
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: John Callow 1763-1833
In Response To: Re: John Callow 1763-1833 ()

Hi Sue,

No I haven't seen Constance Radcliffe's charts, just extrapolated details from the "History of Kirk Maughold" using transcripts from the BRs (which do make reference to "Ballafail" & "ye Quaker" on occasions) and the odd will or article available online etc.

The main issue I was responding to was the birth date of 1763, relative to the known dates for the CALLOW Ballafayle Quakers.

It would be interesting to know what the charts do say, as they may hold some useful evidence for Noel, and the rest of us for that matter !

The reason I haven't chased this line harder, is because hitherto I have found no apparent connection to my own.....but you never know....

I imagine that Constance knew more about the early development of my line than I currently do.

