lower + half upper close;edward Moore vicar of parish;wants Silvester Crosse (Peel) overseer of wife 1630 a Ratcliffe Thomas dated 16 Jun 1630;Kk Patrick;wants burial in yard of St Peters in holme town belonging to parishes of St Germaine and St Patterick in the Peele;wife Mary als Cross;bro-i-law John Cross;ch sarah, ,margt, ellen, thomas - six ch alice, Jonie,anne, [?], henry + t[?thomas] jt execs;court notes that Thomas (eldest son begotten by 1st wife) + his sis Dorothy claim portion of goods by their mother;court also notes that Jonie is married 1636 e 223 QUAlLE Ellin Corrash [seems to be crossed thru]dated 2 Nov 1636;son John Quaile exor; [followed by a strange commenmt A man that is bourn? of a woman hath but a stort time to live is full []ecery? 1637 A w CAINE John dated 1 mar 1636;ch john(had handfast bargain),patk,jony,ann;gch thos cain 1638 e 553 QUIRKE Katheren KNICKLE nee dated 4 May 1638;ch Katherin, Margrett, Cooney + John Knickle jt execs;husb [?jon - n suffix visible] Quirke supv.inv 1638 e 554 CLETER Jony dated 3 May [?1639] next of kin admrs 1638 e 554 HUGGIN James in fa's[wm huggin] will 1638 e 554 HUGGIN Rich pauper 1638 e 554 HUGGIN Wm d 2 apr [1639?] son James(half cow), only dau Margt exex 1640 e 179 -- Ann [name lost in rh binding]dated 30 May? 1640;Robt Cholly exor;names Jony Key + Kathrin Kewin (both these were witnesses) 1640 e 180 CLUCAS John dated 18 Jan 1640;wife Christian Clucas;sibs Katherin, Finloe + Patk Clucas(2 closes 3s lord's rent in consideration of their fathers portion which was left in my custody + wch I cannot pay without selling land);uncle Finlo Clucas exor who relinquishes it to John Clucas; inv 1640 e 181 QUIRKE Elin CLUCAS d 12 Aug; 5 ch Thomas, John, John, Finloe + Richard quirke jt admrs - uncles + aunts John, Henry, Margt + Ann Clucas supvs;husb alive;inv 1640 e 182 RATLIFFE Mariade LEECE d 24 jun 1640;ch ellin, kath, mary, alice + thomas ratcliffe jt admrs - next of kin John callin + margt [..ton?];husb alive;inv 1640 e 183 KILLEY Henry [faint]d 29 dec? 1640;wife alive;sis kath Killey;unnamed bros;inv 1641 e 526 QUAILE John, senr dated 16 Sep 1641;ch Wm exor;wife alive; gch Jaine Quaile;inv;1644: John Quoine claims for the roof of 3 couples of a house + benefir of his lands 3 years 1641 e 527 RATLIFFE Margt d 2 Feb 1641;infant;sibs Tho, Arthur, Jo:, Jane + Mary Ratliffe;legacy to mo; inv in fa's will 1638; 1645 e 425 RATCLIFFE Beniamin [rh margin lost in binding] 4 children [], wm, robt + mabel - nephew [] ratcliffe supv 1646 e 018 CORLETT Averick CORKILL d end mar 1646;ch wm, john + do: jt admrs - all at age;husband alive 1651 A w RATCLIFFE Margery HARRISON [?margery harrison als ratcliffe ][see lib scacc 1702 d/o Silvester - 1st husb Wm Cross] 1652 e 145 HALSALL Silvester [rh corner lost - very untidy one line xd thru] d 13 [] 1652;admn granted to next of kin of mo's side from which goods came - [] Quirk?? - court notes that will was defficient in all particulars; Jo [] + Tho Shimmin to bring in inv; 1654 A w CAIN John d 7 feb 1654;ch jony,margt,alice, john,tho(eldest);wife alive; 1654 A w QUOOL Issabel [?isabel shurlog als quool]dated 6 jan 1654;son tho + john shurlog 1654 A d RATCLIFFE Margaret [?margt Quole als ratcliffe];d 9 may [1654]only dau Cath Quole admx - Tho + Henry Radcliffe sworn supvs ;husb alive;inv 31s 6d 1660 B E 326 w HALSALL Richard d20 dec 1660;mother alive;ch Elizth, Ann; exexs;wife alive;bro John, Thomas;names Wm Craine 1660 A 929 w QUAILE Ellin radcliffe d 24 Jan 1659;ch Anne, Sara, Margt Quaile, Tho Quaile, Edmund Quaile, Ales Quaile + Ellen Quaile [last 5 jt execs] - those at age supvs of ua Ellen + Alice;husb Thomas Quaile;inv £4 1661/1 A 1153 w KENAUGH Philip [some loss rh margin]d 24 Nov 1661;wife Elizabeth;his [?bro] Jo n Kenaugh;Thos Kenaugh his bro's son exor;inv incs cattle, horse + looms £14 1661/1 A 1153 w QUIRK Philip d 16 Mar 1661;names Tho Quirke;ch Robt, John, Philip + Patk (last 3 jt exors) - some ua;wife alive [?