Name Index to EW05

This is name index to wills contained on Manx Museum Film EW05 (1616-1620)- see introductory page for background to this index

Name                                                 Parish  Frame          My Notes  
ATTANSONNE Jayne née LECKE                             LN     176
BELL Jonie                                             PK?    364
BELL Katherin née SHIMIN                               LN?    037
BLACKBURNE Christian née SAILL                         AS     215
BLAYNE Elline née LECKE                                LN     184
BREW Bahie                                             BH     024
BREWE Margrett née NELSONNE                            LN     465
BRIDSONE Ann                                           MW     469
BRYDSON John                                           MW     114
CAINE Ann née QUAILE                                   BH     491
CAINE Callwhinny née CARRETT                           ML     417
CAINE Christian                                        BH     495
CAINE Finlo                                            MD?    111
CAISHIN Jonie alias CLEATER aliasQUIRKE                PK     413
CAISKYLL Christian                                     MD?    112
CAISMENT Robert                                        LE     126
CALLIN Ann alias COTTEARE                              PK     414
CALLIN Christian née QUILL                             MN     264
CALLIN Margarett née CARRAN                            MD     405
CALLINE Calleghony née CALLOW                          LN     183
CALLINE Daynionis                                      MN     099
CALLINE William                                        MD     401
CALLOW Ane                                             ON     246
CALLOWE Issable née QUARTINE                           MD     402
CALY Henry                                             LE     104
CALYE Ewan                                             MD     163
CANAN Mariad                                           ML     288
CANELL Cathren née COSTINE                             ON     451
CANNAN Thomas                                          MD     164
CANNELL Christian née CORLOT                           BH     367
CANNELL Gilbert                                        BH     367
CANNELL Mailie                                         BN     343
CANNELL Paule                                          GN     210
CANNELL Willm                                          ML     416
CARET Averick née BODDAIGH                             BH     496
CARRETT Edmond                                         MD     162
CARRETT John                                           BE     125
CARRETT Mallowny                                       AS     299
CARRETT Margrett née FAILL                             LE     027
CARRETT Robart                                         LE     303
CARTER Alice                                           GN     194
CAVINE John                                            RN     477
CAWSED EElizabeth                                      SN     360
CAWSTENE John                                          AY     484
CHARRlE Donald                                         AY     180
CHONHYE Kathren née CLOAGE                             BN     461
CHRISTALLSON Willm                                     PK     413
CHRISTEN Phillip                                       PK     361
CHRISTEN William                                       AS     300
CHRISTENE Annas née ELLETSON                           MD     390
CHRISTENE ---y                                         LE     213
CHRISTIN Daneld                                        LN     172
CHRISTIN Katherin                                      BE     391
CHRISTIN Katherin                                      AS     394
CHRISTIN Katherin                                      BE     398
CHRISTINE Christian née CANNELL                        BE     112
CHRISTINE Christian née CORKELL                        MD     404
CHRISTINE Kaiitren                                     BN     342
CHRISTINE nnaryrett née COWLE                          LE     388
CHRISTINE [Step]han                                    AS     216
CHRISTRIE John                                         JY     226
CIRMIN Katherin                                        RN     092
CLEARKE Finlow                                         MN     135
CLERKE Hugh                                            SN     360
CLETER Bahie née LACE                                  AS     068
CLOAG ---                                              LN     175
CLOAG Margarett née STEVENSONNE                        AY     093
CLOAGE Henry                                           AY     281
CLOOAIGG Willm                                         SN     359
CLUCAS Christian                                       RN     150
CLUCAS Ibod née WATERSON                               RN     476
CLUCAS Katherine                                       AY     282
CLUCAS WiIlm                                           MN     336
COLBIN John                                            GN     271
COLBINE Thomas                                         PK     361
COLEISH Doncan                                         MID    305
COMISHE Jonie née QUISTIN                              GN     080
CONILL Donauld                                         AY     021
CONNILL? John                                          MW     469
CONNIVYE Danod                                         BN     046
COOLE John                                             GN     211
COOLLE Katherin née CAIGHIN                            SN     013
CORDEIGE Ellin                                         ML     289
CORDEIGE John                                          ML     289
CORDEIGE Richard                                       ML     060
CORK1LL Ales née QUYNE                                 ON     132
CORKAN Robart                                          ML     289
CORKELL Mariad née CHRISTINE                           MD     403
CORKELL Patricke                                       MD     307
CORKELL Thomas                                         MD     109
CORKELL William                                        MD     402
CORKILL Christian                                      LE     388
CORKILL Thomas                                         BN     257
