These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1800 A 62 STOWELL Mary RATCLIFF made 9 dec 1799;widow;ramsey;only dau margt (under 21);sis jane + elizth;bro robt 1800 A 71 ALLEN Mary LACE gson allen christian s/o capt wm christian ballanage bride - allen's mo is dau mary christian;gdau mary christian;son capt thos allen ;names john,robt + ann allen;dau alice martin ;gdau ann sprainger (her son wm) [ann martin w/o edwd];son-i-law edward christian ramsey;gdaus mary,alice,elizth + cath martin (daus of wm h/o alice);gdaus ann cowle,mary,jane + elizth christian;dau jane (w/o edward christian)exex;1809: thos allen + wm christian supv of wm sprainger s/o late edward sprainger ack;1805 thos h/o ann cowle acks 1800 A 73 CALLOW Catharine CHRISTIAN made 4 feb 1800;claughbane;cousin robt christian;names cath christian d/o michael,jane callow d/o wm port-e-wooillen; sis [?dau] mary killey als callow; bros [sons] john callow + philip_robt moore callow;names james kelly (her seat in c'town chapel);sis [daus] elizth + ellinor callow exexs;1830 robt kelly h/o cath (now of douglas) 1801 A 58 JOUGHIN Isabella ramsey;dated 22 oct 1799;sibs dorithy,mary,james,patrick?[?daniel not clear on copy];mother exex (inc legacy left by gfa John Crow);father daniel sworn 1801 A 59 FRISSELL Elizabeth ramsey;dated 22 oct 1801?;ch elizth(4th pt of Dry Close lezayre lately purchased - exex),wm, henry, charles, john (to help elizth only child in need of assistance), edward_smith(youngest son);sis cath lwhellin;niece Jane Durie (late dec) 1801-1 E KNEALE Matthias d sep 1800 on passage back home;bach;formerly ramsey but late mariner + carpenter on board westindiaman 'Aurora' (petn states 'Rising Son' - xd thru in decree)of Liverpool(petn states London + xd thru in decree);sibs thos,john,patk + ann;estate £103 1801-1 E STOLE James d nov 1800 in dominica;formerly ramsey late mariner on board 'Olive Branch' of Liverpool(comndr John McDowel);father Edward;petn states wages due in Liverpool 1801-1 E TYRER John formerly of this island d beyond the seas;mo elizth McBride als tyrer;sis margt cubbon als mcbride(w/o james) 1801-2 E CROW William master + mariner,Liverpool;ch of uncle evan crow;ch of uncle wm teare;parents alive;sis judy crow als hinds;bro hugh crow [Captain William Crow died 3 February 1800 at Bonny on the Guinea coast] 1801-2 E SHIMMIN Radclife made 27 nov 1800;ballmenagh;6 sons john,danl,wm.philip,henry + thos;dau ann,jane;wife cath als tear 1803 A 86 CORKILL John declrd 7 Jan 1803;wife Elinor exex;ch Edwd, Wm, Leonora, Ann, Isabel - some ua 1803 A 87 KERMEEN William dated 13 Jan 1802;Ballig;gch John + Isabella Kermeen(c/o eldest son Wm Kermeen);ch Isabella, Robt, Mary, Wm exor 1803 A 88 CURPHEY Jane curghey dated 12 Apr 1803;widow of John Curghey;ch Edwd, Esther + Jane(jt exexs) 1803 A 89 CURPHEY Ann norman dated 30 Sep 1801;husb Edwd exor;ch John, Esther(w/o Ishmael Looney by 1825) 1803 A 90 LOGAN Robert dated 16 Apr 1803;wife jane exex;ch Robt (dreemscarry purchased off Mr John Christian of luaigee son robt (but not if he marries margery jones als christian when he is to be cut off), jane,christian,elizth,john,ann,wm + mary (house in douglas equally between them);gdau ann agnew; pledges Mr Edward Corkhill + Wm Cubbon (both Maughold) 1803-2 E CALLOW Margaret [leece] d 25 apr 1803;ch john,wm,thos + danl ua;husb wm 1803-2 E CRAINE John [full] 1803-2 E CREER John dated 10 jul 1803;son john (eldest - lands + share of boat 'bella of Ramsey');wife ann;dau ann,mary;other unnamed ch;1827 thos skillicorn h/o mary creer 1803-2 E LOONEY Margaret Hutchin [Full];ch John William Robert Daniel Esther Margaret + Isabel; (Danl + Isabel minors) 1803-2 E RADCLIFFE Daniel d 10 sep 1802;ch elizth + ann ua;wife cath kneale (d/o wm);bro thos 1804 A 64 PATTERSON Catherine [Ramsey]dated 18 Jan 1804;widow;sis Elizth Johnson(Whitehaven), Isabella Scot(Ramsey - w/o John Scott) exex;names Capt Thos Howard(pew in Chapel of Ramsey