These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not always made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1700-1 A 13 TEARE Daniel d 24 Mar last;dau mariad tear - ua;wife alive;bro john; 1700-1 A 14 KELLY William son john;dau christian;thomas martin supv 1700-2 E 474 d KELLY William d 20 Jun [1700]ch Nich,Wm, Tho, John, Margt + Henry jt admrs - all ua + destitute of relns; wife alive + sworn 1700-3 E d KElly Margaret CHRISTIAN 7 ch robt margt jane john tho isable esthr;husb alive 1701 A 13 CORRIN Eliza kelly d 10 Jan 1701/2;sibs John Kelly, Mary Fayle exex (as she looked to her in her illness for 5yrs when all others had forsaken her);pledges Gilbert Killey, Philip Quilliam 1701 A 14 CORKILL Alice COTTIER child upon her bearing;husb wm;neece quay's dau;;child dead 1701 A 15 FAILE Mary COTTIER husb john;sis bessy;fa alive;;sis anne 1701 A 16 KEWLEY [mitchell] [RH margin lost]d beg Dec [1701?];ch pat;(eldest son), wm, john + bessy(jt execs) - the name Wm in index is probably wrong as the corner on the will is lost and the 'M' misread as Wm 1701 A 17 KEWLEY Mitchell identical to #16 ;inv £5 ;pledges Nich Kewley + John Kelly 1701 A 18 KEWLEY Bessie d 30 Dec [?1701];exex to Mitchell (see #16+17) bro Patk = John jt admrs;inv with father's;her own goods + those by mother = 10s 1701 A 19 FAILE Henry d 22 Feb 1701/2;uncle Nicholas Faile;sibs Ellin, Mally, John Kelly, John Faile;father Paul Faile exor;serv maid Katy Kelly;dispute between exor + his stepson John Kelly 1701 A 20 FAILE John d 23 Mar 1701/2;uncle Nicholas Faile, Wm Faile;sis Mary(his pt of goods left by bro Henry); mother alive;nephew Pat Kewley;hlf-bro John Kelly;father + sis Ellin jt execs;Phinlo Kewley h/o Mary; 1701 A 21 KINLEY Jony taggart [rh margin lost]d 18 Apr [1701/2?];unnamed sibs;husb j[] exor; 1701-3 E d Calow Hugh d 27 dec;ch isabel,margt,mary + jane - uncle Jo Calow(absent) supv;wife alive 1702 A 8 KEWLEY Robert [faint]dated 18 feb? 1701/2;wife alive;dau cath(married) 1702-1 E 033 d Kelly Willm d 5 feb 1702 - 3 children John, Jane ,Elizabeth - supv father side John & Henry Kelly; wife formerly widow of ? Clague - his fa Wm Clague died 1702-1 E 037 w Kelly Alice Creer d 6 May 1702;s-i-l William Killey, son John Kelly, dau catherine 1705 A 19 KEWLEY Nicholas [very faint]d 4 Dec 1705;5 unmarried ch nicholas, robt,wm,thomas,alice jt admrs;wife alive;thos + alice ua - eldest son john + dau Mariot? supv; 1705-1 E d KELLY Robert d 2 May last;ch Robt,Wm, Cath, Anne + Ellin jt admrs - Robt + Cath at age + supvs;wife alive; Thos Quine claims 1706-3 E w FAILE Mally QUIGGIN d 7 Jun 1706;ch John, Nelly(a hive in Ballagraue), Mally(a hive);gch Patk + Wm;names Nicho Faile, Robt Faile of Algaie(owes her 27s); two daus (noted as ch of Paul Faile) jt exexs 1706-3 E d FAILE Paul d 16 Jun 1706;ch Nelly + Mally jt admxs 1707-1 E d KILLEY Gilbert d 12 jun 1707;ch cath,jony,james,ewan,bessy,wm + john;next of kin fa side cath + ellin killey;wife alive 1708-3 E d KELLY William d 17months ago (dated 3 mar 1708/9),mariner, on voyage