= Mary Christian in whose hands the goods are];son-i-law John Knickle 1661/1 A 1154 d CORRIS William [xd thru as no legacy to ch]d 18 Mar 1661;cousin Wm Curry;wife exex; - court decrees ch Jane, John, Henry, Ann + Philip Corris jt admrs - 2 at age supv of those ua but eldest not in country + next too tender yrs next of kin fa's side supv 1661/1 A 2137 w QUAYLE Thomas (5)d 22 feb 1662;ch John(eldest son),Margt, Edmond, Alice, Ellin(goods to Wm Killip til she comes to years of reason?) - last 3 jt execs;son-i-law Wm Faile;bro Wm Quaile;names Henry Ratcliffe (3rd part of a moulde? of a mill);a Sara? Quaile claims 45s 1663/1 A w QUIRK Issabel Carran d 20 Dec 1663;ch unnamed eldest son ,Ann, Jony(sworn), alice, John(younger son) (lst 3 jt execs);husb aliveSyl Mcylchreest claims £9 10s 1665 e 403 RATLIFFE Katheren d 23 jun?;bro Hen Ratcliffe(+ wife) execs - they agreeing with Tho Mollechrist for time she lay at his house;unnamed sibs(6d betwixt them);inv £16 6d; 1663/1 A [50) w CAINE Henry d 30 dec 1663;ch John(eldest son), Alice(house in town),jane (jt exex with alice) Patk;younger sister ? Jane;inv;1689: Jane Cain acks from Hugh Craine;some dispute John Kinrad + Bessy Kinrad claim for a qtr of the croft + house in ye town 1663/1 A [67) w QUINE Thomas d 10 Mar 1663;bro Tho;bro's son Wm Quine;names Ellin Quirk, Tho Halsall(+ son);ch Ellen Quine;4 ch Richd(eldest son) John, Elise? + Ann quine execs;'if Richard stand to the ground that he shall have none of ye executorship but only a cow';bro's dau Ann Quine;;witt Wm Quirke, Tho Quine; John + Ales sworn supy 1665 e 306 QUIRKE Wm [page 25]d 14 Jan 1664;broJohn exor;wife pregnant; [? if child live - no record in decree]inv;goods in hand of fa Rich Quirk 1665 e 307 QUANE Hen made 16 Jun 1664;d 31 Oct 1664;ch Tho + Jo admrs - next of kin (fa's side) supvs (Isable + Tho Quane sworn);wife Alice;Gilbert Quane + dau Isable claim 25s + 6 bowles corn;inv 1666 A w moore Alice RATCLIFFE [indexed as eales moore als radcliffe];names tho radcliffe(+ wife),Ellinr Bradson (20s due from fa + mo's goods), thos harrison, margt harrison als crelling,isable cowley;son robt;Mallenoh(Mulnare in another place)(his dau margt moore, ann);wm(sheep in ballacalling),henry exor;cousin samesbury radcliffe(+wife);witt Th: ?ailler, issable cowley, sam radcliffe;Henry Moore declines execship in court - Wm + Moolinauh sworn;Henry Moore claims for her diet the time she was with him 1666 e 487 HUTCHIN ..t dated 9 Oct 1668;sometime of Patrick;d in Ireland;dau elizth + Ann hutchin admxs - next of kin supv;wife alive 1666 694 e Kennagh Ellen [Kenny in will, Kennagh in inv];bro's son Tho Kennagh(+ other ch of sd Bro);dau Anny Billinges exex; names Jo Quarke 1666 828 e Kewish joney [page 89]claim dated 1 dec 1666 by Tho Bridson + wife Joney Sayle against admrs of Joney Kewish (Kk Pat) decd for 30s due to Joney in m/c by death of father 1668 A w Camaish Elinor KAIGHIN dated 15 Jan 1668;ch Jony;husb John Camaish exor;inv 14s 1668 A w COWLEY Jony [1st rb518 + last on rb517]dated 24 Oct 1668;gdau Alice Kelly;bro John Cowley;dau Margt Carran exex;inv 10s 1668 A d QUILLIAM Ann CRELLIN d 14 Oct 1668;3 unnamed yet-unmarried ch jt admrs;husb alive;admrsnamed as Nelly Quilliam, Jony Quilliam, Will Quilliam (sworn) 1669 A w cain Margaret HUGGIN d 19 dec 1669;husb Patrick Caine - 6 ch cath, margt, ann, william?, edmund + John jt execs (eldest 4 at age);pledges Finlo ? Ha[]lin(blotted) + tho Cain 1669 e 182 CLERIN Margret CARRAN d 6 may 1669;ch wm clerin(eldest son - half cow), cath + margt(other half of cow) - all 3 execs;inv; 1669 e 182 HUTCHIN Wm d 20 jul 1669;names harry radcliffe(+ wife);bro thomas;ch john, isable, alice + ellin execs - wm killip + thos hutchen to be overseers;wife alive;inv;wm killip refused supv - thomas hutchin + the sister Alice Hutchin sworn - alice appeares with bro Tho and agrees that Wm killip to have half goods + ch and Tho hutchin the others 1669 e 183 KNEAN Christian [lost in binding] d 21 sep 1669;sis joney kermot + cath jt exexs;names joney kewley + [] clucas;inv 5s;james nowell(also a witness) + execs resigned interest to John Quirke 1669 e 186 CANNELL Charies d 12? Oct 1669;bro's son Donald cannell;names several;wife alive;relations John + Wm cannell exors ;Gilbt Cannell + Donald Cannel supvs 'of my sister';?inv 31s;note that mother is dead some years and her goods were in father's hands - her execs to be accountable;26 feb 1693: John Cannel acks to be satisfied from Don Cannell 1669 e 187 KEWLEY Robert d 28 jul 1669;sis issable;names john moore, wm caine,sr John woods;son Henry;(if does not live to years discretion then to pass to his sister Joney) - aunt Margt cordeige to be assistant?dau Joney ;inv 17s 10d;pledges bros John + Rich quirke 1669-7 E 299 d CHARRAN Baheey orphan;d abt 5 yrs ago;sibs pat,tho + alice charran admrs - inv in mother's