adj Chaplain's seat), Ewan Christian(Hughy - of Lezayre - those graves belonging to me in Lezayre churchyard)petn states d 4 Mar 1804 1804 A 70 w CURPHEY Nicholas [Ramsey]dated 17 Nov 1803;son-i-law Samuel Quayle(Balnashoga begg, Maughold) exor;witt James Corkill, Danl Lowey 1804 A 71 w CORKILL Catherine Kneal dated 23 Oct 1803;bro Robt Kneale; nephew Wm Kneal(+ son John), Patk Kneale, John Kneale;niece Isabella Kneale;Nephew Patk Kneale(all lands after death of her bro-i-law) exor;bro-i-law Wm Corkill(Portlewiage - parcels of qtrland Folieau known as Park moar, Faai moar and Lheaney Cowl during lifetime);names Eleanor Quilliam + Mary Quilliam (? of Foleiau); 1804 A 72 w CORKILL William declrd 1 Jan 1804;Port Lewaigue;names John Quilliam(Folieu) + Patk Kneal junr(Reggaby) jt exors; John Quilliam to bury him in a decent manner 1804 A 73 w QUAYLE William dated 15 Feb 1804;bro Thos(+ wife Alis);ch Wm(money left by mother) - ua, Thos(to be guardian to Wm), Ann - Wm + Ann jt exors; Witt James Corkill x, John Kerruish 1804 A 74 jw CAINE Catharine corkill [Ramsey]dated 15 Aug 1803;to stand as jt will with husb Thomas;ch Elinor Cannell, Thomas(residuary legatee); survivor at liberty to mortgage purchased houses on Mooragh; 1804 A 75 w CALLOW Edward [Ramsey][date obscured by tear on film]wife Jane als Christian;ch Mary, edward;nephew Wm Christian; Edwd + Wm trustees to recover debts - wife + Mary jt exexs 1804 A 76 w CORTEEN Robert dated 25 Oct 1803;wife exex;ch Thos(eldest son + heir - my part of croft), Sarah, Robt, Ann;gch John, Robt + Isabel Quay;nephew Danl Callow(+ what is due him by death of fa + mo);bro Tho(my part of boat called Peggy);niece Elinor Callow;serv maid Joan Christian 1804 A 77 JOUGHIN Daniel Petn states d on coast of Africa some time ago;dated 19 Sep 1800;Capt Danl Joughin of late belonging to Liverpool but now in Maughold;names Robt Kerruish(shoemkr, Ramsey), Wm Sayle, John Creer, John Curlett(Reinagg), widow Carran(relict Hugh Carran; legacy to maintaining schoolmaster of the moutain schoolhouse in Maughold;father danl Joughin (Reinabb)exor;mother Isabel als Kerruish;unnamed sibs; 1804 A 78 w CREBBIN Christian looney dated 10 Dec 1802;names Robt, Isabel + Esther Cottiman, Wm Stowell(smith, Ramsey), John Quilliam(Foliue),Cath + Isabel(d/o Robt Kissack), Elinor Kissack(d/o Robt Kissack) exex - ua (father Robt sworn) 1804 E MARTIN William petn by son thos + edmd martin that effects not sufficient (includes a yawl) 1804-2 E CREER John [kingneabb?];dau ann,mary + isabell;son wm,edwd; ann+mary exexs 1805 A 73 KELVIN Leonora [cowll] [Full] 1805 A 75 jw CORKILL Thomas dated 14 feb 1793;thomas + eleanor als kermode; 1805 A 81 jw CORTEEN Mary cottier dated 27 apr 1801;Ramsey;husb david;mutual exec;son james(house except loft over kitchen + backyard),john(rest of house);names james clark(+ wife) 1805-1 E HINDS Cornelius d 29 dec 1804;ch wm,edwd,ann,mary,jane + margt;wife judith 1805-2 E HINDS Judith petn by judith re cornelius 1805-2 E KERMODE William d 25 jan 1805;ch wm,thos,richd + margt;wife alive;pledges saml quayle maughold + thos kermod ramsey;inv 1805-2 E LOONEY Catharine d 27 jul 1805;mo alive;sis isabella,elizth (w/o john cowll)exex;names cath w/o george cowll 1805-2 E LOONEY John d 18 nov 1804;6ch John, Robert, Daniel, Esther,Margaret and Isabel Looney + ch of decd son Wm 1806-1 E CHRISTIAN Charles formerly ramsey,lately capt ship President Liverpool,d few months ago island torlola ?;mo margt;sibs nicholas,thomas,jane radcliffe,cath,margt 1806-1 E CRAINE Isabel cowle [1st on mm film;d 7 jan 1806;son wm + ch of son john decd(widow margt) admxs 1806-1 E HAYNES Elizabeth cullin d 6 sep 1806;husb thomas ,surgeon, 1806-1 E KINREAD Thomas d 13 jun;dated 7 jun 1806;bro john black(+ dau in ireland);names philip clark(+3 sons),margt castill;sis cath sayle(w/o edwd) exex 1806-1 E SHIMMIN John petn by wife margt late county of dumfies.d april 1804 dumfries;sumner seves jane shimmin,ellinor