These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not always made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1701 A 5 WOODS Jane kissag d last of oct;husb wm;3 ch john james & alice kewn (all ua) supv uncles wm kissage & wm kissage 1701 A 6 TEARE Thomas douglas - d.o.g to niece issable charran of house garden etc 1701-1 E d FARGHER Margaret CUBON d 1 jun;ch simon,ann - aunts Cath + Christin Cubon supv;husb alive 1701-2 E 603 w CHRISTIAN Philip headed Castletown 25 Jun 1701;bro Tho Christian exor;unnamed next relns 6d; 1702-1 E025 w Fargher Christian Cannell d 30 may 1702, dau under age Thomas Lewin to bring up dau & have half goods 1702-1 E027 d Joyner Alice Kewley d c 3 Feb 1701/2 - 4 children Robt paul wm & john + husband; 2nd child wm in ustody of Bessie Kewly pledges Wm Caine Philp Kewly, rest with father 1702-1 E028 d Cannel Alice Qualtrough bur new yrs day last; 3 children Thomas, Ellinr and Alice Cannell, thomas out of island 1702-2 E077 w Cannan Jony Scarfe d 28 aug 1702;bro james;sis ann;names elizth crow,michael ellison(wife);husb alive 1702-2 E078 w Fargher Jon d 23 jun 1702;2 ch simon + ann by former wife ua uncle finlo fargher;wife margt hog not pregnant thus ch admrs;will danaged;inv + debts;1716 ch ack 1703-3 E d CHRISTIAN John [rh magin lost] d 24 Dec;ch Jo, Edmund + [lost ?Majory] jt admrs;Jo Kewley h/o Marjory sworn;inv only 6d 1705 A 5 CREETCH Ann CANNELL d 20 nov;ch alice,jony,john,simon,jane + elizth jt execs;1 ch ua 1709-2 E w CHRISTIAN Dorothy LEESE dated 24 may 1709;cousin wm curlot douglas;names mary sole;unnamed sister;bro john leece;nephew edwd christian exor 1710-2 E 34 w KEWLEY John d 28 Jun [?1710];ch Wm (half crop) - only ch at age, Gilbt, John;wife Margt;1727: John dead + Gilbt acks from mother 1711 A 2 BANKS Alice WATLEWORTH [full] 1712-1 E d CHRISTIAN Catherine LOWEY d 7 may;unm dau margt christian admx;husb tho 1713-1 E d KELLY nich [rh corner missing];d [] 1713;3 ch John, [lost]] + Alice jt admrs 1713-2 E w CHRISTIAN Thomas d 8 Aug [?1713];ch Margt Karran als christian, Margt Quayle als Christian - jt exexs;son-i-law Philip Quayle 1713-3 E w Cown Elinor KEWLEY d 27 oct 1712?;dau mary(exex),jony;son dan;sis mary;husb alive 1714-2 E w CHRISTIAN Margaret LEWN d 4 Aug 1714;husb Philip;sibs Stephen, Alice Lewn;(husb + sibs jt execs)names Robt Lewn(Douglas + dau Margt + son Robt), Jon Curlet(Douglas);half sis (w/o Jon Cannan) + (w/o Jon Gell); half bro Tho Cannell;niece Margt Lewn;nephew Robt Lewin, Tho Lewn;names Margt Fargher(some goods by death of her mother + also forgave the fine she paid on her acct + the cost of rebuilding the barn); names Ann Blackburn als Lewn, Margt Corkill, Jony Corkill, Phinlo Corkill;various godchildren;if she lived more than a year + a day with husb then he was excluded from exexcutorship + her sibs + nephew Tho Lewn apptd( [hese 3 were sworn]; 1715: John Stean obo Steven Leven, Tho Lewn + Alice Christian als Lewn claim agt husb for the corbs [m Onc 17130530] 1715-2 E w KISSAG Ann GELLING d 14 Jul;sons John,Wm + Paul;gdau Margt Kissag;d-i-l Majory Kissag (als Creer);husb Wm 1716-1 A d BANKES Isabel COrriN [full]d 17 jan;son thos (declared no effects except smal intack 2d rent),wm (if alive) 1717 A 2 QUAYLE Averick curghey [full] inc marriage contract for dau Jony Quayle to John Fayle 1717 A 3 QUAYLE William see Averick #2 1717 A 3 FAYLE John d 31 Jan [?1716/7]2 unnamed ch;unnamed wife(houses etc whilst she remained in his name) exor - if any of ch by his new(xd thru + present overwritten) wife should die then