[From IoM Examiner Annual 1923]
12.-Deemster Callow gives judgment defendant in the libel suit brought by J. Percy Qualtrough of Ballasalla v. James S. Kermode, of Port Erin, which arose out of correspondence in the "Football" column of the "Examiner."
13.-Legislative Council unanimously rejects a proposal to increase the rate of taxation on the larger incomes, holding that such a course, by diminishing the reserve funds of the leading public companies, would imperil the industrial development of the Island.
16.-Great public debate in Villa Marina between the Rev. Wilson Stuart, formerly a Wesleyan minister in the Isle of Man, and M W. F, Hay, of the Fellowship of Feedom and Reform, on the subject of the Local Option.
17.-"Examiner" announces the death of Mr John Kennish, a native of the Island, who became a judge and a legislator in Kansas, USA.
18.-Mr W. Lay appointed High Bailiff of Ramsey and Peel, in succession to Mr F. M. LaMothe, now Northern Deemster.
24.-" Examiner" records the death of the Rev. John Kneen, retired Congregational minister, of Exeter, and the Rev. William Cannell, retired Wesleyan minister, of New Plymouth, New Zealand, both natives of the Island.
27.-Death in Harrogate of Mr Julian Clifford, a distinguished musician, and a son-in-law of the late Lord Henniniker, Governor of the Isle of Man.
31.-"Examiner" announces the death of Colonel Henry Watterson, described as America's most influentual journalist, whose father emigrated from Peel.
31- Retirement of Mr C. J. Blackburn, for 26 years superintendent Engineer to the, I.O.M. Steam Packet Co.
10.- Ramsey Town Commissioners succeed in appointing a chairman, over a month after the statutory date, and after each of the twelve of members has been proposed, and has received six votes against six.
12.-Mr James Beck (Laxey) appointed Grand Master of the I.O.M. of the District of Oddfellows.
14.-Rev. E. T. Shepherd, B.A., head. master of the Castletown Grammar e school, accepts a living near Kendal.
14.- Death of Mr R. E. Garrett, Captain of the Parish of Bride.
16-Mr C. Copeland Smith, originator of the "Manx Industries" woollen factories, adjudicated a bankrupt.
30.-Annual meeting of the I.O.M.Banking Co., Ltd. £2,000.343 shown to be held in deposit, current, and ether accounts; dividend declared of 20 per cent., with 5 per cent. bonus.
7.-Bill exempting conscientious objectors from the obligation to have their children vaccinated passes both branches of the Legislatures
7.-The Emergency Powers Bill, enabling the Governor to provide against lightning strikes, lost.
8 - Death of Mr R. C. Cain, draper, Douglas. '
8.-I. O. M. Education Authority levies a rate of 1/8½ in the £. Rev. James H. Cain, chairman of the Management Committee, advocates economising by closing some of the smaller rural schools.
8.-After over twenty years' service Messrs. J. D. Fell, J.P., and John C Quine cease to be president and secretary of the Douglas Trades and Labour Council,
21.-Death of Dr. Robert Hamilton, of Douglas.
21.-Death of Mr E. E. Christian, coroner of Glenfaba.
26.-Rev. F. A. Betts instituted Vicar at. Barnabas', Douglas, in succession to the late Rev. I. Rostron
26.-Retirement of Mr George Clark, Collector of- Customs in the Island
28.-Annual Meeting of the Steam Packet Co. Profit shown of £43,820; dividend of 5 per cent. declared. The chairman (Mr. C. T. W. Hughes-Games) promises a reduction in fares; he also warns the Legislature against imposing on visitors restrictions to which they are unaccustomed at home.
1-Deemster Callow gives judgment permitting auction rooms to sell new goods at hours when shops are compulsorily closed.
7-Annual Meeting of the I.O.M. Railway Co. Dividend declared of 5 per cent., plus 1 per cent. bonus.
7.-Animated discussion in Tynwald concerning the contract for the printing of the I.O.M. Advertising Guide; two members who resign because of alleged favouritism towards a certain tenderer obtain a vote of confidence, and are re-elected.
