Summary of Wills - Lonan post1799

These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.

See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.

Year  court       Name                      als          My Notes  
1800   A 1       MYLROY       Margaret    kermad als killey d 25 dec;made 24 dec 1799;sons gilbt + wm kermad [?s/o wm kermod m lon 17381205];dau mary crohan als kermod [m thos croghan lon 17810203];dau mary (?marg) goan als mylroy;son thomas kermod exec
1800   A 2       Callister    James                    d 29 jan;names cath cowin,john callister,christian carrooin;thos cowin exec
1800   A 3       KERMODE      Judy                     d 10 dec 1799;names jean croghan,thomas croghan,john croghan;mary croghan execx (w/o thos) [?is link thos kermod m. mary kermode lon 17810203]
1800   A 4       QUILLEISH    James                    d 11 apr 1800;sis jane + elinor;john kelly sis's son [?isabel m John Kelly lon 1841223 or margt m john killey m Lon 17940125]];fa wm exec
1800-1 E         KNEALE       James                    now of liverpool;perished by sea 6 yrs ago;ch ellinor + eunice kneale;wife ann;wm kneal + thos corrin (? cowin) cousins german [ch of aunt/uncle] supv
1800-1 E         LEWIN        Elinor      [?cowin]     [bur Lon 17990529]sons josiah + john;dau margt + ellinor;husb john exec
1800-2 E         BREW         John                     taylor;bro james;names john killip;friend + nurse jane killip,spinster, execx
1800-2 E         CALEY        Thomas                   d 20 jun 1800;ch john,thos,patrick,wm,philip + elizth
1800-2 E         FARGHER      Margaret    QUIRK        d 22 jun 1800;son thos (eldest),dau margt skillicorn,ann skillicorn,christian moore [?fam 8265],jane (off island),elizth;gch margt + elinor fargher
1801   A 1       KELLY        Margaret    cowin        made 6 oct 1795;sons thos,wm;dau jane,elizabeth (croft)
1801   A 2       KEWLEY       Ann         fargher      dated 12 mar 1801;eldest son james,wm,john;eldest dau elinor,jane kewley als killip;husb john
1801   A 3       HOGG         Elizabeth                note from frances slater stating no obj to her sisters will;names jane skillicorn widow with whom she lodged some time;margt fargher w/o philip + bro john hogg;
1801   A 4       CALLISTER    John                     d 22 mar;gson john shimmin;son thos;daus margt,isable + jane;daniel kelly h/o margt,wm kelly h/o isable , philip shimin h/o jane 
1801   A 5       MOORE        William                  made 7 Jan 1801;son Thomas Moore; other children (some underage), wife Christian [Fargher]
1801   A 57      CHRISTIAN    Daniel                   dated 24 nov 1800;late sergeant 2nd regt of foot;son danl;wife christian als cowley exex(house + garden in Laxey);some ch ua
1802   A 1       KINLEY       Philip                   d 27 nov 1801;gdau jane casement execx
1802-1 E         GELL         Samuel                   d 10 jan 1802;vicar lonan;ch rev john gell,margt,elinor + isabel;john brew h/o margt,thon thorp h/o isable (off island);inv displaced
1802-1 E         QUAYLE       Mary        KERMODE      d oct 1801;ch isabel + margt(w/o ewan kissack)
1802-1 E      w  QUINE        Joney                    d 30 aug 1801;dau judith;gson edwd cain;son daniel;husb john exor;apparel between her four daus
1802-2 E      w  CANNELL      James                    [1st on mm film]dated 2 mar 1799;dau cath (mo dead),ann,isable,mary (exex);son john
1802-2 E      jw KNEALE       Isabella                 [will damaged] thos + isabel;son thos,john 
1803   A 1       CURPHY       Bahee       GELLING      d 9 feb 1803;sons david + john gelling;daus elinor + mary;son wm curphy;names jane christian;husb wm exec
1803   A 2       BREW         Elinor      cowin        d 21 apr 1803;names john brew,jane brew;dau's ch(= john brew,jane brew,ann brew,margt brew + isable brew);names margery stole;dau elinor w/o thos brew [m 1782] [?wdw wm brew m lon 1753]
1803   A 3    jw CORRIN       Philip                   graue;wife ann cowin;dated 14 dec 1793;sons philip + thomas;daus ann stowell,eliz quark + cath skillicorn + unm daus margt,jane,joney,isable + elinor
1803   A 4       SCARFF       James                    [bur Lon 18030423] names philip stowell (nibble + bees);godson james scarffe (xd thru) s/o james scarffe ballaskerrow;names james kneale s/o thos;rev hugh stowell (1st swarm of bees);names wm quill,ellinor quill + mary quill w/o john moore;exec james cain;
1803   A 5    jw KilleY       mary                     john killey + mary als clague;son philip,james,thos,wm,charles;dau mary,jane (execx)
