September the 29th 1661 15 Articles of Marriage condescended concluded, and Agreed upon by and betwixt William Corkle of Ballaglasse in ye prish of KK Maughall wth ye [Aprobacon] and consent of his Grandfather Christopher Callow, and also of his Mother Jony Callow on the one prte ; and Robt. Kerroush and Isable his wife in the behalfe of their Daughter Jony Kerroush on the other prte as Followeth It is hereby concluded and Agreed uppon that the above named Will Corkle and Jony Kerroush Shall [forth] …… Enter into ye holy Estate of Matrimony if God pmitt. & C : Also further concluded by all pties that the above named Robert Kerroush & Isable his wife Shall Imeadiatly Enter and possesse themselves of ye whole tenement of Ballaglasse afore said And by them to be occupied to and for their own [cumfitt] and also [unto] [God] for and ….. The [Tearme] and …… of two whole yeare next after ye date hereof, and no longer ….. it bee theire own free will to continue therein ; and after the Expiracon thereof that is to say if ye sd Two yeares the sd Will Corkle and Jony his wife is to Enjoy the one half of ye above named Tenement if they please, and find themselves in a capacitie to manage [The] Affaires thereof ; and the other halfe to be at the whole disposeing of the above named ro : Kerroush and Isable his wife, or dureing the longest liver of either of them if they [please] [as aforesd] to continue therein [further] also agreed that in case it shall please God to call for either of ye above named will Corkle and Jony his wife (that is to say that there bee no [Issueses] issue living) that then there shall, and must return to the above named Ro : Kerroush, and Isable his wife, or …… their [Executors] the full sume of Ten pounds sterlin out of the whole ; that is to say ….. of ye Goods of Either ptie and the remainder Equally devided as the Law so …… but if in case there be Issue to Enjoy it, this ….. condicon to bee of no Effect : the above named Robert Kerruosh and Isable his wife doth hereby binde themselves to give to and wth their sd Daughter to the above named Will Corkle as porconed or dowry the full Sume of twentie pounds in money or money worth to bee paid [or] the sd Will shall have occacon to ….. the [same] to bee Enjoyed by him & his said wife and the issue lawfully begotten betwixt them. And this to bee their Voluntary Act and deede they have hereunto subscribed their names. Signed in the prsence of Christopher Callow …. his mrk Joh : Huddlestone Jony Callow …. her mrk Jo : Kerroush Will Corkle ….. his mrk Pat : Callow Ro : Kerroush …. his mrk Will Corkle Isable Callow …. her mrk Will Kerroush Jony Kerroush …. her mrk Rich Fox It is to bee under stood that the above named Will Corkle doth hereby binde Himselfe that in case there bee [any] pr contract wt soever [private] or Publice betwixt himself, or any other, and that the above named [Robert] ….. will bee [constrained] by Law to bee lyable to such obligacones and if ye sd Robert [disburse] any, for in his behalfe, that then it shall and is to bee by him allow'd in the porcen of £20 above named. Will Corkle
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