their goods to mother; 1717 A 4 CHRISTIAN Thomas d 14 Mar [?1716/7];Slegaby;ch Jon(his pt of crop, sheep + goats etc - wife to give him other half at her decease), Philip(his wild sheep), James,John;son-i-law Thomas Lewn, Thomas Brew(jt exor with son John Christian - court adds Philip by his m/c) ;dau Alice (+ her ch) 1717 A 5 CLUKAS William bur 31 Aug 1717;kinsman Silvr Quine(Onchan);names Wm Kernode(Middle, Braddan who owes him for wages);appt kinswoam Alice Quine(w/o Silvr) + Mrs Jony Kermod als Christian (his mistress) jt exexs 1717 A 54 Connan Isabel d 27 Dec [?1716];sibs Margt Cannell als Cannan?;ch 2 unnamed ua daus;mother alive 1717 A 55 CHRISTIAN Elizabeth moore d 27 Jan 1717/8;ch Daniel, Alice(+ her pt of a heiffer in BallaLheaney,Kk Lonan), Margt, Isable, Jane;husb Dan exor;nephew Philip Stole(her pt of a cupboard in Kk Lonan);1731: Wm Quinnish h/o Margt acks fa-i-law Dan Xtian 1717-2 E w CHRISTIAN Elinor KEWLY d 24 may;ch elinr,isabel;gdau ellinr waterson,isabel (?d/o isabel),john,james,jane lewn;gch rich clague,jane christian;ch philip + mary christian + cath brew als christian jt execs;gdau margt waterson;witt patt cane,wm gell 1717-2 E d christian jane d 25 may;orphan;4 bros dan,jo,edwd + philip 1717-2 E d KEWLEY John d 7 jul 1717;only dau alice 1718-2 E w COWIN William d 4 may ;fa alive;wife preg;one unnamed ch ua aunts jane + marriod cowin supv;1733: cath acks from aunt ann,1736 mary acks 1719-1 E w CHRISTIAN Jony CURLETT d 13 oct;sis averick;maid serv ann fagher;husb philip exor 1719-2 E d SKILLICORN John d 13 sep intestate + poor;late sumner;dau isabel 1720 A 3 CAINE Patrick d 28 mar ;son thos,john,wm,peter;dau mary;son-i-law thos kerryn; 1720-1 E d CHRISTIAN John d 6 Mar 1719 in Guinea;father John Christian(Ballakillvartin);sibs Thomas, Mary, Isabel, Margt + Dorothy jt admrs;Thomas sworn; 1720-3 E d CAIN Peter d 12 jun ;sibs wm,hugh,thos,john,mary 1720-3 E d CHRISTIAN Margaret creer d 1 nov 1720;sibs john,robt,james,alice, christian+ ann creer;husb philip;fa robt creer;1738: wm kelley + wife ann (marown) ack bro john creer all due by death mother ann + sisters margt + christian + christian creer 1721 A 2 CHRISTIAN Catherine cown [rh margin lost + damaged]ch Thomas(half team etc)(exor),Mary, Margt(had a m/c), Isabel, dorothy(£4 wch includes her fa's part);gch James + Isabel Christiandau-i-law Margt Christian; 1722-2 E d EDMONDS Thomas d 30 may;only dau elizth 1723-1 A 1 BANCKES Juckey McNufnick d 24 feb;ch john,thomas,elizth + mary jt admrs - no relns on her side;husb thos 1723-2 A 75 GELL Henry d 3 feb;son john,danl (if he comes);dau isabel lowey als gell(+ dau),mary,cath;Ch ildrensmo dead; 1723-2 E d CREER Christian d 2 aug 1723;sibs john,james,robt,alice,ann;;her mo ann creer als lewn decd 2 yrs ago 1724-1 E d QUINE Alice KARRAN d 6 may 1724;only dau unmarried anne 1725-1 A 2 QUYINE Catherine cotter d 24 apr;ch margt,mary + thomas;sis anne;unnamed bro;husb wm exor;1758: Wm Lewn h/o Margt, Robt Kelly h/o Mary 1725-2 A 98 CHRISTIAN Alice lewn d 12 jan 1725;dau margt w/o jon steen (+margts dau),alice;son wm exec;gson thomas xtian;dau-i-law ellinr;sis ellr cannon;names grinny watterson 1727 A 19 OATES John,snr made 8 aug 1727;bibaloe;gdau mary oates;son wm(douglas),john;gch margt + ellinor gelling(d/o paul gelling);dau isabel moore als oates;wife alive[full] 1728 A 2 EDMONDS Margaret agreement between margt edmonds ballafoghaage + thos gelling that margt will pay debts contracted by herself + dau whereas thos will pay funeral costs of wife;noted as persuant to will elinor