CORKISH Rich                                           RN     354
CORKYLL Mallye née COTTIAM                             BN     045
CORLETT Calliwhinie née CAINE                          ML     061
CORLETT Gilbert                                        BH     494
CORLETT Marian née COWLEY                              BH     490
CORLETT William                                        AS     302
CORLETT Willm                                          ML     374
CORLOT Jony alias CORRAIGE                             BH     370
CORLOTT Christian                                      BH     068
CORRINE John                                           AY     020
CORRINE Margrett née KERMOTT                           LN     053
CORRINE Wiilm                                          AY     283
CORRINE Willm                                          AY     482
CORRINGE Tho                                           MN     292
CORRIS Christian née Q ---                             PK     196
CORTEIGE Christian atlas CORLOT                        PK?    365
COTTER Ellen                                           PL     212
COTTER John                                            BE     026
COTTER John                                            MN     268
COTTER John                                            GN     270
COTTER Jonie                                           GN     057
COTTER Willm                                           DO     001
COTTER Willm                                           BE     073
COTTIER Kathere^                                       BN     370
COTTINGHAM ffinio                                      BH     286
COWEN Thomas                                           ON     008
COWINE Jony née QUARKE                                 LN     240
COWINE Mariot née LEWNY                                LN     341
COWINE Pat                                             LN     341
COWLE Gilbert                                          ML?    366
COWLE John                                             BN     254
COWLE John                                             BE     400
COWLE Katherine née JOUGHEN                            BE     400
COWLEY Agnas née BOIE                                  BH     418
COWLEY Christian                                       BH     369
COWLEY Jo                                              SN     143
COWLEY Margrat née ILLIREY                             BH     223
COWLEY Thomas                                          BH     496
COWNE Mariat née TAGGARD                               LN     337
CRAYE John                                             RN     481
CRAYNE Ann alias STEVENSONE                            BN?    065
CRAYNE Averick née GAWEN                               BH     498
CRAYNE Ellyn                                           ML?    366
CREER Christia                                         MW     407
CREER Willm                                            BN     005
CRENILT Gubbin                                         LE     290
CRENYNE Do-olde                                        PK?    364
CRETTINY Will                                          BN     258
CROBIN Edward                                          LE     389
CROGHON Ann                                            ML     289
CROMYE Kathren née MARTTINE                            BN     006
CROSSE Philip                                          GN     271
CROWE Phillip                                          MD     167
CRY Emell?                                             BH     370
CRY Thomas                                             BH     196
CRYE Margarett née CANELL ?                            CT     077
CRYE Margarett née CANNELL                             MW     039
CRYNILLT Stephen                                       AS     392
CUBBINE John                                           BN     043
CUBBINE Katheren née QYUNE                             BN     044
CUBBON John                                            GN     014
CUBONE Gilbert                                         AY     118
CUBONE Willm                                           AY     117
CUBONE Willm                                           AY     118
CURMYNE John                                           BN     095
CURONE Malye née GEILL alias DUCKANE                   AY     408
DAGHERTIE Allis                                        AS     394
DOCHARTIE Wyllm                                        JY     225
DOUGHERTIE Ebott                                       AS     032
DUKE Jonie                                             AY     282
ENI CREERE Calighorie                                  LE     168
EniLOONIE Margrett                                     MD     076
FARGHER Jonie                                          AS     156
FREERE Joni                                            ML     376
FREERE Mariod                                          ML     375
FRER Bahey ? née CAIN                                  JY     024
GAWEN An                                               RN     322
GAWEN Margaret née KELLY                               MW?    116
GAWEN Sisley née TWATLEY?                              RN     281
GAWNE John                                             ON     452
GAWNE Thomas                                           MW     141
GELL Ryd                                               GN     194
GELLIN Kateren née HUGHTEN                             BN     343
GELLINE Will                                           BN     208
GOLDSMITH Christian                                    LE     389
GYCKE Margarett                                        MW     140
GYIL Jonye                                             ON     247
--HAYNE Katherin                                       LE     213
HOLANE Thomas                                          BE     397
HOLBINE Margaret née CHRISTINE                         BE     296
HUCHEN Margrett                                        MN     097
HUCHEN Wiilm                                           MN     098
HUNTER Christian                                       AS     384
HUTEN Elizabeth née SAMSBURIE                          GN     193
ILLYVORIE Jonie alias QUAILL                           BH     418
JEAINE John                                            PK?    364
JOGHEN Mariad                                          AY     483