10.-Report issued of a "Round Table Conference" appointed by the Governor to discuss the hours during which licensed premises should be open. The Conference by a majority recommends that the weekday hours should be 8 in the winter and 13 in the summer, and that 6 hours should be allowed to the bona-fide traveller on Sundays.
17.-Death of Captain Alex. Reid, formerly commodore of the I.O.M. Steam Packet Co.'s fleet. 22.-I.O.M. Education Authority rejects by the chairman's casting vote a Carnegie library scheme for the rural districts.
24.-Bill circulated empowering the Local Government Board to take steps to compel Boards of Guardians to give adequate sums in relief. This Bill follows on a report presented by a committee of Tynwald.
28.-Tynwald declines to accept a recommendation from its Food Prices Committee than butchers should be compelled to exhibit price lists in their shops, and to furnish Government Office fortnightly with returns of the prices paid by them to the producer.
31.-I.O.M. Steam Packet Co. secures the renewal of the Imperial Government's contract for carrying the mails to and from the Island.
4 -Death of Mr T. S. Keig, captain of the parish of Ballaugh.
5.-Death of Mr H. E. Fielding, retired schoolmaster, Douglas.
6.-Sensation caused in football circles by the refusal of Ramsey to play extra time in a semi-final in the Hospital Cup Competition. Subsequently The Cup was awarded to Gymnasium, an appeal by Ramsey to the English Football Association proving unsuccessful.
11.-In the House of Keys, a motion affirming the principle of Redistribution was lost by twelve votes to ten.
11 -Tynwald Court consider a scheme to lengthen the Red Pier at a cost of £282,000. Scheme forwarded without any expression of approval for the consideration of an Admiralty expert.
13 -Death in London of Mr C. B. Hayes, formerly a well - known Manx journalist.
17.-Laxey Mines bought at public auction by Mr R. Williamson, of Laxey.
19 -Ramsey Licensing Court refuses to renew two licences on the ground of the applicants' misconduct.
20.-Mr John Comish (Castletown) elected Chief Ruler of the I.O.M. District of Rechabites.
20-Mr John Sayle, of Michael, elected a member of the I.O.M. Education Authority (defeating Messrs. T. Kissack and Charles Gill), in succession to the late Mr T. S. Keig.
21-27.-Annual Music Guild Festival 2,252 competitors. Judges Mr Edward Iles, professor of singing at the Royal Academy of Music, Dr. F. W. Wadely, F.R.C.O., of Carlisle Cathedral, and Miss Gertrude Peppercorn (pianoforte classes). Soloists at the Thursday evening concert : Miss Dora Labbette (soprano), Mr Norman Allin (bass), and Miss Gertrude Peppercorn (piano). A feature of the festival was a cantata and other items given by children representing the elementary schools of the Island.
25.-House of Keys rejects the Agricultural Holdings Bill. which sought to provide outgoing tenants with compensation for unexhausted improvements, and to restrict the practice of letting in fields.
26.-I.O.M. Education Authority re-affirms its decision not to establish a secondary school in Peel.
28.-Henry Crellin (62), who for several years was a. prisoner of war at Ruhleben, Germany, killed by the falling of a gate while working at the dismantling of Knockaloe Camp.
1.-Rev. Arthur Kenyon (Police Courts Missionary) instituted Vicar of Foxdale, succeeding the Rev. F. A. Betts, now of St. Barnabas', Douglas.
4.-Death of Dr. F, C. Blakiston, medical superintendent of the I.O.M. Mental Hospital.
4.-Douglas District Licensing Court rejects applications from 58 boarding-house keeper's for permission to sell spirits, as well as beer and wines. Two licensees, for breaches of the undertaking given last year, were refused a renewal.
5.-Edward Boothby, alias James Power, sentenced to three years' penal servitude for fraudulently obtaining money from several persons on the pretence that he was enabling them to purchase their houses on easy terms.