shimmin + margt christian;child radcliffe shimmin ua;wife margt appointed admx 1806-2 E LOONEY William made 11 aug 1806;son wm (new loom) ua;wife elizth d/o charles callow;[only wm mentioned 'child ua'] 1807 A 79 mc CANNELL Christian [?callow als christian] Ballafale;husb John;mar contact dau Margaret Cannell + Robert Looney 1786 1807 A 82 KELVIN John dated 19 jan 1807;ch john, ascough + Jane christian als kelvin exex; ;gdau cath_leonora christian;PoA Ascough Arthur Kelvin (chatham Kent, Mariner) + Wm Preston(h/o Cath als kelvin - new street dock head Bermondsey surrey,tanner) entitled to legacies from fa John + mo Leonora appoint Lewis geneste as atty - note exex as Jane Crellin w/o Thos Crellin(mariner Douglas) [thos crellin m jane christian als kelvin Lez 18080209 - prev marr Michael Christian Mar 17911025] 1807 A 83 CORTEEN David [bur Mau 18070226];Ramsey;copy of 1805 will of his wife mary to which he agreed - son james exor 1807 A 84 SPRAINGER Ann martin dated 10 dec 1798;ramsey;son edmund(house in ramsey now in possn of robt kermeen,adj to my dwelling hse on north + nw,murray baker on s + sw) 1807 A 85 CORKILL Margaret [Ramsey]dated 26 Aug 1807;Ramsey;son James(2/6d if he comes);names John Knale, Cathrin Quirk;dau Eliz (w/o John Quirk) exex 1807-1 E WATTLEWORTH John dated 10 june 1807;wife eleanor exex;(land + garden recently purchd from John Christian) 1808 A 14 CALLOW Catharine COWIN dated 12 nov 1806;husb simon exor;son john,wm;dau isabel,cath,jane,judy;gch edwd corlett,thos callow; 1808 A 146 HOWARD Thomas [Ramsey]dated 16 Jul 1803;ch Ann Hutchinson(widow), Thomas, Charles, Christian Howard; wife Cath(houses etc) exex 1808 A 147 CORKILL Ann dated 28 Jun 1807;husb Samuel Corkill exor;son-i-law John Faile(h/o Ellinor)(his share of grass of curragh + what grows thereon during their lease of Barroney), Cath, Jane, Margt(w/o John Coddair), Mary(w/o John Crain) 1808 A 149 KISSAGE Mary dated 26 Jan 1808;Port-e-vullin;husb Robt (parcel of land called the croft and Broogh being pt of Ballaterson) exor;ch Margt, Jane(w/o Wm Cannell), Mary(w/o John Corlett), Margt;gdau Mary Corlett; petn states d 22 Feb 1808 A 154 DAVIS Jane dated 29 Nov 1807; Ballastole;ch Robt, John(the chest then used as a table between them); gdau Ann Kelly (w/o Thos) exex; 1808-1 E CORKILL Robert d dec 1807;Ballasloe;indebted - petn by creditors Thos Quayle, Wm Kermeen, John Kerruish + Hugh Karran (all Maughold);will appts wife Cath (burden of wch afraid to undertake) - creditors appt pledge John Kneale brewer(Ramsey) + Hugh Carran(Maughold) 1808-1 E CORTEEN Edward jw dated 5 May 1808;Edward Cortein + Mary Cortein als Kerruish - mutual execs - Mary exex;son John(5s) 1808-1 E SAYLE Lenora d sep 1808 in England;Ramsey;only sis Ann Kerruish als Sayle(w/o robert);pledges wm sayle + john kneale both of Ramsey 1808-1 E SPRAINGER Edward dated 12 may 1808;ramsey;wife ann(half of fa's new house called wm sprainger's hse + boat 'Amelia');bro-i-law wm + edmund Martin(bioth decd);unnamed ua ch; Thos allen Ballavarren + Wm Christian jnr ballanonengue to be guardians; 1808-2 E jw JOUGHIN Daniel agreemnt dated 15 mar 1808;Rhenab;danl + isabel als kerruish;son john(3 corn milns in maughold);dau jane kissack(ch margt,john,thos),judy(had £100 as dowry);other ch john(dead by 1823 - wife margt),ann kerruish(w/o wm),isabel kermod(w/o richard),margt kermeen(w/o wm),cath cottiman(w/o philip), ely joughin, jane kissack(w/o wm),judy corkill(w/o john);son robt(h/o jane) 1808-2 E LOONEY Mary dated 20 jun 1808;husb wm exor;dau jane, judith, mary, cath;sons robt,wm 1809 A 77 LOONEY Robert dated 10 Jan 1809;sibs Margaret, Isabella + Daniel;bro-in-law Robert Corkill(his half of sheep in keeping of Wm Kermeen, Ballig) exor; 1809-1 E CORTEEN Catharine stole d dec 1806;7ch wm,isabel,cath,jane,esther,ellinor + ann;husb john admr in trust;petn husb john thallow-queen that will invalid charges wm corteen,john looney,jane corteen.ester