Summary of Wills - Lezayre pre1700

These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.

See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.

Year  court       Name                      als          My Notes  
1600   e 016     CROW         John                     [?not jurby]dated 25 Feb 1599/1600;ch Dollin[daniel], unnamed dau both ua - Sr Wm Crowe + John Cannell supvs;wants son Dollin to marry his step sister + if he die ua then his dau to marry his stepson;wife Bessie Kneene refuses to agree with some of requests
1637   A         STEVENSON    Margery     BRIDSON      agreemnt overseers admrs of Wm Brideson + wife magery + wm Stevenson late h/o sd margery;[most unreadable]
1639   e 053     CAISMENT     Wm                       d 6 may 1639;ch edmond [snr?], john,elizabeth, jony, kath, ewan(10s),wm; gch john sayle, john casement; sons wm + edmond [?beg] exors;[? are there 2 edmonds as edmond(the elder) left lands + crop of corn) + edmond jnr (or 'beg') jt exor]
1640   e 130     CORLETT      Katherin                 d 1 Jan [1640?];ch John(inserted in diff ink), Edmond + Margery Kinred? (the name Corlett appears to have been crossed thru
1644   A      w  CROW         William                  dated 2 Nov 1643;bro's son John Crowe;wife alive;fa-in-law Jo Crowe;unnamed ch ua
1644   A      c  CROW         William                  agreement dated 30 Jan 1640 [1640/1] between Wm Crowe(Glandow) + wife Jane that if a son be born then to have all estate (or a dau to have all if no son); Witt Ed Crowe(minister), Wm Standish Edmond Crowe, Ed Crowe (glass?) x;
1644   e 261     CARRETT      Anne        CROWE?       d 6 May [];3 daus at lawful age admxs;Wm Coneley claims agt exectrs of [] ye mother's pte of goods
1646   e 556     CROWe        Edmond                   [some damage to margins + top of page decayed + lost][suspect I might have missed some of text]wife alive, to have lands during her life  + gives consent to will;ch isable,jonie, wm + robt jt exors;gch john crowe, margrett crowe;names thomas caisment;bro's son Ed: Crowe;Wm to [] Maria Cowne? good servant;
1648   e 261     JOugHIN      Katherin                 [note there is denied will which barred bros + sisters are they took no care + another shorter decree] d 6 mar 1646;husb John;2 sis Issabell & Issabel [sic ?] jt admrs
1652   e 154     CURLETT      Wm                       d 7 Oct 1652;only sis Ellin admx
1653   A      w  CORTEEN      Edward                   d 6 May 1761 from fall of Douglas Quay;2 ch Cath + Ann (both ua); uncle Thos Corteen;wife alive;inv 
1655   A 008  d  CALLOW       William                  (002)perished by sea 24 mar 1654[1654/5];6 ch Wm, nich, alice, christian, cath + jane - uncle John Calow + Aunt Margt Calow  supvs;wife alive;inv
1655   A 009  d  CASEMENT     Ewan                     (003)perished by sea 24 mar 1654[1654/5];3 ch Ewan, jane + margt - next of kin John + Bessie Casement (Cath Casement sworn later);wife Elizth Curghy(named in later ack where she + Edmond Gill linked);Ewan Killip(h/o Cath casement) obo admrs claims for parcel of 3.5d rent intack;inv (considerable);1667: Wm Gill h/o Jane;also 0.5d rent nr church of kk lezayre mentioned;
1655   A 018  d  CORLET       Philip                   (004)perished by sea 24 mar 1654[1654/5];3 ch margerie, mary + Margt - next of kin John + Wm Corlett sworn;mother margt stevenson(a legacy [? widow]);wife alive;inv;claims
1655   A 019  w  Kewish       Marriad     Caley alias  (005)d 20 oct 1654;ch John Callie + Richard Kewish exors;
1655   A 133  d  CURGHY       John                     (045)perished by sea 24 mar 1654[1654/5];tanner[described as such in inv];2 ch ewan + anne jt admrs;wife margt kelly;partner john curghy[jnr tanner of ramsey - court finds he didn't pay all];1667: ann at age1660: margt kelly now w/o John Callow
1660 B E 338  d  CAISMENT     Patrick                  d 20 dec 1660;unmarried dau margt admx
1661   e 197     CAISMT       John                     [rh margin lost] dated 10 feb 1661[1661/2];only child [] admr - patrick coule supv;wife alive
1661   e 198     CAISMT       Margrett    CROWE        d 23 jul 1661;her legitimate children unmarried viz Margt, robt, thos , jane, cath + bessy casement  admrs - some ua;husb alive;many claims
1663-4 E 632  w  CROW         William                  bro Ewan + Robt to be exors if wife not 'in child'
1663-4 E 653  w  CASEMENT     William                  dated 24 oct 1663;unnamed son(herring nets) + wife jt execs;inv £1 15s 10d
1663-4 E 663  w  GARRETT      John                     dated 20 oct 1663;dau christian, bessy,margt + kath jt exexs;son [](his part of lands?
