ARCHDEACON WILL Kirk Michael 1802 #63:
This is affirmed by the subscribing witnesses to be the last will and testament of Patrick Corjeage of Ballhioney in the parish of KK Michael who was of sound Mind and memory at the time he declared the same as follows:
First He committed his soul to God and his body to a christian burial.
Secondly He left dvised and bequesthed unto his loving wife Mary Corjeage all and singular the whole of his property of lands, houses,
goods, rights, credits, chattels, and effects moveable and immoveable whatever to be her right and property forever whom he also nominated constituted and appointed whole and sole executrix and residuary legateee of his lasst will and testament and also left six pence legacy to any person or persons who should claim any further right to any part of his said property and one shilling each to the witnesses of his said will.
As witness their names or marks this 22nd day of December 1801.
Witnesses - Thomas Quirk his x mark and Margaret Quirk her x mark.
At a Chapter court holden at KK Michael June 28 1802 The executrix is sworn in court in form of law and hath given pledges for the payment of debts and legacies namely Thos Quirk the witnessess and Wm Gell of KK
Michael. Thomas Cubbon.
Patrick's father Jon's will is on Brian's index
His mother, Christian Boddaugh Corjeage is not
!ARCHDEACON WILL Kirk Michael 1744 #20 FHL Film #0106218:
The last will and testament of Christian Corjeag als Boddaugh of the parish of KK Michael who departed this life the beginning of February
Anno Dom: 1744 and being of perfect mind and memory at the making hereof
FIRST She committed her soul to God and Body to Christian Burial.
ITEM She left unto her eldest son John Corjeag her part of the crop and team
ITEM Six pounds vizt twenty shillings each to the rest of her children.
ITEM to her eldest son the cloath and lineing which was provided for him before.
ITEM To her daughter Margaret her apparrel linen and woolen excepting a gown and a suit of headcloathes which she left to her sister Alice Kelly.
ITEM To her said daughter she left the little spinning wheel
ITEM Six pence each to the witnesses of her will
AND LASTLY she nominated and appointed her loving husband John
Corjeag sole executor of all the rest of her goods movable and immovable whatsoever.
Margt Knickel als Caine Jurati
The executor is sworn in Court in form of Law - he together with his eldest son is worn supervisor of the children under age.
Pledges are John Corjeag junr and Charles Cowley
Probatum est John Cosnahan