cortee,ellinor corteen 1809-1 E CROW Edmund d 27 feb 1809;Ramsey;prin creditor thos kirmeen 1809-2 E SKILLICORN John d 3 mar 1809;sibs thos,isabel,elinor 1810 A 80 RADCLIFFE Alice SAYLE [Ramsey]dated 7 mar 1807;widow;ramsey;son charles,wm,robt;dau jane corlet als radcliffe;gdau margt stole(dwelling house ramsey + west end of garden adj Wm sprainger's garden on south);son-i-law james kewin(ch - the smiddy + garden behind adj Danl tear + Wm Springer + cow house but reserving a way for Margt from main street);dau isable(w/o james kewin) exex 1810-1 E LOONEY Ann Corteen d 12 Mar 1809;only child Wm Looney admr - ua - husb John Looney supv; pledges John Corkill(Maughold) + Stephen Kaneen(Lezayre) 1810-1 E QUAYLE Thomas dated 26 Feb 1800;Ballaskeg beg;wife Alice exex 1811 A 73 CALLOW William joiner,Ramsey;bro daniel(h/o margt)[?margt campbell];sis elizth,jane kelly als callow [?charles kelly m Mau 17920728];dau ann exex;claims 1811 A 74 CALLOW William dated 2 sep 1800;claughbane + ballacowle;son thos[?bapt],philip_moore;dau margt [?bapt],ann cowle als callow ,mary killey als callow[m Mau 17961102],elizth + elinor(house occup by philip clark on Nicholson's qtrland) 1811 A 77 MARTIN Alice widow,Ramsey;son thomas,wm (?decd),edward;dau ann (w/o robert kermeen),mary (w/o edward callow),elizth (w/o wm christian),alice (w/o danl christian);niece alice kneale;names jane d/o wm callow;sis mary;sis-i=law esther (w/o bro capt thos allen ballavarry);thos allen + wm christian jnr ballaylewaigue execs;1812 edwd martin s/o alice martin + danl christian,robert kermeen h/o alice kneale als martin + ann sprainger als martin [#27644]ack;danl christian stepfa of sd alice kneale 1811-1 E LOONEY John bro-in-law Robert Corkill exor; goods valued at £7 + insufficient to discharge debts - account includes a charge to John Kermode re boat Hester [Robt Corkill m Hester Looney Mau 18060128] 1812-1 E w CORKILL William dated 13 Aug 1811;Stockland;ch Wm(herring nets, loom), margt, jane, john, robert + ann;bro-i-law robt kneale;wife Jjane] exex + supv ua ch;pledges her bro Robt Kneale + wm's father Wm Corkill (also supv of ch) 1813 A 58 LACE Mary dated 21 nov 1812;gch margt lace,ann kinneen, judy Kinneen;dau mary lace,margt kineen exex;son-i-law patrick Kineen; 1815 A 80 SKILLICORN Ann made 9 feb 1815;sons philip,wm,thos,james;dau ann (w/o thos kelly);husb philip exec 1815 A 86 CORTEEN John tolloqueen;gch isable,robt + mary corteen,elenor + wm looney ,wm corteen;dau esther(+child);his(?whose wm looney or testator) bros wm + robt kelly;dau jane (spinster) exex 1815-2 E KERRUISH Thomas dated 14 Jul 1815;sibs Anne(w/o Thos Christian), Margt Kerrush exex 1815-2 E w KISSACK Judith dated 11 Jul 1815?;spinster, Ramsey; sibs Hugh Kissack, Robt Kissack;names Eleanor Kissack;nephew Hugh Kissack;names John Lace(lame boy), Jane Lace, Cath Comaish??;niece Judy Kissack exex 1816-1 E DWYER Anthony [no burial ?]d Aug 1814 no next of kin on Island - John Fitzsimmons appt admr - petn that debts outstanding 1816-1 E KNEALE Elizabeth corkill d 18 nov 1816;widow;ch thomas,elizth (w/o christopher looney) + ellinor 1816-1 E QUINE Margaret d 8? Jan;petn by Joseph Boscw + wife Catharine als Quine that became intitled to certain houses + concerns in Ramsey;Court decrees Joseph Boscow admr; 1816-2 E HUNTER James d 14 jul 1815 beyond seas;late of Ramsey;sibs Thomas, Wm (last 2 in england), esther, Margt(resident Ireland);mother Margt Hunter sworn;inv 1816-2 E KILLEY John ch Wm,Ellinor(exex), judith;gson ewan Kermode(all his joiners tools),Abner Kerruish (illeg? son of Ellinor bapt Mau 18050616) 1816-2 E MYLREA Judy dated 8 Jun 1816;spinster;sis margt Radcliffe als Mylrea;niece Ann? Radcliffe(eldest dau of Margt);names Thomas Caine(brewer, Ramsey) exor 1817 A 83 KINREAD Margaret dated 9 mar 1816;son wm(eldest) exor,robt;gson john moughtin;names wm joughins(+dau jane),ann corkill,margt cashen 1817 A 84 w LOONEY Isabella dated 24 Dec 1816;husb John