from Virginia;sibs living- Robt,john,henry,thomas,ann,cath,margt + mary - all absent fa wm sworn; 1710-1 E d carran Isable OATES d 24 apr last;ch wm,tho,ann,jo,ewan + cath 1710-1 E d LEWNE Ann CAIN d abt 14 yrs ago;ch Wm, John, jane, Alice, Ann+ isabel jt admrs 1712-2 E w CHRISTIAN Charles dated 27 feb 1711/12 at whitehaven;mo Margt exex;names elizth burrick (my chest);note on back debt to landlady 4 weeks diet - also note that left 7 buck skins with John Garrett taylor back lane Dublin 1712-2 E w CRETTNEY William d shortly after whitsun 1712;son wm(eldest);wife ann als cottier exex;other unnamed ch - supv uncles Finlo + John Cretney supy 1712-2 E d Clague james d 28 dec 1711;ch margt, eliz,wm, james = anne jt admrs;wife alive;inv £11 16s 6d 1713-1 E d CORKAN Ann CHRISTIAN d 23 Mar last;son john + hen Corkan jt admrs;husb alive 1713-1 E w KELLY Catherine COTTEEN damaged corner missing;bur 24 May 1713;son [lost],robt(had m/c);dau jane kelley;husb john exor 1713-1 E w KERMOD Catherine QUARK [significant loss]d 1 apr 1713;ggch Wm Clucas(s/o gson John Clucas); Isabel Clucas, Jony Clucas, John + Henry clucas;names Thomas clucas heir[lost], Margt Clucas, Ann Clucas; Alice clucas als Kermod + John Clucas(s/o Alice) execs 1714-2 E d CALLIN Gilbert d 8 Oct last; sibs Thomas, Alice, Christian + Anne jt admrs 1714-2 E w KELLY Henry d 23 Oct [1714];bro John Kelley;ch Jane ua (heiress); wife + Jane jt admxs; wife consents that if Jane die ua then next heir to have half croft + tools etc 1715 A 6 NOWEL Elinor GELLING dated 30 jan 1715/6;husb robt exor;sis dau jony callin; 1717 A 57 CLUCAS Christian COTTIER [full]d 21 dec 1717;dau cath moor, margt + mary jt exexs;gdau elinor moor;husb thomas;servt wm gell 1717-1 E w QUILLIAM Marriod GELLING d 7 may 1714;son james,robt,wm,patk exor;gdau mary quillin(d/o james),ann quilliam(d/o robt) 1717-2 E d Dymond James merchant;bottin marown + dublin - much correspendance 1718-2 E w JOHNSON Ann d aug 1718;names margt christian als kewley,ann gell als christian,mary d/o wm gell;isable karran exex;witt cath johnson als quine;mo sworn in place of ua exex goods only pay for funeral 1719-1 E w QUILLIAM John d 28 jan 1718/9;wife jane als brew;refs a m/c to dau jane now w/o john kelly lezayre dated 26 sep 1718; 1719-2 E d MOORE Isabel WATERSON d 14 May 1719;4 ch ua Jo,Robt,Mary + Ellin - henry Waterson + John Taylor supvs;husb alive 1720-2 E w KEWLEY John d 12 Oct 1720;landlord Ewan Christian(marown);ch Kath,Wm(6d),anne(exex) 1720-3 E d COTTIER John d 10 dec 1720;dau christian clucas als cottier (had no m/c) admx 1720-3 E d QUARK Margaret KINNISH no rel appears;husb pat declares no goods for ch but remnants of some money to be collected in chrches of this island; 1721-2 E w CREER Elizabeth d jul 1721;sis margt woods;mo ann kinley exex;names anthony woods,jane d/o capt bridson,mary quane 1722 A 5 CHRISTIAN Ann CLUCAS d 29 mar 1722;husb ewan exor;son Nich(to be sent to school in some mkt town then put to trade), Ewan,Wm;dau ann,eleanor,mary;gdau ann christian; 1723-1 A 4 CLUCAS Nicholas