will 1670/1 E 577 d COTTEAR Patrick d 8 jun 1670;only sis cath admx;inv 46s 1670-2 E 414 w KELLEY John ch , Philip, Tho (21s for a pair of looms + roof of his house in Rengomey?),John + Margery(w/o Tho Keye) jt execs;gch Ann Keley, Margery; 1672 A w CRYNILT William d 19 dec [1672];names jane kermode, rich quirke, wm knickle;tho kelly ? + his[?whose?] wife execs; 1672 A w McLEECE John d 18 Feb 1672;ch Hen, Tho;[full] 1672 A w QUIRK Elizabeth d 20 feb 1672;son william killy?;sibs margt, john + phil quirke 1672 A w QUIRK John d 4 mar [?1672];names finlo huggin exor; 1673 e 259 w KENNAUGH Elizabeth d 8 Aug 1673;names Ellen Mollecrist, John Mollecrist, Marryad Mollecrist, Eliz Mollecrist; names Tho Kennagh (her part of corn + gears for working farm), Tho Kennagh junr; Names Ales quirk, Silvester Mollecrist(+ 2 sons + 2 daus; Thomas Kennagh(his father's goods free);names Gilbt Mollecrist + his son Silvester exors 1674-2 e 433 CLUCAS Henry d 1 Aug 1674;only son John Clucas admr;wife alive 1674-2 e 435 w SHURLOCK Christian Casten [page 41]d 20 Aug 1674;ch Finlo Carran(eldest son),john Shurlock(exor) 1675 A w CAIN Mally d 9 feb 1675;names John + Wm Cain;husb exor 1675 A w VINCH Henry d 6 feb 1675;2 unnamed sisters;bro john;mo christian exex;father alive; 1675-2 E 739 d QUANe Alice unnamed bros + sisters admrs - at age;inv 6s in John Caine's hands to be paid michelmas next 1676 A w CAIN Patrick [loss to rh margin on film]d dec 1676;son john;dau margt,cath;gch wm caine;son? wm exor 1676 A w QUINE Jony d 10 dec 1676;ch John, henry Clucas, ann fargher exex;husb alive 1676/1 A w KERRAN Isabel HUTCHEN d 13 jan;3 ch alice, jane + patk - all ua - next of kin Patk + John hutchin supv;husb alive 1676 a E 051 w Carret John d 20 Aug ;3 ch - Wm, Charles + Jane Churet jt admrs 1677-2 E 106 callen Christian KEY d 11 Oct 1677;dau ann Callen, margt(eldest) - jt exexs;husb alive;1714: Ann coonill als cubon who was married to daniel Callin after death of testatx christian Key made oath that her husb paid Margt Callin all that was due - thissworn in presence of Wm Carran who was married to sd Margt;1718: Ann callin (relict of Gilbt Moor) ack'd she was paid her mo's goods before marriage 1678 A w CLUCAS John dated 22 oct 1678;(d last ? of oct 1678);son phinlo exor - ua - uncles wm + phinlo clucas overseers (bro's of john);sis cathwife alive;1698: Phinlo now at age acks from stepfather John Quilliam - note give £10 11s 1678/1 A w COMISH John d 24 dec 1678;gch john, patk, phinlo kermot;names jane komish, margt komish, bessie duglass;wm kermett exor 1678/1 A w COTTIER Ann d 26 apr;ch bessie(had m/c),isable, john, wm,thomas (3d !);daus bessie + issable jt exexs;inv 2s 6d 1678/1 A w MOORE William [date lost at top of page]son wm(heir) ; ch wm, issable (in Ireland), margt, thos, Elizth + ann jt execs - eldest son at age + supv;wife elizth;inv £9 1678/1 A w Quaile Thomas d 25 mar;dau margt(portn due to her to be paid out of the curragh), alice(£15), thos, henry,robt, richd;wife jt exec with rich;alce acks £7 10s from bro Robt;Feb 1688/9 Robt acks from stepmo ann quaile; 1678/1 A w QUIRK John [poor copy] d 26 jan;father ? tho (that due by death of mother);sis jony exex; 1678-1 E 250 w GELL Henry d 23 May 1678;ch Cath, Donald, Margt(goods due by death of mother but appears to have goods of father that are to be returned), John , Wm (jt exor with Donald);names Alice Lowey;inv £7;Wm Quirke claims £5 as due of his portion [?m/c];John Cannel(obo wife Margt Gell) claims for 2sheep + what is due by m/c 1678-1 E 251 d CLUCAS Ellin kelly d 2 May;ch John, Jony, Ellin + Margery jt admrs - next of kin (mo's side) supys Margt, Kath + Mariod Kelly;husb alive; goods in husb's hands pledges John + Philip Quilliam;1679: John Quirk + Jony Quirk (Gell xd thru for both) ack portions; [sideways note that John Gell acks to have rcvd his sis Ellens part [rest lost in binding]] 1678-2 e 319 GELL John d Jul 1678;sibs Wm(crop, gears, old boat + nets),Donald, Ann Quirk(+ her dau), Margt;wife Alice als Finch(6d);bros wm + donald jt exors; 1678-2 e 319 WATERSON Dorothy SHURLOCK d sept [?1678]sis isable;ch John(youngest);ch exors - uncle + aunts supvs;husb alive;inv;1681: Thomas waterson s/o Dorothy Shurlock at age + acks fa John Waterson;1688: ohn Waterson another son acks fa;1690: Margt aterson another exec acks; 1678-2 e 320 GELL Wm d 1 Aug 1678;bro thomas admr;inv 2 sheep + some wages 1679-1 E 037 w Keig Kathrine d 10 oct 1679;'her husb did not have that regard and affection for her wch he ought and that she had noe friend that made much of her but her brother thomas keig';bro thomas keig;unnamed ch;inv states goods in hands of thomas kee? [?