[pp 1374-1396 from Cubbon - Bibliography, Vol 2, 1939]
THE ISLE OF MAN WEEKLY TIMES, with which is incorporated the MANX SUN (1906-1918).
On May 4, 1861, Brown's Advertising Circular was merged with the first number of The Isle of Man Times. The first editor of the new paper was William Pierce Poole, headmaster of the Douglas Middle School, and the first reporter was John Archibald Brown. The founder of the newspaper was, of course, James Brown, the grandfather of the present proprietor.
In an account given in the Times of May 4, 1935, it was stated that: 'In the second week of its existence the Times commenced a vigorous attack on the methods of government of the self elected Legislature, and later it especially denounced the Legislature's refusal to allow the Douglas Commissioners, who had just obtained self-government, the right to make bye-laws to govern the town. Mr. Brown attacked the Keys with great vigour, which resulted in their summoning him to appear at the bar of the house for contempt. The house demanded an apology, which was refused, and on 16th March, 1864, James Brown was committed to Castle Rushen for six months 'to purge his contempt.' An action brought by him in the Queen's Bench under the Habeas Corpus Act resulted in his release, and later he was awarded £500 damages against the Keys for false imprisonment.' Despite this setback, James Brown fought valiantly through the medium of his newspaper to secure these ends - the passing of the self-elected House of Keys, and the attainment by the Douglas Town Commissioners and other local bodies of full powers of self-government - and their successful outcome, together with that of several other reforms, is in a large measure attributable to the progressive and determined policy of the Times.
The first issues of the Times were of 4 pp., with six columns per page. It was printed on a double demy Columbian press, and issued on Saturday - a day which has remained unchanged for the publication of the weekly issue. The major changes in size of page, etc., have been as follow:
The imprint in the issue of July 17, 1869, is: 'Printed and Published at 'The Isle of Man Times and General Advertiser' Printing Office, Wellington Street, by James Brown, of No. 9, Prospect Terrace, and John Archibald Brown, of No. 1, Stephen Terrace, in the Parish of Conchan.' The paper was at that time of 8 pp., size 555 x 415, with 6 columns per page.
JAMES BROWN IN CASTLE RUSHEN GAOL, 1864. From a photograph in the Manx Museum.
On July 9, 1870, the sheet was enlarged to 580 x 415, and on January 4, 1873, to 600 x 415. On May 11, 1872, 'No. 9, Atholl Street,' entered the imprint instead of Wellington Street. In 1875 there were two changes; on January 2 the sheet became 630 x 420 mms., and on May 8 was increased to 640 x 450, with seven columns instead of six as formerly.
In 1877 the imprint changed on February 17, the name of John Archibald Brown alone appearing, his address being given as 9, Prospect Terrace. On September 15 the page became 690 x 460.
A further enlargement was made on May 6, 1882, there being then 8 columns. In 1888 some of the issues were of 10 pp., and the bi-weekly issue began with No. 1,414, for Wednesday, Aug. 8, 1888. Its price was 1d., but the Saturday issue remained at 2d. The bi-weekly became issued on Tuesdays after April 12, 1892, and ceased when the Daily Times was introduced on May 4th, 1897 (vide p. 1391).
On May 8th, 1897, the imprint became 'Printed and Published (for Brown and Sons, Ltd.) every day and every Saturday at the Isle of Man Times and General Advertiser Printing Office, 'Times' Building, Atholl Street, by John Archibald Brown, of Woodlands, Douglas, in the Parish of Conchan.' The addresses changed as follow:-June 13, 1903: 6, Windsor Terrace; April 23, 1910: Northville, Laureston Road; May 24, 1919: ' Cranford,' Laureston Road; and on April 25, 1925, the publisher is George John Archibald Brown, of 39, York Road, Douglas.
In 1900, on May 12, the title of the paper became the 'Isle of Man Weekly Times and General Advertiser'; from November 3, 1906, onwards the title-page read 'The Isle of Man Times, with which is incorporated the Manx Sun'; and from May 16, 1918, the title has been ' The Isle of Man Weekly Times.'
After the war years, during which the size of the paper fluctuated considerably, the publishers returned to the ninecolumns sheet 640x600 mms. in size, the paper consisting of 12 pp. The price of the paper, which since January, 1899, had been Id., was again 2d.
The last change was on January 4, 1936, when the 20 pp. paper with seven columns per page was introduced, measuring 610 x 460.
The Brown family's history is outlined briefly on pages 1164-1166 of the Bibliography. Also articles dealing with the Isle of Man Times have been published as follow:
1882. Brief story of the Isle of Man Times. In the issue of May 6, 1882.
This is taken from a photograph taken about the year 1862. The figure to the left is John Archibald Brown, of the Times ; that in the centre is the promising son of Robert Fargher, of the H e r a l d ; and the one to the right is George Teare, of the Manx Sun. Teare died on 9th June, 1867, at his residence, 1, Auckland Grove, Douglas, at the early age of 34.