1665   A      w  CASEMENT     Bessy                    [page 11]dated 6 dec 1664;son daniel(10s);gch ann steane?;cousin jaine crowe?;names christian casement;dau isable lawson exex
1665   A      w  kewen        Issabel     CASEMENT     [page 9] dated 10 apr 1664?[?1661];husb john kewen;son wm(eldest),mitchell(youngest),john;dau margt; ch execs - wants ewan killip overseer of ch;1674: michell + margt kewne at age ack ewn killip + bro john kewne
1671-1 e 731     CARRETT      Christian   CHRISTIAN    d 20 Apr 1671;son John Carrett admr there being no other child living - inv 5s wch goods he claims by m/c wch he cannot prove
1671-1 E 732  w  CASEMENT     Thomas                   dated 27 apr 1671;son william (all my right or title might have to ye kelly by my father-in-law or mother-in-law), jon;2? unnamed daus;wife(all lands bought in the fells for 10yrs) exex;wants capt john garrett as supv;[added note that the land in the fells was to return to the heir of the Grange after the 10 years; also note that bessie casement + wm kewn (his son-i-law) that wm was to have a pair of leather? britches;many claims for significant sums - also 
                                                           jury of inquiry to determine what goods were due;Wm Clarke obo wife Margt Casement, Robt, Thos, Jane, Mary, cath + Eliz Casement claim agt execs of fa Thos Casement + what appears due to them by death of mo + eldest bro ;Tho Christian claims obo wife due by death of her mo;other claims inc bro George + Wm Carrett + transmarian John Cowle;inv;later note that Wm Crow now husb to relict had redeemed the mortgage on Rush Close taken to cover debts of Casement;court depositions
1671-1 E 739  w  McYLCARANE   William                  dated 31 Mar 1671;d 21 May 1671;son-i-law John Kewney, Edmond Crow(+ 2 ch);dau Margt exex, ellin, joney;states that Margt + Jony should make no bargain or marr without consent uncle Dollin Clarke and bro Dollin Caine and uncle Michael Mcylarane;wife Bahey als Cleark + she is not to dispose of more than 20s to her gch the c/o Dollin Caine(of Jurby);bro Thomas; names many in legacies;codicil replaced Margt by Jony as exex;annexed note that wife Bahey has relinquished title in purchased Close-Kewn to dau Jony (rent 2s + same now mortgaged);many claims inc Jony Kinread for such goods as due her by death of father for wch Mcylcarrane was pledge
1671-1 E 741  w  KEWLEY       Philip                   ch Isable + Jane (2 eldest daus), Wm + Margt(2 youngest ch) - some ua;names Dollin Caine;gch John Christian;wife Margt als Curlet exex;inv £1 7s
1671-1 E 741  d  KISSAGE      Edward                   [last page in book - some damage]d 24 May;unmarried ch Edw, Mary, Thom + Hugh(if he be unmarried) admrs - Edwd sworn - his? bro Wm also sworn
1671-2 E 805  d  QUAYLE       Gilbert                  d 27 Oct [1671];sibs Wm + Christian jt admrs
1671-2 E 806  w  MOLLEREY     William                  unnamed wife;bro Richard ;unnamed ch ua - 'the bro to be sworne';inv = pt of cow 6s
1671-2 E 807  w  CALLY        John                     ch Wm , Avericke, Jony, Jane + Margt last 4  jt execs - uncle Tho Cally supv;wife alive pledges Pat Cally + Tho Cry;inv incs a winding sheet for one of the daus;
1671-2 e 807     CURLETT      Katherin    KNEENE       3 unnamed gch;ch Ewan + Edmond Curlet jt exors;inv
1673-1 E 217  d  CURLET       Ewan                     d 6 Feb 1672;ch Cath, Wm + Ellin jt admrs - next of kin(fa's side) supvs (Wm Curlett + 2 sis sworn);wife alive;inv clear £3