1803   A 6    ag KEWLEY       Philip                   gretch veg + son + heir james 
1803   A 7    dg KNEAL        Robert                   mullaghair ?;wife cath;son robert; [description of lands]
1803   A 8       CROGHAN      William                  d 9 apr 1803;dau elly croughan[?=alice see will Alice Croughan 1814],jane,ann;eldest son wm
1804   A 1       FARGHER      John                     dated 4 jun 1803;about to leave island for my health;son john(eldest),james,philip;dau margt(w/o james neal);wife margt exex
1804   A 2       CORKILL      Christopher              d 18 mar 1804;wife margt als kewley exex;dau elizth;wife's petn has 3 ch ua;considerable debts;uncle james kelly supv
1804-2 E         FARGHER      Thomas                   dated 8 Feb 1804;sibs Wm, John , Ann (last 3 to share sheep on his mark), Margt, Nelly(youngest sis); father Philip exor;
1805-1 E         CHRISTIAN    Mary                     d 30 apr 1805;ch james,robt,philip,isabel,elinor + joney;all of age;wm cottiman h/o joney,philip christian h/o isabel,wm kelly h/o elinor
1805-1 E         QUARK        William                  d 23 mar 1804;son john had settl;dau ann + margt
1806-2 E         SKILICORN    Henry                    d 27 jul 1806;son thomas exor
1808   A 1       QUARK        Alice                    dated 20 nov 1807;dau ann exex
1808   A 2       COWIN        Margaret                 dated 8 nov 1807;ch thos, john(+ wife), james exor
1808   A 3       KEWLEY       Isabel                   d 5 jan 1808;dau isable exex
1808   A 4       CASEMENT     Robert                   d 16 mar 1808;son john(eldest);wife shusanah exex;witt wm fargher,mary_a cowin als kewley;
1808   A 5       STOLE        Mary                     d 10 apr 1808;husb philip(loom + gears);dau cath, jane + ally jt exexs
1808-2 E      d  KEWLEY       John                     d 25 dec 1807;ch john + wm;wife Mary;agr dated 23 may 1808 by sons to mother states of ballacore
1808-2 E         SCARFF       Daniel                   d 1 apr 1808;only son wm
1809   A 1       CRAINE       Robert                   dated 6 aug 1808;Balig;gson Wm Lewney, Wm Craine;ch Ann (my bed etc),Robert (exor);witt John Kelly, James Cowin - all 'x'
1809-2 E         SCARFFE      John                     d 9 jun 1809;eldest son James,son Thomas, daus Mary, Margt, Ann;gson George Scarffe [? fam] ;gson James s/o James  wife Margt
1810   E 2       CLUCAS       jane                     dated 29 jun 1810;Barrmore?; ch ann(w/o Philip Kinery?),john(= dau),jane,joseph,thos + james jt exors;sis Cath
1810   E 2       FARGHER      Elinor      moore        ch margt(+4 ch),elinor(+2 ch);names simon fargher + wife,thos cowin + wife;husb john exor
1811-1 E         SCARFFE      William                  ?bur]d 8 oct 1810;sibs james(eldest),mary,margt,ann,eleanor,thos;?bro son George,james + other ch of sibs;mo margt exex
1811-2 E         BREW         James                    d jul 1810;ch cath + esther
1812   A 70      MOORE        Thomas                   d 6 dec 1811;son-i-law patk killip (w/o isable);dau margt (w/o john kermod);wife isable exex
1812   A 71      MOORE        Margaret                 dated 19 dec 1805;laxey;dau ann;son james (wife judy) exec;gson thomas
1812-1 E         SKILLICORN   Thomas                   dated 20 Aug 1806;ch Thos,Philip, Eleanor exex
1812-2 E         SKILLICORN   Ann         fargher      dated September 28, 1812, estate administration dated October 20, 1812. She is identified as Ann Skillicorn, alias Faragher, wife of John Skillicorn. Ann leaves bequests of 1 guinea to eldest son Edward; son Phillip; daughter Mary, John Kelley’s wife; daughter Ann, William Kelley’s wife; daughter Margaret. Husband John Skillicorn is to administer the estate. 
1814-1 E         BREW         Ann         cowin        d 5 Mar 1813;widow;ch Thomas Brew, Jane, Wm( Brewnow out of Island), John Cowin exor;names Joseph Clucas(+ wife)
1816   A 1       KELLY        Thomas                   dated 22 jan 1816;son john(smithy + tools);wife isabella als clague exex
1816-1 E         KERMODE      Margaret                 dated 24 May 1815;ch Thomas(deals on the loft in case he will pay for my coffin), Jude (cow,feather bed + house furniture), John(the Croft), Jane(another cow), Margt, Eleanor Cain;John + Judy jt execs
1817   A 1       SKILLICORN   John                     dated April 10, 1817, mentions eldest son Edward, Philip, Mary Kelly, Ann Kelly, executor Margaret Maddrell. 