1898. Journalism in the Isle of Man: The Story of The Isle of Man Times. By John Archibald Brown,
in 'The British and Colonial Printer and Stationer' of July 14, 1898. Among the illustrations are portraits of James Brown,
John Archibald Brown and family, and views of various departments in the works. There are copies of this publication in
the Museum, Reg. No. 4632, H 326.
1911. The Jubilee of the Isle of Man Times, founded May 4,
1861. Story of the First Half-Century. pp. 30. 315 x 252 mms. Portraits of James Brown, John Archibald Brown and members
of the staff. Reg. No. 1846, H 326.
1921. The Diamond Jubilee of the Isle of Man Times. Story of its First Sixty Years. pp. 32. 310 x 254. Reg. No. 1846, H
1935. Fight for Constitutional Rights. T i m e s , Dec. 14th, 1935.
1936. The Isle of Man Times Completes its 75th Anniversary. Supplement to the Weekly Times, May 2,
1936. 4 pp. Illustrated articles dealing with the history of the newspaper.
The following particulars of the progress of the type-setting and printing of the T i m e s are taken from the Jubilee Booklet published in 1911. The early issues were printed on a Double Demy Columbian Hand-Press, at the rate of 125 copies an hour. In 1862 the 'La Belle Sauvage Printing Machine' was installed: it was worked by hand-power and turned out 600 8 pp. papers per hour. Four years later 'Mains' Patent Printing Machine,' which could be worked by steam-power, was installed, and copies were executed at the rate of 1,000 per hour. A ' Dawson's Two-Feeder Wharfedale Machine' was used between 1892 and 1902, when the first rotary press to be brought to the Island was installed. This was known as ' Annand's Perfecting Machine,' and its output was 6,000 12 pp. copies an hour, delivered folded and counted in dozens. It cost of £2,000. In December, 1935, a new and up-to-date Perfecting Machine, the Cossar C 20, was installed and christened by Mr. T. Cubbon, J.P., " The Phynnoderee." Prior to c. 1897 all type was set by hand, but the, linotype was introduced to the Island by John A. Brown about that timer and the other newspaper proprietors quickly followed suit.
See p. 1211 of the present work.
In the Manx Sun of October 18, 1873, appeared the following paragraph: 'The copyright of Mona's Standard and the Manx Punch were sold by auction on Monday, October 13, when, despite the eloquence of the auctioneer, and the fact that the fancy headlines of both publications were included in the sale, and that the "company" attending the auction was composed of the principals or representatives of the chief printers and publishers of the Island, the lot was finally knocked down for fifteen pence: '
There is a further reference to this paper in the M a n x S u n of May 9, 1874, in an obituary notice of Mr. T. J. Ouseley, of whom it is said that ' During his life he started several papers. . . . Amongst others he started some seven or eight years ago the Mona's Standard, which died out of existence last year.'
For further particulars relating to Ouseley, the owner-editor of the paper, see pages 870 and 1212. The Standard was doubtles published at his office at No. 38, Prospect Hill, along with the Manx Punch.
This was the first daily paper to be published in the Isle of Man, and made its initial appearance on Monday, July 3, 1876. It was published at the office of the M a n x S u n by Harriet Curphey, during the summer months (beginning of July to the end of September) only.
...It was a 4 pp. sheet measuring 380 x 250 mms., with nearly three whole pages devoted to advertisements. The price was a halfpenny.
The imprint read 'Printed and published for the Proprietors by Harriet Curphey, of No. 40, Derby-Square, at the Manx Sun General Printing Office, Douglas.'
The change in the title to The Mona Daily News , Programme, & Telegram was made in No. 32 for August 8, 1876. The last copy in the bound volume, Reg No. 5353, of the 1876 issues in the Manx Museum Library is No. 77 for September 30.
It is not known whether the paper continued beyond 1876.
This paper was printed and published by J.. Hardy Summers (see p. 1168) in premises on the Market Hill, Ramsey. Accord ing to an account in the Ramsey Courier of June 22, 1934, the paper continued for just over twelve months. On leaving Ramsey Summers went to London, and for some time was on the staff of The Times , under the editor Moberley Bell. He is said to have been with Bell in his office when the famous editor died.
A cutting from this paper was recently discovered in the Museum among a collection made by the late A. W. Moore. The date of the issue was October 19, 1878, and the subject dealt with is the visit to the Island of W. E. Gladstone. The Prime Minister was met on his arrival by Mr. R. Teare, H.K. (Ayre) and Summers.
This paper was noted for its vigorous comment and criticism. Summers married a Ramsey lady, Miss Caroline Bailey, a member of a well-known family residing in Ballure Road.