d week before easter;ch philip,ewan,john,cath + margt execs;son thomas;wife alive;inv 1723-1 A 5 MOore Robert d 14 mar 1722/3;son robt(eldest lands marown,braddan);other ch margt,mary,philip + jane jt execs;names mariot kelly w/o robt at baling miln; 1723-1 A 6 FAIL Catherine gelling d 24 apr 1724;husb danl;dau ann + son john execs;witt john kelley x,ellinor fail als quay x; 1723-1 E d CLUCAS Ann KELLY d 4 Feb last;only son Thomas Cain admr; inv 10s 1723-1 E KEWLEY Alice d beg Feb [1722/3];sibs John, nicholas,Robt,Wm,Thomas(out of Island),Mariod als Kelly;inv apparell£1 14s + purchased housestead some part divided £3 1723-1 E KEWLEY John d 24 Oct 1723;Braide;ch john(eldest son = ua),Wm = jt exors;wife Cath als Cowley;wife gives her part to her father + mother-in-law prived her own son inherits;witt Isabel kewley(overseer), wm bridson;pledge for wife her bro Wm Cowley(lezayre). for Isable capt Wm Cottier;1737: John Kewley(braid) acks from uncle Robt Kewley all due by death of father John 1723-2 E w FAILE William son-in-law Wm Cretney;wife alive(his part of the lime in Henry Christian's land);ch Cath,Ann Paul ;Paul + Cath exors; 1723-2 E w KELLY Gilbert d 14 Oct 1723;Ballavargher;son Thomas Kelley, John,Ann(in Peel); wife exex 1723-2 E w KELLY Jony ?+ 5069d;d 17 Sep 1723;dau Cath (ua);husb Wm;annexed note dated 5 Dec 1737 Cath Kelly(Marown) rcvd today £1 8s from John Kay pledge to Paul Kissack wch was portion of goods due her by death of mother Jony Stoale 1723-2 E w QUAILE William dated Jun 1723;Ballacotch;son Robt; all his ch jt execs - ua wife appt; inv £5 9s; pledges Jo Loony + Ewan Christian 1723-3 E w MOOR Elizabeth CHRISTIAN d 2 Jan 1723/4;ch Cath, Wm, Anne + Mary Moor jt admrs - Wm + Ann Christian uncle + aunt supvs; husb alive; 1731: son Wm acks 14s spent on sis Cath's funeral 1724-1 A 13 KELLY Henry DoGift dated 2 Oct 1718; by Henry + Kath;ch John(wife Isabel) - all goods at decease of langest liver; accepted as will of Henry - John sworn exor 1724-2 A 95 KELLY William d 14 jan [1724];'the rock;son robt(heir),john('what money Peeltown shoomakers were indebted unto him'),thos jt exec with wife;dau ann,cath,mary;wife Cath dead by probate;1725: Philip Curlet claims against exrs of his father & mother.inv £94 11s inc £47 10s cash 1724-2 A 96 KELLY Catherine d 21 jan ;see thomas;son-i-law edward christian (h/o Mary) 1724-2 A 97 CLUCAS Allice KERMATT [full];d 9 feb 1724/5;son john, wm + henr (jt exors);gch isable fargher als clucas,wm clucas, john clucas, henry clucas;dau isable (w/o john kissag),margt (w/o John Quirk); [have m/c old deed patk #43 for dau margt] 1724-2 A 98 HARRISON Thomas d 26 jan 1724;sibs john,mary,wm,jane;names christian + Wm cubon, mary cretney;father Wm exor 1724-2 E w CAIN Jane CREER dated 5 dec 1724;husb thos exor; 1724-2 E w GELL Margaret woods bur 14 Aug;names Mary Taggart, Isable Brideson;child upon her bearing exor - ua - gmo + Margt's husb sworn; mother Ann Taggart 1724-2 E d QUILLIAM Thomas d beg apr 1724;ch john + elizth jt admrs,ann(had m/c);wife alive;annexed