[from Cubbon - Bibliography, Vol 1, 1933]
The Antiquary's Portfolio, or Cabinet Selection of His-torical and Literary Curiosities during the Middle and Latter Ages,
by J. S. Forsyth. 1825. [2821]
Man pp. 118-151, vol. 2. Deals with the time of the 7th Earl of Derby, of Illiam Dhone, Edward Christian, and the Act of
Settlement of 1703.
Manx Piety; or, Interesting Memoirs of Young Persons l, Wm. Leece; 2, F. D. P. Geneste; 3, Miss Sophia Leece; by Rev. Hugh Stowell. Liverpool: Marples, Chalmers, and Collins. 1826-1828. pp. iv,194 ; '141; 108. View of Douglas Bay; view of Kirk Braddan. 148x92. 4/-. [2800]
Accounts of the Early Methodist Local Preachers, In the History of Wesleyan Methodism, by James Rosser. 1849.
Popular Preachers of our Time: their Eloquence, Ministry,and works, by Joseph Johnson. London : Cassell, Petter, and Galpin.
N.D. [c. 1860] pp. xii,324. Portrait of Rev. Hugh Stowell Brown. 191x129. [2836]
(1) Rev. Hugh Stowell, pp. 52-78; (2) Rev. Hugh Stowell brown, pp. 202-212.
Memorials of God's Acre : inscriptions on the memorial slabs in all the parish churches, copied in 1797 by John Feltharr and Edward Wright. In Mx Soc. xiv, 1868.
Officials in the Isle of Man 1645 - 1663. In Mx Soc. xxvi, pp. 111-2, 1877.
See also No. 32 Museum Journal.
List of the Seven of the Keys Removed by Govr. Nowell in the Insurrection Trial of 1662. In Mx Soc. xxvii, p. 33, 1877.
Lists of the Manx Clergy from the earliest records. In. Mx Soc. xxix, 1879.
Brave Manx Women, and Other Narratives, by Mrs. Forrest (nëe K. A. Skottowe). James Brown & Son. 1880. pp. 125. 33
illustrations, including the ancient Arms of the See, the present Arms of the Bishopric. 161x101. [2790]
(1) Eliza Cain, a schoolgirl; (2) Madeleine's Influence ; (3) Old Catherine Joughin of Kirk Andreas ; (4) A Cup of Cold
Water ; (5) The Y.W.C.A. There is no author's name on the title.
Members of the Self-elected House of Keys in 1737, 1782, 1815, and afterwards to the dissolution of the Self-elected House in 1867. In Journals of the Self-elected House ot Keys, by A. W. Moore, Speaker. c. 1890.
Ramsey B. Moore, the Attorney- General, has completed (1933) a manuscript list, giving a full account of the names of the members of 'The Twenty Four' from A.D. 1417 to the present, with the exception of a brief period in the fifteenth century. It is fully expected that Mr. Moore's account will be printed in 1933.
References to Governors Roger Nowell, Sir Philip Musgrove, Roger Kenyon, Sacheverell, John Rowe, Nicholas Sankey. In Hist. MS. Com. 14th Rep. pt iv, 1894. [5898]
Manx Recollections: Memorials of Eleanor Elliott. By Mrs. Katherine A. Forrest. London: James Nisbet & Co. 1894. pp.
241. Frontispiece, ' A scene in the Nunnery Groves.' 182x120. [2793]
Some of the contents : Douglas in 1820 ; Dr. Carpenter of St. Barnabas ; Nelly Brennan ; Failure of the Joint Stock Bank
; Rev. Robt. Brown ; Lieut. Wood and his connection with Napoleon ; Prince Lucien Bonaparte ; Prof. Ed. Forbes ; Pishop
Powys ; Fairy Cup of Balla- fletcher ; The Qualtagh ; Monsieur Baumc ; The Mutiny of the Bounty ; etc.
An Account of the Early Methodist Local Preachers, by J. E. Crye. In M. Hld. 30th Oct., 1895. [Fr. fol. p. 91, L,5]
Old Manx Sea Captains, by Rev. Canon Quine. In I.M.T. April 1896. [Fr. fol. p.134]
The Manx Preachers of other Days (illus.) by Rev. R. Corlett Cowell. In Meth. Rec. Winter No. Dec. 1896. [Fr. fol. p. 168]
Old Manx Families. In Mx. Ch. May. pp. 82-3. 1896.
Biographical Sketches of Manx Oddfellows, by W. H. Kneale. In The Oddfellows' Companion. B. & S. 1897. 24 portraits and 12 views by Richard Wane. [848]
Cleveland and its Manxmen, by Professor Hanby Hay. S.K.B. & Co. 1897. pp. 8. 160x96. [3409],
The chief figure described is Sheldon Kerriuish, the eminent lawyer.
