Roger Sims spotted an inventory of Gallowey's shop after he died in 1610, and it is the earliest known stock take of an Island business. He suggested it as a reseach field and there is a super article in the IOMFHS magazine. JG was the Manx Tesco of 1600 !
He sold clothing, knives,arrow heads, bowstrings, spices, weights, scales, saddles, etc. In fact, I think that if I went into Tesco and said, "Wherefore art the bowstrings, arrow heads and saddles. knave", they might not be able to supply me !
The inventory runs to several pages and is trult amazing. If the poor guy hadn't run fould of the authorities, we might see lorries rolling off the boat with "Galloway - The Island's Superstore since 1596"
best wishes