1677-1 E 207  w  CARRAD [garr John                     dated 20 May 1677;ch Donald (heir), John, unnaned eldest dau (exex + at age) + youngest dau;wife alive
1677-1 E 208  d  CURGHY       Marriad     QUARK        d 8 Jun ;ch Wm, xstn? + Bessie - next of kin(mo's side) supv;husb Wm;father Phinlo Quark + Wm Quark (?bro) came to court re agreement for heir of Baldroma - there was a m/c - agreement is partly to safeguard any inheritance to daus if heir should die and fath remarry to produce another son;
1677-1 E 210  w  CORLETT      William                  dated 28 Apr 1677;ch Edward, Mary, Cath, John exor;unnamed dau-i-law (w/o John);inv 14s (12s for a cow)
1678-1 E 289  d  KNEEN        William                  d 31 Jul;decree made by Parson Harrison 28 Aug 1678;5 unmarried ch admrs - some ua those at age supvs;wife Eliz Sayle;inv;Bessie + Issabel at age - goods of other ch(John, Joney ,  Wm , Edward) in mo's hands pledges edmond kneale, Wm Kneal , Wm Sayle, Christopher + Ewan Corlett junr [?6 ch?];1682 John + Bessy at age ack;June 1681: Jony Kneen's goods in hands of Wm Kneale - Bessy Sayle exors give security (notes Bessy Sayle's will in Arch reg);1682: Jony at age acks sis Bessie - her mo dead
1678-1 E 292  d  KILLIP       William                  d 16 Mar;Glanmore;ch Kath (by former wife), Wm (by later wife) jt admrs - Kath supv of Wm - court later appoints Richd Killip supv of eldest dau;inv;26 Feb 1678 Kath claims agt exors of bro Wm;11 Jan 1678: Ewan Kneen now married to eldest dau of Wm Killip acks from Thomas Teare goods due to youngest daughter[sic] vizt Wm due by death of mo Jony Tear and hath taken the tuition of ye child and the goods
1678-1 E 292  d  MOORE        Jane        CROW         d 17 Feb;ch Jane, Elizth, isabel, cath, Michael + Wm moore jt admrs- next okin uncle Wm Crow supv (eldest dau at age);husb alive
1678-1 E 292  w  teare        Issabell    LAWSON       [top rh corner lost]dated Mar 1677ch Edward(house + garden - to pay 3 sisters), Ann,2 unnamed daus;husb wm teare
1678-2 E 342  d  BAXTER       Robert                   d 6 Oct 1678;ch John + Ann jt admrs - aunt Lethie Caesar als Baxter supv;wife alive;inv contains furnace, axiltree, irons + presses, timber lead etc there belonging;displaced list of debts owed him inc for dying cloth names Thomas Kinred drummer, John Cuney Narrowdaile
1678-2 E 343  d  corlet       Jony        BLACKBURN    headed 20 Jul 1678;d near 3 yrs past;ch John, edward, Mary + Katherin Corlet admrs - all at age  + Mary relinquished her part;
1678-2 E 345  d  macnameer    Christian   [?crow nee ]CREBIN d 13 Oct 1678;her son? child begotten by edmund crow;husb John Mcnameer;husb's eldest dau Alice Inymeer (+ also mentions his two daus by a previous wife);names John Myson(+ 2 daus);only one witt + complaint by next of kin  thus 'frustrated' and next of kin admrs court names as Jony, Margt + John Mazon (jony at age + sworn) [? this would imply that her dau by Edmund Crow was illeg otherwise would be admx] - Jony Mazon relinquishes obo herself and other admrs to Christian's husb - he gives her his wife's Christ [chest ?linens etc] and her linen wheel;inv £2 3s 3.5d;costs
1678-2 E 347  d  QUIRK        Catherine   LACE         d 3 Oct 1678;husb alive;next of kin admrs;'this decree is made in case of necessitie';inv £2 16s; Wm Kaighin pledge
