These are summaries of some wills for which a fuller transcription was not made - they were done in course of other research and are given here in case other researchers find them useful - [full] indicates a full transcription is available.
See index page for explantion of abbreviations etc.
Year court Name als My Notes 1800 A 64 CHRISTIAN John ballacallow;bro wm;bro's son-i-law john crow airy;sis judy,bahee christian;names danl christian ballabeg,john christian ballafail,john christian ballaquark + wm christian ballabeg;sis mary christian ballaquark;ch of dorothy christian ballafail;gnephew john christian s/o widow christian;4 ch of margt christian widow ballavarkys;philip,sal[] + charlotte christian of ballaquark + several other amounts held in mortgage 1800-2 E CROW Ewan delivered 19 Aug 1800;names Cath Crow (that lives with him), Mary Christian(who lives with me + takes care of me) exex; 1801 A 52b CAISTILL Samuel [note duplicated #]made 19 jan 1796;ch isable cowle,esther(w/o hugh black) exex; 1803 E BLACK Esther d sept;fa hugh confined to bed for a long time past appnts wife esther as admx 1803-1 E RADCLIFFE William dated 23 apr 1803;sibs John,Thomas eleanor; names others 1804 A 60 HOWLAND Thomas dau jane, ellin(w/o john garrett), ann;son john;daus jt exexs 1805 A 67 CALLOW Mary camaish declrd 16 oct 180[4];husb dan;son john;dau margt radcliff,mary exex 1806-2 E KELLY William, se declared 14 Dec 1804;ch Wm, John, Daniel, Ann, Jane exor; Wm Kelly(Bride) acks Jane 1807-1 E GARRETT John made 16 jun 1807;Ballnaghennee;dau mary (legacy from her mo ),ann martin als garrett ;sons john + thos;2 youngest ch thos,cath + elinor;wife elinor als howland (ch not at age) 1808 A 13 d JOUGHIN Mark d 30 jan 1808;knock bane;ch danl,wm,charles,mark,ann(w/o john nameer),margt;wife esther (decd) 1808-1 E CHRISTIAN Daniel d may 1808;ch charles, patrick,margt, jane + cath;pledges wm christian jnr ballayonnag + thos radcliffe (kk bride) 1808-1 E CHRISTIAN John dated 18 Jul 1808;Ballaquark;ch John (half parcel of land purchased from Wm Corlett(Ramsey) + wife Jane known as Mick Curghey's meadow), Patk(eldest son + heir at law);wife Margt(field called Loughan voar pt of Ballayenny KkBride [NSS Oct 1778 33], + Close Chiarn Lezayre + mortgages in Maughold + Ramsey) exex;names Daniel Knnen(+ wife Lucy[dau of John Christian]);Summner charges Patk Christian + Daniel Kneen as next of kin 1808-1 E KNEEN Daniel d apr 1808;ch daniel + cath(w/o john quayle) 1812-1 E COWLE Thomas d sometime ago in Buenos Aryes;Ballavair;ch Tho, John, Wm, Jane, Elinor, Ann, Elizth + Esther jt admrs - only Tho + Jane at age Jane declines + Tho sworn - wife supv; 2nd petn by rest of ch that bro Thomas died April last past [bur Bri 18130407]+ Jane is off off Isalnd + that Ellinor + Ann above 14 1812-1 E KNEALE Ann castyle dated [] Jun 1811;ch Esther Callow als Kneale, Ann,James;husb Wm exor 1812-2 E SAYLE John declared 13 Apr 1812;ch John, David,Margt;wife Margret als Cowell exex 1815 A 72 RADCLIFFE Thomas d 30 Aug;late Kk Bride;only son Thomas 1816-1 E CHRISTIAN William d 31 Jul 1815;Balla[];in light of annexed assignment court decrees son Wm