Isle of Man Steam Packet Co. Souvenir of the celebrated Manx Fleet and its Captains. c. 1898.
Manxmen and the Mechanical Arts: Kinnish, Kewley, Goldsmith, Gell, &c. In I.J.T., 21st May, 1898. [Fr. fol. p. 236]
The Rev. S. Haining and those who were associated with him in the Independent Chapel, by the Hon. J. Kewley Ward. 1899. [Fr. fol. p. 290]
Liverpool - Manx Worthies : a series of articles in I.M. Ex. 26th March, 1899, et seq. [L 8]
List of Kings or Lords in Man, Bishops, Governors, Deputy Governors. See A.W.M. Hist. 973-980, 1900.
People I have met, by Joseph Johnson. B. & S. N.D. (c. 1900) pp. 194. 243x150. [2576]
Contains skctches of Old Baume and James Brown, the founder of the 'Isle of Man Times.'
Manx Worthies, or Biographies of Notable Manx Men
and Women, by Arthur William Moore, M.A. Speaker of the House of Keys. S.K.B. ]901. pp. .213. Index and List of Subscribers
xiii. 187x120. [852]
A most important and valuable compilation of the dis- tinguished Manxmen in history, including, for instance, Dr. Walker,
John Christian Curwen, M.P., Col. Mark Wilks, Sir Mark Cubbon, Rev. Hugh Stowell, Captain Quilliam, Prof. Edvard Forbes,
and the Rev. T. E. Brown. There are altogether over 300 brief biographies.
The Manx Fencibles and Militia. In M.W. pp. 149--154. Manx Worthies in the Army, Navy and Civil Service. In M. W. p. 140.
Quakers, the. In M.W. p. 57.
Smugglers, Privateersmen and Slave-traders. In M. W. pp. 163-176.
The Translators of the Bible into Manx. In .M. W. p. 115.
Methodist Local Preachers, by Miss Christian Callister. In Meth. Recorder. Christmas 1901. [Fr. fol. p. 338]
Reminiscences of Notable Douglas Citizens and a Review of Manx Men and Manners fifty years ago, by James Cowin. 1902. pp.
68. Port. and Illus. 245x184. [3789]
Contains reminiscences by High-Bailiff S. Harris, and an article on Manx Men at the Battle of Trafalgar.
The Christians of Ewanrigg, by Alan D. Curwen. In Trans. Cumb. & West. Antiq. and Arch. Soc. iv. N.S. Kendal: T. Wilson.
1904. pp. 217-224. 220x140. [1844]
An authentic pedigree by a competent genealogist. Chap. xvi : 'The Christians of Ewanrigg.' Pedigree of the family of Christian
of Milntown in the Isle of Man and Ewanrigg, Cumberland.
The Captains and Directors of the Isle of Man Steam Packet Co. In Historical Account of the Company, by A. W. Moore, M.A. 1904.
Rullick-ny-Quakeryn : Notes on the History of Friends in the Isle of Man, by Thomas Hodgkin, D.C.L. In Friends Quarterly Examiner, 10th Month. pp. 457-495. 1908. [4324]
Manx Miniatures : i, Facts and Fancies of Fairyland; ii, More about the Fairies; iii, In Touch with Tom Brown; iv, Plea
for Modern Manx Music, by W. H. Gill. In Mannin, pp. 87-90, 242-7, 354-9, 385-390. 1913-17.
References to ' Philly the Desert,' ' Chalse y Killey, James Caley, Lewis Garrett.
The Celtic Who's Who. Kirkaldy. 1921. pp. 170. 190x120.
Contains brief biographies of Manx people who have contributed to Celtic literature, music, etc. Not in Lib.
Literary Gleanings: a collection of short stories, essays and characters, by Thomas Joughin. Manchester: John Heywood. N.D. [1923] pp. 95. 180x120. 2/-. L14Ø]
The Manx Who's Who. In N.M.P. Year Book, 1925 to date (1933).
'Containing,' the publisher states, 'short biographies of the leading men and women of the Isle of Man.' Yesterday and To-day:
Some reminiscences by Bishop Thornton-Duesbery. In Mx Ch. Mag., pp. 116, 122. 1925. [5310]
King William's College Register. 1st edn 1904; 2nd edn 1927; containing a list of the principals and masters and a register of the boys. 1927.
Reminiscences, etc., by Joseph Ward. In Mx Star, com. 11th April, 1928, et seq.
See also
The Derby Family. F 69. pp. 544 to 554.
The Athol Family. F 70. pp. 554 to 573.
Moore's History of the Diocese.
Manx Museum Journal.
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