This newspaper was published by G. W. Dawson, of Union Mills, Kirk Braddan. Its date is not certainly known, but it was recorded on the title-page of a 192 pp. volume entitled 'Money, How to Make It,' which Dawson published about 1880, that a Manx Echo was produced at Union Mills. No copy is known to exist.
This newspaper was printed and published by James Macgregor, and, it is stated in the Ramsey Courier, the editor was Alexander Mitchell, the first station-master at Ramsey for the Manx Northern Railway. Macgregor took over the business of Hardy J. Summers, of Market Hill, Ramsey (see pp. 11681169), but apparently remained in that town only a few years. The newspaper could hardly have continued for more than two years or so, as the machine on which it was printed was transferred to the Couri r Office, and on it the first issue of that paper was printed. It is mentioned, however, in ' Smith's Commercial Directory' for 1883.
This paper was published in Queen Street, Douglas, by William Fitzsimynons, who had served his apprenticeship with Matthew Glover, and was later with Hardy Summers in Ramsey. Fitzsimmons' staff was so small that he not only wrote most of the articles, but set them up in type himself. It is hardly surprising that his paper had a very short existence. No copy of it appears to have survived. See p. 1171.
The prospectus of the Isle of Man Examiner and General Advertiser stated that the newspaper would ` publish true and faithful reports of all matters of public interest; freely but fairly discuss all questions affecting the religious and moral, social and political conditions of the people; strive to advance the cause of education, and promote temperante reforms; and, while dealing fairly and courteously with the just claims of Churchmen, will defend and advocate the rights and liberties of Nonconformists in the Isle of Man.' This prospectus was a broadside measuring 285 x 150 mms., and is in the Museum Library, Reg. No. 4124, H 326. A review of the policy of the Examiner was also contained in the Examiner Year Book for 1902, pp. 76-77.
The E x a m i n e r was first published on July 10, 1880, by Samuel Keown Broadvent (of whom a few biographical details are given on p. 1168), at the E x a m i n e r General Printing Works, Victoria St., Douglas, at one penny. The imprint changed on July 11, 1896, to 'Samuel Keown Broadbent & Co., Ltd.' The directors of this company were S. K. Broadbent, Dr. W. Cregeen Faraker, William Cubbon (foreman), and Arthur Cannan Lewthwaite (secretary).
In 1900 the printing works was removed to the Rosebery Buildings, at the corner of Prospect Hill, Victoria Street and Ridgeway Street. In 1923 the firm acquired premises in Hill Street, and the Examiner has been printed there since November 30th of that year.
Samuel Keown Broadbent was for a long number of years editor of the paper. Mr. Joseph Johnson, the auctioneer, was leader writer from its inception. William Cubbon, who had served his apprenticeship with S. K. Broadbent, became in 1889 manager and acting editor, nine years after commencing his apprenticeship. The chief reporter and leader-writer for a considerable time was Alfred Edward Rothwell, whose obituary appeared in the M a n x Q u a r t e r l y, No. 21, 1920. Broadbent died on December 2, 1924, and on August 23, 1935, his name disappeared from the imprint, which became 'Printed and Published by the Isle of Man Examiner, Ltd., at the Examiner Printing Works, Hill Street, Douglas.' The shares of the company had been bought in 1923 by Thomas R. Radcliffe, formerly the business manager and secretary of the Oldham Chronicle. Up-to-date types and printing-plant were installed in the new Hill Street premises in 1923.
The price of the E x a m i n e r was 2d, during the war until June 30, 1922 (No. 2190), when it was reduced to 1Ld. Publication is on Friday afternoon, but was originally on Saturday. The change in the title, and the introduction of a Three Legs crest, occurred on August 1, 1924.
The E x a m i n e r is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, and for the year ended June, 1938, the nett sales averaged 8,396 copies per issue, claimed to be the largest in the Island.
The size of the E x a m i n e r for some years following the war varied considerably, often from week to week, between 8 pp., 10 pp., and 12 pp., and 7 to 8 columns. In 1924 a 12 PPpaper with 7 columns of 14 ems. was adopted, the size being 605 x 465. A big change was made on February 9, 1934, the size being increased to 16 pp., 600 x 400 mms., with six columns.
A feature was the inclusion of photographs, including a last page of pictures, the firm installing its own process engraving plant - the first in the Isle of Man. Subsequently a reversion to seven columns was. made, the number of pages varying from 16 and 18 to 20, as circumstances required.
The only early copy of the E x a m i n e r in the Museum is the issue No. 143 of March 17, 1883. It is 4 pp., measuring 540 x 370 mms., with five columns of 15 ems. At the head of the editorial column it has the motto, formerly used by the Weekly Gazette, 'Nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice.'