JOUGHEN Marke                                          BE     398
JOYHGN Finlo                                           AS     393
KARRAN Jo                                              SN     181
KARRANE John                                           MN     269
KEEGE Kathernie née CRELLINE                           AY     485
KEIRKE Jonie née CHRISTINE                             BE     159
KELIE Katherine née KINRIE                             AS     301
KELLIE Gilb                                            MN     263
KELLIE John                                            ML     060
KELLIE Joni                                            JY     154
KELLIE Maryam née CLOOAIGGE                            BN     127
KELLIE Pattrick                                        BH     066
KELLIE Phillip                                         BN     128
KELLY Elline alias WILKlNSONNE                         MN     189
KELLY John                                             MW     352
KELLY Jonye alias CALLIN                               SN     467
KELLY Katherine née QUYNE                              SN     204
KELLYE Bessye? née CORKILL                             BN     169
KELLYE Ellsabeth                                       BN     342
KENIGH Allis née GAWEN                                 PK?    365
KENIGH Essabell alias QUARRES                          PK ?   365
KERMOTE Willm                                          AY     281
KERMOTT Ch ---                                         PK     414
KERMOTT James                                          ON     454
KERMOTT Margrett alias SCARFFE alias BREEWE            LN     338
KESSACK Essabell                                       BH     368
KEWE Robt                                              RN     410
KEWISH Finlow                                          LE     109
KEWISH John                                            LN     234
KEWISH KATHERIN                                        BH     497
KEWISH Katherine née CURRY                             LE     100
KEWLE Sislye                                           ON     008
KEWLEY Gubone                                          BE     295
KEWLEY Mariat née QUARKE                               LN     184
KEWLEY Pat                                             LN     185
KEWlSH Doncan                                          LE     108
KEY Averick                                            BH     370
KEY Joney                                              AS     157
KEY Robt                                               BH     498
KEYE Elline née CORLED                                 BN     050
KEYE Marren née CHRISTINE alias CANELL                 BN     344
KILLIP ffinlowe                                        LE     107
KNACKELL Edmund                                        LN     010
KNAKELL Jony née QUARKE                                LN     243
KNEALE Danald                                          AS     216
KNEALE DanoIal                                         AS     393
KNEALE Ewane                                           BE     401
KNEALE Gilbert                                         AS     382
KNEALE Jony                                            JY     290
KNEALE Margaret née MARTINE                            AS     395
KNEALL John                                            BH     285
KNEENE Avericke née CALYE                              LE     107
KNEENE John                                            BN     460
KNEENE Jonye                                           LE     108
KNELL Anne née BREW                                    JY     104
KNICKLE Margaret née COTTEARE                          GN     194
KYNAIG Wyllm                                           ML     227
KYNIGHE George                                         BN     130
LACE Phillip                                           AS     216
LAMBE Margarett née HUDDLESTONE                        SN     358
LOONIE Christian née KELLIE                            PK     195
LOOWNYE Wiilm                                          LN     100
LOWNY[E] Katherine                                     LN     420
LOWNY Thomas                                           LN     244
LOWNY Thomas                                           ON     246
LOWY Christian née COWLE                               RN     353
LOWY Margrett née CUBBEN                               RN     041
MacBOOY Donold                                         ML     102
MacBOOY Thomas                                         ML     061
MADDRELL Christin née GAWNE                            MW     091
MALICRISTE ? Kathren née QUYNE                         BN     046
MARTTEN - athren                                       BN     461
MAZON John                                             LE     028
McCOWLE Gillmoule                                      MD?    111
McFAILL John                                           ON     246
McGAWEN Doncan                                         MW?    116
MCILREA Patrick,                                       RN     478
McYLLOWORIE Alexander                                  GN     415
McYLVORY Willm                                         RN     475
MOORE Elline                                           LN     458
MOORE Essabell alias CARRETT                           RN     355
MOORE Jennet née CLEARKE                               PK     275
MOORE Jo                                               SN     145
MOORE Katherine                                        SN     356
MOORE Nicholas                                         BN     170
MOORE Robert                                           SN     348
MOORE Thomas                                           SN     040
MORE Anne                                              AY     282
MORE Elline née LUCAS                                  LN     054
MORRY Margrat née COWLEY                               BH     285
NEDERAIGH Thos                                         ML     375
NELSON Thomas                                          ON     134
NICHOLSON Beesie                                       LE     108
NORRES Lowes                                           MN     335
NOWELL Mariod                                          PK?    365
NOWELL N.                                              MN?    265