=thomas keig]; 1680/1 A w SHERLOCK Thomas [?date lost at top];sis elizth sherloge, ann, jane sherloge exex;sis' dau ann watterson;inv 40s[next page poor copy] 1680-1 E 174 d FARGHER Margaret d 30 jun ;son thos quaile,jane(6d),bessie exex;names john kelly 1680-1 E 176 w GELL Margaret ch john(her pt crop corn,gears etc),margt, koonie jt execs - tho kenaugh + gilbt kermod to be overseers;husb wm;1692 john + margt paid - other ch's goods 27s 8d;mar 1692: john quilliam one exor of mo margt gell now at full age acks;1715: chistophe calow h/o conny quilliam acks bro-i-law john quilliam £1 11s 10d(3rd pt of clear inv) 1681 A w GELL Thomas d 17 jan 1681/2;ch ann, margt;wife exex;gson hen Quaine, madge Quaine;inv 3s;nicholas Cowle claims £6; 1681 A w HUTCHIN Thomas d 9 mar 1681/2;ch patk(heir), thomas, elin + wm jt execs;gdau alice karran(due from her mo's goods);bro [?is this bro to patk as wording ambiguous]wm(+ch due 20s in their mo's hands + 20s in his) 1681 A w KERMOT William d 11 mar 1681/2;ch thomas, john, patk, phinlo, wm + Thomas jnr jt execs;wife alive;thos snr at age + sworn supv (john also at age) 1681 A w KRATNEY[cret Margaret d 9 apr 1682;ch john(ground, house etc), patk, philip + robt (last 3 jt exors);husb alive; unnamed sister;names ann quirk, alice quilliam;inv £1 6s 1681 A w QUIRK Margaret d 11 apr 1682;son john, john junr + ellinr jt execs;gch jane juke, Wm Quirk;husb alive [full] 1681 A w QUIRK Philip dated 15 jun 1682 (d 24 Nov 1681_;ch Phinlo, thos + ellin jt execs - uncle + aunt (fa's side) supv;wife alive; inv includes half the roof;1689: phinlo at age + acks uncle, 1692 Ellin at age, 1693 Thos at age;[full] 1681-2 E 379 d [leece] Jane SHIMIN d 16 sep;only bro thos shimin admr;husb alive;inv £1 2s 1682 ? A w HUTCHIN Phinlo [some loss rh margin]d 6 feb 1682/3;wife (knock-na-money + mortgaged land in Ballaknuck + liberty to redeem a prcl from Hen Radcliffe of glanmoij);ch philip, alice (at age) + margt (at age)execs - [] Kynrie overseer 1682 ? A d Keggeen Marriot d 20 jan 1681/2;only ch Samuel admr - ua - next of kin (mo side + gfa supv;husb alive;goods in hands of supv viz Tho & Jon Keggeen; 1683-1 A w COOLE Ann? d 7 apr 1684;sibs thomas + mrgt (jt execs), patk;names john + jane coole; 1683-1 A w CRAINE Gilbert [?kk german] dated 4 mar 1683/4;ch gilbt, sill + other unnamed ch;wife Cath als Clucas exex 1683-1 A w SHIMIN John d 1 dec 1683;dau margt + avrick? (heifer between them) ;son hugh, richard, john; hugh, richd, jony, margt + bahee jt execs - all at age 1683-1 E 638 d CROSS Silvester [faint]d 27 apr ;ch phillip, Harry?[?Marry], edward + Michael jt admrs 1683-1 E 638 d DAWSON John [faint]d 15 feb;ch tho ? + issable jt exors;wife alive 1683-2 E 699 w Cleator Kathrine CRELLIN d 30 jul 1683;bro richard, john cain(6d), john crellin(6d);sis [unnamed](new petticoat), mariod caine(6d);names alice kelly, james kelly;husb Will Cleater exor 1684-1 A w RATCLIFF Henry [barely readable]Gairdon[Gordon];unnamed children? jt execs;witt Thos Harrison , sam watleworth?;wife + ch uncle Sam Radcliffe sworne supv;note he left his part of mongan? in Raby to be sett for 6 years to pay some debts then to return to heir; [see also 0419g] 1684 A w Kynnie Ann d 25 jan 1684;youngest dau due to her from father;;dau alice exex;appt tho quine,tho gell,bro nicholas + his son supv; 1684-2 E 122 d QUAYLE Henry d 10 Mar 1680;orphan;bro Mr Richard Quayle + sis Margt + Alice Quayle jt admrs 1684-2 E 122 d QUAYLE Thomas d 10 sep last[?1683]; see decree bro Henry - sibs Richard, Margt + Alice jt admrs; goods of Henry + Thomas in fathers inv 1685-1 E 236 McLREA John d 12 May 1685;unnamed only child - unnamed gfa supv;inv 9s tho side note that testator declared that 19s due to him from his master Capt Thos Radcliffe but that 'would doe noe good to seek it';1689: child noted as blind from smallpox and that uncle Thomas Mcylrea has undertaken to look after him - court awards him the 9s; 1685-1 E 238 VINCH Issabell d 30 May 1685;sibs John, Alice;ch Ellin + Bahee jt exexs; husb alive;wants fa-in-law and Jo Quilliam as overseers 1685-2 E 329 KERMOD Thomas [faint + difficult to read]d 14 may [1683] ;next of kindred John, Patrick , phinlo Willm ;eldest bro John at age ;inv £1 15s goods in hand of John 1687-1 E CALLIN Michael d abt 9 yrs ago but concealed until now;sibs Don + Margt admrs;inv in fa's will 1687-1 E QUILLIAM William d 27 feb 1686/7;ch john, Coony + Margt - John + Margt at age + sworm; Jony Quilliam to be supv ua child;wife alive;inv in gross £3 2s [note 2 versions , in diff hands - one more readable - 2nd prob associated with 1715 ack];1715: Christopher Calow (h/o Coony Quilliam) acks from bro-i-law John Quilliam [m San 17050204 - see also old San deed #16] 1688-1 A c quilliam Alice ?finch als C [full] inc m/c Henry Quilliam + Isabel Finch 1689-1 A w CALISTER Jane CHRISTIAN d 20 nov 1689;husb gilbt exor;father john christian claims; 1689-1 A w COOLE Phinlo d 17 nov 1689;dau margt(eldest);wife alive;unnamed ch execs (those at age sworn - goods of 2 youngest in mo's hands) 1689-1 A w HUTCHIN Alice d 9 feb 1689;son thos quiane,tjohn quaine exor;names alice+ jane carran 1689-1 A w KELLY Margaret d 13 dec 1689;gch henry + jony kely;son henry,john + bessie (last 2 jt execs);husb alive 1689-1 A w KILLEY isabel quine see john 1689-1 A w KILLEY John jt decree John Killey (d 19 Dec 1689) + wife isabel Quaine (d 20 dec 1689);her niece ellin quain;their only son thomas killey exor;names ellin d/o wm knickell,robt s/o wm knickell 1689-1 A w RATCLIFFE Elinor ??? [full]made 23 apr 1689;wants burial Peel;ch christian,ann,ellen,john thomas henry, james + sylvester;gch ellin,michael + samuel radcliffe + others;husb thos 1689-1 A w RADCLIFFE Ellinor BRIDSON [full]d mar 1688/9;husb Henry alive (part fishing boat);sis marjery;thomas s/o bro-i-law;sis-i-law ellin radcliffe;bro wm;fa + mo alive;nichs bridson acks from Henry Radcliffe, raby; 1689-1 E d CAINE William d 1 feb 1689;ch wm, jony + margt jt admrs - ua gfa thomas caine;wife alive 1689-1 E d CLERIN Mariod [?name but reads as Clerin]d 15 oct;only ch Sam: Clerin admr - husb sworn admr - husb deposed no debts and goods in hands Mr Wattleworth [there is a note that inv on reverse side of John quayle's will - ?filmed] 1689-1 E d HUGGIN Kathrin d 28 jan;unamed ch jt admrs; 1689-1 E d KELLY John d 30 dec;ch margery, jony + ann jt admrs - next kin(fa side) thos + margery kelly; wife alive 1689-1 E d KERMOD John d 29 nov;sibs thomas, margt, christian?jt admrs - all at age 1689-1 E w KRETNEY[cret Cathrine d 23 sep 1689;ch ann, philip, john exor 1689-1 E d McLeece Ann FARGHER [indexed as Ann Fargher] d 8 jan;only ch Ellinr McLeece admr - supv Jon Fargher; husb alive - supv + husb agree 8s goods to child to be paid when child at age - pledges Jon + Tho fargher 1689-1 E d Quayle John d 10 dec ;ch wm (ua), jon + mary quayle jt admrs;wife alive + next of kin(fa's side) to be supv; 1689-1 E d QUIRK Issabel d 23 dec;ch jony, bessy, ellinr + thomas - next relns(mo side) Jon + Mary Quirk;husb alive; ch gmo Jony quilliam left legacy ; inv £9 7s;goods in hands gfa jo quirk(ballanassick), + uncle Jo Quirk;pledge John Quilliam(Ballacallin);2 Oct 1708: Ellin Quirk acks from uncle Jo Quirk the 40s in his hands 1689-1 E d Quoole William d 26 dec;ch (who have not yet rcvd any portion) wm, philip + thomas jt admrs - all at age; 1689-2 A w CALLIN William [rh margin lost with large dark area in top rh corner]Wm Callin - d 24 [] 1689;ch peggy[margt?](a barrell above ye other dau),philip(eldest son);unnamed other son,alice, margt;wife alive;wife + alice sworn 1689-2 A w GELL Ellin d 26 jan 1689;son richd killey, henry killey, jane;sons john + hen jt exors; 1689-2 A w HOGG Robert d 1 mar 1689;dau margt(youngest),christian exex 1689-2 A w QUAIL Henry d 13 apr 1690;ch wm, hen, ann + margt jt execs - eldest ch at age 1689-2 A w QUAY Margaret SHIMIN [part lost in a black damp patch] d mar ;son [?william ??]dau-i-law margt quay;dau ellin quay exex 1689-2 A w QUIRK Coony SHIMIN d 23 mar 1689;ch john, wm exor;husb john quirk;names Jo Quirke(+ wife),Tho Kennaugh(+ wife) 1689-2 A w QUIRK Thomas d 24 apr 1690;ch elin, john, john(the younger) exor;inv £1 10s 1689-2 A w RATCLIFFE Thomas d 11 apr 1690;names John Killey?(+ son Wm);bro John Radcliffe;sis Mary, Isable Radcliffe;names John Kiley + Thomas Radcliffe jt exors;gross inv £1 5s 1689-2 E d BRIDSON Ellinor ratcliffe d 15 mar last;sibs richd, wm + margery bridson jt admrs;husb alive - added note 28 jun [16]96:will extant in archdeacons reg 1689-2 E w COTTIER Dolly QUAILE d 25 may 1689;sis elizth quaile;husb + 3ch jt execs 1689-2 E d fargher William d 2 may last;ch ellin, cath + wm jt admrs - ellin at age - Thomas farger(eldest bro of testator) supv of youngest child that is dumb ;wife alive [bottom of page lost] 1689-2 E w HARTLEY mungo d 19 feb ?