Name Index to EW07

This is name index to wills contained on Manx Museum Film EW07 (1623-1628)- see introductory page for background to this index

Name                                                 Parish  Frame          My Notes  
ANDERSON Isabell née WATTELFFORD                       BN     385
BELL Ann                                               PK     455
BELL John                                              MW     628
BELL. Jony                                             MW     629
BELL Jonye née QUINNYE                                 MW     330
BELL Nicholas                                          MW     627
BOADAIGH Willm                                         GN     599
BREEWE Willm                                           LN     246
BREW Bahie                                             AS     553
BREW Jo                                                AS     443
BRIDSONE Christian                                     MW     360
BROAD Sillvester alias McILLCOWBRIGHT                  GN     452
BRYDSON Henry                                          MW     629
CAI[N] Christian                                       ML     166
CAIN Tho                                               ??     320
CAINE Donne..                                          ML     591
CAISKILL Donald                                        AS     014
CAISKILL Jony                                          AS     015
CAISMENT Edmond                                        AS     017
CAISMENT Ro                                            LE     611
CAISMT Issabell                                        BE     550
CALIE Huan                                             BH     292
CALLOW Donoid                                          LN     045
CALLOW Katherine née CHRISTINE                         MD     034
CALLOW Pat                                             LN     579
CALLYE Bessye née CORLETT                              LN     308
CALOW Doncan                                           MD     273
CALOW Eliza                                            MD     358
CALOW Jo                                               MD     272
CALOW Mallie née CORKILL                               MD     447
CALOW Margratt née CHRSTEN                             MD     030
CANELL Margrett                                        ON     376
CANNAN John                                            MN     633
CANNELL Avericke                                       ML     168
CANNELL Finlo                                          BN     641
CANNELL Jony                                           ML     168
CAROONE Robte                                          RN     497
CAROWNE Anne née KELLY                                 BN     134
CARRETT Kallighworie née KEWISH                        LE     269
CARROWNE Robt                                          RN     370
CASMENT Thomas                                         BN     136
CASMINE Katherine née KINNAGE                          MD     357
CASMYNT Willm                                          SN     397
CAVIN Willm                                            BN     257
CAYNE Jane & CAYNE Marie [joint]                       JY     539
CAYNE John & CLA. - - -[joint will]                    MW     361
CAYNE Wiliim                                           GN     262
CESTION? Donold                                        MD     163
CHRISTEN Gibt                                          LN     039
CHRISTIAN Margret née CLUCAS                           MD     198
CHRISTIN Elizabeth née COLBIN                          AS     439
CHRISTIN John                                          LN     046
CHRISTIN Joni née CRYNILT                              AS     280
CHRISTIN Margrat née GELLiNE                           ON     106
CHRISTINE Ann née TEARE                                BE     153
CHRISTINE Ann-as                                       MD     274
CHRISTINE Christian née KNEALE                         LE?    547
CHRISTINE Jayne                                        MW     083
CHRISTINE Katherine née DAUGHERTIE                     AS     005
CHRISTINE Will                                         BE     152
CHRISTINE Will?                                        BE     153
CHURGHIE Margrett                                      LE     286
CLARK Elline alias GLADWYN                             CT     475
CLEAG Jony née GAWNE                                   BN     386
CLEGGERY ffinlow                                       PK     327
CLERK Willm                                            JY     593
CLETTER Phillip                                        LE     349
CLOAGE Bessye née CARREN                               LN     375
CLOAGE John                                            LN     202
CLOAGE Margrett                                        RN     583
CLOAGE Phillip                                         LN     202
CLOOAGE Anne née KEWEN                                 CT     471
CLUCAS Anne née MORE                                   MN     077
CLUCAS John                                            RN?    067
COLBIN Willim                                          GN     511
COLLEISH Margret née CALOW                             MD     315
CORDEIGE Bahie née CORLOT                              ML     167
CORDEIGE Margrett                                      ML     168
CORDEIGE Wm                                            ML     165
CORKAN Patrk                                           ML     523
CORKELL Jony                                           LN     203
CORKILL Christian                                      MD     029
CORKILL Finlowe                                        ON     249
CORKISH Katheren                                       MW?    081
CORLET Katheren née COTTIER                            LE     438
CORLET Katheren née COTTIER                            LE     453
CORLETT Issabell                                       LE     143
CORLOT Christian née STEANE                            BH     525
CORLOT Phillip                                         BH     533
CORMOD ... hie née INEGAWEN                            AS     279
CORRIN Thomas                                          BN     201
CORRINE Elizabeth                                      LN     202