agreemnt that John has crop + gears, Elizth household good 1725-1 A 7 CORRIN William bur 6 mar 1724;child on his wife's bearing (£5 of portion promised by father);fa wm;sis Margt,cath; 1725-1 A 8 KEWLEY John [braddan xd thru - marown added]dated 4 or 19th? Jun 1725;John Kewley(of the Brade in Kk Marown[corrected from Braddan] )d 17 Mar last;wife Alias [alice] Kewley;ch Robt,Elizth(d abt a fortnight after her father) execs - mentions 20s due to a dumb boy that was in the house; witt Finlo Kewley, Gilbert Cashin 1725-1 A 9 GELL William bur 3 Apr 1725;wife Jane als Christian (if pregnant any child exor other Jane exex + to have Ballacotch if she did not remarry);names Thomas Gell youngest son of Patk Gell(Ana:Lungry Kk Michael) as residuary legatee of Ballacotch;names Thomas s/o Kath Karran (kath a witness + John Costain);4 Jun 1726: Wm + Patk Gell great uncles to posthume sworn supvs;1743: Cath Gell (the posthume) acks satisfied + stepfather Thomas Carran to deliver crop; J[] Kinley als Taggart claims 1725-1 A 10 GELL Bessy[Eliza kaighen d 3 Feb 1724/5;ch John Gell,ellinr jt execs 1725-1 E d CHRISTIAN Margaret CLAGUE d beg Feb [1724/5];ch Ann, Margt + Tho Christian jt amrs - ua - uncles + aunt Wm, James + Isabel Clague supvs;husb alive 1725-1 E w CLAIG William d mid Feb 1724/5;Ary-ne-seiy? ;ch Robt (eldest son),unnamed other ch(6d);wife Katharine als Fayle exex;Witt Patk Kelly (dead by probate) + Ann Kelly - court decrees in absence of 2 witts the 5 ch Robt, Wm, Jo, Margt + Patk Clague jt admrs - all ua - next of kin supvs;1736: Robt (eldest ) sworn 1725-1 E w CRETTNEY Catherine FAILE d abt a fortnight in May 1724;husb John Cretney;bro's son Wm Cretney;sis's dau Ann + Cath retney;mother alive;only ch Margt cretney exex - ua - gmo not able so her ch Paul + Ann Fail sworn supv;witt isable Clucas als Kelly, Alice Callin;pledges Wm Fargher + Paul Faile;1744: James Radcliffe h/o Margt Cretney acks Wm Cretney 1725-1 E d KELLY John d 22 Feb 1724/5;Trollaby;only dau Cath Corrin als Kelly (widow) admx 1725-1 E w QUILLIAM William declrd abt 6 years ago;bro Robt's dau Jane Quilliam;bro Pat Quilliam exor; court notes he d in Lezayre 1725-2 A 102 KEWLEY Ellinor cannon d 2 May 1724/5;ch Robert(half her pt of crop), nicholas, Wm(h/o anne) - prev 3 sons jt exors,thomas(20s),mariot als kelly; 1725:tho cowley[sic but signs thus] acks from bros robt + wm 20s due by mo's will + 10s due by death of sister Alice kewley 1725-2 E w GELL Elizabeth d 31 Jul 1725;bro Philip Gell(6d);mother Byhee Gell exex; 1726 A 11 COTTIER Patrick son robt;fa-i-law wm kerran;wife mart exex;dau jane;pledge james cottier 1726-1 E d CLAGUE William d end feb 1724;ch robt, wm, jon, margt + patr jt admrs - only robt at age;wife alive;inv £7 9s 10d (the will is xd thru ) 1726-1 E w CUBON Ann KEIG d 19 may 1726;foster ? child robert gell;nephew john duke;aunt's dau elizth christian;husb thomas;ch margt, robt + john - all ua jt execs with husb - supv aunts margt + nelly kegg;inv;1747: ch ack from fa 1726-1 E w FARAGHER Bahee KELLY d 28 may 1726;gch