Looney(Boshin, Maughold) exor;only dau Margaret(her right to all purchased lands with possession at death of father John - he also consented to leave his part)), son Robt, John; gdau Sarah Looney 1818-1 E CREECH William dated 23 may 1818;cardle voar;dau nancy,cath,margt;son edmond (herring nets + ropes),robt + wm (jt execs) 1818-1 E KINREAD Robert d 29 jul 1818;dated 8 may 1818;names ann corkill,david corkill(poor dau balnesloe),wm corkill balnegarry;bro wm kinreade;sis elinor kerruish als kinrade exex(+ her son john moughtin);john moughtin ua robt kerruish h/o elinor swornwife eleanor kerruish als kinrade exex;;petn of john moughtin,minor, by fa thomas moughtin that robt now dead but john only 12yrs + needs guardian - court appoint wm corlett ballamona ballaugh + thomas moughtin lezayre 1820 A 79 KERRUISH Mary Kewn dated 5 Feb 1817;ch Eley Kinnish,Cath Kneale, Thos Kewn exor; gch Thos Kinnish, Cath Kneale, Cath Garrett; 1820 A 80 CORKILL Edward petn by Jane Corkill(widow of Edward Corkill) - court 13 Apr 1820;wiil: undated;2 unnamed children(£10 Manks ea);, unnamed mother (black silk hankerchief);nephew John Lord;wife Jane exex;pledges John Sayle(Maughold) + John Caley(also a witness with Edward Curghey); Sumner calls Wm Looney + wife Eleanor, John Caley + Thomas Lord [ ?John Lord is s/o Thomas Lord + Leonora Corkill - Leonora is d/o John Corkill + Elinor Casement and sister of Edward Corkill - Edward m Jane Sayle Mau 18161123 who married Hugh Lord Mau 18250514 ] 1820 A 81 JOHNSTONE Margaret [some damage][Ramsey]dated 14 Jan 1820;spinster;sis Elizth Crosbie;niece Ann Mcquire?, Mary Devoy (Mrs MD of Ramsey in decree)exex;names Cath Anderson? 1820-1 E w CORKILL Edward dated 21 Oct 1819;wife Margt als Christian (dwelling house, barn + cowhouse nr Kk Maughold church purchased from Thomas Allen of Ballavarry(Andreas) bounded by Parson's glebe on northwest, Wm Christian on NE, street on east, SE and south, highway on SW - barn + cowhouse adj public street on NW, John Quine on NE, Bishop's croft on SE and sd Wm Christian SW) exex 1820-1 E CORKILL William dated 31 Jan 1820;gch Margt + Esther Creer, John Corteen, Ewan Corlet; dau Ann Corlet;son-i-law Edward Creer exor;names Jane Corkill 1820-1 E CRELLIN Elizabeth d dec 1819;Ramsey;spinster; mother Eleanor Crellin (in petn states that Eliz had no living sibs) admx but asks that Wm Crellin + Sylvester Callister be apptd as her agents 1820-1 E w JOUGHIN John d 18 Sep 1819 in New York;will dated 1 Jan 1819;Capt John Joughin;wife Margt exex; unnamed ch;dispute between Margt + bro Robert Joughin(Maughold) - agt dated 1823; 1821 A 59 QUAYLE Isabella [Ramsey]dated 20 Jul 1821;ch Thomas, Wm(herring net - profits of wch to educate her gson Wm);gch Isabella Quayle; petn by Thomas Quayle(Lezayre) - sumner also charges Edmund Quayle(Andreas) 1821 A 60 KNEEN Isabella kee [Ramsey]dated 4 Nov 1820;husb Wm;ch Isabella exex;names Isabella Crane; appts John Kneen(husb's bro, Lezayre) + cousin Daniel Kee(Andreas) as exors in trust;inv 1821 A 61 jw CHRISTIAN judith [?bur Mau 18201221]dated 27 Feb 1813;jw John + wife Judy als Keruish?;mutual exexors;ch Thos, Wm, Danl + Edward, Jane fargher als christian, Esther Jefferson als Christian, Dorothy, Cath 1821 A 62 CORKILL Ann undated;Balnesloe;husb John exor (asks that son Wm be sworn) 1821 A 63 KENNISH Ewan dated 20 Feb 1821;wife Mary exex 1821-1 E w LOGAN Jane dated 17 Apr 1818;widow + relict of Robt Logan of Dreemskarry;gch (that live with her) Robt Logan + Wm Christry(£10);sis Christian Callow; gdau Ann Agnew;dau Jane, Christian, Ann + Mary(her half of a house in Douglas);son Robt exor; 1822-2 E w CHRISTIAN Elinor dated 19 Oct 1811;widow, Ballaterson;sisters[word inserted] Elinor, Isabella;son Thomas exor; petn by Thomas stated d sometime Aug [1822]; 1822-2 E d CORLETT Jane CHRISTIAN d 5 Nov 1822;widow of Rev Thomas Corlett (vicar Lezayre);ch Jane Corlett, Elizth Gill, Cath Jackson + Marianne Mason jt admxs - Cath + Marrianne