CORRINE Willm                                          RN     585
CORRINGHIE Jo                                          LE     219
COSTEEN Donald                                         MD     273
COSTEN Elizabeth alias SALISBURIE nee ANDERTON         GN     321
COTTER Christian                                       BN     056
COTTER Dog old                                         BN     055
COTTER Jonie                                           LE     018
COTTER Jony                                            AS     005
COTTER Jony                                            GN     598
COTTER Margret née KELLIE                              MN     074
COTTER Nicholas                                        RN?    066
COTTER Stephen                                         AS     004
COTTER Willy                                           BN     061
COTTINGAM William                                      MD     028
COWEN Jony née KERMOTT                                 ON     093
COWEN Thomas                                           ON     095
COWIE John                                             BE     605
COWINE Maiony                                          LN     042
COWINE Malony                                          LN     042
COWL Katherine née CHRISTINE                           AS     006
COWLE Bahie née KAIGHEN                                BE     314
COWLE Edwd                                             MD     274
COWLE Isabell née KENEENE                              AS     278
COWLE Margret                                          MD     156
COWLEY Donald                                          ML     166
COWLEY [Jo]nie                                         AS/SN  148
COWLEY Patricke                                        LE     022
COWLEY Patricke                                        ML     316
COWLE Christian née CORKILL                            MD     024
COWLEY William                                         LE     021
COWLL Callighvorrie née LOWIE                          LE?    547
CRAYNE Ann                                             ??     517
CREBIN Margrat                                         AS     445
CREER John                                             GN?    572
CREER John                                             GN?    574
CREERE Jo                                              BN     501
CREERE Robt                                            BN     110
CRENILT Ann                                            BH     524
CRENILT Elline                                         ??     442
CRENILT Tho                                            BN?    139
CRETTNEY Issable née CUBBON                            MN     077
CRINILT Tho (inventony only]                           MD     557
CROBBIN --- née SAYLE                                  BE     607
CROBIN Elizabeth                                       RN     405
CROMIE Jony née CUCHELL                                BN     391
CROSSE Gilbart                                         GN     598
CROWE Bahie née CAISMENT                               LE     542
CROWE William                                          BE     543
CRYNILT? John                                          MW     620
CRYNILT Malowni                                        AS     218
CUBBON Ales? née KERRON                                MN     080
CUBBON Anne                                            AY     464
CUDDIE Kathrin                                         ML     342
CURLET Jony                                            BH?    534
DICK Will                                              MW     083
DICKE ---                                              S N    090
DICKE Thomas                                           BN?    064
DORREY Ellin née COWLEY                                MW     623
FAILE Willy                                            LN     038
FAILL Catheren née KEAY                                BN     575
FARGHER Annas née KEWLEY                               LN     247
FARGHER John                                           AS     218
FARGHER Margrat                                        LN     092
FARGHER Thos                                           MW     563
FERKER Jo. . alias QUIRKE                              PK     200
FERXER Steven                                          JY     595
FREER Ellyne                                           ML     160
GAWEN Alice née BRYDESON                               RN     497
GAWEN Christian                                        ML?    457
GAWNE Anne née THOMASONNE                              GN     322
GELL Jony alias DAWSON                                 GN     515
GELLIN Paule                                           S N    090
GELLINN Willim                                         SN     385
GELLYN ... ell                                         SN?    578
GELLYNE Bahie                                          BN     259
GICKE John                                             BN?    063
GICKE Jony                                             BN?    066
GICKE Willm                                            BN?    062
GREGORIE Ursula                                        DO     228
GYCKE Thomas                                           BN?    063
HANTON Christian née READ                              SN     619
HANTON Robert                                          GN     568
HARISON John                                           MW     083
HARISON Nicholas                                       MW     327
HOWLAND --                                             AS     015
ILLEREA Averick née CRY alias QUACKIN                  BH     266
INILLCHRISTE Margret née QUAYNE                        GN     339
JOUGHINE Henry                                         MW?    082
JOYNER Margret                                         BN     260
KARAT? Kath née CROWE                                  LE     542
KEAYE Kaatherine                                       BN     574
KELLIE Cath                                            BN?    139
KELLIE Christian                                       ML     343
KELLIE Jony née KERMOT                                 MN     072
KELLIE Nicholas                                        MN     071