Christian admr;agt betwwen sons Wm, John, Thomas + sons-i-law Patk Christian [h/o Ann] + Wm Daugherty[h/o Jane Christian] 1816-1 E COWLE Margaret sayle d 13 Feb 1816;husb John Cowle admr 1816-1 E KNEEN Daniel dated 23 May 1816;wife Lucy als Christian (fields called Tarrou? of Glantrewan purchased from Wm Cowle) exex;ch John, aniel, Cath, Margt, Charlotte, Mary 1816-2 E w CHRISTIAN Daniel dated 14 Feb 1803;ch Mary(oldest dau),Thomas(yougest son), Ann(w/o Philip Teare, Andreas), John exor; wife alive 1816-2 E COWLE John Ballawannal;ch Cath(his share of curragh for life, Dority, Elizabeth(w/o Wm Lace),Margt(w/o John Kneale), Alice? Tear (his dau + her 4 ch);Cath, Dority + Elizth jt exexs;wife alive;names Margrt Kneale 1817 A 73 CRENNELT Christian dated 31 Mar 1816;names Jane Bannon(widow of David Bannon), Esther Radcliffe(Andreas);£2 to Methodist Chapel nr Bride parish church, £1 11s 6d to Methodist Chapel on lands of Dan Garret(Bride) known as Dan Garrett's preaching house;sister Margt Castyl exex 1818 A 51 CANNELL Catharine dated 25 Oct 1817;gch Wm Cowley, Cath Cowley, Thomas Cowley, Jane Cowley, Danl Cowley, Elizth_Charlotte Cowley, Margt Cowley exex;names Susanna Cowley;ch Margt(W/o Wm Cowley) 1818 A 52 w SAYLE Margaret dated 18 Mar 1818;sis Bahee (w/o Wm clarke Jurby + her ch Margt, Ann, Jane);names Ann Christian(Kk Bride), Ann . Margt + Cath Christian(d/o John Christian, Kk Bride), Sarah(d/o Wm Christian Kk Bride), Jane(d/o Thomas Kerruish Kk Bride);Thomas radcliffe(Ballacondyr) exor;;£3 to Methodist Chapel Kk Bride;1824: Ann + Cath d/o John Christian late decd ack;1838: John Clarke + Ann Mollrie? als Clark (c/o Bahee[w/o John Molloy]) ack;1822: trustees Metodist Chapel ack;1831: Margt Clark Ramsey acks;[note m/c for Bahee implies Margt d/o Wm Sayle + ?Margt lace] 1818 A 54 jw CHRISTIAN William dated 9 Nov 1818;jw Capt William Christian (Ballayenaigue)+ wife Mary als Allen;ch Wm , Mary(a camp bed known as Molly's bed etc), Jane( Jenny's bed etc),Elizth quiggin als Christian, Ann, Wm exor; 1819 A 52 w COWLE Margaret dated 28 Jan 1800;Ballawannal;husb(cow + her share of curragh + after his decease both to dau Cath whilst she lives then to Dority + Elizth (w/o Wm Lace));ch Margt Kneal,Alish,Cath[dead by 1819], Dority, Elizth(w/o Wm Lace) -last 3 jt exexs;gch Margt Tear[?c/o Wm Tear + Alice Cowle],Margt Kneale;names Isable w/o Wm Cowle 1819 A 54 w CHRISTIAN Charles petn states d 22 Feb 1819 on coast of Africa;will dated 1 Sep 1817;Ballacallow;sibs John,Wm, Cath, Margt + Ann Christian;Mother Margt Christian + bro John jt execs 1819 A 55 MARTIN Ewan d 27 Feb 1817;ch Wm, John exor 1819 A 56 CHRISTIAN Ann dated 6 Oct 1818;Ballabeg Kk Bride;husb Wm Christian exor (inc purchased lands);ch Wm, Jane, Ann, Margt,John;names widow Eliz Crennelt; 1819 A 57 GOLDSMITH Philip d 15 Dec 1818;ch John, Wm, Ann, Jane + Margt - some ua; wife Mary als Christian exex 1819-1 E BROWN John dated 25 Jan 1814;now of Kk Bride;mother Mary Brown(Ancrum, Roxboroughshire, Scotland) exex;bro James Brown(Lezayre) + friend John Scott(Ballavoddan) exors in trust 1819-1 E w SAYLE William, senr dated 11 Jan 1819;ch Wm, Cath(w/o John Charles