Know all men by these present that I Henry Skillicorn of the Ballarraght in the parish of Kk Lonnan with the full Consent and assent of Margt Skillicorn als Farraghey my wife Divers Good Causes and reasons us hereunto moving But Chiefly and more Especially for and in Consideration of the Just and full Sum of Sixty Eight pounds of good and Lawfull Money according to the Currency of this Isle by and from the hands of my Brother-in-law John Kneal of the parish of Kk Maughold to be aid or Secured to be paid at or before the twentyfifth of March next Ensueing the date hereof Have therefore Given Granted alienated passed over and Sold and by these presents Do Give Grand Alienate pass over and forever abslutely Sell unto him the Sd John Kneale the one half of right tityle and proerty that I now have or hereafter Shall have in and unto My Estate or part of the Ballarraght afforesid Both Quarterland and Intacksthe premisseswith one half of the Gardens and haggards and Three Houses being my father present Dwelling house and barn, and Cowhouse adjoyning Sd barn and Killn reserved undivided to the use of Both parties, the premisses being Intack Land and Abbey Land the sd Intacking being a penny half penny Lords rent and the Sd Abbey Lnd of such Abbey rent and Customes as the Setting Quest of Skinscoe Shall adjust thereon from us our Heirs Execrs admrs and assigns ~ To Have and To Hold unto him the Sd John Kneale his Heirs Execrs Adminrs and assigns with all ways waters and watercourses Easements Liberties profits and advantages to the Same belonging or in anywise appertaining ^Commencing from Michaelmas next Ensueing^ He the Sd John Kneale Yielding and paying Yearly and every year the foresaid Lords rent and Such abbey rent and Customes as Shall be proportioned on the premisses by the Setting Quest of Skinscoe with all other De Duties Suits and Services as annually in- cumbent on the premisses and I the afforesaid Henry Skillicorn and Margt my wife Do hereby Covenant and agree with the Sd John Kneale to awarrant and defend the premisses afforesaid against the Suit Claim or pretention of any person or persons whatsoever and to Do and perform any other act or acts thing or things that may be necessary for him the Sd John Kneale and his Heirs better Security and Sure holding of the premisses afforesaid and To the true and faithfull performace of all and Singular the beforementioned Bill of Sale and every Clause and Covemant therein Colntained I the said Henry Skillicorn and Margt Skillicorn als Farraghey my wife Do hereby firmly bind and oblige ourselves our Heirs Execrs admrs and assigns in and under the penalty and Forfeiture of one Hndred and Forty pounds Sterling to be Levied and paid according to Law and practice within this Isle as Witness our names and marks this 2d of Feby 1775 Signed and Delivered Henry Skillicorn my mrk X in presence of Margt Skillicorn als Farraghey my X John Wattleworth my X Robt Corteen 20th March 1775 Henry Skillciorn and Margt Skillicorn acknowledged this deed of Sale to be their proper act and deed Before me Tho: Moore I command you that you Summon and Swear the setting Quest of Skinsco & the Setting Quest of Kk Lonnan to Settle & proportion a chief Rent of the Granted Premisses, you are also to summon all proper parties to appear before the said Setting Quests who are to verdict in the premisses given this 20th day March 1775 and in the 15th year of his majesty's Reign Tho: Moore To the Coroner of Garff Sheadg and whom this may concern May 25th 1775 I the aforesd Henry Skillicorn is hereby acknowledged to be fully paid and satisfied by the aforesd John Kneale the purchaser The sum of Sixty Eight pounds being the Consideration or purchas money mentioned in the within and beforegoing Deed of Sale as witness my name and mark the day and year above written Henry Skillicorn his mrk X Wittnesses present John Kneal his mrk X John Kneale 6th May 1776 The said Henry Skillicorn acknowledged that the Consideration money mentioned in the beforegoing Deed of Sale is fully paid and Satisfied Before me Tho: Moore At a Baron or Sheading Court holden, at Douglas for Garff Sheading the 24th May 1776 The before written deed of Sale being acknowledged before the deemster & now openly published in Court & no Objection offered against it, The same is therefore allowed of for & in the Name & Behalf of the most Noble John Dke of Atholl Lord or the Mannor of Mann &C and confirmed by this Court John Quayle William Callow At a Baron or Abbey Court holden at the house of Michl Dowd in Castletown the 31st May 1776 The before written Deed of Sale being acknowledged before the deemster and now openly published in Court and no objection against it the sameis therefore allowed of and confirmed according to Law John Quayle William Callow
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