KELLY Hen                                              RN     617
KELLY ... ry                                           RN     231
KELY Christian alias CLARKE nee GELLINE                MW     627
KENAUGH Issabell                                       ON     105
KENEEN Gilbart                                         AS     005
KENISH Kathren                                         BN?    065
KENVIGE Ann                                            MW     360
KERMONT Jo                                             LN     092
KERMOT Kathren née MOORS                               MN     073
KERMOT --- née CARROWNE                                MN     079
KERMOTT Thomas                                         LN     041
KERMOTT Thomas                                         GN     519
KERMOTT Willm                                          PK     454
KERMOTTE Robe t                                        BN     219
KERMOTTE Tho                                           LE     613
KERRON John                                            ML     167
KERRON Will                                            ML?    457
KERUSE Mariane                                         MW     329
KERUSH Donald                                          MD     196
KERUSH Marriad née CALOW                               MD     355
KESSAIGE Phillip                                       ML     456
KEVINE ~1arie née CHRISTIAN                            JY     173
KEWES Finlo                                            LE     141
KEWIN Maride née CAISMENT                              AS     012
KEWLEY ---                                             BN?    065
KEWLEY John                                            MN     261
KEWLEY John (Inventory only;                           ON     502
KEWLEY Phillip                                         LN     036
KEWNIE Maloney                                         LE     615
KEYGE An                                               AY     331
KILLIP Edmond                                          LE     010
KILLIP John                                            BN     531
KILLY Margrat                                          LN     091
KILLYE John                                            GN     338
KINISH Edward                                          SN     108
KINLEY Kathrln née CLAIGHRIN                           LE     270
KINLEY Margaret née TEARS                              SN     619
KINNEN Joni née BREEWE                                 AS     350
KINNISH Robt                                           BN     058
KINRED Katne née KNENELE                               --     348
KIRMINE Christian née LOWY                             MD     356
KNAKELL Margrett née COWINE                            LN     036
KNEALE Donald                                          BE     152
KNEALE Kathrine née QUARKE                             BE     352
KNEALL John                                            AS     008
KNEALL Maly née GAWN                                   AS     003
KNEALL Mariod                                          LE     268
KNEALL Phillip                                         AS     553
KNEALL Will                                            AS?    439
KNECKLE Margrat                                        BN     133
KNEEN Annie                                            LE     147
KNEEN John                                             LE     192
KNEEN John                                             LE     271
KNEENE Jonie née KILLIP                                LE     142
KNEINE John                                            MN     075
KNELE Katherine                                        AS     445
KNELLE John                                            AS     150
KNICKLE Ann alias QUYNE                                GN     521
KNICKLE Christian née SHERLOCK                         PK     450
KUBBUN Katherine née QUIRKE                            GN     515
KYENE Katherine née HALL                               AY     239
LACE Elizabeth                                         CT     477
LACE William                                           AS     444
LAWRANSON Margrott née COWINE                          ON     637
LEA John                                               CT     490
LEWNY Callighony                                       RN     589
LEWNY Elaine née MOORE                                 LN     037
LEYNE Bahie                                            ON     106
LEYNE Robt                                             BN     133
LOOINE Katherin                                        ML     264
LOVIE (McILLOWIE) Mullie née BREW                      JY?    537
LOWNY Christian née CORLETT                            MD     290
LOWNY Kathrine née GALL                                LN     042
LOWNY Kathrine née GALL                                LN     042
LOWNY Margret née COWINE                               LN     040
LOWNY Willm                                            RN     584
LOWY Marien née CLARKE                                 LN     046
LOWYE Marian (or Mariat) née CLEARKE                   ON     049
LUCAS Edward                                           SN     400
MaCYLROAY? John                                        ML     170
MADDRELL Margarett                                     AY     631
MARTIN Thomas                                          AS     281
McILCHRIST Richard                                     GN     452
McSAYLLE John                                          AS?    444
McYLLEW NY John                                        MD     156
MOORE Jane                                             LN     092
MOORE Jonye née KELLY                                  ON     503
MOORE Nicholas                                         MN     536
MOORE Wm                                               LN     038
MORE Avericke née GELLINE                              Mid    074
MORE John                                              M N    467
MORE Margrett                                          MN     078
MURRAY Robert                                          BN     256
NEDERAGH Tho                                           BH     461
NORRES Anne                                            AY     217