The Examiner has issued two Annuals, entitled 'The Manx Pictorial,' for the years 1934 and 1937 respectively. In each case the important events of the year in Man are reviewed by means of pictures which appeared in the newspaper. The Manx Pictorial for 1934 is dealt with on page 1305, and that of 1937 on page 1306. A further issue was made at the end of February, 1939,
The Peel City Guardian was founded by Richard Thomas Cowley, the son of William Cowley, schoolmaster, in 1882, and was first issued on December 2 of that year. It appeared first of all as an 8 pp. paper published on Saturdays by a syndicate, consisting of 'Proprietors' whose names are not divulged.
At the end of November, 1883, Cowley became the sole proprietor, but retired owing to ill-health on June 30, 1886.
The business was taken over by Mrs. Elizabeth Collister, of the Schoolhouse, Kk Patrick; and she published the paper until 9 July, 1887, when the business was taken over by William Henry Collister, her son, who had served his apprenticeship in Peel. He died in 1889, and the paper passed into the hands of Stanley Kay Bawden, a journalist, whose first issue was on January 4, 1890. Bawden's business failed, and he went to England to seek better luck (see p. 1174). The publisher of the Peel Chronicle, William Knowles Palmer, took over the Guardian, and amalgamated the two papers under that name.
During Bawden's time the title of the paper was 'Peel City Guardian, St. John's, Foxdale, Glenmaye, Crosby, Michael, Ballaugh and Dalby Advertiser,' and the price was one penny. There were 8 pp., 590 x 440 mms., with six columns of 15 ems. The imprint was 'Peel, Isle of Man: Printed and Published every Saturday morning at the Peel City Guardian Printing Works, No. 17, Michael-Street, by the Proprietor, Stanley Kay Bawden, of 4, Athol Street, Peel.'
Later imprints and changes were:
No. 635, January 26, 1895: Size altered to 655 x 560, 4 pp., seven columns of 15 ems width. Editorial note: 'To-day are issued the first number of the P e e 1 C i t y Guardian and Peel Chronicle amalgamated. In the arrangement of the new title, the respect which is always due to age has been recognised by giving precedence to the name of the Guardian.' The new title was 'The Peel City Guardian and Chronicle.' The imprint read: 'Printed and Published by William Knowles Palmer, of Michael-Street, in the town of Peel, to whom all communications must be addressed.'
No. 1207, January 6, 1906: Size altered to 8 pp., 485x365 mms., with five columns of 15 ems.
No. 1843, March 2, 1918: 6 pp. No. 1850, April 20, 1918: 4 pp.
No. 1884, December 14, 1918: Size altered to 4 pp., 560 x 435 mms., with seven columns of 13 ems.
No. 2139, November 3, 1923: Size altered to 8 pp., 490x325 mms., with five columns of 13 ems.
No. 2153, February 9, 1924: Imprint: 'Printed and Published by W. K. Palmer and Sons, at the Guardian Office, Michael Street,
Peel, Isle of Man.'
No. 2628, March 25, 1933: Imprint: 'Printed and Published by W. K. Palmer and Sons, at the Guardian Printing Works, 24,
Michael Street, Peel, Isle of Man; every Friday (for Saturday).
William Knowles Palmer died on December 31, 1923, and the business was carried on by Jane Anne Palmer, his widow until her death on January 22, 1930. The two sons, Charles W. and Samuel T. Palmer then took over the business, trading as W. K. Palmer and Sons.
The first shorthand reporter on the Peel Guardian following the merger was Mr. Tom Norris, brother of Mr. Samuel Norris, H.K., who eventually became editor of the Southport Visiter, a post which he held up to the time of his death. His position on the Peel City Guardian was filled by Mr. Henry A. Corris, who was also one of the printers, and who had erected the machinery for Palmer after its removal from No. 17 Michael Street. Mr. Corris eventually became overseer with P. Tinling and Co., General Printers, Liverpool, a position he held for 20 years.
When the Ramsey Courier celebrated its jubilee on June 22, 1934, a history of the paper from its inception on June 21, 1884, was given, from which the following details are taken:
'The founder of the Ramsey Courier, Mr. John Craine, was a member of the Manx Bar. He bought the printing and stationery business of Mr. John Hampton on the site of the present C o u r i e r Office soon after Hampton's death in 1878. In conjunction with an English Press agency he brought out the C o u r i e r. Half of the paper (pages 2, 3, 6 and 7) was printed in England, and consisted of English news, and was brought over by the steamer each Friday. The remaining pages were set and made up at the C o u r i e r works.
'In September, 1889, Mr. John Craine sought to form a company called " The Ramsey Printing Company." This scheme did not materialise, and shortly afterwards the imprint of the C o u r i e r was changed' (q.v.).