jony quayle, jon + ann fargher;dau-i-law cath;ch mary gell als fargher;husb john jt exor with Mary;john quayle (+also obo dau jony + ann) claims for money + a choice bed 1726-3 E d KEWLEY Nicholas d 12 dec [?1725] son nicholas admr (other ch had m/cs) - pledges paul + wm gelling 1726-3 E d KEWLEY Patrick d 29 sep [?1726] only ch philip admr - ua aunt ann kewley supv;wife alive; supv gives pledges finlo + Wm Kewley - crop + husbandry gears in hands of philip's gfa;paul kissag claims obo wife for wages;1745: Philip acks from aunt Anne Kewley 1727 A 3 KEY Margaret CUBON bur 10 mar 1726;son philip cowley knockrule;dau elinor moor,isabel key exex;husb jon; 1728-1 E d MOORE William d 10 mar 1727/8;sons wm + robt(out of island);heir jon had m contrct 1728-1 E w ROSWELL Mary WhetSTONE ireland;d aug 1723;only dau mrs elizth hutchinson als heyland w/o mr hartley hutchinson 1728-3 E d STEVENSON Mary CORKILL d 16 nov 1728;ch john,thos,robt + margt - uncle finlo corkill supv;husb thos; 1729-1 E d KILLEY James d 29 ? mar 1729;sibs john(non corpis mentis),thos,mary snr , mary junr, jane + ellen 1729-1 A 14 GELL Margaret CRETNEY decrd 4 mar 1728/9;ch john,margt;sis mary;husb alive 1729-1 E d NOWELL Ann CLAGUE d 16 mar;ch philip + ann admrs; 1729-2 A 97 CLUCAS Margaret QUAY bur march;son thomas(elder);dau ann; other unnamed ch;husb thomas;bro thomas (+his ch);inv[full] 1729-2 E w KEWLEY John d 22 oct 1729;bro patk,wm;neice ann kewley;names mary d/o cath Cottier;neighbour philip clucas;bro-i-law patk + henry Kelly;wife cath als Kelly exex;pledges + witts Wm Garrett + Robt Kewley; 1730-2 E d KELLY Robert d 26 mar 1730;9 ch john,jane,tho,isabel,esther(w/o tho cretney),ann,ellin,amy + margt;wife bahee als loony 1732-1 A 7 BELL Jane fargher dated 10 may 1732;ch thos,mary;husb alive;1742 thos bell acks from cath bell als callister exex to nics bell;1744 mary bell acks from exors nic bell 1732-1 A 8 KEY Robert dated 14 feb 1732;ballalough;son john(eldest);other ch;wife isable als moore exex 1732-1 A 9a gell william dated jan 1734;dau cath;ch wm,thos,mary jt exors 1732-1 A 9 MOORE Catherine gellin dated 23 ? 1732;dau isable;gdau ann moore;son jon? exor 1732-1 A 10 CAROON Jony cottiam dau jane,elizth,mary;son john,wm(his daus)thomas;husb alive;may + thos jt execs 1734-1 A 4 CAINE John d 20 apr 1734;only ch mary exex;wife jane creer;inv 1734-1 E d KELLY Robert [full]d 16 apr 1734;[the rock]capt robt kelly;ch cath,wm,robt (?ua next relns tho,anne christian, mary(w/o edwd christian)+ cath kelly supv);wife alive 1734-2 E w BLACKMORE Francis sis dionis her 4 ch + hus thos tobin ... 