NORRES Thomas                                          --     223
NORRIS Joane                                           AY?    414
NORRIS Thomas                                          AY     414
OATES Aales                                            BN     259
OATES Jo                                               BN     500
PRESTON Elizabeth                                      MW     214
QUAE Mar... née RATCLIFFE                              AY     463
QUAGINE Elizabeth née COWINE                           LN     044
QUAGINE ffinlow                                        LN     044
QUAGINE ffinlow                                        LN     044
QUAGINE Jony née KILLY                                 LN     093
QUAILE James                                           ML     165
QUAILE John                                            MD     358
QUAILE Jony                                            ML     317
QUAILE Margrett [inventory only]                       MW     564
QUAILE Margrett née CANNELL                            ML     199
QUAILL Jayn                                            ML     165
QUAIYLL Margrett née CAINE                             ML     166
QUALE Katherine                                        JY?    59L
QUALE Pat                                              LN?    035
QUARKE John                                            MD     601
QUARKE Mally née LOWNY                                 MD     161
QUARTEN Kathrin née QUARTEN                            MD     026
QUAY Margaret née QUIGGIN                              BN     643
QUAY Patt                                              SN     574
QUAYLE Elizab                                          ON     506
QUAYLE Jo                                              MD     605
QUAYLE Nicholas                                        Mw     490
QUAYLE Pattrick                                        LN     092
QUAYLE Willia                                          LE     194
QUAYLL Jonye née BELL                                  SN     491
QUAYNE Robert                                          GN     451
QUIGGIN John                                           ML     167
QUIGGIN Margrett                                       ML     167
QUINE Ales                                             BN     058
QUINE John                                             ON     054
QUINEY Margrett née CORDEIGE                           ML     167
QUIRK Jo                                               GN     323
QUIRKE Jony                                            BN     062
QUIRKE Margarett née CAIGHEN                           PK     326
QUIRKE Margrett née KNAKELL                            LN     037
QUIRKE William                                         RN?    068
QUYNE Isab ...                                         SN     091
QUYNE Will                                             BN     257
RATCLIFFE Willim                                       GN     520
RATLIFFE McCleurie                                     DO     225
SAMBSBURIE Thomas                                      CT     477
SAMSBURIE Robert                                       SN     397
SANSBURYE Jonie                                        MW     630
SAYLE Mariod née KNEEN                                 LE     020
SAYLE William                                          LE     285
SCARFFE Willm                                          LN     043
SCARFFE Willm                                          LN     043
SCHOIN Alice                                           LE     644
SEDDELE Richard                                        MW     213
SHIMIN Tho                                             PL     261
SHIMINE Bahie                                          ML     170
SHIMMIN Oates                                          GN     324
SKEALY Kath née CRYNILT                                AS     556
SKEALY William                                         AS     552
SKILYCORNE Jayne née TAGARD                            LN     248
SKILYCORNE Patricke                                    ON     429
STANDISH John (Junior)                                 LE     610
STEAN Kathrene née CALLIN                              MN     634
STEPHAN Ann née ffreer                                 ML     166
STEPHEN John                                           RN?    067
STEPHEN John                                           BN     135
STEPHEN John                                           JY?    319
STEPHEN Willm                                          --     170
STOLE Catherine                                        BN     575
STOLE Gilbart                                          BN?    066
STOLE Jony                                             LN     092
STOLE Thomas                                           LN     043
STOLE Thomas                                           LN     043
STRADLINGE Grace                                       SN     108
SYMINE Margaret                                        MW     296
TAGGART John                                           MW     491
TAGGARTE Margaret                                      MW     216
TAGGARTE Margrett née CRYE                             BN     060
TAGGERT Christian                                      MW     362
TAGGERT ... y née CAYNE                                MW     362
TEARE Joni née VANDIE                                  JY     175
THOMPSONNE Anne née DAUYES                             BN?    137
TUBMAN Elizabeth née HARE                              MW     622
VANDIE John                                            BH     461
WALKER Ellin                                           BN     642
WATERSON John                                          RN     231
WATERSON Patt                                          RN     405
WATLEFORTH Katheren                                    --     401
WATTERSON Christian                                    MW     361
WHETSTONE Anthonie                                     MW     431
WHITSTONE -- -- - née CROSSE                           MW     084
WILLIAMSON ---                                         MW     363
WYLY ---                                               BE     154
YLLREA Katherin née CANNELL                            ML     523

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