'On September 3, 1890, the goodwill, plant and machinery came under the auctioneer's hammer, and the property was knocked down to Mr. Charles Bernard Heyes, of the Isle of Man Times, a brother-in-law of Mr. John Archibald Brown.
'In the year 1900 the greatest financial calamity the Island has ever experienced occurred when Dumbell's Bank failed. . . Many businesses became involved in the aftermath of the crash, and among others which came into the market was the C o u r i e r Office, which, on November 19, 1900, was purchased by Mr, A. H. Teare, Who had just returned to the Island to enter the employ of Mr. C. B. Heyes. Mr. Heyes moved tc London, where he continued in newspaper work up to the.tim, of his death. Mr. A. H. Teare was only 23 years of age when he took over the Courier.' He secured election t( the House of Keys during the war.
Mr. A, H. Teare relinquished control of the business in 1921, and was succeeded by his brother, Mr. Alfred Cecil Teare, the present editor.
The imprints of the Ramsey Courier during its history have been:-
June 21, 1884: Ramsey, Isle of Man: Printed and Published by John Craine at the 'Courier and Northern Advertiser Office, 19, Parliament Street.'
November 16, 1889: Printed and Published by George Philip, Wholesale Stationer, Caxton Buildings, South John Street, Liverpool, and John Robert Cowell, Merchant, Fairfield Avenue, Ramsey, at the Office of the Ramsey Courier and Northern Advertiser, 19, Parliament Street, Ramsey, Isle of Man.
September 3, 1890: Printed and Published every Saturday at the 'Courier and Northern Advertiser' Office, 19, Parliament Street, by Charles Bernard Heyes, of Brookfield, Ramsey.
October 12, 1894: Printed and Published every Friday (1d.), and Tuesday (W.) at the Ramsey Courier and Northern Advertiser Office, 19, Parliament Street, by Charles Bernard Heyes, of Brookfield, Ramsey.
November 20, 1900: Printed and Published at the Courier Buildings, 19, Parliament Street, Ramsey, Isle of Man, in the Parish of Maughold, by Albert Hugh Teare, of Brookfield, Ramsey.
March 14, 1902: Printed and Published every Tuesday (2d.) and Friday (1d.) at the Ramsey Courier and Northern Advertiser Office, Courier Buildings, 19, Parliament Street, by A. H. Teare, Brookfield, Ramsey, in the Parish of Maughold, sole proprietor.
March 7, 1913: by Albert Hugh Teare, Proprietor.
January 4, 1921: Printed and Published every Tuesday and Friday at the 'Courier' Buildings, 19, Parliament Street, Ramsey, Isle of Man, by Alfred Cecil Teare, of Brookfield, Ramsey, in the Parish of Maughold, Proprietor.
March 14, 1924: Printed and Published every Tuesday and Friday at the 'Courier' Buildings, 19, Parliament Street, Ramsey, Isle of Man in the Parish of Maughold, by Alfred-Cecil Teare, of Brookfield, Proprietor.
December 22, 1925: Printed and Published every Tuesday and Friday at the ' Courier' Buildings, 19, Parliament Street' by Albert Cecil Teare, of Summerland, in the Town of Ramsey' Proprietor.
April 5, 1935: Printed and Published for the Ramsey Courier Limited every Tuesday and Friday at the Courier Buildings, 19, Parliament Street, Ramsey, in the Parish of Maughold, Isle of Man, by Alfred Cecil Teare, of Summerland, Ramsey.
The Museum Library files do not go back beyond 1922. The size of the paper has varied considerably during that period, but from 1926 to 1930 inclusive was 8 pp., 630 x 500 mms., with seven columns of 15 ems. From 1931-1934 a number of issues were 8 pp., 620 x 440, with only six columns, but since 1935 the great majority of the issues have been of the first size.
The Manx Evening Star was 'published daily as an evening newspaper' apparently during several summers in the late eighties and early nineties, but only one copy of the paper is known to have survived. It is Vol, i, No. 1, and was published on May 14, 1888. Underneath the title appear the words 'The Only Insular Daily Newspaper.' The price was one halfpenny, and the size of the sheet 580 x 445 mms, with six columns of 15 ems each.
The imprint reads: 'Douglas, May 14, 1888. Printed and Published by Frank W. Spencer, of No. 3, Osborne Terrace, Douglas, at the Manx Evening Star Office, 51, Victoria Street, and 13, King Street, where Orders, Communications and Advertisements should be addressed.'
There were two editions daily of this 4 pp. paper during the season, containing not only local news but " a record of what is going on in other parts of the Kingdom."
This newspaper was printed and published by Samuel William Lynn at No. 13, Parliament Street, Ramsey (see p. 1176). It contained several columns of ready-set type borrowed each Week from the E x a m i n e r Office in Douglas. Lynn had previously worked in the employ of S. K. Broadbent, and had helped with the issue of a R a m s e y Supplement to the Examiner, which his own paper finally succeeded. There is a collection of copies from No. 296 (January 5, 1895) to No. 616 (December 29, 1900) in the Douglas Public Library.