1679-1 E 064  w  CROWE        Ewan                     dated 27 Jul 1678?;bro Robert Crowe, Edmd Crowe exor;names Philip Curlett(10s );names debtors;inv £1 1s
1679-1 E 077  w  carrett      phillip                  d 1 Feb 1679;ch Wm, John, William [2 wms!] + Ewan jt admrs - eldest ch Wm(lives in South) + John supvs;wife alive
1679-1 E 077  w  kinred       ellin       kinley       d 22 Jan 1679/80;ch John, Wm, Thomas + Jony jt admrs - next of kin on mo's side + dau at age(her husb sworn) supvs;husb alive; inv where noted good in father + bro-i-law Thos Fayle's hands (tho his wife + sis to ch noted as Ane in 1699 ack]
1679-1 E 082  d  CALOE        Ann         Joughen      d 2 jan 1679;bro's ch(being next of kin)  - don, wm, an, daniell + john joughen jt admrs - don + wm at age;husb alive;1684: wm + don ack from bro donold + mother margt costean
1679-2 E 128  d  Carrett      Isabell                  d 7 Dec 1678;ch Ewan, Isabell , [] + Eliz admrs - those at age supv of ua;husb alive;inv £1 goods in fa's hand pledge John Goldsmith + Ewan Stevenson;
1679-2 E 128  d  GOLDSMITH    John                     d 26 Jan 1678;sibs Daniel (relinquishes admin)+ Jony Goldsmith admrs
1679-2 E 128  d  MARTIN       John                     d 27 Feb 1678;bro John admr;
1679-2 E 137  w  KILLIP       James                    d 14 Sep 1679;ch Jo, Mar:, unnamed wife exex(lands) - ch not capable of exec - uncle Ewan Killip supv;
1679-2 E 142  d  KEWNEY       John                     son John Kewney - dec had nothing;
1679-2 E 142  d  KINREAD      Margaret    KINLEY       see Thos
1679-2 E 142  d  KINREAD      Thomas                   jt decree with wife Margt als Kinley; paupers; son Gilbt; nihil habel[had nothing]
1681-1 E 328  w  GARRETT      William                  dated 26 May 1681;sibs Daniel Garrett exor, Wm, Ewan, Alice; names many inc Ewan Blackburn + son, Edmond Kneen(+ son John), John Christian junr + senr, Wm Kneen, Margt Quark, Jony Quaile, Danl Goldsmith
1683-1 E 655  d  CORLETT      Jony                     d 2 jan;only ch Wm Corlett admr - next of kin Jon + Tho Corlett (uncles by mother) sworn;husb alive
1683-1 E 656  d  CHRISTIAN    edward                   d 30 jan;ch cath, john, jony, ann(just at age but incapable) + Ed[] - uncle + aunt  Wm + Alice Christian supvs;wife alive;1696: ann at la acks bro-i-law Wm Curghey + sis Cath;
1683-1 E 656  d  KNEAL        pattoon                  perished at sea 30 Jan;sibs Jony, jane + Wm kneal admrs (all at age);wife age
1684/1 A      w  GARRET       William                  [full]
1684-1 E 058  w  CURGHEY      Ewan                     d 13 Oct 1683;Carriak;ch Robt(+ ch John + Robt), Isabel(+ ch), Margt, Thos, John (jt exor with gch Robt Curghey who relinquishes to his fa);gch Ewan Kinred, Wm Curghey;names Ewan Kinred(+ ch), Matgret Caine
1684-1 E 060  d  Carrett      Margaret    Kewney       d 7 Mar;only unmarried child John admr;husb alive
1684-3 E 157  d  Casement     Issa        Skillicorn   d 29 nov [1684];only dau margery casement admx - inv incs husb jon casement
1684-3 E 157  d  CASEMENT     John                     d 14 nov [1684];only ch margery casement admx - at age;
1685   A      w  CURLET       Christopher              d 9 Jan 1685;ch Philip;son-i-law John Cannell;sis margt;(£3 if she marries young man he wants her to otherwise 6d);names Gilbt + Thomas Curlett of Glantrammon(the 18s owed to him);owed £1 6s  from Edmond Crow of Glantrammon , 12s from Wm Crow Balnamoney;wife Margt Kneen exex;;inv £2 10s 3d