gelling als edmonds 1728 A 28 EDMONDS Margaret dated 18 nov 1728;niece mrs cath parker;names many poor of parish;james banks exor refused son-i-law thos gelling;claims etc 1728-2 E w FARGHER Robert d abt 1 sep 1728;godson rob fargher s/o paul;sons robt,gilbt + paul;wife exex 1732-2 E d QUINE Sylvester d 8 may; only dau anne corrin als quine 1733-1 A 4 dg CHRISTIAN Daniel snr cleps;bedridden;son robt 1733-1 E d LEWNEY William d 12 mar;4 ch isabel, alice john cath;wife alive 1736-1 A 2 CAIN Alice CLAGUE d 23 apr 1736;dau mary,hannah;son hugh,thos exor;gch alice cain;names cath quark 1736-2 A 32 FAIL Margaret CAINE d 27 nov 1736;ballacaine;husb james;mo alive;nephew wm cain;ann lawson midwife;sis esther;neice mary cain(d/o esther),may caine(d/o bro john);sis-i-law ann caine als cowin;bro wm;sis-i-law ann fayle;neighbour wm quine(dau margt);died in childbed for some day in very great distress - no provision for posthume (a dau) uncles john,wm + robt cain overseers[?chk as have m Onc 17351021 + bur Onc 17361119 ?childbed] 1736-2 A 33 FARGHER Ann d 24 apr 1736;bro simon;aunt jony quayle;alice w/o john taggart exex 1737-1 E d CHRISTIAN John d in Jamaica some years ago;s/o John Christian(Onchan) ;sibs Thos, Wm Christian, Margt(w/o John Stean), Alice (w/o Chas Gelling) jt admrs;noted that a deed of surrender dated 17 Jun 1723 that Margt + Alice made over to bro Thos - inv certain houses,gardens + cottage in Onchan 1737-2 E w LOONEY Robert dated 27 jan 1732;blacksmith,Barbadoes (parish St Philip Island);cousin margt cannant(Ireland);names wm johnson(st Philip Island blackmith - all his tools);bro-i-law christopher + Jonathan looney (now living in IoM) [other barbadoes people mentioned]; explanatory note has depositions: John Cannon(Onchan aged 61yrs) stated that Robt Looney left Island above 30yrs ago + was son to John Looney + ann Cannon (of Onchan) + served his trade as blacksmith in Wicklow then lived for many years in Barbadoes + that Christopher + John are now only surviving bros + that Margt Cannon lived in Ireland abt 6yrs ago + continued there 3 yrs - she is nearest reln Robt had in world;John Gelling(age 55) made oath to every particular;christopher looney made oath he was bro to Robt who left Island above 30yrs ago;John Looney says he was under age when his bro left island;Margt Kinley states saw Margt Cannon in Dublin 6 yrs ago;Margt Cannon states lived in dublin fron 1728 to feb 1733; 1738-2 E d CHRISTIAN Edward d jamaica abt 1 yr ago;s/o dal ballaluig;bro danl,john,philip 1739-1 A 3 OATES Mary COTTER made 28 mar 1739;w/o capt oates;dau isabel moore als oates;dau-i-law jane oates;gdau margt oates,mary moore;son-i-law james moore(+5 other ch);son john ;other gch mentioned [full] 1739-1 E w BANCKES Jane COWLEY bro john cowley(+ dau jane);names wm Christian(2 yougest daus), Thos Christian(+ dau), Gilbt Fargher(+ son),Alice Kelly(her wearing apparel);step-dau Mary bancks ;husb alive + jt exec with stepdau mary banckes 1739-1 E w LEWN Alice dated 27 Mar 1739;names Elizth Killey als Crow(a lamb that was in Ballamainaugh) + several others;names Wm Christian(parish clerk) exor; 1740-1 A 1 QUAYLE Margaret CHRISTIAN d 23 mar 1739/40; damaged will; son philip exec (+another son 6d) 1740-1 E 7 d GELLING Mary COTTEEN d 15 feb 1739/40;ch david,mary,john,jane,jony,charles,philip + margt;(last 2 ch ua) 1740-2 E w CORKILL William dated 25 Aug 1740;wife Ann als Sayle exex;(6d to all others) 1740-2 E d SKILLICORN John d beg june;sulby conchan;ch john,elizth;1752 edwd watterson h/o elizth [#1105];mention