off Island + Elizth consented (by Wm Coulthard) that Jane be admx 1822-2 E w GRIMSHAW Jane dated 3 Oct 1817;widow, Ramsey;bro-i-law Henry Quay(+ dau Christian) - room or parlour SE part of dwelling house which I lately built in Kk Maughold St Ramsey adj on South end John Sayle + on NW end late John Corteen;ch Wm (if no lawful issue then rest of house to sd Christian Quay) exor, John(5s - added as a codicil);Witt Pryce Warthen, Alexr Lewthwaite 1824-1 E BREW Catharine d 17 Dec 1824;widow of Thomas Brew decd;petn by Thomas Corkill(Castletown);ch John, Margt + Cath jt admrs - ua - maternal uncle Thomas Christian + John Kerruish supvs;inv + sale ;1828: Margt acks Thomas Corkill, 1825: cath acks, 1831: John at age 21yrs 1824-1 E KERMEEN Alice wade als quayle als cleater d 26 Nov 1823;husb Robt admr 1824-1 E LACE Ealy made 26 Feb 1813;sis Elizth Lace(parcel of land in Andreas), Judy Quayle als Lace exex but remounces in court - Elizabeth sworn 1824-1 E SUMMERS John d 15 Jun 1824;wife Eliza (admx in trust);3 ch Mary Jackson, Llewellyn_John + Eliza_Dawson Summers jt admrs - all ua - John Corlett(next of kin, Kella) + Mathias Summers(Maughold) supv Llewellyn McWhannell guardian + supv of Llewellyn_John + Eliza; inv 1824-1 E TEARE Catharine garrett dated 3 May 1824;husb Wm exor + supv of ua childrean;mother alive;sis Esther Garrett, Eleanor Garrett;dau Elenor Tear 1824-2 E CAINE Thomas dated 1 Aug 1822;Ramsey;wife Elizth(house situate on Mooragh adj Philip Crow on south, Danl Christian on Southwest, street on east and John JKaighin on north) exex;ch Eleanor Kennal [?cannel]als caine, Thomas;gch Margt Caine, John Cannel 1824-2 E CASHEN John d 31 Oct 1823;dau Ann (w/o Wm Corlett) admx 1825-1 E CLAGUE Thomas d abt 2 yrs ago;ch - John, Mary, Margt Jane - all ua;wife Margt Clague admx 1825-1 E QUAYLE Esther LOONEY d 4 years ago;husb Robert Quayle admr (+ notes preservation of rights of surviving 2 children - Robert(? as obscured by 'Episcopal' stamp) + John - no supvs mentioned - husb to return inv - pledges Wm Kinnish + John Karran 1825-2 E CORKILL Margaret dated 22 Aug 1825;widow;ch Thomas(my part of field known as Boolley voar) Margt, Esther (w/o Edwd Skillicorn)+ Cath jt exexs 1827 A 42 w CHRISTIAN William dated 7 Dec 1826;formerly of Balldroma but now Ramsey;wife Catherine als Callen als Gawne (dwelling house, cowhouse + garden lately purchased from bro-i-law John Logan and situate in Kk Maughold village 'contiguous' to church, plus staff lands bounded on north by late Edmond Christian, John Christian + Wm Christian on east and west and by lands of my nephew Edward Christian of Baldromma - much other land + also dwelling house in Ramsey) exex 1827 A 44 HUTTON Ann [long will]dated 16 Aug 1822;Ramsey but of Everton, Liverpool;sibs Janet Hutton;niece Mary Hutton Bagott, Ellior_Ann Forrest(+ sisters Jean_Wareing Forrest + Margt Forrest) jt exexs;codicil dated 7 Nov 1826: Mary Hutton Baggott lately decd + her half (subject to life interest of her sis Mary Wilson Forbes) to go to her ch + Fredk Tellet(advocate Ramsey) to be exor 1829-2 E CROW Hugh petn by Wm Hinds(merchant, Liverpool) that Capt Hugh Crow had considerable property in Liverpool + left Wm Hinds exor + residuary legatee; long + detailed will dated 4 Jan 1826;wife Mary (if she survives me) has £40 pa annuity wch I consider sufficient + thus only 10guineas for mourning;niece Mary Teare, Ann Hinds, Jane Hinds + Margt Hinds(daus of late decd sister Judith);names Edward Gawne(smith, Douglas), Elizth Crellin(w/o Patk Crellin shoemaker Liverpool), John James(s/o Richard James keeper of Lyceum news room Liverpool) (+ many other Liverpool bequests + poor of Manx towns etc);wants burial Kk Maughold;nephew Wm Hinds(Liverpool) - wants publication of his memoirs;codicil dated 8 Mar 1829: states nephew Edward Hinds to have none of his property + alters some details 1828-2 E CURPHEY Jane kerruish d 25 Aug 1827;ch Edward, Robt, Wm, Joseph, Margt + Edmund(ua); husb Edward appt admr in trust 1829-2 E LOGAN John d 10 May 1829;Ramsey;left shop goods + perishable articles;bro Thomas appt admr 1831 A 29 SKILLICORN John dated 27 Dec 1830;ch Cath (eldest dau), Margt;bro Philip Skillicorn;wife Margt exex 1831-1 E CAINE Margaret dated 28 aug 1829;Ramsey;gmo Cath Christian(widow - £20 left by will Thos Cottier snr at decease of his wife) exex;names elizth caine widow of Thos caine decd) 1831-1 E WATTLEWORTH Eleanor dated 9 dec 1830;Ramsey;ch john(now in England),charles(eldest) exor;gch thos + ann christian 1831-2 E CROWE Isabella husb Edmund Crow(Ramsey) admr;ch Charles, Ann + Elizth 1831-2 E LOONEY Margret [?cannell] dated 10 Feb 1831;widow + relict Robt Looney;East Ballaterson; surviving ch John, Robert, Wm, Ann, Catharine, Christian Looney (5s ea), Eleanor Looney exex 1833 A 45 MONK John,snr [Ramsey]dated 9 jan 1833;ramsey;sis sarah slaughter(decd);son john(exor),wm(decd);other unnamed ch;wife prestwood cove monk; 1834-1 E CALLOW Jane declrd 27 jan 1834;balneskieg voar;ch cath(w/o wm cowin ballnekilley),john(heir ballneskieg),isabella exex 1834-1 E TELLET Betty A widow;relict danl tellet ... 1834-2 E CARRAN John dated 1 Sep 1834;ch Jane, Mary(w/o John Kelly), Eleanor + Isabella jt exexs 1834-2 E CORKILL Thomas dated 2 Sep 1834;(d 27 Aug but prev declared will);ch John(elder son - field known as Booiley-wear) exor, Thomas, Wm; 1834-2 E GLAISTER Margaret dated 19 Feb 1839;Ramsey;ch Mary, Margt exex 1834-2 E MISSING Claud Geo E petn by James Crawford(Ramsey) creditor;wife Ann was sworn admx;inv incs 1/3rd of smack James Crawford(£170) 1834-2 E Robbin Jane dated 12 May 1817;of Glasgow;[long will]only dau of John Robbin purser? RN;mother Mrs Elizth Mitchell or Hutchinson (relict of sd John Robbin + now w/o John Hutchinson, brewer Calton Glasgow) (all lands etc - considerable in Glasgow etc); petn by John Hutchinson that Wm Callister to act in trust and provide an income to Elizth [not sure I understand what is enjoined here] 1835 A 35 LOGAN Robert dated 20 Nov 1834;'natural son' Edward Logan [illeg bap Mau 18090625 c/o Jane Looney] (£10 in 10yrs if he comes to Island), 'natural son' William exor [illeg bap Ram 18160908 c/o Jane Looney] - ua Wm Kerruish admr in trust ;niece Ann Agnew (£130); claims etc 1835-2 E w CHRISTIAN Dorothy dated 24 Jun 1834;late of Ballure but now Ramsey;sibs Cath Christian(lands + houses in Ramsey known as "my grandfather's house" and cellar further down street plus another house known as Nancy Callow's house), Edward Christian(of London) exors, Jane Fargher(income + interest on £200), Daniel Christian(+ wife Elizth), Esther (w/o George Jefferson);£50 to Wesleyan Chapel Ramsey;niece Christian Fargher(d/o Jane) 1836 A 54 LOONEY John [Full] 1836 A 56 CALLOW John declrd 4 nov 1836;names mary corkill(dau cath,margt),mary skillicorn;sis margt stevenson,cath skillicorn(w/o philip);bro wm callow,james exor;petn by james callow that mary callow appointed son john exor but he died 1836 A 57 CALLOW Mary KNEALE dated feb 1836;booiley-cardle;son wm;gdau mary skillicorn;names mary corkill d/o wm corkill ballagarrey;son john exor;1839: john clague h/o mary clague als skillicorn 1836-1 E CRAINE Anne dated 8 sep 1835;husb wm exor;ramsey;son wm(premises college st);dau charlotte;gch ann ellis,robt hatchman 1837 A 66 DOUGLAS Elizabeth dated 22 Aug 1834;Savile Row, Co of Mddx, formerly of Ramsey;sibs John Douglas(+ dau Jane McMonald), unnamed sis(+ son Wm Lace, Dau Jane + Christian Lace);Mrs Lamothe(w/o Fred Lamothe,Ramsey) exex;inv inc books;some account of her last illness 1837-1 E CANNELL Thomas dated 12 May 1837;hatter, Ramsey;wife Jane exex(houses etc) 1837-1 E w GILL Robert dated 7 Aug? 1837;noted as Robert Gill the elder;leaves all unnamed children etc 1s; appoints William Callister(merchant Ramsey) exor + makes over to him all houses + property in Ramsey;widow Sarah Gill by deed dated 21 Aug 1837 sells all her share of sd property