1817   A 6       FARGHER      John                     petn by Isabella Quilliam (Lonan, w/o John Quilliam now off island, d/o Margret Fargher exex of John Fargher of Baldrine) that Margt infirm and not able to travel - 2nd petn by son Phiilip + sons-in-law Wm Mylrea(lonan) + Wm Castyl(Lezayre) that they were not notified and want the will set aside;will written post decease (d 2 Jan 1817);gson Wm Quilliam(half his sheep); wife margt(his share of corn mill known as Mullin Noa) exex; petn by Philip Fargher + John Fargher that testator considerably indebted to them and also protest re non-cupative will - went to later court but no obvious decn recorded with will [see epis court 1919-1]
1817-1 E         LEWNEY       William                  d 24 jun 1817;unnamed ch(6d ea);wife judith exex
1817-1 E         MYLROIE      John                     d 5 apr ;fa james admr
1817-1 E         QUAYLE       Ellinor     CALLOW       d may 1816;ch danl,wm,jane + ann
1818   A 1       CALLOW       John                     d 10 feb 1818;dau elinor(w/o thos corkill),ann,jane,margt,cath[?bapt];son wm;wife isabella exex
1818   A 3       KNEALE       William                  d 8 apr 1818;rea;son james(pt qtrland ballacannell),daniel,wm;wife ann exex;gson edward kneale;dau ann kneale als kelly;
1818-1 E         SKILLICORN   James                    d 4 mar 1818;dau elinor,margt;wife margt (d/o james kelly still alive as pledge);bro charles
1818-2 E         CAIN         Eleanor     KERMODE      dated 16 May 1818;ch John, James, Jane Cleator, Margt Cain;husb James Cain exor
1819   A 1       FARGHER      John                     dictated 17 oct 1818;poor - widow john quayle,widow edwd callow,widow james callow,john clague laxey,james cowen s/o wm cowen,thos s/o edw skillicorn ;bro thomas; bro-in-law john callow;wife isabella;gdau ann kewley;gson john kewley ?;son-i-law wm callow h/o eleanor;dau margt w/o thos kewley execx
1819   A 2       KNEALE       Thomas,jnr               late lonan now douglas;wife elinor kneale als carran;fa thomas kneale
1819   A 3       KNEALE       Thomas                   son john;ann kneale d/o son thos ;dau-i-law mary kneale widow;thos skillicorn s/o thos skillicorn + isabella als kneale (decd);gsons thos + john kneale s/o  thos kneale decd;thos cowley h/o ann als kneale
1819   A 4       FARGHER      Thomas                   dau margt execx
1819-1 E      w  CLAGUE       Robert                   dated 30 May 1818;fa Robt Clague + bro James jt exors
1819-1 E      d  FARGHER      John                     d Dec 1816;[see will arch 1817 #6;court notes will appts wife Margt exex who in disobedience to court refused to undertake exex - court appts Philip Fargher - pledges Philip Fargher son + heir to decd + John Fargher (both Lonan);petn by Philip Fargher + John Fargher vs  Margt Fargher, Isabella Quilliam + others  in consistery court that Margt had not acted
1819-1 E      w  KINNISH      John                     dated 16 Jun 1813;sister Jane Kinnish; mentions purchased lands Ballakiley(Lonan);wife Isabella exex
1819-1 E      d  QUAYLE       Isabella                 d 14 Dec 1818;fa Philip Quayle admr
1820   A 1       KNEALE       William                  d 20 Apr 1820;ch Margt, Jane, Ann, Unice + Joseph (all my title to mill called Mullin Village in Laxey gill between them when come to age 28 yrs), Wm(heir - can choose to have mill if pays other sibs); wife Ann als Fargher exex
1820   A 2       CLAGUE       Finley[finl              dated 28 Jan 1820;unnamed wife;son Wm exor
1820   A 3       KEWLEY       John                     dated 23 Nov 1819;Baldoon;ch Elinor(w/o John Kewley), Jane(w/o Wm Killip), Wm, James(eldest son), John exor;gch James, Philip, Elizth + Ann Kewley(c/o eldest son James Kewley); Witt James Skillicorn junr, John Skillicorn
1820-2 E         SKILLICORN   Margaret    KILLIP       d abt 3yrs ago;only child Jane admx - too tender yrs - maternal uncle Wm Killip guardian husb James Skillicorn sworn;pledges John + Thomas Skillicorn
1820-2 E         SKILLICORN   Margaret    FARGHER      d Feb 1820;ch John, Thomas + Margt(w/o John Kelly) jt admrs - Eleanor had m/c;pledges William Killip + James Skillicorn(both lonan)
