These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1800 A 5 CLAGUE Margaret cowell made 20 jan 1795;dau margt quine als clague (w/o john) execx;witt john looney,john lace; 1800 A 6 CORKHILL Mary now of douglas;gdau ann sayle;gson edwd corkhill [?s/o finlo];son finlo corkhill;dau cath quark execx (w/o james) 1800-2 E CHRISTIAN Robert d 13 aug 1800;sis alice bankes als christian w/o matthias execx ;pledges danl christian + john skillicorn onchan 1800-2 E KELLY Thomas bach,sailing from liverpool d in a french gaol oct 1794;sibs john kelly + elizabeth stephen als kelly w/o wm; 1801 A 9 CAINE Edward dated 24 apr 1801;sibs philip,isabella, john,robt,mathias,mary;mother Mary;names Elinor Johnson w/o Wm Johnson brewer as exex 1801-2 E CHRISTIAN Thomas former onchan d some time ago Bahama;bach;mo alice christian;bro robt; 1802 A 2 QUARK Elinor recites that deed sett dated 21 feb 1795 to dau Mary Clague (lonan, widow) inc concern purchased from Wm Cain(Onchan) on sandside Douglas by which deed Mary was to maintain her but Ellinor left Mary and resided with Daniel Quark (Ballacottier) who was under necessity of maintaining her + burying her - mary agrees to pay and passes over the concerns + goods in settlement by assignment dated 10 Oct 1801 (court Oct 1802);danl appt exor 1802-2 E LOONEY Thomas d 29 jul 1801;ch thos,robt,ann,mary + jane;all ua mo jane;inv;petn by son thos that debts outweigh effects and that can he choose other guardians to prevent sale of house in douglas;oct 1803 thomas at la chooses daniel cannel + daniel kelly both douglas 1802-2 E QUINE Margaret d 30 aug 1802;only ch elizth;petn by husb wm;ua child;wm + john kelly next of kin + uncles + guardian 1803 A 9 LEWN Edward ch edward + thos;wife execx 1803-2 E CHRISTIAN Thomas dated 1 Aug 1799;Slegaby;ch Jane Lawson(widow), John (off Island 40sa if he came), Margt(w/o Thos Hampton), Elinor(? dead - notes c/o by Thos Wheellor), Judith, Matthias, Thomas(£100 in mortgage on house in Douglas called John Christian's house, + crop etc) exor;Witt Charles Calvin, Wm Looney;noted that dispute between Slegaby + Cleps re seat in chancel of Kk Onchan 1804 A 4 CHRISTIAN Thomas jw Thomas + Elizth Christian als Christian;mutual execs; Ballakilmartin;ch Edward, Daniel, Thomas, Isabel(w/o Robt Corlet); Thomas died 1805 E BACON Joseph dated 4 may 1804;capt 5th royal garrison battn;boat (wherry) 'free friends';names esther crebbin(for care + attn), john johnson(mariner douglas);fa john joseph;wm chambers(douglas)exor 1805-1 E BEATSON Dorothy d 6 nov 1804;husb john admr 1805-1 E CANNELL John undated;BallaKalley;Thomas Cannell exor; 1805-1 E w CHRISTIAN Elinor dated 26 Feb 1800;jw mark + elinor;dau elinor,grace,ann,elizth;son thos(land ballaquayle bought from wm mr curghy [see SSS May 1788 94]) 1805-1 E DELAPRYME Francis d 30 Jan 1805;petn by wife Esther;will dated 6 Sep 1803;bro Abraham, James(+ ch -Blackburn);niece Elizth(d/o Abraham - unmarried), Mary(d/o Abraham);godson Thomas(s/o friend Thomas Stowell, advocate);names Isaac Glover(Blackburn);wife Hester(d/o Lewis Geneste)(estate of Bally Glonney, Braddan + dwelling house now in occp of John Bell + all those houses etc nr Cattle market called Kelly's Herring house + part rented by John Taylor, Hugh + James Glen and Nicholas Kneale, also estate of Glashin bought from Wm Crellin + dwelling house in Castletown rented to Rev Thomas Castley, also a dwelling house called Redfearn's house nr Ballasalla let to John Callow)exex; - verbal codicil dated 29 Sept that Francis revoked the part relating to property in that she was only to have a lifetime's interest and not to pass onto to her heirs or assigns; - dispute between Abraham + widow of Francis as to authenticity + timing (Francis left Island shortly after 29th and then returned just before death) - court accepts codicil 1806-1 E BLAKE Peter private marine in Royal Navy d Plymouth hospital abt 29 Mar 1806;ch John, Peter + Jane