1685   A      w  CURLET       William                  d 29 Dec [1684?];owed £14 from Mr John Garret as appears in bill of mortgage;sibs John, Jane;ch John, Wm, Nicholas exor - ch ua - Nicholas Thompson + bro John Corlet to be supv;wife alive;1699: Nicholas at age + acks frommother;
1685   A      w  FARGHER      William                  d 23 Jan 168[];ch Thomas(exor),Wm; 2 unnamed daus-in-law - one Marriot;gson Thomas Fargher;sister's dau Christian Costeene
1685   A      w  KNEEN        Will                     d Dec [day lost in binding];sibs Elizth + Joney Kneen, John Kneen exor;names Ewan Curlet;inv in fa's + mo's 
1685   A      w  KNEEN        Willm?                   d 26 Nov;ch Jane;gch John Kewish;bro John Kneen(if he sued for lands then to pay £5 to Jane);names Will Killip, Isable Kinley;wife Alice Quay exex
1687-1 A      c  KERMOT       Catherine                [full] inc m/c Thomas Caghen + margt keig als quayle
1687-1 A      w  FARGHER      Thomas                   dated 29 mar 1687;son Wm(my part of horse that is between us);wife exex; a Marriot Cown als fargher [?= Marriot fargher als Cown] mentions husband above sd;
1689-1 A      w  corlett      Margaret    STEVENSON    d 27 Nov last;[headed 1689]ch elin Curlet(at present sick),wm curlet(her part of claddagh) exor, cath; husb alive;son-i-law ewan curghy;inv £2 4s
1689-1 A      w  Corlett      Margaret    CAISMENT     d 18 Aug [?1689]ch thos curlett( her part of close), john + Margt jt execs;husb john curlet;gch marjory Cally;inv 11s 6d
1689-1 E 092  d  CROW         Thomas                   d 11 Nov ;ch Jane, Mally, Thos, Jon, + Kath jt amrs - Jane at age - some ch ua;wife alive
1689-1 E 092  d  KELLY        Daniel                   d 23 Dec;sis by whole blood Ellinr Kelly admx
1690-2 A      w  Christian    Bahy        CARRAD [garret] d 2 Dec 1690;sibs Ellin, Edmond; husb John Christian exex; inv £3
1691-1 A      w  CASHIN       Thomas                   bur 18 Nov 1691;unnamed eldest + 2nd dau;wife alive (+ to bring up 2 youngest ch); 20s to be spent on funeral and 20s to dau-i-law; sated that wife added 25s to inventory of her former husband and that he paid 18s 6d debts due from her sd husb + same not crossed off book
1691-1 A      w  CORLET       Edmond                   dated 27 feb 1691;ch ewan,richard(half of croft),wm;dau-i-law margt knickle;wife cath caine als corlet exex
1691-1 A      d  Kneale       isable                   [on same page as edmond corlet] d 22 jan 1691;intestate;sibs edm,will,patk,margt + jony admrs - goods of two daus in mothers keeping
1692-1 A      w  CURLET       Ann         ghandehan?   dated 26 mar 1690;sis cath;dau sarah woods;gch margt corlett;son wm;husb robt exor;witt robt parr, edmond curlett
1692-1 A      w  CARRET       Daniel                   dated 21 Jan 1692;Capt John Garrett;ch John (eldest son - paternal estate, Ewan exor - bros[?in law] [Capt]Wm Chistian(refused) + Wm Casement[sworn] supvs;kinsman Maj Peter Heywood (to look after concerns in England);wife [Ann] alive(profits of estate in England - she to educate ch - when heir at age she to have half for life);claims;1706: Ewan dead;
1692-1 A      w  CARRET       Daniel                   dated 20 Feb 1692[1692/3?];d 24 Nov 1692?;ch Wm(lands) + John(jt exors), Marriott, Isable, Edmond; wife alive(5s legacy)
1692-1 A      w  CHRISTIAN    Dorothy                  dated 29 Dec 1692;bro John, Kath, Isable, Margt + Margery;father Edwd Christian exor