1734-2 E d KELLY Robert adjudication of a claim 1735-1 A 10 KELLY John dated 8 Feb 1734;Ballany Grau;ch Patrick, Mary, Philip(+ wife);wife Jane exex 1735-2 A 42 CHRISTIAN Margaret KELLY d 13 dec 1734;gch thos,mary + elizth;gson charles christian;dau ann christian als gell;son wm exec 1735-2 E 020 w CALLIN Thomas dated 24 may 1735;son thos;dau alice,ann (pt intack above house viz n. part from new lodge to mountain fence);alice+ann execs 1737-2 A 46 KEWLEY Isabel GELLIN ch Patrick(+ch) exor,nicholas,ann(w/o robt cottier);gdau isabel,alice;witt Philip Cross + Robert Kewley(also pledge) 1738-1 A 16 Creer Mary CORLET d 17 feb 1737/8;unnamed daus;husb robt exor 1738-1 A 17 CLUCAS Ann quay d 1 apr 1738;husb alive;unnamed heir;2 daus jt exexs - dau ann dead;uncles capt clucas,hugh crain,john kaighin overseers;other dau ester;husb wm of ballanicholas;bro henry dead by 1751;1755 esther w/o wm alexander 1738-1 E d clucas ann dated 15 may 1738;orphan d/o wm clucas + ann als quay who died in childbed,d soon after mother;sibs henry,esther 1738-1 E d COLVIN William d 30 nov 1737;ch joseph,stephen,isable,wm - next relns danl+henry colvin overseers;wife margt als christian;agrmt wife + arthur+ danl colvin 1738-2 E w CAIN Adam d 21 jun 1738;son edw,john,adam;dau cath;wife exex 1739-1 A 9 KELLY John d 24 Jan 1738/9;ch Thomas, James, John exor;gdau Mary(d/o Thos) 1739-2 A 41 GELL Alice CARRAN d 2 jan 1739;bro john,gilbt karran;names wm karran,thos karran jt exors 1740-1 A 7 KARRAN Catherine KELLY d 4 apr 1740;son thomas oates;son robt,wm karran,nicholas karran;dau ann + margt karran;1753 margt at la + mentions fa wm karran's will;[full] 1740-1 A 8 COTTIER Alexander d 16 dec;son alexr;ch thos eliz + dorothy jt execs 1740-1 A 9 KELLY Ann d 29 mar;sibs wm,margt exec(w/o wm fail?) 1740-1 E 20 stole Isabel KNEAL d 21 Apr 1740;4ch Mary, Margt, Isabel + Alice - no relation of mo in court ch comitted to father John Stole 1740-2 A 72 Cubbon Ann cretney note apparently filed under maiden name;d beg dec last;h most unamed, son thomas apprentice fee; dau cath, margt anne;mother alive;gilbert cubbon husband 1740-2 E w ARTHUR Catherine CORKAN d 8 Aug [1739];w/o john;[m Mic 17381028]child Christian Arthur exex - ua - child's uncles Patr Corkan + Henry Kewley supv;sibs Elinor, Patk, Jony;names Anne Cottier; widower to have goods - inv £5 9s 4d inc flax seed + flax yarn etc 1740-2 E w KELLY Mary d 20 Jun 1740;bro John(+ wife), James, Paul, Thos; parents Thos + Elizth Kelly jt execs 1740-3 E d GELL Mary QUILLIAM d 15 Dec 1740;only son John Gell admr - ua aunt Cath Quilliam supv; husb Gilbt Gell 1741-1 A 22 QUINE Jane KELLY d 20 Feb;to the heir(the new intack);dau Cath (+ another unnamed ch);pregnant;father dead - husb to sue for goods due her;;husb exor 1741-1 E d FARGHER Ann QUINNEY d 23 mar 1740/1;only son wm 1741-2 E w KELLY John d 13 Jun 1741;ch Margt, Mary, Thos, Ellinor, Phillip,Catherine, james; wife Margt exex 1741-3 E w KEWLEY Finloe d 10 Oct 1741;son[? in law] Wm Killey, ann(exex);gson Phil Kewley(+ dau Anne Kewley); bro Wm(two children twins);gch Jane + joney killey,wm killey;witt nich kewley, robt kewley 1742-1 A 4 KELLY Catherine CREER d 13 apr 1742;son henry;gson thos kelly,wm kelly,robt kelly,paul kelly;son nicholas exor;names gilbt creer(+wife),ann quirk,ann gell 1743-1 A 13 CORRIN Catherine [?corkill] d 23 jan 1742/3;sis anne;names other people;bro wm corkill, james corkill + his dau margt;sis joney;husb wm; [?m Mal 17240519] 1743-1 A 14 CUBBON Margaret