Blake admrs - ua their gfa Peter Blake sworn 1806-2 E SKILICORN Thomas d 16 jun 1806;bach;fa thomas 1807-1 E jw FARGHER Jane garrett dated 12 mar 1807;ch John + Mary;husb gilbert 1807-1 E w KEWLEY Ann gail dated 4 jun 1805;son-i-law wm cowin (h/o ann) exor but declines;names peggy cullein + Wm Crow; 1808 A 6 SKILLICORN Catharine faragher dated 8 oct 1807;dau Margt (half dwelling house + garden) exex 1808 A 7 FARGHER Hesther cown d 23 mar 1808 (declrd 19 Mar);ch cath, john; husb james exor; 1808-2 E CHRISTIAN Thomas dated 5 Jun 1808;Mariner deceased;sworn by James Crow(sumner) at suit of bro Edward Christian (+ guardian to ua ch Thos + Elizth); decree noted d Jamaica - Edward sworn admr 1809-1 E CANNELL David dated 30 Jan 1809;wife Alice als Moore (house + garden being part of Ballachroink during life then to son James) exex;ch Charles, James,Margrate, Alice + Thos(if alive); 1809-1 E CANNON William dated 29 apr 1809;son-i-law robt christian [h/o ann],wm hogg [h/o jane],wm kelly [h/o mary],saml watterson [h/o margt],john cain;son wm cannon;niece ann cowle [d/o patr cowle + eliz cannon];nephew robt watterson;wife alive exex 1809-1 E CHRISTIAN John dated 10 Oct 1808;ch Ann, John(£5 to be paid at end of apprenticeship to purchase tools), Edward(£5 at time as he got his trade - his wife to give him a trade);gch (c/o John Lewin) - John, Thomas + Margt Lewin;wife Mary als Karran (use of house in Douglas during her life) exex 1810-1 E LEWIN William d 22 May 1810;ch John, Jane, Elizabeth, Dinah + Margaret admrs; wife Isabella als Quine guardian of underage children; pledges Thos Quine senr + Thos Quine junr (her father); brother Robert Lewin + Matthias Cain also sworn guardian + supervisors; claims inc John Lewin; agreement states children's part £90 11s 1d; John Lewin acks 1 Apr 1822 1810-2 E CAINE Thomas petn by Thos cleator + wife judith(sis of Thos caine) - Thomas Caine quitted this isle some years ago, lived in America + now dead (intestate) - court appts Thos + Judith admrs 1811-2 E CREER Robert ds dated 4 jan 1783 accpt as will;clepth;wife ellinor [?2nd wife elinor kelly als ?];son john;dau mary [?bapt],margt 1812-1 E w CORKILL Richard dated 9 sep 1811;ch Jane, Ann, Wm;gch Thos Gelling[?illeg c/o jane corkill], John Lewin [illeg c/o Jno Lewin + Jane Corkill], Wm Moore;wife Ellinor exex;petn states widow Elinor of Douglas 1813-1 E CAINE Mary ballachroink;ch mathias,mary quay,john,philip,isabella exex;dau-i-law cath caine;gch elizth caine,ann caine,cath caine 1813-2 E QUINE Mary clague dated 20 Apr 1813;ch Wm, Isabel,Thomas(eldest son);gch Margt_ann Clugas, Wm Quine, Robt Kelly, Wm Kelly;names Ann Moore als Quine (d/o bro-i-law Patrick Quine);son-i-law Thomas Clugas, Thomas Kelly (h/o Cath) exor;dau-i-law Cath Quine als Corkill, Ann Quine als Maxwell 1816-1 E THOMPSON Frederick [0014d]d coast of Africa - formerly of Onchan but late of the marines;bro Richard + bro-i-law Robt Oates jt admrs;pledges Robt Corlett (Lezayre) + John Oates(Onchan) 1817 A 8 QUINE Edmond dated 7 Mar 1816;ch Elizabeth, Mary, Eleanor(+ twin daus), Catharine, Isabel , Alice(each dau has £8), Edmund(+ dau Margt) exor, Wm;Witt Jon Oates, Thomas Cubbon?;Wm Quine(Lonan) acks Edmund;John Quine(h/o Mary Quine), Robt Hudgeon(h/o Eleanor + also acks for his 2 daus), John Clague(h/o Alice) all ack Edmund, Elizth Caine als Quine(widow) also acks her legacy. Isabella(w/o Wm Lewin Douglas) acks;John Christian also acks £8 [?h/o Cath] 1817-2 E CREER Daniel d 1 oct 1817;bach;fa john 1817-2 E KINREAD Daniel dated 6 sep 1817;now port-e-chree;son robt(eldest);dau sally;wife margt exex;ua ch 1818 A 4 CANNELL Adam dated 3 jul 1816;ballashyllee onchan;son thos,philip,john 1818-2 E OATES Rosa husb Wm ;ch Peggy, Mary,Elinor(youngest dau);unnamed boys 'if they live' to be put to trade 1819 A 6 SKILLICORN Jane quark w/o john;sulby;dau jane,mary,isabella,eleanor 1819 A 7 KNEALE Elizabeth quine husb hugh;son robt kneal;eliz