1692-1 A      w  CURGHY       John                     d 20 Jan 1692/3;sibs Robt, Tho, Ewan(+ dau Mary Curghy);ch Ann Curghy(10s he had in mortgage on Will Cally's lands + her eldest dau Maria Caly);names Margt Caine(the other 10s of the mortgage + 3rd pt of corn);gch Maria Cally, Mary Cally, Jo Curlett(s/o Mickle Curlett), Jo Curghy(exor - eldest son of Robt Curghy);dau-i-law Mary Boydagh; claims
1692-1 A      w  KISSAGG      John                     [lh margin lost in binding on film]dated 10 Dec 1692;ch Ewan, Jane?, Margt, Wm(exor), + 3 unnamed?;ch due (or had) part of their mother's goods
1692-1 A      w  QUARK        Daniel                   d 3 Jan 1692;ch Dan(lands when at age), Mariod;uncle Phinlo Quark(owes him £4 14 from his fa's goods);states that croft where Will Quarke dwells was his (?unless he is pd by Phinlo);wife Jony als Curghy jt exec with ch Dan + Mariod Quark
1692-2 E 725  w  CROW         William                  d 2 may 1692;son edmond;wife Janie Craine exex;incs list of debts;court notes no provision for ch + includes John + Henry as jt exors;inv £2 10s 4d;debts John Skillicorn 7s,Tho Skillicorn 7s, Deemster Christian 8s, Mr Parr 7s, Paul Crow 12s, Philip Curlett 5s, Robt Lowey 2s, Patrick Curlett 12s, Jane Stevenson 17s
1692-2 E 728  w  corkill      mally       thorp        d 16 Aug 1692;husb Doncan Corkill;dau Cath,Elinor,Margt,Mally exex;court accepts will.
1692-2 E 728  w  COTTER       David                    sibs Willm Cotter, Margrett, Averick,Thos Cottier exor;inv £2 17s
1693-1 A      w  CALY         Gilbert                  d 5 Feb 1693/4;dau Elizabeth Caly exex;names John Kermin(of Ramsey), 
1693-1 A      w  CORLET       Michael                  d 5 Mar 1693;ch John(lands due by former contract), Wm -ua- wants John Corlet(of ye clannaugh) + bros Wm Corlet + John Tear supvs ;wife Cath (farm on land Slew Manaugh purchased from Wm Garrett) exex;
1693-1 E 010  w  KEWLEY       Mary        GRIFFIN      d 19 May 1693;husb John Griffin exor;pledges John Kewin + Richd Griffin
1693-1 E 035  w  GARRETT      William                  dated 9 Oct 1692;son Edwd(6d + to pay Danl 8s for pair of looms),Danl (eldest - and as he had nourished him thru his sickness the croft called Drin-e-Coule? + roof of house) exor;annexed note that there was a m/c with son edw garrett in which he was promised the croft but noting that Danl had been at great expense during father's sickness then Danl is to have 30s in lieu of goods
1693-2 A      w  casement     Patrick                  [loss rh margin in binding]d 20 Ap[];sibs Isable+ Ann (jt exexs), Mary;unnamed wife;
1693-2 A      w  CASEMENT     William                  [some loss lh margin]d 22 May 1694;ch ?unnamed son, Kath exex - wants bro John Casement + cousin Xtopher Cowl supvs; acct incs child's funeral costs; 1695: Edwd Carret acks father-in-law John Casement
1693-2 A      w  GARRET       Ewan                     d 28 Mar; ch Ewan(heir), Cath + Ann jt execs; 4 unnamed sistyers; wife alive; 1707: Ewan Carrett acks stepfather Jon Carrett goods in stepfa's hands; 1706: Ann Garrett (exex) acks stepfa John Garrett
1693-2 A      w  GARRET       John                     d 20 Dec;sibs Edmund, Isable, Wm + Marriod;mother Katherine Stevenson exex; inv in father's will
1693-2 E 090  d  CROW         John                     d 14 May [?1693];ch Will, Ann, Bahie + Margt jt admrs - Wm at age some ch ua;wife alive - pledges "Kneale + Hugh [Kneen?]"