CORRIN ?corr dau ann,margt,christian;nephew thomas stole;gch john + wm cubbon;son thomas;1743 john cottier h/o anne cubbon; 1743-1 A 15 KERMOD Letitia d 15 ap; husb jon heir + other 2 ch;1769 wm cottier h/o mary kermod acks 1743-1 A 16 FARGHER Ann KEG eldest son john;dau ann;2 ch wm + robt fargher 1743-3 E d MOORE Robert d end jul 1743 in Dublin;s/o Robt Moore Ballalough;next relns uncle Philip Moore + aunts margt,mary + Jane Moore;pledges John kelly Ballalough, john Callow sumner 1744-1 E d ARTHUR Ann Kerran d beg Feb 1744;ch John + Wm jt admrs - ua - next relns Robt + Isabel Kerran(uncle + aunt); Ewan Currann uncle also supv 1744-2 E d CARRAN ann d mid may;ch wm,anne,mary + thos all at age 1744-3 E d McYLCHREEST Jony WOODS d end aug 1743;only son thos 1745-1 E d CLUCAS Henry d end dec 1744;minor due goods by death mo ann als quay;only sis esther - at age but as yet inacpable, her fa Wm + uncle John Kaighin sworn;1755: Esther now w/o Wm Alexander acks from fa; 1745-1 E d KELLY Richard decree dated 20 May 1745;left Isaland abt 3 yrs ago + certain intelligence that d intestate;s/o Thos Kelly due goods by death of mother Jane Kelly als Clark;sis of whole blood Jane Kelly admx of goods wch descended by his mother - pledges Wm Caine(BallaGraue),John Kelly(e Vullyn) 1746-2 E w KILLEY John d abroad;had goods by decease of parents Gilbt + Ann Killey ;sibs James, cath ?,[?overwritten] wm , jony + elizth(w/o john nowel) 1747-1 E d KEWLEY Patrick d 1 mar 1746/7;dau ann admx ;other dau Mary had m/c) 1747-2 E d FARGHER John perished by sea abt 2 yrs ago;sibs wm,robt (ua)+ anne; 1747-2 E w KEWLEY Philip d 23 sep 1747;dau ann;wife ellinr;wm moore half bro superv;wm moor + robt key (2nd husb of ellinor) were guardians of john kewley heir to ballagarroo + petn;1763 john at la 1748-1 A 11 KEWLEY Mary FAILE d 1 dec 1748;gch ellinor killy,wm killey,jane + jony killey;names ann kewley,philip kewley;dau ann killey als kewley exex 1748-2 E d BRIDSON Esther KELLY d 24 Jun 1748;ch Elizth, Anne, Wm + John jt admrs - all ua uncle Wm Kelly + Nicholas Halsall(h/o of aunt Margery ) overseers - also noted that uncle Thos kelly, aunt Isabel + Ann to be sworn 1749-1 E d MOORE Thomas d xmas 1748 at Ulverston Lancs(in house Mary Taylor widow) having left Island abt 7 yrs ago.sibs wm, ann, mary + elizth 1748-2 A 113 FAYLE John dated 19 Dec 1748;names Gilbert Cubbon's ch - Ann(eldest dau), Wm + Margt(2 youngest ch);names John Cretney(s/o Wm Cretney), Wm Cretney senr(all sheep that was between tewm); names Cath Cubbon als Cretney exex; wit Christopher Kinley x, Ann Callin x 1749-2 A 36 FAYLE Judith quirk dated 16 Dec [yr lost in binding];widow;gch Margt + Marey Cretney, Thomas, John + Paul Cretney; names Wm Cretney(all sheep between us), Judith Cretney (w/o sd Wm step father to sd children)) names Wm Callin, Ellinor Cretney; son Paul Fail(my cow);son-in-law Wm Cretney exor 1749-3 E d KELLY Ann KELLY d 24 jan 1749/50;ch ann,john - both ua uncles John + Robt kelly overseers;husb james
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