[?sept - blotted + dark] 1689;nephew robt ranscroft(field called Knockbane), john hartley exor;son-i-law john clucas(houses etc);wife alive (exor to give 10s due from decd's pt of moneys due for his salary);Nov 1689: Patr Xtian Maughold claims;inv - exor has left island and mother cannot tell if fully satisfied 1689-2 E w KAIGHIN Dolly CHRISTIAN d 18 sep 1689;son patk(eldest),john(other son) -both ua;unnamed dau;husb alive;only dau Ellin kaighin at age acks; 1689-2 E d KEY Ann d 21 may last;only ch anne killey - ua gfa + gmo sworn;husb alive [bottom of page frayed + missing] Oct 1721: Jo Kelly h/o Anne Killey acks £6 from Thomas Key and owns to be paid 1689-2 E d KNICKLE Christian CLARK d 29 sep 1689;ch john + jony jt admrs - next of kin(mo's side) patr Clark supv;husb alive 1689-2 E d MOORE William d 1 oct 1689;2 ch jt admrs - ua supv (fa's side) Jo: Quilliam(h/o Ann Moore) , thomas + issable moore;dispute between Silvester + Thomas Moore resolved 6 feb 1713 - silvester moore to be allowed £7 of fa's goods 1689-2 E d SHIMIN Thomas d 24? feb last;only dau mariad shimin admx;wife alive 1690-1 A w COOLE Catherine d 13 jan 1690;mo dead (goods in hands of father);father thomas exor;bro john; 1690-2 A w CLERK Daniel d 1 apl 1691;gson john knickle;son patk exor;inv 3s 6d 1690-2 A w QUILLIAM Margaret d 21 mar 1690/1;sibs john, cooney;master thos killey(+ son henry, john);names jony d/o thos radcliffe, ellin hutchin;uncle wm gell exor; 1690-1 E w GELL Daniel d 29 apr 1690;sibs wm + cath (jt execs), margt;names wm quirk, patr quirk(+ dau ann) 1690-1 E d QUIRK William d 29 mar?[?may];ch jony, ellinr + madge? jt admrs; jony + ellinr sworn with eldest son John supv of youngest sister.inv of ann + wmm garrett £7 2s which incs house + garden 1690-2 E d CAINE Jony d 15 oct;dau ann exex;inv only a heffer 1690-2 E w HUGGIN Mally GORRAN ? d 15 may 1690;gch henry loony, phinlo huggin;son richard exor;dau jane (w/o john quirk);son-i-law john quilliam;dau ellin + issable;John quirk offered a later will but witt too near related - court decrees John Quirk + Richard Huggin jt admrs;inv 6s; 1690-3 E 422 d gell Issabel SHIMIN d 17 Mar last;ch Henry, Patr jt admrs - uncles + aunts on mo's side supvs;husb aliveinv; ack dated 8 Feb 1699/1700 by Henry Gell from father Wm Gell re amount due by death of mother 1690-3 E 423 w KERMOD Jane d begining jun 1690;names Hen + Will Killey(a horse between them), Cesar Killey(a sheep); Henry, Rich + John Killey jt exors (court states half to henry + other half between Richd + John; inv (on same page but ? Jane's) £1 in hands of John Stevenson(Castletown) 15s due from Jo Quilliam(Castletown), 10s from Wm Gill(Foxdale) 5s 6d from Cuthbert Prescot whereof 6d legacy to his dau + from Issa Radcliffe (Glanmoij) 3yrds linen whereof 1 yrd to his dau pledges John Killey + Wm Cloage 1690-3 E w QUAY Richard d 1 jun 1690;sis margt quay exex;names alice hutchin, marriod fargher;wife alive;inv 12s 1691-1 A w QUILIAM John cousin capt john quilliam,philip quilliam,kath quilliam;bro-i-law richard huggin;wife alive;names old capt rattcliffe, capt sil rattcliffe;bro john;names Ann Knight w/o Sam Ratcliffe;kath bridson w/o cousin john quilliam;two brothers to work land with wife and overseers of his execs son+ dau of brother; 1691-2 A w CAIN Thomas d12 feb 1691;gson wm cain;gdau jony,margt cain;dau ann cain exex 1691-2 A w GELL Thomas perished by sea 31 mar 1692;bro wm;3 ch thom, jony + margt execs;wife + bro-i-law wm gell sworn supv 1691-2 A w KELLY Philip dated 10 apr 1691;3 daus margt (w/o robt boddagh),margt(w/o wm quine),marriot(w/o john quine);master - master watterson;young daua jony + isable kelly exexs;wife alive(purchased lands + great house during lifetime) 1691-2 E d CLOAGE Ellinor d 20 mar;ch john + ann kelly;next of kindred on mo's side Silvester + Wm Cloage;husb John;1715: John Kermod(h/o Ann Kelly) 1691-2 E w CLUCAS Jony CORRAS dated 17 sep 1691;husb phinlo clucas;step-son John(eldest), phinlo clucas;names jane quay, ralfe? Leece,margt clucas john's dau;cousin Rich clucas (jt exor with Patk karalagh + her stepson Phinlo clucas);names several others + debtors; 1691-2 E w CUBEN Jony d 8 jun 