In 1895 the size was 650 x 510 mms., with seven columns of 15 ems, and the imprint read 'Printed and Published by Samuel Wm. Lynn, Parliament Street, Ramsey.' With No. 424 (April 24, 1897) the size was altered to 650 x 460 mms., with six columns of 15 ems, and 8 pp. The imprint was changed to 'Printed and Published by Samuel William Lynn, of 30, Bowring Road, Ramsey, at the Ramsey Weekly News Office, Parliament Street.'
The following notice appeared in No. 614 (December 15, 1900) : 'We beg to advise readers of the R a m s e y Weekly ` N e w s and the advertisers in the same that we have decided ' to cease publication of the paper at the end of the current ' year. At the present time there is very little enterprise in 'the town in the direction of advertising' - a good deal of the space contained advertisements of Lynn's own business - 'and it is not easy to make a local paper profitable. At the 'same time . . . we desire to say that an advantageous arrangement is likely to be made for the supply of a large amount 'of Ramsey news and articles by us to the Isle of Man `Examiner.'
In the two subsequent issues, for December 22 and 29, Lynn states that he has decided to keep on publishing the paper, not as a Saturday publication, but as a mid-week one, to be issued every Wednesday noon. The final issue of the paper was on June 29, 1904. There is a single copy of the issue in the Manx Musuem. The imprint reads: `Printed and Published by S, V6 ". Lynn, 3, May Hill, Ramsey.' The price was a halfpenny and the size 4 pp., 575 x 450, six columns of 15 ems.
PEEL CHRONICLE (1891-1895).
William Knowles Palmer, having served his apprenticeship in the office of Matthew Glover, North Quay, Douglas, became foreman with S. K. Broadbent when the latter set up on his own account in 1876. In 1880 Broadbent opened 'a branch in Peel, and Palmer became the manager, buying the business in 1885.
He issued the first number of the P e e 1 C h r o n i c l e on March 7, 1891, and on January 26, 1895, he bought the business of the Peel City Guardian and incorporated the two under the title of The Peel City Guardian and Chronicle. For further particulars see p. 1171, and also under the Peel City Guardian.
The Chronicle had religious equality for Nonconformists as its aim.
A newspaper issued daily during the summer months only from the office of the M a n x S u n , at the time when Frank William Spencer (see p. 1173) was editor. It was published during a number of summers, apparently in the nineties, but strangely no copies appear to have survived. It was almost certainly the successor of the M a n x E v e n i n g S t a r (see p.1387) . 1892.
About the same period Alfred William Robinson, who had been foreman in the Sun Office (see p. 1174), appears to have set up a daily paper in opposition. Very little is known about it, and not even the title is certain. Robinson also published each day, during three months in 1892, a Sporting Tissue
His daily is supposed to have ceased publication at the end of July, 1892, having run one month only.
A daily paper of 4 pp. issued from the M a n x S u n Office at a halfpenny. In 1893 it was first issued on Monday, July 3, and the size of the sheet throughout that summer, until the final issue on Friday, September 22, was 500 x 310 mms., there being four columns of 15 ems.
In 1894 publication began on Monday, July 2, and lasted until Friday, September 21. In 1895 the paper was published between Monday, June 24, and Saturday, September 21, and the size in each season was 500 x 375 mms., with five columns.
The imprint bears the name of Frank William Spencer, and in 1895 of Spencer and Lewis George Hannay.
This weekly 'Critical and Satirical' paper is dealt with under the Periodicals, L6, on pp. 1238-1243.
The last issue was on September 29, 1900, when the proprietors stated that they had decided to convert it into a summer journal only. 'The publication will, therefore, be 'discontinued from this issue, and will be resumed in Whit' week, 1901. The plant, type, etc., will remain undisturbed, 'and the entire business will be resumed at the opening of 'the new season. The popularity of the Manxman with ' the visitors to Mona is remarkable, and more than justifies 'the action of the proprietors.'
Mr. Clucas Kinley (born 1866), author of the drama ' Ellie's Stranger' (p. 1021), and son of Robert Kinley, of Douglas, contributed to the Manxman a series of humorous articles under the title ' Ingoldsby Up-to-date.'
The various imprints of the M a n x m a n are as follow:No. 1, May 30, 1895: Printed for the Proprietor by L. E. Newman and Co., at 12, Finsbury Street, London, E.C., and published by James Hartley, at the Manxman Publishing Office, Upper Church Street, Douglas, Isle of Man.