1694-1 E         KINREAD      Averick                  d 3 Apr 1694;4 sons John,Nicholas,Wm + Thomas Cowley;gch John + Marriott Cowley;unnmd 3 ch of Wm;dau Joney;names Thos Kinread;
1694-2 E 168  w  curlett      Catherine   CAINE        d 2 Oct 1694;gch Margret Curlett, Evan Curlett;son wm, Ewan, Richard Curlett exor
1695-1 A      w  CHRISTIAN    Ann         RATCLIFFE    d 15 Jan 1695;ch David, Nelly, Ann, EdwardMary; husb Edw Christian exor;names Wm Christian(+ his 2 boys);gch Margt Quark
1695-1 A      w  Cottier      Margaret    CORLET       includes m/c Thomas Cottier + Margt Curlett dated 24 Jun 1694; d 1 Jul 1695;tuition + goods of child Tho Callow (exor) to her bro Tho Corlett;husb Tho Cottier;sibs Tho, Jon , Ellin Corlett;sis-i-law Christian Cottier; Jan 1705/6: relict of supv Tho Corlett delivers goods to father Tho Cottier
1695-1 A      d  CURGHY       Ewan, senr               [full]
1695-1 A      w  GARRET       Edmond                   [full]
1695-1 A      w  GARRET       Philip                   dated 19 Jan 1695/6;ch Issable, Jon, Wm(had m/c);dau-i-law Ann Cally;gch Kath Garrett, Phillip Garret exor - ua (his fa sworn);bro Wm;wife Margt Kewney(decd?); would appear to be bad relationship with son John who also claims his mo's part of sheep;
1695-1 A      w  GILL         William                  dated 4 Feb 1695/6;ch Edm(eldest son - all his estate), John, Daniel, Wm, Kath + Issable (last 5 jt execs) - no relns appear + thus wife sworn as noted 2 youngest ua
1695-1 A      w  Kewn ?       Mally       CURLET       d 9 Jan [1695/6 ?];ch Charles Kewn(£16 she had in mort on Thos Cottier's croft), Silvester + John Kewne jt exors
1695-1 A      c  kneen        Ann         CHRISTIAN    m/c John Kneen + Cath Skinner accepted as will;dated 10 Dec 1680;son John exor [presumehis fa John also decd]
1695-1 A      w  quayle       Jane        KINDRED      dated 7 Jan 1695;bro's dau Margt Kinred;ch David Quayle exor (his tuition + goods left to her bro Wm Kinred);names Kath Kewley, Isable Kinley, Jony Kinred
1695-2 A      d  CAINE        Jony                     [corner lost] d mar [1695/6];bro john's ch wm,margt + dollin caine jt admrs;husb alive
1695-2 A      w  CORLET       Thomas                   dated 14 Apr 1695;unnamed son [+ heir] + daus;wife exex;wants bro John to come and work half land (untilson old enough) with his wife;man servant peter?;names Margt Conley, Will Kneene, Robert Ratcliffe (last 2 are also witts);court names supv Will Curlet, Robt Curlet + John Curlet
1695-2 A      d  KINDRED      William                  d 20 feb [1695/6];ch thos + john jt admrs - next of kin fa's side supvs (john + jony tear sworn);wife alive inv £3 16s
1695-2 A      w  Kissage      Catherine   CHRISTIAN    ch Ew, John + Jane Kissag - all ua; husb Ew Kissag (sworn supv)
1695-3 E 310  d  WARD         Charles                  Killough Co Down; indebted by bond to Mr Hodges, and exports goods out of Ireland wch appear to be in Isle of Man where Irish admin does not run - court notes that Major King married the relict of Charles Ward who is likewise dead - the court grants time to Maj King to take out letters of admin; annexed note dated 6 Apr 1695 Dublin from Charles King that cannot get goods if [Joseph?] Lawson (who was appt admr) takes out judgement against them wch is only for a small sum - goods are to be delived to David Murry; annexed note from Charles Ward was indebted £60[?six score in note] to Cornet Marke Hodges (Co Down); inv inc significant list of books