6.-Legislative Council rejects a Bill to alter the customary date of terminating house tenancies.
7 -Annual election to the Douglas Board of Guardians. Labour contests all twelve seats, but does not return one candidate.
11.-Rev. W. N. Carter, formerly of Hindley Green, near Wigan, instituted Vicar of Castletown, succeeding the Rev. E. H. L. Locke, now of Patrick.
17.-Robert John Kewley (36) caught in the machinery at the sugar-boiling factory of Mr Percy Daugherty, Douglas, and killed instantly.
18.-The trustees of The H. B. Noble Charity announce their final benefactions, principal of which is an endowment of £10,000 for the establishment of scholarships to the Liverpool University.
29.-Branch of Barclay's Bank opened in Douglas.
30.-T. M. Sheard, a Manx competitor, wins the Tourist Trophy race for "Junior" motorcycles, held in the Isle of Man, covering 188¾ miles at an average speed of 54.75 miles per hour. The " Lightweight" race, run simultaneously, was won by is. S. Davison, who averaged 49.89 m.p.h.
31.-The Licensing Bill, introduced as a result of the "Round Table Conference" initiated by the Governor, was lost in the Keys, owing to disagreement on the proposed restoration of the Sunday bona fide traveller.
1 -Death in Chicago of Dr. T. E. Costain (a native of Port St. Mary), a physician of great distinction, and described as having become a martyr to science.
1.-Senior Tourist Trophy motorcycle races. Winner: A. A. Bennett, who completed 226½ miles at an average., speed of 58.83 miles per hour.
6.-Governor presents his annual financial statement, showing a surplus revenue of £26,102, and a balance in the Income Tax Account of £:20,552, in addition to an Accumulated Fund balance of £301,253. Rate of Income Tax reduced from tenpence in the £ to fivepence, and remission of taxation promised Manx-brewed beer.
9.-Examiner" publishes the report of a Departmental Committee appointed by the Government to consider the cost of the police service containing recommendations to reduce the strength by fifteen men, effecting a saving of £2,880, and to offer considerably lower rates of pay in future enlistments.
15.-Open bowling tournament at Villa Marina. The 100 - guinea Championship Cup given by the Douglas Corporation won by Geo. Craine, of Douglas.
19.-Death of Mr J. G. Adamson, Isle Man manager for Messrs W. H. Walker & Co., chartered accountants.
22.-International Tourist Trophy race for mortorcars run in the. Isle Man, after an interval of several years. The winner was Jean Chasagne, who, covered 302 mile, at an average speed of 55.78 miles per hour. In the "Fifteen Hundred" race for lighter-powered cars, run simultaneously, the winner was Sir A. Lee Guinness, who averaged 53.3 miles per hour. Shockingly bad weather prevented high speeds being attained:
23.-Tynwald Committee recommends at gas companies should be compelled to conform to a fixed stand of light and heat, and to limit their dividends to ten per cent.
24.-Final dividend paid to depositors in Dumbell's Bank. In 22 years the dividends totalled 12/7½ the £.
1.-Seven Manx gentlemen appointed Justices of the Peace.
5.-Tynwald day: twenty nine Acts promulgated at St. John's: World Manx Association's annual gathering at The Nunnery.
11.-Payment of members comes into operation in the Manx Legislature.
13.-Edouard Braehm sentenced at Antwerp to penal servitude for life for murdering Mary Sarah Clarke, a native of the Isle of Man, in a Liverpool boarding-house, on July 12th, 1921.
19.-Deemster LaMothe grants an injunction restraining the Douglas Corporation from performing, in their concerts at Villa Marina, certain musical compositions copyrighted by the Performing Rights Society.
20 -In the House of Commons, the Chancelllor of the Exchequer announces that he is about to ask for an increased contribution from the Manx Government.
26.-I.O.M. Education Authority decides that the marriage of a female teacher is to be considered equivalent to resignation.
26.-Douglas Grammar School leased for the next five years to the Isle of Man Education Authority, as an adjunct to the Douglas Secondary School.