OATE Christian                                         ON     056
OATTE Thomas                                           BN     255
PRESTON Anne née LEE                                   MW     473
PRESTON Will                                           MW     472
QUAILE Jane née KELLIE                                 ML?    103
QUAILE John                                            ML     372
QUAILE Jonie                                           ML     059
QUAILE Jony                                            LE     387
QUAILE Jony née INIBOOY                                BH     491
QUAILL Christian née CAIN                              BH     067
QUAILL John                                            BH     310
QUAILLE Marian née CUBON                               PK     361
QUAIYE John                                            BH     067
QUAKINE Margaret née CARRANE                           MW     407
QUALE Christian alias COWINE née CLOAG                 LN     241
QUALE John                                             LN     457
QUAR[TENE] Margaret née CALIIN                         MD     405
QUARES Fynlo                                           GN     415
QUARKE Margrat née KEE                                 BH     152
QUARKE Mariate                                         LN     236
QUATTER Margarett alias KNICKLE                        GN     211
QUAY Elzabeth née WATERSON                             RN     480
QUAY John                                              RN     480
QUAYE Jony née TAGARDE                                 LN     455
QUAYE Robt                                             SN     346
QUAYLE Gilbart                                         BN     345
QUAYLE Thomas                                          BN     462
QUAYN Katheren                                         BH     223
QUIGGEN Kathren née KEWLE                              BN     255
QUILE John                                             LN     241
QUILL Christ]ian alias CRY                             ML?    366
QUILL Christian                                        BH     369
QUILL Margret née STEANE                               MN     264
QUILL Richard                                          BH     368
QUILLIAM Issbell née CONELL                            PK     360
QUINE Gilbart                                          LN     009
QUINE Jane                                             MN     265
QUIRK  Roger                                           PK     196
QUIRKE John                                            PK     414
QUYLLIAM Margrett                                      PK     195
QUYNE Gilbert                                          MW     353
QUYNE John                                             BN     249
RATCLIFE ? Jonie née TEARE                             AS     380
READ Tho                                               RN     409
RUSKINE John                                           BN     094
SAILL Christiane née CRYNILT                           AS     160
SAILL Jony                                             AS     383
SAILL Jonye née CROWE                                  AS     217
SAMSBURIE Wiliiam                                      LE     106
SANSBURY Anas née KERUSH                               AS     386
SCARFFE Donold                                         LN     340
SHARPLISSE Arthur                                      BN     251
SHIMIN Wyllm                                           GN     079
SHORLOCKE Willm                                        RN     475
SHYMlNE Ellis                                          ML     371
SIMYNE John                                            MW     352
SIMYNE Nicholas                                        MW     468
SKALIE Phillip                                         ON     133
SKILICORNE Bahy née LEAWEN                             ON     056
SKILLICORNE Wilim                                      ON     313
STANDISH Gilbart                                       LE     071
STEFHAn Ann née COWLEY                                 BH     369
STEPHAN Allis                                          BH     369
STEPHAN John                                           BH     064
STEYLE Essabell                                        BN     343
STOLE Phillip                                          BN     049
TAGARD Margrett née QUYNE                              BN     259
TAGARD Will                                            BN     258
TAGART Tho                                             MW     088
TAGARTE John                                           MW     352
TALIOR Elizabeth née CUBBON                            RN     207
TALIOR Elizabeth née GAWNE                             RN     147
TALIOR John                                            RN     477
TALIOR Rogger                                          RN     041
TAYLER John                                            RN     277
TAYLER John                                            RN     280
TAYLER Mararett alias KAI..                            GN     058
TAYLER Robt                                            RN     277
TAYLLER James                                          BN     292
TEAR Jonie                                             AS     030
TEARE Annas née CORKELL                                LN     421
TEARE Annas née CORKILL                                AS     031
TEARE Fynlo                                            AS     385
TEARE John                                             LE     214
TEARE John                                             AS     221
TEARE Malownie                                         AS     032
TERE John                                              JY     103
TERE Jon                                               BH     025
TERE Myles                                             ML?    371
TERE Robt                                              JY     419
WATERSON John                                          GN     015
WATERSON Patt                                          RN     353
WATERSON Willm                                         RN     182
WOODE Bryan                                            BH     491
WYLLIE Bahie                                           AS     387
YONGE Hurrie                                           PK     362

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