No. 5, June 29, 1895: Printed by Robinson Bros., at 19, Athol Street, in the Town of Douglas, for the proprietor, James Hartley, and published by him at the Manxman Publishing Office, 4, Upper Church Street, Douglas, Isle of Man.
Vol. 2, No. 24, November 9, 1895: The Manxman Publishing Office, Regent Street, Douglas, Isle of Man.
Vol. 2, No. 26, November 23rd, 1895: Printed and Published by James Hartley, Proprietor, at The Manxman Office, Regent Street (opposite the General Post Office), in the town of Douglas.
Vol, 3, No. 32, January 4, 1896: Published by James Hartley, Regent Street, Douglas.
Vol. 3, No. 38, February 15, 1896: Printed and Published by James Hartley, Regent Street, Douglas.
Vol. 4, No. 48, April 25, 1896: Printed and Published by James Hartley at The Manxman Printing Office, Regent Street, Douglas.
Vol. xi, No. 142, February 12, 1898: . . . and of Fuchsia Cottage, Onchan.
Vol. xii, No. 145, March 5, 1898: Printed and Published at The Manxman. Printing Office, Regent Street, Douglas, bY James Hartley, Fuchsia Cottage, Onchan.
Vol. xiii, No. 159, June 11, 1898: James Hartley, '18, Hawarden Avenue, Douglas, instead of 'Fuchsia Cottage.'
Vol. xx, No. 250, March 10, 1900: Printed and Published . . . by A. H. Jones (Arthur Henry Jones), 9, Hill Street, Douglas.
Another of Robinson's publications (see p. 1174). The T i s s u e consisted of a single sheet, 570 x 445 mms., of seven columns, each 15 pica ems width. Nos. 6 (July 8), 26 and 27 (July 18)
are in the Museum, Reg. No. 7554. The S p o r t i n g T i s s u e was issued twice daily, there being noon and evening editions. The imprint read: 'Printed for the Proprietors by A. W. and G. H. Robinson, trading as Robinson Bros., at their General Printing Works, 19, Athol Street, Douglas. Published by the Proprietors at their Offices, 4, Upper Church Street, Douglas.'
The inauguration of the Daily Times was announced in the weekly issue of Saturday, May 1st, 1897, under the heading 'Manx Journalism! Startling Development' An Isle of Man Daily Paper All the Year Round.' The paragraph commenced: 'The Isle of Man Times was established on 4th May, 1861, and on its 36th birthday, the 4th May inst. (Tuesday next) it will be developed by the publication of a daily issue in addition to its weekly issue.'
During the season (Whit-week to the end of September) there were to be four editions daily, at 8 a.m., noon, 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. (a sports edition). In the winter there were to be two editions, at noon and 4 p.m., with a Saturday sporting edition at 6 p.m. Actually, from the commencement until 1904, there were usually two editions daily in both summer and winter, but since 1904 one mid-day edition only has been the rule.
The imprints were the same as those of the weekly issue (vide), and the price of the Daily was one halfpenny up to 1917, and has been one penny since. Articles about the success of the D a i 1 y T i m e s appeared in the issues of May 4, 1898 and 1899.
The size of Volume i, No. 1, was 555 x 410 mms, with six columns of 14 ems, and 4 pp. This size was retained only for the summer season, being adopted each year about the beginning of July, and changed to 555x370 mms, with five columns, at the end of September. The larger 24 column issue became more frequent in the winter of 1906 and subsequent years, however. During the whole of 1917 the sizo was 555 x 350 mms.
A radical change was made with No. 5,752 (volt xviii) of Wednesday, April 24, 1918, this and subsequent editions measuring 480x370 mms. In December the former 555x350 mms. sheet was again adopted, but by 1931 the size had been increased to 580 x 350 mms.
The present dimensions, 603 x 350 mms, with five columns of 14 ems, were adopted with No. 10,068 (Volt xxxviii), on Monday, December 16, 1935.
This small 4pp. paper, measuring 210 x 160 mms., was first published in Peel on Wednesday, November 11, 1903, by W. H. Christian. A thousand copies were issued gratis daily, and the Museum collection (Reg. No. 5746) comprises Nos. 1 to 5. It came into being as an organ to explain the policy of Mr. T. H. Cormode, and the desirability of supporting him in his candidature for the House of Keys. No. 5, for November 16, wits the last issued, as that was Polling Day. See p. 1176 for particulars about the printer,
The first issue of this paper, which was printed by W. H. Christian, of Peel, was published on December 3, 1904. There were only three or four issues (see p. 1177). There is a copy
in the Museum of the first issue, a 4 pp. paper measuring t 510x385 mms., with five columns of 15 ems. width. The price was one halfpenny, and the imprint read: 'Printed and Published by William Henry Christian, 35, Michael Street, Peel, Isle of Man.'
