Articles of Marriage concluded and agreed upon by & betwixt Mr George Woods of Castletown in behalf of his son Thomas Woods on the one part, & the Reverend Mr Wm Walker Rector of Ballaugh in behalf of his sister Margaret Walker on the other part, as foll. First, it is agreed on, that the said Tho: Woods & Margt Walker shall on Tuesday next enter into the holy state of Matrimony (God & holy Church permitting.) The above Mr Walker doth promise & oblige himself to give his said sister in marriage dowry the full sum of twenty pounds sterl the one half whereof to return to himself or his assignes, if his afsd sister shall decease within a year after her marriage, & have no issue. The above Geo: Woods doth oblige himself to give his said son immediately after his marriage five pounds sterl. & twenty shills @ annum during his life, in consideration of performing his duty in Castle Rushin ; & also all his part of the houses where he now lives with the old housestead & garden near George Walker's & all his household stuff of what nature soever immediately after his decease. And for the true and punctual performance of the afsd articles, both parties have bound themselves in the penalty of fourty pounds sterl. in the nature of all fines. Witness their subscriptions this third day of February, Anno Dmi 1704/5 Geo Woods his mk Wm Walker I doo consent & am desirous yt all the afforesd articles be performed in every particular J Woods Signed in presence of Will Ross Wm Sedden 12 April 1705 Mr William Ross and Mr William Sedden wit[] to the within articles of marriage have deposed [] same to be the act and deed of the parties [] and that Mr Jon Woods gave his consent to the [] articles, as is above certified by him : And this before me Jon Parr
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