29 -The 55th West Lancashire Division of Territorials, comprising nearly 7,000 men, takes up its annual encampment near Ramsey.
1.-Tynwald Committee commences an inquiry into the prices of coal.
5.-Ramsey police station besieged for an hour by Territorials then encamped near the town, who were incensed by an arrest just made; and a serious disturbance with a Territorial as the central figure, takes place in Douglas. In connection with the latter affray, Harry Williamson, a well known Douglas commission agent, was four days later fined £15 for obstructing the police.
6.--Miss Lilian Stiles-Allen, a celebrated soprano vocalist, robbed of jewels after having sung at the Palace Sunday concert.
11.-Death in Peel of the Rev. R. H. Gent, Primitive Methodist minister, during a visit paid in order to preach Sunday-school anniversary services.
11.-Douglas Corporation decides to build two houses, as an instalment of its new artisans' dwellings scheme, by direct labour-the lowest tender sent in by local builders having averaged £900 per house.
12 --Mr R. J. Clague. of Douglas, seedsman and Government valuer of agricultural land, killed by being knocked down by a Corporation motor-bus.
16.-" Examiner" produced under great difficulties, in consequence of the Douglas members of the Typographical Union, in accordance with the instructions of their national executive, having come out on strike.
21.-Explosion in the engine-room of the s.s. Duchess of Devonshire, while journeying from Heysham to Douglas. Three firemen killed.
21 -Augustine Danher (20), a Liverpool visitor, drowned while boating at Port Erin.
L9.-Robert Alfred Corlett, a Manchester constable, and a native of Douglas, wounded by a revolver shot while pursuing two men who had robbed a post office.
23 -Isle of Man Education Authority adopts a scheme for centralising elementary education in the Rushen district.
31.-Mr R. H. Nicholls, postmaster of Douglas, retires on pension, and is succeeded by Mr H. Gerrard, of Malvern.
4.-Secondary School opened in Ramsey.
13.-Directors of the Isle of Man Railway Company accede to the request of a local deputation to increase the service to and from Foxdale.
16. -Philip Henry Christian released from the Isle of Man Gaol, where he had lain since the 14th June, because of his failure to give up possession of a house in Water-street, Ramsey.
16--Death of Mr John Boyd, a.r., for forty years a leader in charitable movements in Douglas.
21.-Death of Mr Frank Johnson, until January last Registrar of Deeds.
22.-Shark caught near Douglas.
23.-Dr. Kelman, a well-known Peel practitioner, and an ex-chairman of the Town Commissioners, killed in a motorcycle accident near St. John',.
25.-Death of Mr Fred Nuttall, auctioneer, Douglas.
29.-Meeting of Douglas shopkeepers appoints a committee to secure amendment of the Sunday Closing clauses of the Shop Hours Act.
30 -Death of Mr William Clegg, builder, of Douglas and Liverpool.
2.-Death of Mr John Clucas, manager of Gelling's Iron Foundry, Douglas.
3 -At a Court of General Gaol Delivery, Joseph William Beaumont, music teacher, of Ramsey, was found net guilty of indecently assaulting a girl of 13.
5.-Ninety-one Manx Boy Scouts taken to London to participate in the annual Rally, with inspection by the Prince of Wales.
6.-" Examiner" announcer, particulars of a proposed alternative steamship service to the Isle of Man.
6.-General Committee of the AutoCycle Union decides to hold " Senior," " Junior," " Lightweight," and " Side-car" races in the Isle of Man next year.
7-Report issued of a Tynwald Committee appointed to consider municipal indebtedness in the Island. The committee, while considering that the financial position of Douglas gives no cause for alarm, recommend the Douglas Corporation so to re-arrange the sinking funds of its earlier loans as to reduce the net debt by £150,000 in five years. Later it transpires; that this re arrangement would involve an increased rate of 72tl in the £.
12.-Opening of the Women's Residential and Day College for instruction in domestic subjects, provided from an endowment of £32,000 given by the Noble Trustees.