1696-2 A [35] w  cowley       Jony        kindred      d 17 may last;husb john cowley;youngest dau ann;eldest son pat;3ch pat john + ann; names kathrine caine;
1698-1 E 039  d  KILLIP       Thomas                   d 1 Feb [?1698];ch Robt, John + jane jt admrs;Nov 1698: agt between Robt, John + Jon Gill (husb of decd sister Jane) that half house + garden due to Robt+John;
1698-1 E 040  d  gell         Jane        KILLIP       d 9 Oct 1698;bro Robt + John jt admrs;husb John Gill (see decree for fa Thos Killip re agt]
1698-1 E 043  d  Caly         Ann         BAXTER       inv dated 18 Apr 1701;? no decree
1698-1 E 044  d  garret       Ann         Crinnill     d 25 Mar [1698];ch John, Mary + Ann Garrett jt admrs
1698-1 E 045  w  COTTIER      Jane                     d 2 Apr [?1698];ch Wm(her part of croft)Nicholas, Thomas,John(youngest son), Ann exex,Isable(+ 2 ch)
1699   A      w  CURGHY       John                     d 7 Feb 1699/1700;Colebane;wife exex;ch John + other unnamed ch;
1699   A      w  GARRET       Catherine                [full]
1699   A      dg GILL         Elizabeth                DoG dated 24 Apr 1692 from Elizabeth Gill to youngest dau Jane Gill accepted as will;
1699   A      w  GOLDSMITH    Mary        kneen        d 1 Jan 1699/1700;ch John, Ewan, Margt, Edmond, Ellin, Jane,Wm(land + houses) exor;
1699   A      w  KISSAGE      Hugh                     d 17 Dec 1699;ch Jane, Alice(house + croft after decease of mother), Mary - one ua ?Mary;wife jt exex with Alice + Mary;nephew Ewan Kissage;names Wm Kissage;pledges John + Ewan Kissage
1699   A      w  kneale       Amelia      crow         [v faint]d 12 Jan 1699/1700;inv states child + goods in hands of father;17 Jun 1727: Gilnow Quyne h/o Alice Kneale exex to Amelia acks satisfied from hands of fa-i-law Miitchel Kneal due by death of mo-i-law
1699-2 E 357  w  KERMOT       Jony                     [poor copy]chk index];d beg Oct 1699;bro Pattrone,Saml? Kermott (if he came);cousin Paule Kermott;kinswoman Kathren + Isable Garrett exexs
1699-2 E 358  w  GOLDSMITH    James                    d 8 Jul 1699;ch John(eldest son - all lands my fa left me) exor, Alece, ,Simon; wife alive
1699-2 E 359  w  MARTIN       William                  d 20 Aug 1699;unnamed wife + ua ch - Will Watterson, Will Crebin, Will Kneale - goods to be sold to pay debts;court appts ch jt admrs with wife
1699-2 E 360  w  CORLET       Isabel                   d 4 Oct 1699;ch John(+ wife + 2ch), Danl, Jony(+ 2 ch),Mary, Philip, Anne exex;
1699-2 E 361  d  CROW         Margery                  [bur Lez 16990918]d 13 Sep 1699;only son John Goldsmith admr but out of island - next relation [?to her 2nd husband] Wm Crow sworn
1699-2 E 362  d  COWLE        William                  d 19 Aug 1699;2 unmarried daus Isabel + Cath jt admxs;pledges Tho Cowle + Tho Skillicorn;
1699-2 E 363  w  Galway       Jane        JOUDON?      d 16 Sep 1699;ch John,2 unnamed daus;husb Robt Galway exor;
1699-2 E 364  w  KEWLEY       William                  d 20 Oct 1699;ch Will, Robt(to be kept at school 2 yrs),John exor, Jane;wife alive
1699-3 E 172     CALEY        Jane                     d 2 Feb 1699/1700;bro [] + sis Jony Caly jt amdrs;pledges John Calie + John Moore
1699-3 E 173     BAXTER       ellen                    d 1 Nov 1699;only son John Baxter admr

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