Know all men by these presents that I James Skillicorn of the prish of Kk Lonan diverse good causes and considerations me hereunto moveing but more especially for and in con- sideration of the just and [..?..] Sum of three pounds ten shil: ings sterling to me in hand paid at the writting of these presents from the hands of Capt. Jon Oates of ye parish of Kk Conchan the receipt whereof I doe acknowledge & every parte and parcell thereof and do clearly quite and discharge the Sd Capt. Jon Oates, his heirs and assignes for the Same by these presents have given granted bargained and sould, and do hereby give grante bargain and absolutely sell for ever, halfe of my tenement being halfe a quarter of land of the yearly rent of thirteen Shillings Known and commonly called by the name of Balla Quarke Sittuated in the prish of Kk lonan aforesd with all houses belonging to the sd halfe quarter with all ways easmts watter courses, and all other appurtenances belonging or appertaineing to the sd halfe quarter with a parcell of Intake land of the yearly Lords rent of five pence adjoyn- ing to the aforesd halfe quarter. Unto the sd Capt. Jon Oates his heirs executors Adminors and assignes for ever (he the sd Capt. Jon Oates yealding and paying yearly the aforesd rent with all other suits dues and Services due out of the same, at days and times ussely and acustomed) He the sd Jon Oates his heirs executrs Administrs and assigns. to have and to hould posses and enjoy the above premises without Stop lett or molesta =tion of me the sd James Skillocorn my heirs executrs Adm =mistrs or assignes or any person or persons in my or their behalfe the Rt Hon Lord of the Isle (?) only excepted And further I the sd James Skillocorn do hereby bind my selfe my heirs executors and assigns to procure and obta =in the confirmation of the [..?..] officers of this Isle to this deed of Saile, and to do all other things for better awarantees of the premises to the sd Capt Jon Oates according the laws and Customes of this Isle, And for the true performance of all and Singular the premises the sd James Skillicorn do hereby bind my selfe my heirs executrs Administrs and assignes in the penalty or for- fitture of ten pounds Sterling, halfe to Rt Honrble Lord of this Isle and the other halfe to the partie greved, in wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my marke to my name this 22th day of September 1705 James Skillocorn my mrk X Wittnesses 24 Septr 1706 Jon Bridson his mrk X James Kewleys mrk X The above James Skillicorn Ja: Clague hath acknowledged this Bill of Sayle to be his voluntary Act and deed before me Jon Parr At a Court holden in Castle Rushin ye 21st Novr 1706 Publication of ye above bill of Saile being made in open Court & no objections then made by any party or pson wtsoever therefore ye Same is alld & confirmd according to Law Robt Mawdslley Jon Parr Chris Parker J Rowe Will: Ress Wm Sedden Know all men by these presents that I James Skillicorn of the pish of Kk Lonnan for and in Consideration of the sume of thirty shillings lawfull moneys of England to me now in hand paid by Will. Kissagg of he foresid pish: Have sould all my right of an Intack scituated in Laxey of ye yearly rent two pence to ye Lord of the [isyle?] To have hould [..?..] and quietly enjoy (?) all the said Intack wth all wayes and easmts thereunto be= longing, to him the said Will kissagg his Executors and assignes and every of them from the Day of the Date hearof, And for ye better assurace of all and singular the premises above mentioned I the sd James Skillicorn doe bind my selfe my heyres Executors and assignes in the penall sum of [..?..] the one halfe to the right honorab- Lord of ye Isyle and ye other halfe to the partie grieved [..?..] I ye said James Doe hearby [..?..] [..?..] and undertake to warrant and defend ye foresd Will: Kissagg his Executors administrators and assignes against all psons the honorabl Lord of this Isle only excepted as also wthdraw my name out of ye Lords bokes and to enter ye said Will: as annual for ye premises before (?) ye next Sheadinge Court hou= lden at Douglas as also to secure ye [..?..] [..?..] [..?..] Confirmation to this my bill of Sayle from ye [..?..] performance of all and every ye above mentioned premises I the foresd James bind my selfe my heyres excutors adminsstrators & assignes, by virtue of my hand and seal this 8th of Novembr 68 Witnesses James Skillicorn his mark Will: Quay and seale Arthur Cesar Elin: Skillicorne als Loonie Donnold Kneale her mark X 30 Febr 1668 The said James Skillicorne Came this day into ye Co & acknowledged the above bill of Sayle to be his act, and deed, and craved our allowance & Confirmacon thereof wch is Granted acording to ye state tp [..?..] in that behalf Rich Stevenson Tho: [..?..] Hugh Cannell Willm Qualtrough
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