1691;gch Jony Knickel,Sill Clark;son Patk Clark;names Issable + Margt Cottier; 1691-2 E 481 w SHIMIN Bessie HALSEY ? d 4 sep 1691;ch Dally?, Margt, Mary + ellinor shimin execs - ?another son as crop + gears to her son + heir;uncle Thos Halsey to be supv;husb John Shimin 1692-1 A w MOORE Anne d 2 jan [1692?];bro thomas,(+ one unnamed?);sis issable,ann(exex - w/o john quilliam) - inv in those of father + mother 1692-1 A w QUINE Elin d 7 apr 1692;gch thos + isable quirk;dau bahee kenaugh;husb exor;inv (not valued);exor gave to his foresd dau...pledges her father Jo Kenaugh + phinlo Jick. [? is this ellin kenaugh als quine] 1692-2 A w CRELLIN Sarah KNICKEL d 6 jan 1692;dau margt,ann(exex);husb alive;inv 5s 1692-1 E 613 d CALLIN Donold perished by sea 31 Mar 1692;ch ann,john,wm (jt admrs), ann + margt(eldest) married daus supvs of 2 ua;wife alive 1692-1 E d Carran Patrick perished by sea 31 Mar last;ch wm,alice + jane by former wife,tho,philip,wm + john by latter wife;ch by former wife at age sworn supvs;wife alive;2 feb 1692: Wm Carran Kk Arbory claims 1692-1 E d GELL Henry,junr perished by sea 31 Mar last;ch Dan(at age supv),Thomas,john,coony + Alice;wife alive;31 mar 1693: Finlo Gell,John Shimmin,Wm Gell + Jane Gell claim 20s + interest for 2 years;inv displaced gives overseers Jo Shimmin Billown,Finlo + Wm Gell(brothers to Hen);wife Jane als Cubbon(named in ack);in inv Margt Gell als Kermod claims 1692-1 E mc KELLY John dated 2 feb 1674/5;Robt Quirke + Philip Kelley (both Kk Patrick + overseers to) obo nephew Philip Kelley;John Kelley + wife Margt ovo dau Ann Kelley;to marry by michaelmas;John Kelley + Margt shall hold half of estate known as Balladdy (rent 37s 9d) during the lives of the longer liver(unless the survivor remarries);if Phillip Kelley junr dies without issue then John Killey + wife promise that one of their sons(if living) shall marry Philip's sister (the two overseers likewise bind themselves to marry off the sister!);witt (all with marks)Tho Gell,Hen Watterson,Jo Watterson, Hen Gell;Copy as will of John Kelly - admr son-i-law Phil Kelly;inv 1692-1 E d KELLY john,junr perished by sea abt 31 Mar last;no next of kindred appeared;wife admx - note that no goods 1692-1 E d KERMOD John perished by sea 31 Mar last;only ch jane admx- next of kindred Patk + Finlo Kermod supv;wife alive 1692-1 E d KERMOD Thomas perished by sea 31 Mar last;ch finlo,john,thomas,dan,wm + margt (one child at age supv of ua ch + aunts margt,joney + Alice kermod as child incapable) 1692-1 E d QUIRK Katherin GELL d [lost] april last [?1692];only dau Ann 1692-1 E d QUIRK Margrett boyde d 7 mar;unmarried ch thomas + Mary quirk admrs - both at age;husb john 1692-1 E d Quoole Philip perished by sea 31 Mar ; ch jane quoole admx - uncles patk + wm quoole senr?+ wm quoole jnr sworn supvs;wife alive 1692-1 E d Quoole[Coole Thomas junr perished by sea 31 Mar last;ch thomas,wm + yet-unborn;wife alive 1692-1 E d Quoole[Coole Thomas senr perished by sea 31 Mar last;ch john + ann quoole - john at age supv;wife alive;inv displaced mentions croft; 1692-1 E d SHURLOCK John perished by sea 31 Mar 1692;2 ch [l?Pre ?part lost]+ ellin - ua next of kin Finlo Carran + Oates Kralney?;wife alive 1692-3 E 750 d CALLIN Phillip d 20 Jan last;ch Thomas, John + Margt jt admrs - ua - next of kindred on fa's side supv (they don't appear + wife appointed); wife alive; later note mentions consent uncle Wm Callin 1692-3 E 750 d QUILLIAM Kathrin d 1 Oct last;ch Jony, Gilbt, Jane + Ewan Quilliam jt admrs - those at age supv of ua;husb alive;inv include parcel intack 3d rent 1693-1 E 022 w COTCH William d 7 May;dau Elin + Margt jt exexs 1693-1 E 023 d COOLE William d6 Apr; ch Patrick + Christian jt admrs - next of kin fa's side supvs (Wm, Thos + Patk Coole sworn);wife alive;goods of eldest child in hands of mother + that of the heir in hands of uncles? [ie Christian iseldest, Patk younger ch] annexed bill that binds Patrick Quooll heir of Knockagissy (Kk Patrick) is indebted to Patk Quool(Aristine Kk Arbory) for 17s dated 15 Feb 1706/7; 1694-2 A w COTTER John d 14 feb;son wm,john,henry,thos;dau ellin,keeney(cooney in decree); (last 4 ch jt execs);wife alive;one child ua 1694-2 E 161 w GELL William d 14 Oct;wife mariad karagher;names jane cuben,ellin gell;sibs jony, phinlo exor 1694-2 E 161 d LOONEY Thomas d 29 jun;9 ch - tho(at age + sworn), henry, john, cha:, Ann, bahie, nelly, alice , mary jt