The R a m s e y Chronicle was commenced on October 12, 1923, and ceased publication on August 12, 1927, with No. 201. The printer and publisher was John William Strickett, at 69, Parliament Street, Ramsey. Strickett had served his apprenticeship with the publisher of the R a m s e y W e e k 1 y N e w s, Samuel William Lynn (see p. 1177).
It was an 8 pp. paper, measuring 560 x 440 mms., with six columns of 15 ems. width. The imprint was ` Ramsey, Isle of Man: Printed and Published every Friday at the Chronicle Printing Works, 69, Parliament Street, Ramsey, by John William Strickett, Sole Proprietor.' The price was 1d.
The Museum Library has the full series, registered as follow: 1923-24 ... ... ... ... No. 7734
1925 ... ... ... ... No. 5427
1926 ... ... ... ... No. 5581
1927 No. 5732
MANX FREE PRESS (1923-24).
The printer and publisher was W. R. Fleming, of 58, North Quay, Douglas. The Free Press ran from December 21, 1923, to December 8, 1924. On December 15 the title was changed to Manx Sales and Wants, and thus remained unaltered until the paper ceased publication in December, 1930. The business of W. R. Fleming, Ltd., failed, and the type and the plant were sold by auction in April, 1931.
The paper was at first published and distributed free on Fridays, but after June 30, 1924, on Mondays. From a 6 pp. publication it grew to 8 pp., size 450 x 290, with four columns of 14 ems.; but in 1925 and subsequently returned to 6 pp., with occasional 4 pp. issues measuring 440 x 320, and having five columns. The first imprint was 'Printed for the Manx Free Press by W. R. Fleming, Limited, 58, North Quay, Douglas.' This was changed when the title was altered to 'Printed and published by the Proprietors, W. R. Fleming, Ltd., at their Works, 58, North Quay, Douglas, Isle of Man.' There is a collection in the Museum Library.
The 'Island's Only Sports Paper,' published at the E x a m i n e r Office, Hill Street, every Saturday evening during the football season, and giving the full results of all the important Saturday afternoon sporting events in England and the Island.
The G r e e n F i n a 1 first appeared on October 4, 1924, and each year publication recommences on the last Saturday in August, and continues until the end of April or beginning of May.
The G r e e n F i n a l is a 4 pp. publication, as the title suggests, on green paper. The size is 620 x 350 mms., with five columns of 15 ems., sometimes enlarged to 620 x 420. The price is one penny.
William James Ramsbottom, who had come from Manchester in 1921 to join the Examiner staff, started a printing-office of his own at the Drumgold Street end of Market Street in 1927, and on January 11 of the following year began the publication of The Manx Star, a daily paper. The last number was issued on December 31, 1930.
The first issue had in big type below the title and the crest (a star with the Three Legs in the centre) the words of James Ramsay MacDonald: ' I am very glad to hear that you are going to fix a Labour Star in the firmament of the Isle of Man Journalism. May it long shine with the steady light of a Planet.'
The editorial of the first issue stated: 'Born of a great hope, this issue presents itself as the accredited organ of the Manx Labour movement. We imply by that, that the paper will emphasise the Labour ideals in political and social life.'
On Friday, October 12, 1928, a supplement was published, price 2d., under the title of T h e M a n x m a n. This is dealt with under the Periodicals (p. 1299).
The S t a r was an 8 pp. paper, measuring 560 x 410 mms., with six columns of 15 ems. Both the printing and the proofreading were very poor. The imprint was 'Printed and Published by W. J. Ramsbottom, at the Manx Star Offices, 3, Market Street, Douglas,' but on February 2, 1928, the style became W. J. Ramsbottom, Ltd.
In the autumn o ` 1928 the editor was given as W. J. Ramsbottom, and the Assistant Editor as T. N. Hinton.
After Wednesday, December 5, 1928, the paper was distributed free of charge. Publication was first on a Wednesday, but with No. 25 (June 29, 1928), became issued on a Friday, reverting after December 5 to Wednesday.
From August 28, 1929 (vol. ii, No. 86), the size was reduced to 550 x 330, with five columns of 15 ems. There was a further reduction on January 8, 1930, to 515 x 480 mms. The size was increased on October 29, 1930, to 560 x 430 mms., with six columns.
The Reg. Nos. of the bound volumes in the Museum are (1928), 5875; (1929) 6025; and (1930) 7521.
Now that the story of the Newspapers has been fully recorded in pp. 1321-1396, it will be useful to set down briefly a list of the papers which have continued up to the date when this portion of the Bibliography was printed (February, 1939). They are given in the order of the date when founded.
1833 Mona's Herald.
1861 Isle of Man Weekly Times.
1880 Isle of Man Examiner.
1884 Ramsey Courier.
1895 Peel City Guardian and Chronicle.
1897 Isle of Man Daily Times.
1924 Green Final
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