21.-A repertoire of Shakspearean plays performed in the Villa Marina.
Mr Noah Moore's Ladies' Choir, competing in the Blackpool Music Festival, obtain third prize. The Douglas Male Choristers, also under Mr Moore, bracketed for 6th place.
24.-Arbory churchwardens authorised by Tynwald to acquire part of the Vicar's glebe as additional burial ground- Vicar renews the protest made at a judicial inquiry before Deemster LaMothe.
24.-Tynwald votes £17,896 for public works throughout the Island in relief of unemployment, but rejects the Douglas Corporation's proposal to spend £68,000 in widening the Harris Promenade. Subsequently an application for £12,000, for road repairs, is acceded to.
26.-Exhibition opened in preparation for the supply of electric light and power by the Douglas Corporation. Alderman Corlett announces that the supply is expected to be ready; by next July.
31.-Report considered of a Tynwald Committee which recommended no reduction in the numbers of the Insular police, but an immediacy "but" to wages, the new rates commencing with 50/- per week, plus a war bonus of 10/-, for newly enlisted constables. Court almost unanimously approves this report, but recognises that the final decision lies with the Home Office.
2,-Opening of the Manx Museum, in premises formerly used as Noble's Hospital.
7.-House of Keys,, disagreeing with the Legislative Council (declares in favour of a graduated scale of tax on incomes between £1,500 and £5,000,
7.-Final meeting of shareholders of Great Laxey, Ltd, (in liquidation.) Total dividends,, 8/6 in' the £ to priority shareholders.
10.-Mrs C. Lane, of Douglas, awarded £200 damages for injuries stained while a passenger on the s.s. Douglas:
10.-Unemployment relief schemes Douglas proving inadequate, a procession of 300 or 400 men marches to Government Office, and obtains an interview (by deputation) with the Governor and with members of the Douglas Guardians, Meeting three days later, the Guardians express their inability to meet wholesale demands for relief, and criticise Tynwald for not having given effective assistance.
11.-Harbour Board circulates a report from an Admiralty expert ascribing the Red Pier extension s the best practicable improvement to Douglas harbour.
14.-Keys decide to extend the Rent Restriction Act until May, 1924, for business premises, and May, 1925, for dwelling-houses let before the war at £40 or under. The increase of the pre-war rent by 50 per cent. is still permitted.
15.-Death of Lady Goldie-Taubman, widow of the late Sir John S. Goldie-Taubman, S.H.K.
l.8.-Annual meeting of the Palace and Derby Castle, Ltd.; dividend declared of 5 per cent; on preference shares and 10 per cent. on ordinaries, Early development, promised at " Buxton's" site and at the site adjoining the northern entrance to the Palace.
21.-Washing-floors at Laxey Mines destroyed by fire. Subsequently the proprietor, Mr R. Williamson, undertakes to replace the crushing machinery, and is granted a loan of £2,000, free of interest, from Tynwald, to keep men employed in breaking ore during the interval before the ore can again by treated and sold.
22.-Rev. H. Willetts, M.A., formerly of Liverpool, instituted Vicar of German, succeeding The Rev. W. N. Hudson, now of Preston.
24.-Commission appointed by the Governor inquires whether Workmen's Compensation should be provided by the Government, as part of the National Health Insurance Scheme.
28.-In the House of Keys, the Income Tax Bill fails to secure a third reading.
28.-Legislative Council amends the Rent Restriction Bill so as to create an open market for business premises next May, and dwelling houses in May, 1924. Keys adjourn consideration of theyp amendments for a fortnight.
1 -"Examiner" announces the death of Mr Robert Quayle, a native of Douglas, one of three experts who advised the U.S. Government on railway control during the war.
5-Keys' committee commences an inquiry into the working of the Shop Hours Act.
6,-Annual meeting in London of the Manx Electric Railway Co. Profit shown of £24,457, as compared with £18,981 in the previous year. Number of passengers carried, 727,730; last year, 667,178.
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