to Wm Callister for a nominal 5s; inv(signifiant # of cattle + fields of corn, hay etc to abt £1442) etc but not clear that estate deficient as Sarah expects the proceeds of disposal after paying all debts etc 1838-1 E CROW Edward petn by John Crow, Hugh Crow, John Garrett (Lezayre)+ wife Elizth + Wm Crow (all next of kin) d some weeks ago - court names these + Ellr w/o John Creer with John Crow + John Garrett admrs in trust as requested by petns 1838-1 E HALSAL Samuel petn by James Kayll that abt 9 yrs gave a promissory note for a large sum of money from Samual + wife Jane - Halsal departed Island + not heard of since - Kayll wishes to pay off note - court notes 'widow' Jane Halsal + only child Wm Halsal as admrs - Arthur C Kayll to act as admr with pledges James Kayll(his father) + Cochrane Kayll(his brother) 1838-1 E KERRUISH John East Ballagh?; ch Robert + Judith(w/o Edward Christian, Ballaterson?) jt admrs - agree that Robt admr + pay Edward £100; 1838-1 E KERRUISH Mary fargher see john 1838-1 E SAYLE William d 16 Mar 1837;Havre de Grace, France - Gilbert Gordon, British Consul commissioned to enquire;sis Jane(w/o Robert Oates Christian - both of Havre de Grace) exex, (a house formerly a warehaouse occupied by John Christian as an ironmongers shop + adj small house both on quay at Ramsey) Christian (w/o Thomas Corlett , Berray? Jurby); aunt Esther Tear ;niece Sarah [Ashton?] Ratcliff (ack'd by fa Jno? Tho? Radcliff, Liverpool) - annexed agreement between Wm Creer (+ wife Esther), Thomas Corlett(+ wife Christian) + Samuel Moore Looney(guardian of Wm Sayle a minor) 1838-2 E w CHRISTIAN Catharine [1st on gl753]dated 29 Aug 1832;widow(of Wm Christian);gives in trust (sells for 5s)to John Corlett(tidewaiter, Ramsey) all Staff lands in Maughold willed to her by husb + purchased deed 12 Sep 1818 from Rev Thos Calow + also dwelling house wherein I live - dau Margt Cain (Ramsey, only surviving child) to posses lands during her life then to gdau Maria Cain (d/o Margt);[Cath Christian als Callow als Gawn - Margt d/o John Callow + wdw Thos Caine 1838-2 E CORLETT Jane dated 8 Dec 1836;spinster, Ramsey;mother Jane Corlett(dwelling house during life + new dwelling house lately erected on ground purchased from Wm Mylrea) exex;sibs Wm, Judith + Esther(£40 ea to be paid on death of father + mother from money bequeathed me by Catharine Christian decd); Court notes sister Judith Kermode als Corlett + that mother by will dated 25 Nov 1863 appt Esther Gee exex(w/o Abraham Gee) - by 1872 Judith widow 1838-2 E kennish ann lowey [?not in bl index]dated 17 May 1838;Lag Vollagh;gch Wm, Euan, [?jane], John, Mary + Ann (all c/o son Robt), jane Murray, Ann Kennish;ch Wm, Robt(maughold) exor; 1838-2 E LUCAS Thomas Edward dated 30 Aug 1838;Lewaigue but formerly of village of Walton in Leicestershire;6 ch Eleanor, Francis, John, Anna_Matilda, Alicia, Julia_Evelina + Wm to share equally;wants Ewan Christian(Lewaigue) + This Christian(surgeon, Ramsey)as exors in trust - they are sworn and also as guardians of ch 1838-2 E RIMMER Margaret dated 26 Jul 1835;Shaw St Liverpool;sis Theodicia(w/o Rev Bowyer Harrison, Vicar Maughold);niece Margrt_Anne Harrison;mother Margt Rimmer exex(£100 bequeathed to me by death of gmother Margt Cubbon + secured on estate Lhia Kerroo(Andreas) 1839-2 E d CORLETT John Willia d 15 sep 1839;wife Margery + Elizabeth_Jane Henderson jt admxs 1839-2 E FARAGHER Leonora crye d 25 Oct 1839;relict Wm Fargher;no issue;sibs John Crye + Elizth Clucas als Crye(w/o Wm Clucas) petn that sumner genl be admr in trust; inv 1840-1 E GILL Robert dated 9 May 1840;Ramsey;sibs James, Ellen + Hannah (1s ea);wife Margt als Kirmeen exex;mentions deed of trust dated 5 Dec 1837 by him+wife and Edward Christian + Danl Kirmeen by which later 2 should convey houses etc in Ramsey to his wife at his death;pledges Edward Christian(Baldroma), Daniel Kermeen (Ballig);
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