
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Gelling/Garrett
In Response To: Re: Gelling/Garrett ()

Morning Eric,

Thank you for your interest in my query, and your thoughts.

I would point out that although 1861 said that Susan Sarrett was Robert's "Gt.Grand Aunt", the two earlier census state that she was his "Gt. Aunt".

Ellen Brown, as you rightly say, was born 1819, (died 1865), daughter of William and Elizabeth Brown.

Robert's second wife was Catherine Ann Stewart born 1843, died 1899, Liverpool.
She was on the 1861 as a servant to Robert and his first wife Ellen Mae Brown !!!!!!!
It is from this second marriage that I am descended.

I shall wait to hear from Warrington Library Local Studies Department, re Susan Garrett's birth/baptism, and then I may apply for Susan's and Ellen Daniels death certificates. Though I had hoped to avoid more cost...........................


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Re: Gelling/Garrett
Re: Gelling/Garrett
Re: Gelling/Garrett
Re: Gelling/Garrett