Here are some more extracts from Manx Notebook (hope Frances doesn't mind!) - 4 Will summaries (including the one posted in full by Donna), which are for Mary (Gell Quiggin) Corjeage's parents William & Margaret (Cannell) Gell, William's brother Thomas Gell (& John Quiggin, Mary Gell's first husband and father of Mary (Quiggin) Oates.) Then follows a transcription I made of the Will of Margaret Corjeage, Patrick's sister, just for interest. The edge of the page was lost in the fold on the film.
1770-1 A 18 GELL Margaret [Cannel], ach-ny-chingey;
husb Wm;
bro Wm Cannell;
Wm Cannel acks bequest by sister Margt Gell;
son Wm ;
daus Margt Kaighin;
John Kaighin h/o Margt
gson Wm Kaighin;
dau Mary Quiggin;
son-i-l John Quiggin;
John Quiggin h/o Mary;
names Christian + Isabel Quiggin;
maid serv Jony Kaighin,
Mary Quaggin;
names John Clague;
GELL, Margaret Mic 4 Dec 1769 CANNELL [Lawson burials]
1783-2 E w QUIGGIN John, Ballony; d 9 Jun;
wife alive execx;
dau Mary;
Wm Gell gfa guardian;
1790 James Oates h/o Mary acks from
Patrick Cojeage h/o execx;
1785 A 58a GELL Thomas d Oct 1785; Eare Lhinney;
[note dup #59]
bro Wm Gell(+son Wm)
bro's son Wm Gell jnr;
bro's dau Margt Kaigin;
bro dau Mary Corjeage (w/o Patk + her dau Mary Quiggin);
sis Mary Clague Marown;
late decd sis Isabel's ch;
maidservant Joney Kaighin;
names Wm Kelley(f/o James Kelley (+his ch));
Henry Kewley pc kk Michael 2s 11d for writing grave stone;
JT exors;
[“very confused will”]
1793 A 61 GELL William, snr - made 21 Feb 1793;
[h/o Margaret Cannell, f/o Mary (Gell Quiggin) Corjeage]
gson Wm Gell, John Gell, John Kaighin;
names Mary Corjeage + Mary Oates,
Margt Kaighin (+ ch Wm + Ann Kaighin);
serv Joney Kaighin;
son Wm exor;
1796: Margt Kaighin als Gell relict John Kaighin acks re legacy to ch;
Patk Corjeage h/o Mary Corgeage als Gell acks;
1816 ack Joney Kaighin who has for a considerable number of years in service of Wm Gell at ? ny Luiney Airey ny ghione (a considerable time decd) + in service son Wm
Kirk Michael Wills 1784:
The last will and testament of Margret Corjeag of the Parish
of Kirk Michael who Departed this life the 30th of Janry 1784
who were of a Perfect Mind and memory at the Making
First she committed her soul to God and her body to
[~]hristian Burial.
[~]e left and bequeathed to her brother John his (^ three) Daughters
[~]l her linen Cloth Item she left and bequeathed to her sister
[~]law Jane Corjeag als Darsey her old waring gown and a blue
[~]ilted Pety Coat Item she left and bequeathed to he sister in
[~]w Christian Corjeag als Cannan a white apron Item she left and
[~]ueathed to her brothers daughter Margret Kerren another white
[~]ron Item she left also to her sister in law Christian Corjeag als
[~]nan a white pety coat and a black Quilted pety Coat
[~] left and bequeathed to Each witness a shilling
[~]nd lastly she Nominated and appointed her brother Brother
Patrick Corjeag whole and sole Exetrix of all the rest of her
[~]ods Movable immoveable whatsoever Item she left and
[~]queathed to any Person or persons that will Claim a
[~]ht in this her last will six pence legacy Febry the 5th 1784
[~]tnesses present
[~]trick Cowley my X } Jur
[~]lliam Quayle my X }
At a Chapter Court holden at KK Michael June [?] 5th 1784
The Ecn [?] is sworn in Court in form of Law and
hath given Pledges for payment of Debts & Legacies
namely the witnesses of the Will
[~~] Probatum est
Thos Cubbon [?]