Corlett);gch Thos corlett, John Charles Corlett, James Corlett(lands beqeathed me by Thomas Christian + wife Cath Christian als sayle), Elizth Corlett, John,Ann + Elizth Kaighin(c/o John + Margt Kaighin),cath(w/o Wm Grimshaw), Wm Sayle;tenant Thomas Sayle names Margt Tear, Jane Joughan, Tho Quirk, Wm Lace;ch Wm sayle + Cath Corlett jt execs 1819-2 E d CHRISTIAN Catharine CHRISTIAN d 24 Feb 1819;only child Catherine Christian - ua - her fa Wm Christian sworn supv + admr;pledges Wm Christian(Ballafayle) + Wm Christian(Ballacallow) both of whom sworn guardians;agt recites that Cath Christian of Ballacallow m Wm Christian of Ballaby - the sd Wm in agt with supvs confers on child all what due to mother before + by marriage 1819-2 E w CHRISTIAN John dated 27 Dec 1818;Ballacallow;sibs Wm, Charles. Cath Christian als Christian, Margt Joughin als Christian, Ann Christian als Christian;mother Margt Christian(widow) exex 1819-2 E d JOUGHIN John d 2 Nov 1818;ch Charles, John, Philip, Thomas, Mary + Hannah jt admrs - some absent other relinquish to mother Judith who is sworn - pledges John + Philip Joughin 1825-2 E w CHRISTIAN Margaret dated 16 Sep 1824;widow, Ballacallow;gdau Cath Christian;ch Margt Joughin,Ann Christian, Wm Christian(Ballacallow) exor; 1831-1 E COWELL William dated 13 Dec 1830;ch Wm(eldest son), John, Mary Brew,Charles(small garden at south end of my field, called Janes Curragh adj Wm Vondy on south + on west by other half of my former garden now property Wm Sayle[?NSS Oct 1832 15], on north by Wm Sayle + highroad on east - 0.5d rent), Cath Doran exex(Quanes Curragh - adj F Lamothe on north, Wm Vondy on west, Wm Sayle on south, High road on east - for her life then to gson Wm Doran);bro Robt Cowle 1831-2 E CANNELL Catharine A Brew d 17 Aug 1831;husb John Cannell;ch Robt_Moore, John_Brew,Cath_Ester - guardian Robt Brew;agt ch to half money due bu marriage 1831-2 E CHRISTIAN Margaret dated 23 Dec 1829;widow, Ballaquark;ch Patk,John, Lucy Cowin exex 1831-2 E COWLE Samuel ?non cup will dated 29 Jan 1831;wife exex;dau Ellinr? (half of field purchased off Pat Garratt called Close-larynet?),John, Margt Jane; 1831-2 E STEPHEN William d Sep 1831;lately residing in Liverpool;unnamed ch jt admrs - only child resident in Isle Wm(eldest born) sworn admr - debts £91 8s outweigh estate £2 8s 1836-2 E COTTIER Catharine dated 12 Apr 1835;widow;ch John(half dwelling house vizt parlour) , Jane Moore exex,Ann Christian,Esther Cath Looney (all ch got 1/5th pt of purchased lands); Jane dead by probabte - her dau Christian_Anna Moore too tender yrs - Charles Kewin(Kk Bride) sworn in trust 1838-1 E CRENNELL John jw John + wife Esther;ch John (exor),Philip, Wm, Thos + Robt (£10 ea), Cath + Margt (£50ea); John noted as of the Skellag; 3 Jun 1843 Robt acks £10, Thos acks (+ notes mo dead), Wm acks, Philip acks, Cath acks, Margt(w/o Robt Quayle) acks 1844-1 E LOGAN John dated 18 Nov 1841;Nassau Cottage;wife Jane exex(prop in Bride + Douglas during her life);son John_Christian, Wm, + Robt(prop in Bride jt between sons);dau Elizth_Jane + Louisa (houses in Douglas)
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