admrs - some ua;wife alive;inv 10s 1694-2 E 162 d GELL John perished by sea 10 jul;sibs thomas, jony, margt + alice gell jt admrs - next of kin fa's side supv - uncle Phinlo Gell + Jony Gell; inv incs good due by death father - note that goods due to surviving heir in hands of step father Tho Quirk;1704: Finlo Gell dead 1694-2 E 164 w HUTCHIN Alice d 8 jul;husb tho;unnamed ch jt execs - ua - uncle Nich Harrison sworn; eldest son + 2 other ch;1714: dau Jony acks that paid by father - her bro Wm promises to pay 10s to her + also acks paid by father 1694-3 e 196 QUANE Ann GELL dated 24 Oct 1694;nieces Madge + Alice Quane;sis Alice;husb John Quane;2 unnamed ch(one a dau) ua execs - husb supv;inv;pledges Philip Quirk+ Richd Huggin 1695-1 A w CUSNAHAN William [full] 1695-1 E 222 d KEY Marjory KELLY d 7 mar;4 ch - thomas, john, Ellin + sarah jt amdrs - at age;husb alive 1695-3 E 298 d kelly Bessy Quaile d 10 dec;ch ann, thomas, jony + margery kelly jt execs;husb alive - ann + thos at age + supvs of ua ch 1695-3 E 298 d gick Katherin CLUCAS d Jan last;ch John, Anne, Wm, Nich + Philip Gick jt admrs - no relns - husb has tuition etc 1695-3 E 299 w RADCLIFFE William d 17 jul 1696;bro thomas, john,unnamed sister(+ dau ann);names emma quirk(d/o john);wife exex;inv £3 1696-1 E 368 d JICK Phinlo d 8 Apr[1696];5 ch John, alice, wm, Nich + Philip - next of kin on fa's side John, Wm, tho + margt Jick; supv;1706: John Jick(admr) is dead;alice jick recvs her portion;1711: Wm acks uncle Wm Jick;1717: Philip Jack acks Richd Clucas gson of Phinlo Clucas;1719: Alice Jick acks + Nich Shimins acks obo Nich Jick; 1696-2 E 428 d QUIRK William [rh margin lost in fold]d Nov last[?1695];ch Wm + Patk uirk jt admrs - next of kin Jony + Alice Quirk supvs but didn't appear in court;wife alive;Wm Quirk(Raby) claims obo his children 10s 4d 1697-1 A w CAIN William d 12 jan last;4 daus;2 youngest sons;wife alive;son wm; 1697-1 A HALSALL Margaret QUIRK d 24 dec 1697;ch Cooney, Kath(married),wm, silvester, Richard(blind) - one son to have land at choice of husb - all others excet Kath + son with land jt execs;[full] 1697-1 E 469 w Kewley Coony Quark d 18 Mar;ch Thos, Patk(sworn), Elizabeth + Jony Kewley jt admrs;husb alive 1697-2 A w LOONY Catherine gch patk coole,tho ? + wm coole(last 2 ua + jt execs with dau ellinr);dau elinr kneal als quaine;names alice quaine d/o tho quaine,john coole + his sister ann; 1697-2 E 504 w COTTER Ann d 14 Aug 1697;names Alice Hutchin, Mary Cubon;bro Gilbt(6d);Margt quay, Will Cotter + Mary Cubbonjt execs;Husb dead(spent 2s for wch she was not paid) 1697-2 E 505 d CRETNEY John d 8 Nov;ch Margt, Ellin + Oates Cretney jt admrs - uncles Patk + Robt Cretney supv;wife alive 1697-2 E 505 d Knickel Finloe d Oct [?1697]ch John + Jony jt admrs - John at age 'but incapable of taking an oath' - uncle Pat Clark supv (next of kin fa's side refuseth) 1698-1 E d GELL Daniel d 30 aug last; only ch margt;next of kin fa alice, tho jon jony gillwife ellinr gell als kew;dau margt discharges uncle john kewley 1720 1698-1 E QUANE John d 10 nov;2 ch wm & alice;uncle thos quane 1698-2 E d Corras alice d 16 oct 1698;4 ch patrick, thomas quirk margt & nelly cretney;pat & thomas at age 1698-2 E d CUSNAHAN Hugh ch john wm ann 1698-2 E d KELLY Margaret FARGHER d 26 may 1698 3 ch ann isable joney;husb wm 1699 A 27 HALSAL Thomas d 18 nov 1699;ch richard (blind), john, sill, cooney, cath, wm(land, houses etc);1st 4 ch jt execs 1699-1 E w KERRAN Philip d 23 may 1699;dau margt;s-i-law margt koal ? and daniel quaggin her husb exec 1699-2 E d CLAGUE William,jun d 4 Oct;ch Christian,Ellin - ua next of kin fa's side Philip + Christian Clague overseers;wife alive;1721 ch ack from uncle philip clahue 1699-2 E w CLAGUE William,snr made 27 sep 1699;wife exex - acct of how neighbour robt christian visited him - 1699-2 E farGHER Margaret Honton d 26 jan 1698;ch gilbt,thos,john + mary(goods of john + mary from their fa left to husb);husb john fargher exor 1699-2 E d KEY Thomas d 19 aug;unm ch john + ellin(abroad) jt admrs 1699-2 E w QUAYLE Robert d 23 sep 1699;bro mr richard quayle(knockrushen);sis alice;dau margt(eldest),elizth,ann + cath;nephew charles christian;niece elinor christian;wife alive;mother ann exex 1699-2 E 290 d QUAILE Edmond d May last;son John, Wm jt admrs 1699-2 E 291 w CLAGUE John dated 1 Nov 1699;wife Ann als Corras exex
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