of money in moaney moar; 1740-2 E d SKILLICORN John d beg june;sulby conchan;ch john,elizth;1752 edwd watterson h/o elizth [#1105];mention of money in moaney moar; 1741-1 A 15 w Christian Robert d 2 Apr 1741;ch Daniel, Robert + Mary - uncle Danl Christian supv;wife Elizth exex; 1756: Danl + Mary ack stepfather Christopher Taggart(Kk Braddan) 1741-1 A 16 w CORKILL Catherine CROW undated;ch Christian, Margt, John;husb Finlo exor 1741-1 E w CHRISTIAN Daniel made 27 apr 1741;cleps;son thos,john,danl,wm; dau cath,mary,joney,isabel,jane,margt,alice; wife mary als quine exex;danl stepson of mary;1744 isabel + jane now in london;1757 ann mylchreest als christianack from stepmo mary 1741-2 E d FAYLE Phinlo d 15 yrs ago;orphan goods from fa John lib 1 1717;only sis alice (w/o john taggart) 1741-2 A 110 QUINE Thomas d 10 nov 1741;son wm,robt philip.dau ellinor 1741-2 E d Caine christian krinel d 25 Jun;dau-i-law ann caine,elizth quicken;son wm caine exor,adam quicken;step-son robt cain(in kk michael) 1742-1 E w KNEAL Ann CAINE d 8 may 1741?;bro john cain;husb edmund exor 1741-2 E w QUAY Alice KEWLEY dated 20 Sep 1741;dau Isable(w/o Will Cottier) exex 1742-2 A 58 LOONEY John died easter 1742;son john;wife margt;witt+pledages thos lewn,john quark [full] 1743-1 A 5 KNEAL Christian HOWLAND gson wm dougainey of marown;bro-i-law hugh cain + hc's daus ann margt;dau margt doughanney w/o john;1754 john doghardy now arrived at lawful yrs; 1743-3 E d CHRISTIAN Margaret SKILLICORN d 28 mar;only dau isabel;son edwd(?edmd) had contract;fa thomas christian + bro edmnd(aforesd) christian pledges; 1743-3 E w KELLY John d 6 Jun 1743;ch Robert(land after wife's death), John, Cath, Gilbt(if he came to Island was to have lands if he lived in them + then was to pay legacies), Jane (had marr portion);wife Jane exex;witt John Cannell + Jane Kelly als cannell;1748: Gilbt (of Ballakoig)pays to John Corkill(h/o Cath) 1745-1 E w LEWN Stephan d 2 may 1745 ;son john exor 1745-2 E d CORKIL Phinloe, se d 20 May 1745;ch John(abroad), Margt + Christian jt admrs - Phinloe(eldest having had a m/c[see SSS May 1738 73];pledges Philip + Wm Christian 1745-3 E d COTTIER William d 17 jan 1745;ch john + alice jt admrs - ua uncles Robt + James Cottier + John Corkill h/o aunt Jane overseers;wife alive 1746-2 A 21 KELLY Jane COTTEEN d 18 nov 1746;son gilbt(pt of b'kaighin),john,robt,thos (jt exor with cath);dau jane,ann,cath(w/o john corkil);son-i-law thos [cannell]; 1747-2 A 29 CANNELL Jane KELLY dated 28 Jan 1747/8;ch Patrick(youngest son), 4 unnamed older sons, Jane Cannal exex;husb John; 1748-1 A 2 GELL William [full] 1748-2 A 109 GELL Alice d 11 nov 1748;son wm (house douglas);dau ellinor,alice,ann;gdau isabel moore,ellinor quark,isabel kewley;husb john exec 1748-2 E w CORKILL Margaret dated 21 Mar 1745/6;sibs Finlo Corkill(her part of intack in mountains taken to rent by father), Christian exex, John(at his going off island left 40s if he did not come) 1748-3 E w CANNELL John dated 9 oct 1748;bebalew, onchan;gsch wm cannal(douglas), isable creetch;ch thomas,dorody(+ch),Mary(husb simon creetch jt exex with gdau Isable Creetch );annexed note names gch [c/o doroithy] isable, dority + jane cowin (c/o Paul cowin) 1749-1 E w CANNEL Ellenor dated 9 Oct 1749;gdau jane + mary cannel, Lewcwy[Lucy], Elisebeth + Cathrine Curphey, isable Creetch;ch Dorody, Mary (jt exex with Isable Cretch);Simon Creetch[?h/o Mary] + Isable sworn 1749-1 E d FARGHER John d 24 Dec 1747;only sis Mary Faragher admx
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