1822   A 2       KEWLEY       James                    dated 31 oct 1817dau margt skillicorn (als kewley w/o john)(house douglas adj late wm quay on east,thos gelling south,rev hugh stowell west + common street north);son john;dau jane quirk? als kewley,elinor,isabella + charlotte;wife jane als moore exex;witt john cain,john redfern both dead by probate
1822   E         BREW         Eleanor                  dated 4 may 1820;geawe;ch jane, margt, isable + thos
1823-1 E         CORKILL      Marg                     d 25 Mar 1823;husb Peter admr
1823-2 E         FARGHER      Mary                     dated 20 Apr 1822;widow;balladoo;dau Margt Fargher als Kneale(widow)[?= Margt Kneal als Fargher w/o Daniel;son James Fargher exor
1824-1 E         FARGHER      John                     d 6 Nov 1823;son Thomas admr; other ua ch; goods not exceed £100
1827   A 3       FARGHER      Catherine   kneal        dated 17 Mar 1827;Laxey;husb Thomas;ch Margt(exex), Cath, Ann(w/o John Tear(preston));gdau Elinor Pattison;
1827-1 E         FARGHER      James                    petn by Wm Neale that James Fargher was uncle; granted admin; petn by Thomas Kelly(Douglas noted that left nephew Wm Kneale + Ann Kneale of Liverpool admrs - they by PoA  appt sd Thomas Kelly admr [Wm Kneale m Ann Fargher Lon 18060616]
1829-2 E         KERMODE      Jane                     uttered 22 Sep 1829;spinster;sibs John,Thomas, Isable(exex)
1830-2 E         CALLOW       Thomas                   perished at sea  off Buenos Ayres on 21 sep 1830 onboard 'Henry Arden' of liverpool ;fa patk callow
1831-1 E         KELLY        John                     dated 29 Dec 1829;jt will John Kelly(Baldrine) + wife Ann;ch Thomas, Wm,Ann(w/o Thomas Cannell kk Michael), Isabella(w/o Matthias Hampton);house in new street in Ramsey purchased from James Burrowes in trust to Thomas Looney senr + junr (ballamore, Lonan) for use of longest liver of John or Ann then to Isabella - Looneys exors in trust
1831-2 E         CLAGUE       John                     dated 24 June 1831;nephew Thomas Mylrea [?s/o Eliz];bro Wm;sis Isabella kinnish als clague
1831-2 E         KILLIP       Jane        lawson       dated 15 jun 1831;husb john;laxey;dau jane (w/o john killey douglas),margt (w/o danl kermode kk lonan),elinor (w/o james trawartha miner m Lon 18290611 );son patk (kk lonan),thomas(douglas),joseph (douglas),wm exor
1832-1 E         KEWLEY       James                    d 20? jan 1832;getch vegg;ch thomas exor,james,margt cowin,nancy skillicorn,elinor hogg(douglas),john,mary curphy(douglas);gson james [hilburn];wife alive
1832-1 E         SKILLICORN   John                     d 26 oct 1831;ch john,margt,ann,elinor,elizth + jane;wife ann
1833   A 1       LAWSON       John                     dated 7 dec 1832;son john(loom + gears);dau jane(w/o james kaggin ,margt(widow wm corkil late decd),judy(widow thomas corlett late decd - exex )
1836   A 2       SCARFFE      Jane                     [bur Lon 18341028 age 75] d Oct 1834; petn by dau + exec Jane;Thomas Scarff + John Scarf next of Kin did not appear; will - son Thomas.John; dau Anne w/o John [?roke ], sister Ann Hogg;dau Margt Scarfe;husb Philip
1838   A 3       KEWLEY       Ann                      dated 7 Dec 1837;husb James Kewley(Baldooin - share of purchased land) exor;ch Elizth(w/o Wm Bruce - 5s),john(£4),Ann(£50),Philip(£40);gdau Margt Bruce
1838   A 4       FARGHER      Philip                   dated 12 Feb 1829;ch Wm,Margt(w/o John Morrison), John, Philip, Ann(w/o John Kissack), Elinor(w/o John Kneale);wife Margt exex;
1838   A 5       KEWLEY       Margaret                 dated 17 Feb 1837;widow;ch Ann(w/o James Mylroie), Elinor(w/o Danl Calow), Margt(w/o Robt Mylroie), Thomas, James, John(exor); Will James Skillicorn, Thomas Looney;
1838-1 E         MYLREA       Ann         fargher      d Nov 1837;husb Wm;surviving ch Wm, Thomas, Ann(w/o Thomas Toplis - now in England), Margt(w/o John Kewley,Lonan) and Jane - they request that husb be admr

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