[courtesy Lois Ralph]

North Side Sale, May 1811 #27 Lonan

Jas Skillicorn to Wm Kewley

Know all Men by These presents that I James
Skillecorn of Colby in the parish of Kk Lonan
Divers Good causes and considerations me hereunto 
moving but chiefly and more Especially for the
consideration sum of Eighty five Pounds good and
Lawful money the currency of this Isle at by and
from the Hands of William Kewley of the aforesd
parish to be paid at the signing and Delivery hereof
Have Given Granted Bargained alienated passed
over and sold and by these presents do Give
Grant Bargain alienate pass over and absolutely
sell from my self and my heirs Exters admors &
assigns all the right title Interest and
property I now have unto that part of parcel
of Land and Known by the Name of close e narroo
the field of the close doo the Garee and the Brow
adjoining the premises being part of the Quarter
land of Baldooin in the parish of Kk Lonan
adjoining to the Quarterland of Ballacown on
the west and to John Kennish's rent in all
other parts which sd premises shall passover
from me the sd Jas Skillecorn and my Heirs
Exters admors and Assigns unto him the sd
Wm Kewley his Heirs and assigns with all ways
waters water courses Easments and properties
to the same belonging or in any wise appertain
ing He the sd Wm Kewley yielding and paying
the annual chief rent as shall be setled on the premises
at the times and seasons accustomed with all
other Dues and duties payable out of the same
and I the sd Jas Skillecorn binding and obliging
myself my Heirs Exters admors and assigns
to uphold warrant and Defend the said premises
against the pretended title of any person
or persons whatsoever also to do or cause
to be done all other things necessary in Law
for the Ratification of this Deed and for
the true and faithfull performance hereof
we Bind and oblige ourselves our Heirs
Exters admors and assigns in and under the
penalty and forfeiture of two Hundred pounds to be
Levied and paid according to Law as witness
our Subscriptions this the 24th of Janry 1808

Signed and Delivered        James Skillicorn
in presence of
Thos Skillicorn
Jas Kewley my X

    At Douglas 15th July 1809
James Skillicorn the executing party
to the before written Deed of Sales
acknowledged the same to be his
proper Act and Deed and to be
paid the Consideration money
herein mentioned
        Before me
        James Moore

At a Court Baron holden at 
douglas for the parishes of Lonnan
& Conchan and the AbbeyLands 
of Lonnan the 23rd April 1810

The before written deed being acknowledged before
an High Bailiff and now openly published
in Court & no objection offered agt it the same
is ordered to be Recorded
        James Moore


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