cain partial;y xd thru; 1820-1 E CHRISTIAN James wife Jane als Oates;ch John, Ann, Isabella, Mathias, Elizth exex;gch Ann;son-i-law John Skillicorn 1820-1 E WISE Elizabeth Kermode d 19 Feb 1820;husb John admr 1821 A 3 CHRISTIAN Jane dated 18 Dec 1820;husb James Christian;ch Ann, Isabel, Elizth exex, 3 unnamed sons;Witt Thomas Christian, Ann Christian - pledges Thomas Christian(Onchan), Matthew Caine(Douglas) 1822-2 E LEWIN Robert d beg Jun; bach petn by Wm Casson(Onchan) + wife Margt als Kelly(nearest lawful kindred) - court appts them admrs -pledges Wm Quayle + Wm Corkill (both Maughold) 1824-2 E CLAGUE Elizabeth CUBBON dated 4 may 1824;dau elizth,ann;fa thos cubbon exor;inv;husb john (stock in trade) 1831-1 E CAINE Philip d Jan 1831;Ballachrink, Onchan;son William Caine admr;pledges John cain(Onchan), Wm Fayle(Braddan);inv inc sale of house to Robt Kelly £207 9s 8d; half to widow (?decd) as Matts Cain on right of wife Jane is exex;rest equally between Robt Cain (in right wife Mary Ann), Wm Cain (right wife Cath), Matthias Cain(right of wife Jane),John Cain(right wife Cath), Robt Moore(right of wife Ann), William Taggart(right of wife Elizth) + Henry Kneale(right of wife Cath) - final acks dated 1858; 1832 A 8 CROW Elizabeth dated 31 jan 1831;sibs wm crow,jane gell, ann crow,eleanor crow,isabella cottier,cath crow (exex);nephew john cottier 1833-1 E CREER Elizabeth KELLY widow;son john(eldest + heir),robt;dau betty corlet als creer,peggy cowley als creer,mary corkil als creer,jenny kaighin als creer,ann,elinor 1833-2 E SKILLICORN Jane Christian dated 11 Apr 1833;Slegaby;ch Margt, Elizth, Christian, Jane, Ann, Elinnor, Thomas, Mary, Isabell + Sarah (£10 severally) - daus when reach 21 to get a feather bed;husb John exor - pledges John Christian(Douglas) + John Moore(Onchan - also witness with John Kane); [MI L22 Onchan old yard - Sacred to the memory of / JOHN SKILLICORN / of Sulby in this Parish / who died Novt 15th 1851 / aged 67 years / also JANE, his beloved wife / who died Octr 9th 1833 / age d 49 years / also WILLIAM, son of the / above JOHN SKILLICORN who died Novr 15th 1853 / aged 12 years. 1834-1 E CHRISTIAN Isabella dated 20 Nov 1833;widow + relict Daniel Christian, Cleps;ch Daniel(eldest son), Thomas(feather + yearly income for life), Mathias, Ellinor(w/o John Broadfoot), Jane, John, Edward(abroad), Isabella;names Isabella Clague w/o Joseph Clague - ? dau ;gch Daniel(s/o Daniel Christian);names Mathias + John exors 1835-2 E CANNELL James petn by Edmund Welden? + wife Catharine als Cannell that father died sometime ago;decree Margt Cannell sworn admx - pledges Edmond Wheldon + Jane Cannell; 1835-2 E CORKILL John dated 15 Feb 1832;[headed abbey land braddan];wife [Margt] exex; 1836-2 E jw CALLOW John dated 29 oct 1832;john + mary;kk lonan;ch wm,edwd,thomas,james,mathias,ann kelly als callow,jane crellin als callow;then will of john formerly kk lonan now onchan dated 1 nov 1834;son james (liverpool - house in lonan barroole qtrland adj main rd);dau ann kelly,jane crellin;son wm,edwd,matthias,thomas exor;petn by thos that john neglected to prove jw re mary 1836-2 E CALLOW Mary see john 1838-2 E CHRISTIAN James dated 26 Apr 1837;Begoad;ch Thomas(heir);son-i-law Charles Kennagh (marriage dowry not yet fully paid - half estate mortgaged to Ann Kelly, widow Baldwin for £265);niece Cath Ann Kennaugh(not yet 14);wife Cath als Moore (half mansion or new dwelling house during life) exex 1839 A 4 GORREY William dated 26 Dec 1835;[noted in decree as Begode]ch John, Charles, Thomas, Ann, Ellen + Jane; wife Isabella exex - pledges Thomas + John Gorry(both Begode Onchan - both mark 'x' but Isabella signs) [bur age 69] 1846 A 5 GORRY Isabella dated 3 Sep 1845;widow;ch John, Charles, Ann(w/o Thomas Christian), Eleanor(w/o Thomas Quine),Jane + Thomas(exor) - pledges Edward Christian(Ballakaighin) + Philip Caine(sumner)
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