Thank you Davidr for leading me into such an interesting thread. I can see the Castle name has a varied and interesting history and there is no way for me to trace what could be the origins of my particular line, which incidentally was Castell until the 1813.
What seems consistent is the connection to Kirk Bride (parish? county?). Could it be described as the seat of the Castle/Caistil (and other derivations of the name) ancestors?
If there is not a family connection in that area in the recent past - do you know where, when, and why migration would have occurred? This interests me greatly - the migration away from the Isle of Man - and for what reasons. I've come across a Castle (de Castello) who was up on charges for fighting a John de Morpeth while with Edward 1's Army in Edinburgh c. 1300s. The latter information is found in Scottish History Society. fifth Series (great Britain, 1990) Vol. 3 Miscellany XI pp 80-81.
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